Statistical analysis on Bell shaped (Gaussian) curve - image-processing

In my application I am getting images (captured by a high speed camera) containing projections of some light sources on the screen.
1-My first task is to plot a PDF or intensity distribution plot for the light intensity, which should come as bell shape or Gaussian, since at the center the light intensity will be maximum and at the ends it will be diminishing. Like this(just for example, not the exact case for me):
In worst cases I will be having a series of light sources illuminated simultaneously. In such cases theoretically I should get overlapping bell or Gaussian curves, some what like this:
How do I plot such a curve given the Images of light projection (like the one in the figure)?
2-After the Gaussian curve is drawn, the next job is to analyze the same such as finding width and height of the curve. How do I go for this?
I want an executable for this application, so a solution given by MATLAB or similar tool is not acceptable to my client. Also i want the solution to work in real time or near real time.
I guess OpenCV can be used here. But before I start I would like to know opinions of Image processing gurus on this forum. Especially for the step -1 above, I need some inputs.
Any pointers here?
Note: Image is taken from

To get the 1D Gaussian out of the 2D one, you can do a couple of things depending on what you want exactly.
- You could sum over every column of the image;
- You could find the local maximum in intensity and copy the intensity profile of that row of the image only;
- You could threshold the image (in case your maximum will be saturated and therefore a plateau), determine the center of gravity of the remaining blob, and copy that row's intensity profile;
- You could threshold, find contours, determine multiple local maxima, and grab multiple intensity profiles if the application calls for it (e.g. if the blobs are not horizontally aligned).
To get the height and width, it's pretty easy, just find the maximum and the points left and right of it where the curve drops to half of the maximum. The standard deviation is the distance between the two points divided by 2.35 (wikipedia link).

Well I solved it:
Algorithms is as follows:
1-use cvSampleLine for reading a particual line of image
2- use cvMinMaxLoc to know the maximum pixel value in a line
3- Note which of these lines is having highest pixel value. Lets say line no. 150
4- Plot pixel value for line 150.
I used MATLAB for verifying my results and graphs, and the OpenCV result is exactly the same.
Thanks for your suggestions guys.


which algorithm to choose for object detection?

I am interested in detecting single object more precisely a fire extinguisher which has no inter class variability (all fire extinguisher looks same). However, The application is supposedly realtime i.e a robot is exploring the environment and whenever it sees the object of interest it should be able to detect it and give pixel coordinates of it.
My question is which algorithm will be good choice for this task?
1. Is this a classification problem and should we use features(sift/surf etc) + bow +svm?
2. some other solution (no idea yet).
Any kind of input will be appreciated.
(P.S bear with me i am newbie to computer vision and stack over flow)
Height varies all are mounted on the wall but with different height. I tried with SIFT features and bow but it is expensive to extract bow descriptors in testing part. Moreover I have no idea how to locate the object(pixel coordinates) inside the image after its been classified positive.
update 2:
I finally used sift + bow + svm and am able to classify the object. But using this technique, i only get output interms of whether the object is present in the scene or not?
How can i detect the object i.e getting the bounding box or centre of the object. what is the compatible approach with the above method for achieving these results.
Thank you all.
I would suggest using color as the main feature to look for, and only try other features as needed. The fire extinguisher red is very distinctive, and should not occur too often elsewhere in an office environment. Other, more computationally expensive tests can then be performed only in regions of the right color.
Here is a good tutorial for color detection that also explains how to find good thresholds for your desired color.
I would suggest the following approach:
denoise your image with a median filter
convert the image to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value)
select pixels close to that particular shade of red with InRange()
Now you have a binary image image that contains only the pixels that are red.
count the number of red pixels with CountNonZero()
If that number is too small, abort
remove noise from the binary image by morphological opening / closing
find contours of all blobs in your picture with findContours or the CvBlob library
check if there are blobs of the correct width, correct height and correct width/height ratio
since your fire extinguishers are vertical cylinders, the width/height ratio will be constant from every angle. The width and height will of course vary somewhat with distance to the camera.
if the width and height do not match, abort
repeat these steps to find the black-colored part on the bottom of the extinguisher,
abort if there is no black region with correct width/height below the red region
(perhaps also repeat these steps for the metallic top and the yellow rectangle)
These tests should all be very fast. If they are too slow, you could reduce the resolution of your input images.
Depending on your environment, it is possible that this is already a robust enough test. If not, you can proceed with sift/surf feature matching, but only in a small region around the blobs with the correct color. You also do not necessarily have to do that for each frame, each n-th frame should be be enough for confirmation.
This is a old question .. but will still like to give my recommendation to use YOLO algorithm to solve this problem.
YOLO fits very well to this scenario.

