using \\servername\sharename in IE9 not being picked up as intranet site - hyperlink

I have a very basic intranet site for our company, and it's main purpose is to link to SMB shares on our network, so people can open files and edit them, without the need to then reupload to the site.
What I have, is a basic < a href="\IP ADDRESS\SHARENAME\">< /a>
The issue seems to be, regardless of whether I use the IP address, or the actual DNS name of the machine, IE9 always seems to think the intranet is an internet site, and stops these links from working.
Let's say for example, the web server address is, and I have a share on that same server for a global phone directory spreadsheet. I want someone to be able to click on the link on the page, and have it open that file directly.
So for the href, I put in \\\intranet\phone directory\list.xls
Or something like that. IE9 (which is what all our users are using), considers this link to point to file:// directory/list.xls
That's great, but as it doesnt consider this to be on the intranet, it blocks the file:// protocol, and the link does nothing.
If I add the site to my trusted sites list, it then works correctly. So I am wondering if there is a way on the programming side of things, that will let me create these kind of links and have them auto picked up as an intranet link?
Failing that, I will post on serverfault, and see if someone can guide me on applying a policy to add this site to trusted sites for all users and computers.
Many thanks

As it turns out, I was accessing the intranet by using either the FQDN or the IP address of the server.
As this article shows, , if I just use the server name instead, and drop the domain name from the end, the links behave as I would like.
Sorry for this useless question.
Thanks, Eds


.com extension adds random characters/numbers

I'm using a domain name with this general structure:
However, when I click it, I get a 404 message saying:
And when I look in the URL, it's not but surprisingly
How did YkPWZ/ appear automatically and what can I do to eliminate this issue? Sometimes accessing works fine, but most of the time the browser automatically tacks on some random characters at the end of the URL, throwing the 404 message. This is not a browser-specific issue and I've had a few colleagues replicate this issue on different operating systems (both desktop and iOS).
P.S. If it matters at all, I generated my website using Github Pages (markdown files, not HTML).
I'm quite certain this is an issue on the GoDaddy side of things, though I'm unable to find any official documentation on the subject. As noted in comments above, the redirect isn't coming from GitHub Pages.
I found an old thread discussing the issue. Here is a brief summary:
GoDaddy may use redirects like this to handle load balancing on their shared hosting servers.
In several cases, users contacted GoDaddy to ask about the problem and
had the issue resolved, but
were never told the technical specifics of what was happening.
If you wish to stay with GoDaddy I recommend contacting them and sending them to the link I found above. They may be able to resolve the issue for you, though I wouldn't expect an explanation.
Alternatively, you can use another web host. In many circles, GoDaddy isn't rated very highly. It's lucky that there are so many web hosts to choose from. Alternatively, you can use a custom domain directly with GitHub Pages, bypassing a third-party host entirely.

cannot access

I just heard from my friend that open 3.0 is out.
I want to try this but I cannot access
It says :
Coming soon: Another fine website hosted by WebFaction.
Site not configured
If you are the owner of this website and weren’t expecting to see this message, here are some potential causes and solutions:
You recently created a new website record, but opened the URL before your changes were activated in the web server and DNS configuration. Wait a moment and refresh.
You created a new website record without the current subdomain (for example, www). Return to the control panel to add the current subdomain to the website record and refresh.
You added a new domain in the control panel but didn’t create a site record to link it with an application. Create a website record with the control panel and refresh.
Your website record is set for HTTPS, but you visited a HTTP URL (or vice-versa). Open the URL with the other protocol.
You tried to access your website by IP address. Access the website by domain name instead.
There is a problem with your account. Check the control panel for unresolved support tickets and check your email for recent messages from
For more details, please see Error: Site not configured.
I'm sure that I'm not blocked because I use a vpn service.
there was some kind of attack, but only the the main site is down.
if you wanted the src:
The site was hacked, and they are trying to restore it (according to Alexander Shishkov).
OpenCV DevZone ( is still up.
UPDATE: It's now back online.

