Analyzer reports memory leaks in ASIHTTPRequest - ios

I am using the ASIHTTPRequest Library in my project. It works very well with iOS5.1 in an app using ARC. (files in this library use compiler flag -fno-objc-arc) However, when I run analyzer it shows multiple potential memory leaks, especially in ASIHTTPRequest. I am a little reluctant to start making changes in this library, that is widely used, is quite complex and is working fine in my project.
an example:
ASIHTTPRequest.m line 1515
// Find out how much data we've uploaded so far
[self setTotalBytesSent:[NSMakeCollectable([(NSNumber *)CFReadStreamCopyProperty((CFReadStreamRef)[self readStream], kCFStreamPropertyHTTPRequestBytesWrittenCount) autorelease]) unsignedLongLongValue]];
if (totalBytesSent > lastBytesSent) {
Analyzer message:
call to CFReadStreamCopyProperty returns a core foundation object with a +1 retain count of
object sent autorelease message
object sent autorelease message
object leaked: allocated object is not referenced later in this excecution path and has a retain count of +1


How can I debug over-release crashes during autorelease pool termination?

My code grabs onto the current runloop and runs it continually (to allow UI interaction) while a much longer procedure occurs asynchronously.
This longer procedure may end up creating a lot of Objective-C objects and I believe even binding some of them into Core Foundation structures for usage with Core Foundation based API's. We use an autorelease pool around the loop body to clean up any objects from each execution of the loop body.
I'm running into a crash at the end of the autorelease pool, which means that some ARC object probably was probably bridged to a CF API that released the object. When the autorelease pool ends, it most likely tries to free that object.
However since it occurs at the end of the autorelease pool, I have no method of finding the culprit code. Are there known methods of debugging such a scenario in Objective-C on iOS?
for(NSString *runLoopMode in (__bridge NSArray *)allCurrentRunLoopModes)
#autoreleasepool {
CFRunLoopRunInMode((__bridge CFStringRef)runLoopMode,RUNLOOP_INTERVAL_SECONDS,false);
} // <- Crash occurs here, when autorelease pool releases objects.

ARC with cocos2d causing unbounded heap growth and eventual memory crash?

I'm trying to track down a memory-related crash in my game. The exact error, if I happen to catch it while attached to a debugger varies. One such error message is:
Message from debugger: Terminated due to memory issue.
No crash report is generated. Here's a screenshot from the XCode7 Memory Report as I play on my iPhone6; after about 10 minutes it will crash, as I enter into the ~600MB+ range:
Running generational analysis with Instruments I've found that playing through battles appears to create unbounded persistent memory growth; here you can see what happens as I play through two battles:
What is confusing is that the allocations revealed by the twirl-down are pretty much every single bit of allocated memory in the whole game. Any read of a string from a dictionary, any allocation of an array, appears in this twirl-down. Here's a representitive example from drilling into an NSArray caller-analysis:
At this point, it occurs to me I started this project using cocos2d-iphone v2.1 a couple of years ago, and I started an ARC project despite using a pre-ARC library. I'm wondering if I'm just now realizing I configured something horribly, horribly wrong. I set the -fno-objc-arc flag on the cocos2d files:
Either that, or I must have done something else very very stupid. But I'm at a loss. I've checked some of the usual culprits, for example:
Put a NSLog in dealloc on my CCScene subclass to make sure scenes were going away
Made sure to implement cleanup (to empty cached CCNodes) and call super in my sublcasses
Dumped the cocos2d texture cache size, and checked it was not growing unbounded
Added low memory warning handlers, doing things like clearing the cocos2d cache
I've also been pouring over the Apple instruments documentation, in particular this link explains the steps I took to create the above generational analysis.
Here's another representative example, this time in tree format. You can see that I have a CCScheduler which called an update function which triggered the UI to draw a sprite. The last time you see my code, before it delves into cocos2d code, is the highlighted function, the code for which I've also pasted below.
+ (instancetype)spriteAssetSource:(NSString*)assetName {
if(!assetName.length) {
return nil;
BOOL hasImageSuffix = [assetName hasSuffix:EXT_IMG];
NSString *frameName = hasImageSuffix ? [assetName substringToIndex:assetName.length-EXT_IMG.length] : assetName;
NSString *hdFrameName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",frameName,EXT_HD];
// First, hit up the sprite sheets...
if([[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] hasSpriteFrameName:hdFrameName]) {
CCSpriteFrame *frame = [[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName:hdFrameName];
return [[self alloc] initWithSpriteFrame:frame];
// No sprite sheet? Try the assets.
else {
NSString *assetFp = hasImageSuffix ? assetName : [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#",assetName,EXT_IMG];
return [[self alloc] initWithFile:assetFp];
What's so weird about this is that the captured memory is just the simple line to check if the file name is in the cocos2d cache:
- (BOOL)hasSpriteFrameName:(NSString*)name {
return [_spriteFrames.allKeys containsObject:name];
Yet this simple function shows up all over the place in these traces...
What it feels like is that any locally-scoped variable I create and pass into cocos2d gets its retain count incremented, and thus never deallocates (such as the case with both hdFrameName and other variables above).
Update 2
While it's no surprise that the CCScheduler sits at the top of the abandoned objects tree, what is surprising is that some of the objects are completely unrelated to cocos2d or UI. For example, in the highlighted row, all I've done is call a function on AMLocalPlayerData that does a [NSDate date]. The entire line is:
NSTimeInterval now = [NSDate date].timeIntervalSince1970;
It seems absurd that the NSDate object could be retained somehow here, yet that seems to be what Instruments is suggesting...
Update 3
I tried upgrading my version of cocos2d to 2.2, the last version to exist in the repository. The issue persists.

