How do I reset a user password from the console in Hobo/Rails - ruby-on-rails

The rails framework Hobo is brilliant and automatically creates the first user as the admin user (unless you ask it not to). The problem I have is that running rails in development I can't remember what the password was. This should be trivial because I just run rails console, find the user admin = User.find :first and reset the password (trying)
admin.password = 'Anything1234'
admin.password_confirmation = admin.password
>{:current_password=>["is not correct"]}
I.e. the implication is that the variable current_password needs to be set correctly before I can change the existing password.
I'm afraid the Hobo documentation doesn't help in this case. Does anyone know the how to drive the Hobo user model to reset the password?

4 possible solutions:
1: run your app, and click on the forgot password link. The message will appear in your logs, so you don't need a mailer set up.
2: Just save without doing any validations:
EDIT: in Rails 3 this is => false)
3: Another option is just to delete all users so you get your initial user entry screen back.
4: If you really want to run the validations, you can trigger the request_password_reset lifecycle:
then look in development log for the reset password key
u.lifecycle.reset_password!(, :key => 'a0a2db1035065fa7ad5d46d35669d206aee73668', :password=>"test123", :password_confirmation=>"test123")

Yes, you need to set the current_password before you set the password and password_confirmation fields. This is to stop the user from changing the password without originally knowing the password.
Therefore, you would need to do something like this:
admin.current_password = 'password'
admin.password = 'Anything1234'
admin.password_confirmation = admin.password


How to check that old password is equal to that one in database

I want to make a change password in rails i want to enter the old password as a string and check it with the encrypted one in the database i am using Devise gem how can i do this
You want Devise's valid_password? method.
> user = User.find(1)
> user.valid_password?('invalidpassword')
=> false
> user.valid_password?('therealpassword')
=> true
Devise already provides you with this functionality. It should probably work out of the box using the edit_user_registration_path.
Have a look at to find some more information.

Trouble assigning user access levels

I'm following this tutorial, as I wanted to learn how to create user authorization with singular roles (each user has one role) from scratch rather than using a gem like rolify that does it all for me, but I'm hung up on assigning the users access levels.
When I type erin = User.find(9) in the console it finds my user. I try to issue the erin.admin! command but it throws an error about the password? (ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Password can't be blank).
I've also tried erin.access_level = "admin" which returns "admin" while I'm still in the console but no longer exists when I exit the console, fire up the rails server and try to test out my user in my app.
Is there any other way to assign access levels? Am I just doing it wrong?
The User record cannot be saved because a validation exists that requires a password. I don't know if there are special rules for the format of the password, but you can easily set a password so that you can save the user:
user = User.find(9)
user.password = 'Test1234'
user.password_confirmation = 'Test1234' # you might need this as well
user.access_level = 'admin' #=> true
If returns false, check user.errors for any other validation errors that would cause the record not to save.
For the second part of my question, where my database didn't seem to deploy to Heroku, it's because I was working in the dev db, not the production db.
To do that, I ran "heroku run rails console" and then followed the above steps to give a user admin access levels. More here:

Ruby on Rails - Devise welcome email to new users with reset password in Active Admin

Im using RoR 3.2.3 and Devise and Active Admin is working great.
However, there is something I am not getting.
In my app, users cannot register themselves, only an Admin can register other users.
This is all working, the Admin goes into the Active Admin panel->Users->New and fills the username and email and clicks "Create".
In order to give the customer the option of clreating his new password I'm using in mt AA user model:
after_create { |user| user.send_reset_password_instructions }
def password_required?
new_record? ? false : super
However, I don't want the email to send the text that devise uses, but rather a welcoming text and not something like "A link to change your password has been requested..." as there was no password to begin with.
In short, I want to use the send_reset_password_instructionsdevise method without using it's devise/mailer/reset_password_instructions view for when a new user is created.
However if the user forgets his password then he clicks the "Forgot Password" link and an email is to be sent with that default text already provided by Devise.
Any tips on how to make this work?
Thanks in advance,
Its very simple actually, set config.scoped_views = true in config/initializers/devise.rb
Then run
rails g devise:views users
this will generate all the views files devise uses, you can make changes to the
app/views/users/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb file to what you need or any other file you wish to change.

Rails 3 + Devise: How do I change other user's passwords from an admin role?

I've developed a Rails 3 application with Devise for registration and login control. I want to be able to modify any user's password to one I provide.
The solution I've come up with (I haven't had the chance to test it yet) is to make a fake new registration with the password I choose, copy the password from the table record to the user's record in question, and then delete the fake record I generated in the DB. It's not the most elegant thing to do, but it is all I've got. I wait for better suggestions.
I might be misunderstanding the question but it should be as simple as;
#user = User.find(<some id>)
#user.update_attributes(:password => 'anewpassword', :password_confirmation => 'anewpassword')
then their password will be 'anewpassword'

Migrating existing user model to Devise

I'm trying to migrate a legacy app to Rails 3 and change the authentication to use Devise. I've created the model and migrations and imported all the user data.
I don't plan to migrate the passwords over as the existing scheme is not one we'd like to use going forward, but I want to be able to present users with a simple experience.
Ideally I'd like to catch a login error and then check the password with the legacy field and then update the Devise password with it if it matches.
I can see that Warden gives me a callback that can trap errors so I expect I can trap a login error.
However because all the passwords (in Devise) are blank I get errors relating to the hash as the encrypted_password fields are empty.
Is there a way I can update all the user accounts with a random password?
I've seen in Devise::Models::DatabaseAuthenticatable that there is a method 'password=' but if I call that, e.g. in rails console for the app:
=> "new"
I just get the same plain text string back ('new') and saving the user record post this doesn't populate the encrypted_password field.
I've searched around but can't seem to be able to find it. Any suggestions much appreciated!
Ok just in case anyone else is as cloth headed as I have been the last 24 hours, here's how you set the password:
user = User.find(id)
user.password = 'new-password'
Simple really :)
