In my MVC app, I'm trying to know if this is facebook who is calling one of my urls (when a link to my site is shared as a FB status and FB tries to get some meta tags for opengraph). I have tried URlReferrer, which is empty, and UserHostName which shows an IP addr.
You could do as Tejs suggests, something like:
IPHostEntry IpEntry = Dns.GetHostByAddress(HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress);
IPHostEntry IpEntry = Dns.GetHostByAddress(HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
//Coming from
Seems like this can be done like so:
if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HttpContext.Request.UserAgent) && HttpContext.Request.UserAgent.ToLower().Contains("facebookexternalhit")) ||
((HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer != null) && HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Host.ToLower().Contains("")))
This way I know if Facebook is grabbing opengraph data or if someone clicks the shared link from a facebook page.
I have created a multi page app to use internally within our company.
However for some of my colleagues when using the app, whenever they click on a link to be directed to a new page, Chrome removes our company tag from the URL.
Normally the URL should be****/s and then the Script ID. But for some reason Chrome removes the **** part from the URL.
In the GScript I use the following code to make sure correct page is displayed -
function doGet(e) {
if (e.parameters.v == 'wishes' || e.parameters.v == "agents" || e.parameters.v == 'markets' || e.parameters.v == 'team_leads'){
let tmp = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile(e.parameters.v);
return tmp.evaluate();
} else {
let tmp = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile("wishes")
return tmp.evaluate();
And then in the HTML files for the links themselves I am using the following code -
Pending Wishes
Team Leads
For the same people using Safari instead of Google Chrome seems to fix the Issue.
Edit: Picture of the Publish Settings
The WebApp URL depends on how you publish the WebApp
If you set Who has access to the app: to only myself or Anyone within {Your domain}, the WebApp URL will be of type
If you set Who has access to the app: to Anyone or Anyone, even anonymous, the WebApp URL will be of type
For your domain, please publish set the access to Anyone within {Your domain} and make sure that your domain users only open it when signed into their browser session with their domain account
I'm trying to post to a Facebook page AS the page using the Unity Facebook SDK running on iOS. As I understand, to do that, I need the pages access token with manage_pages and publish_pages. I know that I can get it from /me/accounts?fields=access_token, but how do I tell AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken to use my pages access token instead?
Right now i'm using the following:
var wwwForm = new WWWForm();
//wwwForm.AddField ("access_token", "A-T I NEED");
wwwForm.AddBinaryData("image", screenshot, "InteractiveConsole.png");
wwwForm.AddField("message", "herp derp. I did a thing! Did I do this right?");
FB.API("/PAGE-ID/photos", HttpMethod.POST, HandleResult, wwwForm);
I tried putting the access token manually, but that didn't work (so I commented it out).
With this as it is I'm getting an error, telling me that I need publish_actions, wich is not correct since I'm not trying to post as the user. If I also get publish_actions the Post goes online, but is posted to the page as the user speaking. (User is also Admin)
Any Ideas ? Thanks!
So, I filed a bug report to facebook and as it turns out: "… at this time this functionality is not supported." Wich simply means there is now way to use the Page Access Token you acquired via the FB.API within the FB.API. And they are not going to tell you abot it in the documentation.
As a workaround I simply use a UnityWebRequest like this:
IEnumerator UploadToPage(byte[] screenshot) {
var wwwForm = new WWWForm();
wwwForm.AddField("message", "herp derp. I did a thing! Did I do this right?");
wwwForm.AddBinaryData("image", screenshot, "Test.png");
string url = "https" + "://"+ PageID + "/photos";
url += "?access_token=" + PageAccessToken;
using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(url, wwwForm))
yield return www.Send();
if (www.isError)
Debug.Log("Form upload complete!");
On a MVC 5 web site I would like visitors to be able to read the full version of a post only after they shared it on Facebook or Twitter.
I have seen this example in a few web sites ... What would be the best way to do this?
There is no real security issues here ... It is just a way to spread the word ...
My first idea would be to save a cookie with a post KEY (Guid) ... This key is not visible to the user so he will not know the value.
The problem is how do I know that he shared the url ... How do I get the confirmation?
Thank You,
You get confirmation as follows, per the Facebook Developers Docs:
method: 'feed',
name: 'Facebook Dialogs',
link: '',
picture: '',
caption: 'Reference Documentation',
description: 'Dialogs provide a simple, consistent interface for applications to interface with users.'
function(response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
alert('Post was shared.'); //give access to article
} else {
alert('Post was not shared.'); //they chose not share... don't give access
I implemented this code almost verbatim in a .NET project (just replaced the alerts with my own functionality) where I gave users two entries into a contest if they shared the contest page (instead of one entry if they didn't share or did nothing).
As for Twitter, I've personally not implemented something similar, but your best bet is probably JavaScript Interfaces for Twitter for Websites.
I don't know about Facebook, but with Twitter a retweet is the same as a share. The statuses/retweeters/ids should work. If you have the id of the tweet, then you can hold a list of who retweeted it, updating as needed to get new ids.
If you don't want to write all of the code to authenticate and configure the endpoint, you could use a 3rd party library. Here's an example from my library, LINQ to Twitter v3.0 Beta:
ulong tweetID = 210591841312190464;
var status =
(from tweet in twitterCtx.Status
where tweet.Type == StatusType.Retweeters &&
tweet.ID == tweetID
select tweet)
if (status != null && status.User != null)
userID => Console.WriteLine("User ID: " + userID));
BTW, there's also a Facebook SDK for .NET.
I have a website that outputs Excel reports with hyperlinks back to secure content. One of the links would look like this...
http://www.[site].com/externalLinkDigester?externalSession=[SHA Encrypted Text]
The query string argument (externalSession) is a unique alphanumeric string that is only valid for 24 hours and can only be accessed by the user who created the report. My controller looks something like this...
class ExternalLinkDigester{
def springSecurityService;
def index = {
def currentUser = springSecurityService?.currentUser
if (!currentUser){
def request = ExternalSession.findByName(params.externalSession);
if (request.isExpired(){
//show expired content page
if (sameUser(currentUser, request.user){
//show content
The problem is that no matter what the springSecurityService.currentUser is always null when coming form an external program like Excel even when I am logged before clicking the link however, if I copy and paste the link into the browser it seems to work fine. Help!
How can I securely access content this way?
Is it possible that Excel is opening up a different browser than the one you logged in with (eg. you logged in with Firefox and when clicking the link within excel, it defaults to opening the link within Internet Explorer). The new browser will not have the session cookie for the authenticated session so "currentUser" will appear as null.
I'm using the Facebook PHP SDK to developp my app.
From this morning, when I publish an automatic post on a user's feed, everything is ok but the link doesn't work anymore... (no reaction on click)
Once the feed is published, the target of the link is "" (and doesn't work)
I replace the name of my website by for this example
Here is my code :
$feed_message = utf8_encode("J'ai besoin de : ".$A_titre);
$feed_picture = "";
$feed_link = "".$ins_id; // go to my website not app
$feed_linkname = utf8_encode($A_titre);
$feed_description = utf8_encode($me_firstname)." a besoin de...";
$result = $fb->api('/me/feed/','post',array('message'=>$feed_message,'picture'=>$feed_picture,'link'=>$feed_link,'name'=>$feed_linkname,'description'=>$feed_description));
Do you have any idea of what i can do to fix it ?
I have the same problem. It seems that it's linked to the new "Enhanced Auth Dialog".
I deactivated it since the timeline is not ready anyway, and there's no more appended to the links on the user's wall.