So, I'm trying to extract some SURF keypoints, but I want to impose these key points! So, I put the last parameter to "true" which is "useProvidedKeypoints".
Also, when I create my Keypoint, I used the default constructor (so some default values there). I only change the point "pt" and the octave that I set to 3.
I'm using the C++ interface with SURF. But I know that the problem is right at cvExtractSURF because I copied that part of the code in mine to help me debug.
When I call that function, with the last parameter set to true, I got this error:
OpenCV Error: Bad argument (Unknown array type) in cvarrToMat, file /home/widgg/opencv/trunk/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp, line 651
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /home/widgg/opencv/trunk/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:651: error: (-5) Unknown array type in function cvarrToMat
I really don't know what I'm doing wrong!
Here's some code. First how I create the keypoints (I left a couple of informations, like the layer_id stuff, but you get the main idea):
for (json_pt_info_vector::iterator b_beg = beg->points.begin(); b_beg != b_end; ++b_beg)
int layer_id = b_beg->layer_id;
json_point_info_coord &jpic = b_beg->coord;
jpic.feature_id = features[layer_id].keypoints.size();
KeyPoint kp;
kp.octave = 3; = jpic.x; = jpic.y;
Here's the call to SURF:
SURF surf(300, 3, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < nb_img; ++i)
debug_msg("extract_features #4.1");
cv::detail::ImageFeatures &cdif = features[i];
Mat gray_image = imread(param.layer_images[i], 0); // 0 = force to gray scale!
debug_msg("extract_features #4.2");
vector<float> descriptors;
debug_msg("extract_features #4.3");
surf(gray_image, Mat(), cdif.keypoints, descriptors, true); // MUST BE TRUE TO FORCE THE PROVIDED KEYPOINTS
debug_msg("extract_features #4.4");
cdif.descriptors = Mat(descriptors, true).reshape(1, (int)cdif.keypoints.size());
debug_msg("extract_features #4.5");
debug_msg("extract_features #4.6");
images[i] = imread(param.layer_images[i]); // keep the image open
It crashes after #4.3 in the debug message!
Hope that helps!
I replaced some part by cv::SurfDescriptorExtracter. I replace everything from 4.3 to 4.5 with the following line:
extractor.compute(gray_image, cdif.keypoints, cdif.descriptors);
So now, there's still a bug, but it's located somewhere else, not necessary related to this question!
I'm surprised that the call to surf(gray_image, Mat(), cdif.keypoints, descriptors, true) even compiles. the descriptors argument should be a cv::Mat, not a vector.
Recently upgraded OpenCV from 3.4.5. to OpenCV 4.2.0.
Before I followed this stitching example: (particularly line 480). After upgrading, I altered the code to align more with this newer example: (Note line 481).
Problem is with this new computeImageFeatures function, I am getting less detected features. Older code with same images gave me 1400+ features but computeImageFeatures gave me exactly 500 features per image. Any ideas how to "fix" this? I believe it also causes the "Bundle Adjuster" to fail later.
According to documentation of cv::ORB::create, default value of nfeatures argument is 500:
The first argument is nfeatures, you may set the first argument to grater number like 2000.
Here are the constructor arguments:
static Ptr<ORB> cv::ORB::create (int nfeatures = 500,
float scaleFactor = 1.2f,
int nlevels = 8,
int edgeThreshold = 31,
int firstLevel = 0,
int WTA_K = 2,
int scoreType = ORB::HARRIS_SCORE,
int patchSize = 31,
int fastThreshold = 20
Try modifying:
if (features_type == "orb")
finder = ORB::create();
if (features_type == "orb")
finder = ORB::create(2000);
In case you are not using ORB, but other type of features, read the documentation of the constructor.
I assume all types has a limiter argument.