OpenCV: comparing simple images with small difference

I have a bunch of "simple" images and I want to compare if they are similar together. I compare them to each other using template matching (cv::matchTemplate) and results are quite good.
Now I want to fine tune my program and I face a problem. For example I have two images which look very much alike. Only differences they have is that another one has thicker line and the digit front of item is different. When both images are small, one pixell difference in line thickness makes big result differences when doing template matching. When line thicknesses are same and only difference is the front digit, I get template matching result something like 0.98 with CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED when match successful. When line thickness is different matching result is something like 0.95.
I cannot decrease my threshold value below 0.98 because some other similar images have same line thickness.
Here are example images:
So what options do I have?
I have tried:
dilate the original and template
erode also both
morphologyEx both
calculating keypoints and comparing them
finding corners
But no big success yet. Are those images too simple that detecting "good features" is hard?
Any help is very wellcome.
Thank you!
Here are some other example images. What my program consider as similar are put in same zip-folder.
A possible way might be thinning the two images, so that every line is of one pixel width, since the differing thickness is causing you the main problem with similarity.
The procedure would be to first binarize/threshold the images, then apply a thinning operation on both images, so both are now having the same thickness of 1 px. Then use the usual template matching that you used before with good results.
In case you'd like more details on the thinning/skeletonization of binary images here are a few OpenCV implementations posted on various discussion forums and OpenCV groups:
OpenCV code for thinning (Guo and Hall algo, works with CvMat inputs)
The JR Parker implementation using OpenCV
Possibly more efficient code here (uses OpenCV optimized access methods a lot, however most of the page is in Japanese!)
And lastly a brief overview of thinning in case you're interested.
You need something more elementary here, there isn't much reason to go for fancy methods. Your figures are already binary ones, and their shapes are very similar overall.
One initial idea: consider the upper points and bottom points in a certain image and form a upper hull and a bottom hull (simply a hull, not a convex hull or anything else). A point is said to be an upper point (respec. bottom point) if, given a column i, it is the first point starting at the top (bottom) of the image that is not a background point in i. Also, your image is mostly one single connected component (in some cases there are vertical bars separated, but that is fine), so you can discard small components easily. This step is important for your situation because I saw there are some figures with some form of noise that is irrelevant to the rest of the image. Considering that a connected component with less than 100 points is small, these are the hulls you get for the respective images included in the question:
The blue line is indicating the upper hull, the green line the bottom hull. If it is not apparent, when we consider the regional maxima and regional minima of these hulls we obtain the same amount in both of them. Furthermore, they are all very close except for some displacement in the y axis. If we consider the mean x position of the extrema and plot the lines of both images together we get the following figure. In this case, the lines in blue and green are for the second image, and the lines in red and cyan for the first. Red dots are in the mean x coordinate of some regional minima, and blue dots the same but for regional maxima (these are our points of interest). (The following image has been resized for better visualization)
As you can see, you get many nearly overlapping points without doing anything. If we do even less, i.e. not even care about this overlapping, and proceed to classify your images in the trivial way: if an image a and another image b have the same amount of regional maxima in the upper hull, the same amount of regional minima in the upper hull, the same amount of regional maxima in the bottom hull, and the same amount of regional minima in the bottom hull, then a and b belong to the same class. Doing this for all your images, all images are correctly grouped except for the following situation:
In this case we have only 3 maxima and 3 minima for the upper hull in the first image, while there are 4 maxima and 4 minima for the second. Following you see the plots for the hulls and points of interest obtained:
As you can notice, in the second upper hull there are two extrema very close. Smoothing this curve eliminates both extrema, making the images match by the trivial method. Also, note that if you draw a rectangle around your images, then this method will tell they are all equal. In that case you will want to compare multiple hulls, discarding the points in the current hull and constructing other ones. Nevertheless, this method is able to group all your images correctly given they are all very simple and mostly noisy-free.
From as much as I can get, the difficulty is when the shape is the same, just size is different. A simple hack approach could be:
- subtract the images, then erode. If the shapes were the same but one slightly bigger, subtracting will leave only the edges, which will be thin an vanish with erosion as noise.
Somewhat more formal, would be to take the contours and then the approximate polygons and do a invariants comparison (Hu Moments etc.)