Can Core Foundation be used in PLCrashReporter signal callback?

I'm using PLCrashReporter in my iOS project and I'm curious, is it possible to use Core Foundation code in my custom crash callback. The thing, that handle my needs is CFPreferences.Here is part of code, that I create:
void LMCrashCallback(siginfo_t* info, ucontext_t* uap, void* context) {
CFStringRef networkStatusOnCrash;
networkStatusOnCrash = (CFStringRef)CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(networkStatusKey, kCFPreferencesCurrentApplication);
CFStringRef additionalInfo = CFStringCreateWithFormat(
NULL, NULL, CFSTR( "Additional Crash Properties:[Internet: %#]", networkStatusOnCrash);
CFPreferencesSetAppValue(additionalInfoKey, additionalInfo,
My target is to collect some system information, just in time when app crashed, e.g Internet connection type.
I know it is not good idea to create own crash callback due to async-safe functions, but this can help.
Also as other option: Is there a way to extend somehow PLCrashReportSystemInfo class?
This is very dangerous. In particular the call to CFStringCreateWithFormat allocates memory. Allocating memory in the middle of a crash handler can lead to battery-draining deadlock (yep; had that bug…) For example, if you were in the middle of free() (which is not an uncommon place to crash), you may already be holding a spinlock on the heap. When you call malloc to get some memory, you may spinlock the heap again and deadlock in a tight-loop. The heap needs to be locked so often and for such short periods of time that it doesn't use a blocking lock. It does the equivalent of while (locked) {}.
You seem to just be reading a preference and copying it to another preference. There's no reason to do that inside a crash handler. Just check hasPendingCrashReport during startup (which I assume you're doing already), and read the key then. It's not clear what networkStatusKey is, but it should still be there when you start up again.
If for any reason it's modified very early (before you call hasPendingCrashReport), you can grab it in main() before launching the app. Or you can grab it in a +load method, which is called even earlier.

Huge memory consumption while parsing JSON and creating NSManagedObjects

I'm parsing a JSON file on an iPad which has about 53 MB. The parsing is working fine, I'm using Yajlparser which is a SAX parser and have set it up like this:
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path options:NSDataReadingMappedAlways|NSDataReadingUncached error:&parseError];
YAJLParser *parser = [[YAJLParser alloc] init];
parser.delegate = self;
[parser parse:data];
Everything worked fine until now, but the JSON-file became bigger and now I'm suddenly experiencing memory warnings on the iPad 2. It receives 4 Memory Warnings and then just crashes. On the iPad 3 it works flawlessly without any mem warnings.
I have started profiling it with Instruments and found a lot of CFNumber allocations (I have stopped Instruments after a couple of minutes, I had it run before until the crash and the CFNumber thing was at about 60 mb or more).
After opening the CFNumber detail, it showed up a huge list of allocations. One of them showed me the following:
and another one here:
So what am I doing wrong? And what does that number (e.g. 72.8% in the last image) stand for? I'm using ARC so I'm not doing any Release or Retain or whatever.
Thanks for your help.
EDIT: I have already asked the question about how to parse such huge files here: iPad - Parsing an extremely huge json - File (between 50 and 100 mb)
So the parsing itself seems to be fine.
See Apple's Core Data documentation on Efficiently Importing Data, particularly "Reducing Peak Memory Footprint".
You will need to make sure you don't have too many new entities in memory at once, which involves saving and resetting your context at regular intervals while you parse the data, as well as using autorelease pools well.
The general sudo code would be something like this:
while (there is new data) {
#autoreleasepool {
if (we have imported more than 100 items) {
[context save:...];
[context reset];
So basically, put an autorelease pool around your main loop or parsing code. Count how many NSManagedObject instances you have created, and periodically save and reset the managed object context to flush these out of memory. This should keep your memory footprint down. The number 100 is arbitrary and you might want to experiment with different values.
Because you are saving the context for each batch, you may want to import into a temporary copy of your store in case something goes wrong and leaves you with a partial import. When everything is finished you can overwrite the original store.
Try to use [self.managedObjectContext refreshObject:obj refreshChanges:NO] after certain amount of insert operations. This will turn NSManagedObjects into faults and free up some memory.
Apple Docs on provided methods

marmalade sdk memory allocate karts tutorial

Here is an example taken from Marmalade sdk tutorial Kartz Game
//Initialise the memory manager.
CGame* game;
//create CGame object in 'Misc' memory bucket.
CTempBucketSwitch b(MB_MISC);
game = new CGame;
//run the game until it exits.
delete game;
//Terminate the memory manager, warning about any remaining allocations (these are leaks).
I not understand what this braces doing here? when I remove it, the program crashes
The braces are limiting the scope of CTempBucketSwitch so it only lasts while game is getting allocated. It probably pushes a bucket called 'Misc' and pop's it when it's destroyed.
The crash is probably because the 'Misc' buckets refered to in the coment can't handle all the allocations done in the Run function.