changing gerrit's canonical web url

I have had an issue with setting up my gerrit server. The machine has Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server 64-bit installed on it. I am setting up git and gerrit as a way to manage source code and code review.
I require internal and external access to it. I setup a DNS that would work externally. However, during the initial setup, i left the canonicalWebUrl to its default value. It usually take's the machine's hostname (in this case it was vmserver).
The issue I was running into is exactly as explained here, where after trying to sign in/register account with OPEN ID, it was saying url not found.
For some reason, it was changing the url in the address bar from the the DNS i setup to the CanonicalWebURL.
I tried to change the canonical web url in the gerrit.conf file found in etc of the gerrit site. After restarting the server, however, we were able to see the git project files present as they should be, but the account that was administrator seemed to no longer be registered and none of the projects were visible through gerrit.
I was wondering if there was a special procedure to changing the canonical web url in gerrit without disrupting access to a server?
any help or information on canonical urls would be much appreciated as i cannot find too much information on them.
looking deeper, i found some information that is way over my head regarding "submodules"
i do not understand if this is what i am looking for or not.
The canonical web url must be set, and it sounds like you have done that correctly.
I suspect the issue you are seeing is caused by changing the canonical web url - some OpenID providers (Google being the big one) will return a different user ID based on the URL of the request. This is a privacy thing and cannot be changed. So previous users will now show up as new users and won't be in their old groups (Administrators group in this case).
If you don't have many users, it might be easiest to migrate them by hand. You can modify the database to map the new user ID to the old user account.

Is there any service that can send requests to a URL from a specified city?

Basically I'm trying to test a feature of my website, which displays the location(city-level) you're at when visiting my site. And the testing approach I'm planning is: using a host in an arbitrary city to send requests to my site, with the city name appended to the URL, and then compare the known city name with the city name calculated by my site.
This approach requires a service that, given an arbitrary city name and a URL, it asks a host in that city to send requests to that URL.
Does such service/tool/library actually exist? Or is there a better testing approach for that feature?
I frequently do outside-my-network proxies via ProxySwitchy, which is a plugin in Chrome.
Simply install in your browser, get a proxy from the many lists out there, test quickly on a known website to ensure the proxy is working (ESPN or Google is fine--proxies frequently go up and down, so you want to make sure they're working before you test!) then navigate to your test site. You can setup several test proxies in ProxySwitchy and just toggle the list by clicking on the "world" icon in the upper right corner.
A page like this could show you what you should expect to see.
It also works great for testing domain change propagation, path interruptions, and more. Just don't abuse it!

SEO Destroyed By URL Forwarding - Can't figure out another way

We design and host websites for our clients/sales force. We have our own domain:
Our agents fill out a series of forms on our website that are loaded into a database. The database then renders the website as a database driven website.
The database application reads which "rep" the site is for and the appropriate page to display from the query string. The page then outputs the content and the appropriate CSS to style the page and give it its own individual branding.
We have told the user to use Domain Name Forwarding to get the users to their spot on our server. However, everyone seems to be getting indexed under our domain instead of their own. We could in theory assign an new IP to them, the cost is not the issue.
The issue is how we would possibly accomplish this.
With all of that said, them being indexed under our domain would still be OK as long as they would actually show up high in the ranking for their search term.
For instance, an agent owns If I search Troy L Thompson, It does not show up in my search. Only, "troy thompson first heartland" works (they show up third)
Apart from scrapping the whole system, I don't know what to do. I'm very open to ideas.
I'm sure you can get this to work as most hosting companies will host hundreds of websites on a single server (i.e. multiple domains on one IP).
I think you need your clients to update the nameservers for their domains (i.e. DNS) to return the IP address of your hosting server. Then you need to configure your server to return the right website based on the domain that was originally requested.
That requires your "database driven website" to look in the HTTP request and check which domain was originally requested, then it can handle the request accordingly.
- If you are using Apache, see how to configure Apache to host multiple domains on one IP address.
- If you are using Microsoft IIS, maybe Host-Header Routing is what you need.
You will likely need code changes on your "database driven website" to cope with these changes.
I'm not sure that having a dedicated IP address per domain will help much, as then you have to find a way to host all those IP addresses from a single web server. However, if your web server architecture already supports a shared database and multiple servers, then that approach might work well for you, especially if you expect the load from some domains to be so heavy that you need a dedicated web server for them.
Google does not include URL in its index which return a 301 status code. The reason is pretty obvious on second thought, because the redirect tells Google "Whatever was here before has moved there, please update your references". One solution I can see is setting up Apache virtual hosts on your server for each external domain, and have each rep configure their domain's DNS A record to point to the IP address of your server.