Remove high frequency vertical shear noise from image

I have a some scanned images, where the scanner appears to have introduced a certain kind of noise that I've not encountered before. I would like to find a way to remove it automatically. The noise looks like high frequency vertical shear. In other words, a horizontal line that should look like ------------ shows up as /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\, where the amplitude and frequency of the shear seem pretty regular.
Can someone suggest a way of doing the following steps?
Given an image, identify the frequency and amplitude of the shear noise. One can assume that it is always vertical and the characteristic frequency is higher than other frequencies that naturally appear in the image.
Given the above parameters, apply an opposite, vertical, periodic shear to the image to cancel this noise.
It would also be helpful to know how these could be implemented using the tools implemented by a freely available image processing package. (Netpbm, ImageMagick, Gimp, some Python library are some examples.)
Update: Here's a sample from an image with this kind of distortion. Actually, this sample shows that the shear amplitude need not be uniform throughout the image. :-(
The original images are higher resolution (600 dpi).
My solution to the problem would be to convert the image to frequency domain using FFT. The result will be two matrices: the image signal amplitude and the image signal phase. These two matrices should have the same dimensions of the input image.
Now, you should use the amplitude matrix to detect a spike in the area tha corresponds to the noise frequency. Note that the top left of this corner of this matrix should correspond to low frequency components and bottom right to high frequencies.
After you have indentified the spike, you should set the corresponding coefficients (amplitude matrix entries) to zero. After you apply the inverse FFT you should get the input image without the noise.
Please provide an example image for a more concrete (a practical) solution to your problem.
You could use a Hough fit or RANSAC to fit lines first. For Hough to work you may need to "smear" the points using Gaussian blur or morphological dilation so that you get more hits for a given (rho, theta) line in parameter space.
Once you have line fits, you can determine the relative distance of the original points to each line. From that spatial information you can use FFT to find help find a "best fit" spatial frequency and then shift pixels up/down accordingly.
As a first take, you might even skip FFT and use more of a brute force method:
Find the best fit lines using Hough or RANSAC.
Determine the orientation of the lines.
Sampling perpendicular to the (nominally) horizontal lines, find the points along that column with respect to the closest best fit lines.
If the points along one sample are on average a distance +N away from their best fit lines, shift all the pixels in that column (or along that perpendicular sample) by -N.
This sort of technique should work if the shear is consistent along a vertical sample, but not necessarily from left to right. If the shear is always exactly vertical, then finding horizontal lines should be relatively easy.
Judging from your sample image, it looks as though the shear may be consistent across a horizontal line segment between a 3-way or 4-way intersection with a nominally vertical line segment. You could use corner detectors or other methods to find these intersections to limit the extent over which a pixel shifting operation takes place.
A technique I posted here is another way to find horizontal stretches of dark pixels in case they don't fall on a line:
Is there an efficient algorithm for segmentation of handwritten text?
All that aside, is there a chance you could have the scanner fixed?

Gaussian blur and convolution kernels

I do not understand what a convolution kernel is and how I would apply a convolution matrix to pixels in an image (I am talking about doing a Gaussian Blur operation on an image).
Also could I get an explanation on how to create a kernel for a Gaussian Blur operation?
I am reading this article but I cannot seem to understand how things are done...
Thanks to anyone who takes time to explain this to me :),
The basic idea is that the new pixels of the image are created by an weighted average of the pixels close to it (imagine drawing a circle around the pixel).
For each pixel in the image you are going to create a little square around the pixel. Lets say you take the 8 neighbors next to a pixel (including diagonals even though do not matter here), and we perform a weighted average to get the middle pixel.
In the Gaussian blur case it breaks down to two one dimensional operations. For each pixel take the some amount of pixels next to a pixel in the row direction only. Multiply the pixel values time the weights computed from the Gaussian distribution (or if you are doing this for an visual effect and not for a scientific reason, the weights can anything that looks good) and sum them up. Another way to look at it is the pixel make a vector and the weights make a vector and your are taking the dot product. Repeat this process in the column direction as a separate pass.
A convolution kernel is a matrix of values that specify how the neighborhood of a pixel contribute to that pixel's state in the final image. There's a fair description of the basics here. A gaussian blur is a convolution function that uses a really ugly (you've seen the wikipedia page) function to compute a convolution kernel to pass over the image. You'll find an example kernel for a gaussian in that wikipedia page.
The point of all the math in there is to produce a soft blur that resembles the scatter pattern produced by a mesh screen placed between the viewer and the image. You can think of the 'size' (the standard deviation) of the gaussian as being related to the distance between the image and the screen.
Here's an awesome tool, if you don't want to calculate it all by yourself (like me):
Since the link seems to be broken now, here's a link to

