Is there a low overhead way to hook a mouse doubleclick using Delphi? - delphi

Here's what I would like to do in Delphi XE:
Capture a double-click in another application such that when it occurs and the text underneath the mouse is highlighted, this triggers a series of events in my application based on what the text highlighted was.
I am aware of ways to do this using a system-wide mouse hook but... Since my application and the other application will in many circumstances be hosted in a terminal service or citrix environment, I am rather reluctant to do this with a mouse hook as I'm concerned about the resource cost. (I'm picturing the server hosting hundreds of mouse hooks, one for each user... shudder). Am I being too cautious? How much is the performance and stability hit of a mouse hook? What about under the TS or citrix environment? If my gut is correct and the cost of multiple hooks would be too high, is there another way to do this?
I do not have access to the source code of the other application and the 3rd party richedit control wherein the text is found has been modified beyond all recognition and doesn't respond to the API when used as published. Help?

This isn't possible without using a system-wide mouse hook, AFAIK.
You're right to be concerned about overhead. The mouse hook (MouseProc) is called every time a window calls PeekMessage or GetMessage and there's a mouse message to be retrieved, and it will be called for every window of every application running. Even if your hook simply passes the event along to the next handler using CallNextHookEx(), it will have an impact on the system. I'd suspect that multiple sessions running under TS would be pretty nasty.


Setting up a WH_CALLWNDPROC hook prevents WM_HELP propagation in deep hierarchies

When pressing the F1 key, the win32 API first sends the appropriate key message then sends a WM_HELPmessage to the control that has the focus.
As it does not process it, it gets sent up the parenting chain all the way to the form which reacts to the message.
In Delphi (XE7) this happens because of calls to CallWindowProc inside Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler
While this works fine in pretty much all locations inside my applications, there is one place where WM_HELP never reaches the top form.
Trying to reproduce it, I came up with a test application that you may find here:
After having built the application and started it, place the focus inside the In SubLevel or Level 1 edits and press F1.
You will see that WM_HELP is caught by the form.
Now, if you do the same inside In SubLevel2 or Level 15 edits you will see that nothing is logged, the form never sees WM_HELP
Tracing in the VCL I found out that for those deep levels, the calls to CallWindowProc inside Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler immediately returns on one of the controls in the hierarchy, thus preventing the form from ever receiving the message.
However, I couldn't figure out why the Win32 API code thinks it should not propagate the message anymore, except for one thing: If I remove the WH_CALLWNDPROC hook, then everything is back to normal.
You can see the effect of disabling it if you uncheck the Use hook checkbox.
Now, one will argue that I shouldn't have such deep hierarchies of components, and I agree. However, the structure in the center with two frames inside one another is directly inspired by what's in the application where I noticed the issue.
This means that it can be quite easy to trigger the problem without actually noticing it. Hopefully, in my case, I can remove a few panels and go back below the limit.
But did anyone encounter the situation before? If yes, were you able to solve it? Or is this a known behavior of the Win32 API?
This is caused by a "Windows kernel stack overflow" that happens if you send window messages recursively. On a 64 bit Windows the kernel stack overflow happens much faster than on a 32 bit Windows.
This bug also caused the VCL to not resize deeply nested controls correctly before it got fixed by changing the recursive AlignControls code to (my) iterative version (more about the stack overflow:

Simulating Mouse Clicks within a minimized or inactive form

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to simulate mouse clicks and such in a window that is minimized or not currently active. In case it's not clear, I want my mouse to be able to click and stuff without actually using the mouse.
For example, while I'm browsing the web I would like my program to be able to be clicking inside of another application at the same time.
How can I accomplish this? All I can find is the same old movemouse and setcursorpos stuff... as we know that requires the use of your actual mouse/Cursor.
You are looking to automate applications. This is done not by faking input but by using an automation API. These days, the preferred one is UI Automation. This is perfectly accessible from Delphi: How to use MS UI Automation in Delphi 2009.

FMX Direct 2D Issue

Good afternoon all!
I'm experiencing a rather annoying issue with one of my current projects. I'm working with a hardware library (NVAPI Pascal header translation by Andreas Hausladen) in one of my current projects. This lib allows me to retrieve information from an NVIDIA GPU. I'm using it to retrieve temperatures, and with the help of Firemonkey's TAnimateFloat, i'm adjusting the angle on a custom-made dial to indicate the temperature.
As FMX defaults to Direct 2D on Windows, i can monitor the FPS with any of the various "gamer" tools out there (MSI Afterburner, FRAPS, etc).
The issue i'm having is that when i put the system into sleep mode (suspend to RAM/S3), and then start it up again, the interface on my application is blacked out (partially or completely), and nothing on the UI is visibly refreshing. I'm calling the initialization for the NVAPI library regularly and checking the result via a timer, but this doesn't fix the issue. I'm also running ProcessMessages and repaint on the parent dial and it's children controls (since i can't seem to find a repaint for the form or even an equivalent).
I tried various versions of the library, and each one presents the same issue. The next paragraph indicates that this was in fact NOT the issue, and that it's actually the renderer at fault.
I have one solution, but i want to know if there's something more... elegant, available. The solution i have involves adding FMX.Types.GlobalUseDirect2D := False; before Application.Initialize in my projects source. However, this forces FMX to use GDI+ rather than Direct2D. It works of course, but i'd like to keep D2D open as an option if i can. I can use FindCmdLineSwitch to toggle this on/off dependant on parameters, but this still requires me to restart the application to change from D2D to GDI+ or vice-versa.
What's weird about it is that the FPS counter (from FRAPS in my case) indicates that there's still activity happening in the UI (as the value changes as would be expected), but the UI itself isn't visibly refreshing.
Is this an issue related to Direct2D, or a bug with Firemonkey's implementation? More importantly, is there a better method to fixing it than disabling D2D? Lastly, also related, is it possible to "reinitialize" an application without terminating it first (so perhaps i can allow the user to switch between GDI+ and D2D without needing to restart the application)?
This is may be of the issues with FM prior to the update 4 hotfix - 26664/QC 104210
Fixes the issue of a FireMonkey HD form being unresponsive after user unlock - installing this might resolve the issue for you.
The update should be part of your registered user downloads from the EDN (direct link

