Unity3D and the iPhonekeyboard? - ios

I'm trying to figure out how to use the iPhoneKeyboard function in Unity3D. I want to be able to run a function when a user hits the button "OK" in the keyboard. I just simply can't figure this out.
The second question in this matter is how I can change the "OK" to "Search"?

check out IPhoneKeyboard.Open in the Reference.. there is one example
After you can process the user input using the IPhoneKeybard.done attribute (also one example)


Why don't Proximity Prompts work without a character?

I'm in a pickle. (not literally, of course)
I had a ship game, which used Proximity Prompts to enter the docks. This worked well enough. However, that was for a click to move system, and now I'm attempting to make a direct control system (e.g. you press WASD to move your ship instead of clicking a point on the ocean), and as such, there is no character in the game, and have done everything else without a character.
In short: They don't work now and I have no clue why.
The script is near enough the exact same on both games (The original game's script has a lot more other functions in it, but nothing that would affect this), and so is the configuration of the Proximity Prompt. But I don't see how it could be to do with the lack of a player Character, and if it is, how do I edit the default code for it, to work without one? (I had a look, but couldn't find anything useful) As it doesn't seem like it will have direct dependence on the character, as any animations or custom behaviour would have to be done connecting to the ProximityPromptService/Prompt itself to add those via the events.
This is literally the whole server-side script I have for it.
local proximitypromptservice = game:GetService("ProximityPromptService")
local function get_player_data (player)
... --Unrelated, it's just a function to get player data, no issues here.
print("Prompt TRIGGERED") --Not seen in the log when the Prompt is pressed.
if promptobject.Name == "DockControl" then
if player.IsLoading.Value == false then
It's probably worth noting that when you press the key, e.g. E, it does the hold Duration animation and then disappears, and reappears as you'd normally expect. Creating a custom docking system is not out of the question, but I would really really prefer not to create an overcomplicated, clunky system for something that should work out of the box.
Any help would be appreciated,
The Frog.
PS: Also tried this on both local and server scripts as a child of the prompt to no avail.

Not able to click on POST button with xpath code

I am doing testing for linkedin post. I entered this code for POST button but that does not work. Can you please suggest about this?
It seems that #id attribute value is dynamic so, it will not be able to interact with the Element. You can try with dynamic X-path techniques. Generally, a set of data keeps on changing and rest data remains same.
e.g. <button "id":"emns1233">
here starting part of id will remain same every time but last part that is 1233 will change (may be each time). So, one can try to write X-path as
Hope it helps. Thanks

CICS Subprograms

I have a requirement that states to have a Menu Screen containing 10 options and user can select a option and jump to appropriate screen.I have created a Trans-ID for Menu Screen.Do i need to create Trans-ID for all the 10 options?.I have searched for this type of Requirement and all of them involves creating the Trans-ID for each sub screen so that the screen can be refreshed and return to same screen until user selects to go back to main-screen.
I am new to CICS-COBOL Programming and not sure why we need to create Trans-ID for each screen.Is this the global format or is there any other approach available?
No, you don't need to use a tranid per screen/function in this scenario. You could actually use one transid and even one program in a pseudoconversational style.
You would use a commarea to hold the state of the interaction with the user at the terminal, so when the user picks an option and the next 'leg' of the pseudoconversation invokes the transaction and program again, you can determine in that program what has just been received from the terminal, what to do with it and what response to send back to the terminal. This process simply repeats until the business function completes and you can end with the default menu again.

Umbraco7 - ContentService.SaveAndPublishWithStatus VS ContentService.SendToPublication

I have an application that uses a combination of ContentService.Saved & ContentService.Saving to extend Umbraco to manage content.
I have two websites in one Umbraco installation I am using those methods to keep content up to date in different parts of the tree.
So far I have got everything working the way I wanted to.
Now I want to add a feature that: depending on which Umbraco User is logged in, will either publish the content or simply send it for approval.
So I have changed some lines of code from:
cs.SaveAndPublishWithStatus(savedNode, 0, false)
To this:
Now the problem that I am finding is that unlike the SaveAndPublishWithStatus() method, the cs.SendToPublication(); doesn't have the option of passing false so that a save event is not raised. So I get into an infinite loop.
When I attach the debugger and manually stop the infinite loop the first time it calls cs.SendToPublication(savedNode); I get exactly the behavior I want.
Any ideas about how I can get round this problem? Is there a different method that I should be using?
You are correct in saying that it currently isn't possible to set raiseEvents to false when sending an item to publication - that's a problem.
I've added that overload in v. 7.6 (http://issues.umbraco.org/issue/U4-9490).
However considering that you need this now, an interim solution could be that you make sure your code is only run once when triggered by the .Saved / .Saving events.
One way to do this would be to check the last saved date (UpdateDate) in your code. If the content was saved within the last second of the current save operation, you know that this is a save event triggered by the save happening in SendToPublication action. Then you also know that the item has already been sent to publication and that this doesn't need to be done again - thereby preventing the endless loop from happening.

jQuery: how to go into sort mode, get out of it, apply order, and cancel sort?

I want the user to be able to trigger sorting mode. It's because I find that with long lists, updating takes long. If updating the position happens every time an item is dropped, it'd be slow and expensive.
This means that when they trigger the sorting mode, let's say by clicking on Start sorting, that's when I apply the .sortable(...) to the list I want them to sort.
My problem lies in these:
How do I disable the automatic update after everytime an item is dropped?
If the user decides that they don't want to sort it after all, how do I cancel it?
If you have a button that you want to use to "Start Sorting" the sortable, I would recommend this approach, assuming you have a DIV with an ID of "MyList"...
On document load or Init, create the sortable and deactivate it...
function init() {
Then when the user clicks the "Start Sorting" button...
At this point I would prefer to change the "Start Sorting" button to "Finish Sorting", and when this button is clicked...
I know this is an old question so I point out that this uses the latest JQuery as described here. I am not sure what the minimum version is that would allow for this to work.
