Changing a version in iTunes connect before it goes live - ios

I have an app that has been submitted to the app store in iTunes connect and approved but not yet released. (The release date is set in the future). The version number is 1.0.0.
Before the app was to be released my client decided he wanted some changes made. So I added a version 1.0.1 and submitted it to the app store. It has also been approved and not released.
My client has yet again decided he wanted some changes made. I have now made version 1.0.2. I can now no longer add a version in iTunes connect, because 1.0.1 has not been released yet.
My client wants to release the app next week to coincide with a marketing campaign. I want plan to release 1.0.1 in iTunes connect and submit 1.0.2.
My questions are:
When I release 1.0.1 will it go into the app store? I think (and want) not, because the release date of the app is still set for the future, but I want to be sure.
An alternative would be to remove 1.0.1 altogether, but I see no way to do this. Is the way that I originally described the appropriate way to accomplish what I want?

Yes, as soon as you release, either automatically or manually, it will push out live to the App Store.
I'm not sure if you can remove an update that already been accepted and approved. My suggestion would be to release it quietly and submit your update for 1.0.2 right away. With the wait time around 5-6 business days, you don't have a large window if you want to meet your clients deadline for the marketing campaign.


How to have multiple versions of app in TestFlight?

I've just published an app on Apple's store and I'm wondering about having multiple versions of the same app for testing on TestFlight. Of course dev doesn't stop when publishing... from now on I'll have to update the app store version (v1.0.0) with bug fixes (v1.0.1, v1.0.2, ...) and before doing so I'd like to check them in test flight to ensure the fix was appropriate.
My problem is that I'm already starting to develop the next version with further functionalities of the app which will become v1.1
So ideally I'd like to have my app available both for my bug fixes, for instance v1.0.2 and also my next version v1.1.0 (this will include all bug fixes made to the store version and also many new features, refactors, redesign, etc)
I know that if I build and upload to the apple store connect a build with v1.1.0 (next version) I won't be able to upload one for a built with a bug fix on the current app store version (v1.0.2) since this version would be lower than the one I uploaded (next version)
Is there a way to accomplish this? I've read this article which solution is to create extra applications in iTunes with different app ids and bind them to different certificates. But what will happen when the next release is ready to be in the store? I would have to release it and then disable the previous one? How may this affect my users? Will they have to re-install a new app rather than updating it?
I really need to start testing and checking the next release of my app in TestFlight and also support the current one with updates if something pops up. Thanks in advance!
I am able to upload multiple versions of the app to TestFlight. Each upload requires a higher version/build number, but you can switch the TestFlight test version between them as need be for testing.
Once I submit a particular build for release, however, I seem to lose the TestFlight access to the old builds.
In short, you can have many builds available in TestFlight, but once you submit the app for release, you have to start over making builds for TestFlight.
You keep talking about numbers like v1.0.1. That looks like a public-facing version string, with a major, minor, and patch number.
But that is not what TestFlight cares about. Well, it cares to some extent. But all TestFlight really cares about is that every new build you upload has a new build number. This is just an integer which you simply increment every time you submit a new build.
So you could have v1.0.1(23) on the App Store, and then on TestFlight you could upload v1.0.2(24) which starts moving forward toward version 1.0.2, but also upload v1.0.2(25) which is actually an attempt at a prospective version 1.1. TestFlight doesn't know or care what these different builds signify. They can all exist simultaneously on TestFlight. Keeping them all straight and on their individual trajectories is up to you.

Can I upload two versions of the application for review in the iTunes connect?

I have 1.1 version of my application already in review process now I also want to upload 1.1 version of the application for review process.
So that if anything bad happens to version 1.1, I could directly release 1.2 without going through review process (as it would have been done already). So, I want to send two version of my same application to appstore review process.
Is it possible. If yes then how?
No, you can only upload one version of the application for the App Store review process. But You can have multiple versions in your application in TestFlight. We can even have greater version of the application available on TestFlight from the current version which is under review.
You can refer here if you want to know more.
No. You cannot submit multiple versions of the same app when it is already in review. If you're unsure of the current version, you can anytime remove the binary and upload new version. Also to avoid app rejection, you can go through the App Review Guidelines for once.
Also in the below link you can find new rules and changes in existing ones :
You need to cancel the current version in review to put another version.

How to submit a new version when there is a Pending Developer Release version already in iTunesConnect?