I came across an error during execute stereoCalibrate in Opencv 2.4.11, which is says :
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (!fixedSize() || ((Mat*)obj)->size.operator()() == Size(cols, rows)) in cv::_OutputArray::create,
I think this must be some size error between these parameters, which go through them one by one. But there is still error. I hope someone awesome could find the error from the assembly code below. Here is the method call in my code.
double error = cv::stereoCalibrate(
objPoints, cali0.imgPoints, cali1.imgPoints,
camera0.intr.cameraMatrix, camera0.intr.distCoeffs,
camera1.intr.cameraMatrix, camera1.intr.distCoeffs,
cv::Size(1920,1080), m.rvec, m.tvec, m.evec, m.fvec,
cv::TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 100, 1e-5)
In my code, m.rvec is (3,3,CV_64F), m.tvec is (3,1,CV_64F), m.evec and m.fvec are not preallocated which is same with the stereoCalibrate example. And intr.cameraMatrix is (3,3,CV_64F) and intr.distCoeffs is (8,1,CV_64F), objPoints is computed from the checkerboard which stores the 3d position of corners and all z value for point is zero.
After reading advice from #Josh, I modify the code as plain output mat object which are in CV_64F, but it still throws this assertion.
cv::Mat R, t, e, f;
double error = cv::stereoCalibrate(
objPoints, cali0.imgPoints, cali1.imgPoints,
camera0.intr.cameraMatrix, camera0.intr.distCoeffs,
camera1.intr.cameraMatrix, camera1.intr.distCoeffs,
cali0.imgSize, R, t, e, f,
cv::TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 100, 1e-5));
Finally I solved this problem, as a reminder, make sure the camera parameters you passed in are not const type....
Why go for assembly? OpenCV is open source and you can check the code you're calling here:
If you get assertion fails in OpenCV it's usually because you've passed a matrix with an incorrect shape. OpenCV is extremely picky. The assertion fail is on an OutputArray, so checking the function signature there are four possible culprits:
OutputArray _Rmat, OutputArray _Tmat, OutputArray _Emat, OutputArray _Fmat
The sizing is done inside cv::stereoCalibrate here:
_Rmat.create(3, 3, rtype);
_Tmat.create(3, 1, rtype);
<-- snipped -->
if( _Emat.needed() )
_Emat.create(3, 3, rtype);
p_matE = &(c_matE = _Emat.getMat());
if( _Fmat.needed() )
_Fmat.create(3, 3, rtype);
p_matF = &(c_matF = _Fmat.getMat());
The assertion is being triggered in one of these calls, the code is here:
Try passing in plain Mat objects without preallocating their shape.
I have recently started porting an application to a new platform which runs OpenCV 2.4.5.
Part of my code which uses OpenCV's implementation of FLANN to do hierarchical clustering no longer compiles.
The code is as follows:
cv::Mat mergedFeatures = cvCreateMat(descriptorTotal, descriptorDims, CV_32F);
int counter = 0;
for (uint j = 0; j < ImageFeatures.size(); j++) {
cv::Mat features = ImageFeatures[j];
for (int k = 0; k < features.rows; k++) {
cv::Mat roi = mergedFeatures.row(counter);
cv::Mat centers = cvCreateMat(1000, descriptorDims, CV_32FC1);
cv::flann::KMeansIndexParams k_params = cv::flann::KMeansIndexParams();
cv::flann::AutotunedIndexParams atp = cv::flann::AutotunedIndexParams();
int numClusters = cv::flann::hierarchicalClustering<float, float>(mergedFeatures, centers, k_params);
The error that I am getting (in Eclipse) is that cv::flann::hierarchicalClustering has invalid arguments and that neither of the candidates for this function are met.
Can someone explain how I suddenly seem to be calling this method incorrectly?
Many thanks for any help.
I fixed the problem myself.
Instead of accepting:
cv::flann::KMeansIndexParams k_params
the hierarchicalClustering function actually needs:
cvflann::KMeansIndexParams k_params
It is rather a confusing namespace convention with the FLANN library in OpenCV and I had just overlooked the namespace difference in what the compiler error was telling me.
It is all working now. The KMeansIndexParams type is present in both namespaces and I guess that the hierarchicalClustering method has changed very slightly from OpenCV 2.3 to 2.4.5.