Checking image feature alignment

I have written my own software in C# for performing microscopy imaging. See this screenshot.
The images that can be seen there are of the same sample but recorded through physically different detectors. It s crucial for my experiments that these images be exactly aligned. I thought the easiest would be to somehow blend/substract the two bitmaps but this doesn't give me good results. Therefore I am looking for a better way to do this.
It might be useful to point out that the images exist as arrays of intensities in memory and are converted to bitmaps for on-screen painting to my self written image control.
I would greatly appreciate any help!
If the images are the same orientation and same size, but slightly shifted vertically or horizontally, can you use cross-correlation to find the best alignment?
If you know that features in the yellow channel need to line up, for instance, just feed the yellow channels into the cross-correlation algorithm, and then find the peak in the result. The peak will occur at the offset where the two images line up best.
It will work even with noisy images, and I suspect it will work even for images that are significantly different, like in your screenshot.
MATLAB example: Registering an Image Using Normalized Cross-Correlation
Wikipedia calls this "phase correlation" and also describes making it scale- and rotation-invariant:
The method can be extended to determine rotation and scaling differences between two images by first converting the images to log-polar coordinates. Due to properties of the Fourier transform, the rotation and scaling parameters can be determined in a manner invariant to translation.
I got around solving this some time ago... Since I only need to verify that two images from two detectors are perfectly aligned and since I do not have to try and align them if they are not I solved it like this:
1) Use the Aforge Framework and apply a grayscale filter to both images. This will average the RGB values for each pixel.
2) On one image apply a ChannelFilter to retain only the red channel.
3) On the other image, apply a ChannelFilter to retain only the green channel.
4) Add Both images.
Here are the filters I used, I leave it to the reader to apply them if needed (it's trivial and there are examples on the Aforge website).
AForge.Imaging.Filters.IFilter filterR = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.ChannelFiltering(new AForge.IntRange( 0, 255 ), new AForge.IntRange( 0, 0 ), new AForge.IntRange( 0, 0 ));
AForge.Imaging.Filters.IFilter filterG = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.ChannelFiltering(new AForge.IntRange( 0, 0 ), new AForge.IntRange( 0, 255 ), new AForge.IntRange( 0, 0 ));
AForge.Imaging.Filters.GrayscaleRMY FilterGray= new AForge.Imaging.Filters.GrayscaleRMY();
AForge.Imaging.Filters.Add filterADD = new AForge.Imaging.Filters.Add();
When significant features are present in both images I want to check, they will show up in Yellow thus doing exactly what I need.
Thanks for all the input!
So the detectors are different, so the alignment will be slightly wrong, in that pixel (256,512) in image 1 could be a feature represented by pixel (257,513) in image 2. Is that the problem? What about magnification? If the detector is different, couldn't the magnification be slightly different as well?
If you mean something like the above, and judging from your screenshot, it shouldn't be too difficult to find the centers of the 4 or 5 areas of highest intensity - normalize the data and go through the entire image looking for blocks of 9 neighboring pixels with the highest average intensity. Note the center pixel of four or five of these features for each image. Then calculate the distance between each set of pixels between the two images.
If the distance is 0 for all sets, the two images should be in alignment. If the distance is constant, all you have to do is move one image that distance. If the distance varies, you will need to resize one image until it is constant, and then slide it to match up the features. Then you can average the intensity values of the two images, since they should be in alignment.
That's how I would start, anyway.
If the images are generated from different sensors then the problem will be difficult, in general. Particularly for you since one of your images seems to have a lot of noise.
Assuming there's no warping or rotation in he sensors, then I would suggest that you first normalize the intensities of each image. Then find the shift that minimizes the error between the images. The error can be euclidean (i.e the total sum of squared differences of each pixel). That, to me at least, is the definition of alignment.
The only way you can align is if there is some feature in the images that is known to be identical (or with a known transformation). A common approach is to put something in the image -- for instance have the image capture add an alignment artifact -- something easy to detect and figure out the transformation required to normalize the image.
A common example is to put + markers at the corners. You might also see barcodes used for this purpose sometimes.
Without this artifact, there has to be something in the image whose size and orientation is known (and that exists in both images).