Any gottcha's on using TTimer to monitor file dates and update screen?

I want to detect when a file date changes and update a DevX TdxMemData which is used as a Tdatasource which then would be seen in a TDBGrid that uses it.
I've found some code that uses ReadDirectoryChangesW, but seems rather complex for my simple needs.
I'm considering using a TTimer and firing it off every five seconds. (That's fine enough accuracy for me.)
Are there any caveats in doing this? I've read that Threads have all sorts of restrictions on VCL access, etc. Does the same thing apply to TTimer events?
Is there anything I need to watch out for when calling FileAge and updating a DevEx TdxMemData object while in a Timer event? Will those updates be seen by my main app?
Is there a way to detect the "state" of my program when a Timer event gets control so I can avoid problems?
Or am I opening an enormous can of worms in thinking about using a TTimer for this?
TTimer events are called within the main application thread, so there's no problems with accessing VCL objects from them. It's called when your application is idle, so it won't take place while your in an OnClick handler or anything similar unless you manually call Application.ProcessMessages.
I'd suggest using ReadDirectoryChangesW though. If you use a timer you will continue polling even if the application is idle and the file isn't changing. It will keep your CPU from going idle and keep could keep the hard drive from spinning down, which can have negative effects for power saving and battery usage.
In Demos directory there's "ShellChangeNotifier" component, which will fire events when files get modified, added or deleted inside directory. However it has only one OnChange event, so you don't know what really happened.
There's some discussion and solution about the issue in
Windows lets you monitor file changes. As a jump start see There are several ready made components available, too. Google for "delphi monitor file change" or something similar
You can check my: DirectoryWatch
It is a wrapper around "ReadDirectoryChangesW" functions. It is more specific about changes than "ShellChangeNotifier".

How to Prevent ProcessMessages in Delphi

The Application.ProcessMessages command is well known and I use it in long processes to ensure my program will not tie up the computer.
But I have one fairly quick set of processing, where I am buffering a view into a file. During the buffering procedure, a few system messages may get sent off (e.g. redraw or scrollbar move or other events). I want to prevent these from getting handled by ProcessMessages until my buffering is complete.
Is there any way to either:
Prevent Application.ProcessMessages until my procedure is complete, or
Trap all messages generated during my procedure, and not release them until the end of the procedure.
Allowing the ProcessMessages to continue even if it sends messages you don't want should not be classed as problematic. With a bit of code refactoring, you could move the buffering method into a separate thread and go from there.
If you are attempting to copy the "visual contents" of a control into a file,
look at the WM_PRINT(xxx) message which allows child controls to paint themselves into bitmaps
try the LockWindowUpdate Win32 API method call which will turn off all painting messages to that control
override the WndProc/DefaultWndProc method on your control class or even the parent class if you need to and simply return "true" for each message sent
override specific control methods (such as "scroll bar moved", "OnPaint", "OnPaintBackground" etc) on the control class or even the parent and simply do nothing if your buffering is in progress
Overriding the WndProc or DefaultWndProc and simply returning true for each message essentially "turns off" ProcessMessages but it's not safe to do it this way because the control might need to process one or more messages to function correctly.
Turning off ProcessMessages is not possible (without rewriting the VCL code for message processing) because of the fact that it's part of how the VCL form's message loop has been constructed.
Trap all messages generated during my procedure, and not release them
until the end of the procedure.
There is a dirty hack you can do (only if you can not come up with a better way):
You can watch (trap) any messages by using Win32 Hooks.
Specifically, use SetWindowsHookEx with WH_CALLWNDPROC as the idHook value.
You can then record them in a list/queue and resend them when you want.
I learned way back in Windows 2 that windows messages will happen at times you don't expect them. Any part of a library can cause your app's message processing to happen. Rather than hold back the tide, make your code robust against the situation. This may be as simple as usinga a BeginUpdate/EndUpdate pair, or more complex (using a temporary and doing the final update at the end).
At a pedantic level, the way you "prevent" Application.ProcessMessages is to not call any code that
shows a modal dialog
calls SendMessage
runs its own local message loop
calls Application.ProcessMessages (which is a local message loop)
If you write a loop that does nothing but numerical calculations and file I/O, your UI will be frozen until you exit the loop because no messages are being processed.
If you want your UI to be responsive during some long-running operation of unknown arbitrary code (third party library) but you don't want certain kinds of actions to occur in your app during that time, that's a different problem - that's about preventing reentrancy. You want to prevent some parts of your code from being used while a particular activity is in progress. For example, modal dialogs prevent you from interacting with the app windows underneath the dialog by disabling all the app's top level windows except the modal dialog itself.