I have a folder of positives and another of negatives images in JPG format, and I want to train an SVM based on that images, I've done the following but I receive an error:
Mat classes = new Mat();
Mat trainingData = new Mat();
Mat trainingImages = new Mat();
Mat trainingLabels = new Mat();
CvSVM clasificador;
for (File file : new File(path + "positives/").listFiles()) {
Mat img = Highgui.imread(file.getAbsolutePath());
img.reshape(1, 1);
trainingLabels.push_back(Mat.ones(new Size(1, 1), CvType.CV_32FC1));
for (File file : new File(path + "negatives/").listFiles()) {
Mat img = Highgui.imread(file.getAbsolutePath());
img.reshape(1, 1);
trainingLabels.push_back(Mat.zeros(new Size(1, 1), CvType.CV_32FC1));
trainingData.convertTo(trainingData, CvType.CV_32FC1);
CvSVMParams params = new CvSVMParams();
clasificador = new CvSVM(trainingData, classes, new Mat(), new Mat(), params);
When I try to run that I obtain:
OpenCV Error: Bad argument (train data must be floating-point matrix) in cvCheckTrainData, file ..\..\..\src\opencv\modules\ml\src\inner_functions.cpp, line 857
Exception in thread "main" CvException [org.opencv.core.CvException: ..\..\..\src\opencv\modules\ml\src\inner_functions.cpp:857: error: (-5) train data must be floating-point matrix in function cvCheckTrainData
at Method)
I can't manage to train the SVM, any idea? Thanks
Assuming that you know what you are doing by reshaping an image and using it to train SVM, the most probable cause of this is that your
Mat img = Highgui.imread(file.getAbsolutePath());
fails to actually read an image, generating a matrix img with null data property, which will eventually trigger the following in the OpenCV code:
// check parameter types and sizes
if( !CV_IS_MAT(train_data) || CV_MAT_TYPE(train_data->type) != CV_32FC1 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "train data must be floating-point matrix" );
Basically train_data fails the first condition (being a valid matrix) rather than failing the second condition (being of type CV_32FC1).
In addition, even though reshape works on the *this object, it acts like a filter and its effect is not permanent. If it's used in a single statement without immediately being used or assigned to another variable it will be useless. Change the following lines in your code:
img.reshape(1, 1);
trainingImages.push_back(img.reshape(1, 1));
Just as the error says, You need to change type of Your matrix, from integer type, probably CV_8U, to floating point one, CV_32F or CV_64F. To do it You can use cv::Mat::convertTo(). Here is a bit about depths and types of matrices.
I am in need of using the standard Hough Transformation (instead of the using the HoughLinesBinary method which implements Probabilistic Hough Transform) and have attempted doing so by creating a custom version of the HoughLinesBinary method:
using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
IntPtr lines = CvInvoke.cvHoughLines2(canny.Ptr, stor.Ptr, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.HOUGH_TYPE.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD, rhoResolution, (thetaResolution*Math.PI)/180, threshold, 0, 0);
Seq<MCvMat> segments = new Seq<MCvMat>(lines, stor);
List<MCvMat> lineslist = segments.ToList();
foreach(MCvMat line in lineslist)
//Process lines: (rho, theta)
My problem is that I am unsure of what type is the sequence returned. I believe it should be MCvMat, due to reading the documentation that CvMat* is used in OpenCV, which also states that for STANDARD "the matrix must be (the created sequence will be) of CV_32FC2 type"
I am unclear as to what I would need to do to return and process that correct output data from the STANDARD hough lines (i.e. the 2x1 vector for each line giving the rho and theta information).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I had the same problem myself a couple of days ago. This is how I solved it using marshalling. Please let me know if you find a simpler solution.
using (MemStorage stor = new MemStorage())
IntPtr lines = CvInvoke.cvHoughLines2(canny.Ptr, stor.Ptr, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.HOUGH_TYPE.CV_HOUGH_STANDARD, rhoResolution, (thetaResolution*Math.PI)/180, threshold, 0, 0);
int maxLines = 100;
for(int i = 0; i < maxLines; i++)
IntPtr line = CvInvoke.cvGetSeqElem(lines, i);
if (line == IntPtr.Zero)
// No more lines
PolarCoordinates coords = (PolarCoordinates)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStructure(line, typeof(PolarCoordinates));
// Do something with your Hough lines
with a struct defined as follows:
public struct PolarCoordinates
public float Rho;
public float Theta;