We have version 2.4 of our app already gone live (Ready for sale) in app store. We planned a new update 3.0 to be released on 28th March and it is Apple reviewed and in Pending developer release state, but there is a new feature we need to add to the app. We have created a new build but we do not want to reject the 3.0 because it is already approved and we have to go live something on 28th of March. There is a risk of Apple will not approve the new build in time (we have 6 days to get the approval) if we cancel 3.0 and re-submit it.
How can I submit a new version (lets say 3.0.1) or change the build of 3.0 without removing approved 3.0 build?
Thank you.
You can't submit for review more than one build at a time.
Just submit your 3.0.1, once it's ready, you will be pushed to the end of the Waiting For Review queue.
I know you have a deadline (28th of March). But you have no other choice.
Either you decide to make the modification on your build and pray that the validation process won't take too long, or you release the already approved 3.0 build.
TBH I would recommend submitting the 3.0.1 build with the feature implemented, if it's necessary for the users/clients.
I submitted an App yesterday, Apple has just approved it this morning.
Have a look at those links :
How to Minimize App Store Approval Time

ItunesConnect Ready for Sale invaild version in AppStore [duplicate]

We requested an expedited review for an update of our app that fixed a critical bug. The expedited review was granted and now our version 1.1 is up instead of our version 1.0. But the app is the same.
The changes we made to the app are not in the new version. We have an ad hoc version of the same binary and in the ad hoc version the changes are there. I dont know if somebody has had the same issue and if there was a way to fix it. This is our first expedited review and already contacted iTunes developer support but we are still waiting for their response.
Maybe now it takes time to propagate the servers with the new app or somehow the metadata for version 1.1 was passed to the appstore with the binary for 1.0. This is the first time we ever had problems after an update.
It may be one of two options:
- The servers (Apple's servers) have not still propagated the correct version.
- The servers have inconsistent information, so they won't propagate the current version till you contact Apple. This happened to a dev some months ago and here is his answer: iOS 7 users unable to install new version
Seems to be a common problem at the moment. See
My app is 'Ready for sale' for almost 48 hours now, but the AppStore still shows the previous version.

Submitting third version of an iOS app via iTunesConnect before app goes live

We have an iOS app which has been approved for release with its version 1.0 and we submitted a minor update, version 1.1 that was also approved, and is "Pending Developer Release". The date set for first availability in "Rights and Pricing" is a month from now.
The question is the following - is it possible to submit another update (lets say version 1.2) without forcing the app to go live early? That is, if we click "Release this Version" on the app version 1.1 page, will it actually make the app go live in the app store immediately? Or will iTunes honor the date in "Rights and Pricing" and the app will remain unreleased, and we would be able to submit another update in the now-open version slot?
The copy in the Apple Developer Support manual seems to indicate that the app will go live when pushing Release This Version, but it is not clear:
p. 72:
Availability Date
The date when your app will be available for purchase on the App
Store. If your application has not been approved by Apple prior to
this date, your app will go live as soon as it has been approved.
This is a global date, and applies to all territories selected. If you
change this date, it will apply to all versions of your application.
If you create a new version of your app, you may use the Version
Release Control feature in order to control the date your new version
is released to the App Store.
NOTE: You can only use the Version Release Control on app updates. It
is not available for the first version of your app since you already
have the ability to control when your first version goes live, using
the Availability Date setting within Rights and Pricing. If you decide
that you do not want to ever release a Pending Developer Release
version, you can reject your binary to submit a new one. You are not
permitted to skip over an entire version.
We just tested this and it appears that after you press "RELEASE THIS VERSION" on the 1.1 version, the app is actually still held back until you set the release date in the "Rights and Pricing" section (as long as you haven't yet released the app). So it is possible to continue submitting further updates to an app before releasing it to the public.
This answer from iTunes Connect I got on 12th March 2014, with availability date in "Rights and Pricing" section set to 4/1/14 (1st April 2014):
I understand that you have set the available date of version 1.0.1 of
your app to 4/1/14. If you click the 'Release This Version' button
prior to 4/1/14 this will override the available date and the app will
go live within 24 hours of the date that you clicked 'Release This
Version 1.0.1 will be displayed as an update to your app. For more
tips and information on gaining visibility for your app, please refer
to the App Store Resource Center - Marketing Resources:
So it states the opposite of what MobileVet experienced around 7/25/12, as their app was held back until the release date (availability date ?) set in "Rights and Pricing" section.
From App Store Marketing I received such a answer when I asked if updating the app before the release would influence initial exposure:
This will not affect your potential feature placement. I'd suggest you update so your app is a best as possible on release.
When you submit a new version you are usually asked if you want to release it immediately or wait for manual release, usually just before uploading. I think this is what you want to do.
