Rails: Deal with several similar model classes? - ruby-on-rails

I'm building a course application system. The high school, undergraduate and graduate students are all able to apply for this course. They have to fill out some application form.
However, their information forms are similar, but not exactly the same. Every student has name, phone number, email, address, etc. But only undergraduate students have to provide their GPA, and graduate students is required to tell which lab they are researching at. There are other subtle differences...
So how should I deal with this? Make a big table, but leave 'GPA' column of high school students NULL? Or use three separate tables?
Moreover, there are some relation between Student(or, in three tables case, HighSchoolStudent, UndergraduateStudent and GraduateStudent) and other models. For instance, Course has many Students, Student has many Questions, and so on.

You can use a combination of STI and Store feature achieve this.
Declare a base model for Student with a text column called settings.
class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
store :settings
# name, email, phone, address etc..
class HighSchoolStudent < Student
# declare HighSchoolStudent specific attributes
store_accessor :settings, :gpa
class UndergraduateStudent < Student
# declare UndergraduateStudent specific attributes
store_accessor :settings, :attr1
class GraduateStudent< Student
# declare GraduateStudent specific attributes
store_accessor :settings, :attr2
In the sample above, instances of HighSchoolStudent will have an attribute called gpa.

You could go with the option you thought of like leaving GPA null, and set up custom validations for the model so it only checks depending on the student type. Single table inheritance is also an option, where you specify the different class names to use in a column on the database table, and then you simply add these classes in the model directory. You can see some documentation on it here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Base.html
I haven't tried STI before, but given what you stated above, I'd probably go for that route, branch off my code and would see how it pans out.


Rails Different types of Model have different number of and type of fields

In rails web app, user can "make" a Document. There are different types of documents :
Each type of Document will have some things in common such as: account_num, doc_id, at least 1 name, but then they have different attributes.
For example:
Loan is only doc with a loan_type field
Business documents can have 1+ name attributes
If these docs may have different number of attributes, do they need to be completely separate models, or is there a way to incorporate a doc_type attribute for Document which then reveals what, and how many, attributes are associated with the Document? If so, what would that look like?
What you're describing is the express purpose of single-table inheritance in Rails.
Use one table with a super-set of all the fields from all the models. Add a type column, and then create your three models, inheriting from a base model, and you're pretty much done.
Depends on what you're going to need, but in general if your models have a strong commonality that part can all be in the same table, and include a type column that specifies the class name. This is called single table inheritance.
Any differences between the models give you some interesting options. If there are only a few differences, the columns could simply be included. If there are several, or the columns in question may be only sparsely populated, you can introduce a new table for the extra columns that belongs_to one of the models. For example, you could have an alternate_names table for businesses.
class AlternateNames < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :business
In the unlikely case that you don't need to search on the extra data, you can even keep it in the same table, with a column named something like extra_data, and serialize a hash of extra attributes. Each class can handle this data as appropriate.
class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
# your code
serializes :extra_data
class Business < Document
def names
[name] + extra_data[:names]

Nested association/join in rails

I have a seat object that has a car object that has a owner that has a name. I want to display the car brand and the car's owner's name together. How do I do this in one query?
class Seat < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :car
def description
"I am in a #{car.brand} belonging to #{car.owner.name}"
# --> how do I replace this with one query?
I'll note that this is a highly contrived example to simplify my question. I'm doing this thousands of times in a row, hence the need for more efficiency.
Let us say you are trying to query the Seat model, and you want to eager load the car and owner objects, you can use the includes clause.
Seat.includes(:car => :owner).where(:color => :red).each do |seat|
"I am in a #{seat.car.brand} belonging to #{seat.car.owner.name}"
Use default_scope
class Seat
default_scope includes([:car])
class Car
default_scope includes([:owner, :seats])
For multi-table joins that are often used in my application, I create a View in MySQL. Then create an ActiveRecord Rails model based on the view.
Depending on the SQL statement that powers the view, MySQL may even let the View be read/write. But I just go the simple route and always treat the view as being read-only. You can set the AR model as read only.
By using the Active Record model which uses the view, you get quick single query reads of the database. And they're even faster than normal since MySQL computes the SQL "plan" once for the view, enabling faster use of it.
Remember to also check that your foreign keys are all indexed. You don't want any table scans.

Rails and multiple profiles

I have the app, where user can have one of several different profiles. Some of profile data are always the same (like first and last name, gender etc). Other fields may vary (for example, doctor can have license number and text about himself, while patient can have phone number etc).
I found approach, that fits pretty well, but still have some doubts. The point of my approach looks like this:
User model contains a lot of system-specific data, controlled by Devise and has_one :person
Person model contains common profile data and belongs_to :profile, :polymorphic => true
Doctor/Patient/Admin/etc contains more specific profile data and has_one :person, :as => :profile
With this approach i can simply check in Person model:
def doctor?
self.profile_type == 'Doctor'
But there is the few things doesn't give me a rest.
First one is performance. This approach requires a lot of additional joins. For example, for reading doctor's license number, first/last name and email at the same time it will generate 2 additional joins.
Second one is different ids for profile-specific model (i.e. Doctor) and for Person/User models. There will be situations, when user with ID=1 will have Patient relation with different ID, but it would be logical to have same ID for all this associated models.
Maybe you guys will see any more pitfalls in this approach? Is there any better solution for my situation?
You've got four basic patterns you can use here that might work.
In this model you have all the possible fields in a single record and then use STI to differentiate between profile types. This is the simplest to implement but looks the most messy as few people will have all fields populated. Keep in mind that NULL string fields don't take up a lot of database space, typically one bit per column, so having a lot of them isn't a big deal.
Optional Joins
In this model you create a number of possible linkages to different profile types, like doctor_profile_id linking to a DoctorProfile, patient_profile_id linking to a PatientProfile, and so forth. Since each relationship is spelled out in a specific field, you can even enforce foreign key constraints if you prefer, and indexing is easy. This can come in handy when a single record requires multiple different profiles to be associated with it, as in the case of a patient that's also a doctor.
Polymorphic Join
In this model you link to a specific profile type and profile id using the :polymorphic option, much like you've suggested. Indexing is more complicated and foreign keys are impossible. You're also limited to having one and only one profile. These tend to work as a starting point but may prove to be trouble down the road when you get a doctor + patient requirement.
Key/Value Store
In this model you abandon all efforts to organize things into singular records and instead build an associated ProfileField and ProfileValue table. The ProfileField identifies what fields are available on what kinds of profiles, such as label, allowed values, data type and so forth, while the ProfileValue is used to store specific values for specific profiles.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :profile_fields
class ProfileField < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :profile_values
class ProfileValue < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :profile_field
Since this one is wide open you can allow the site administrator to redefine what field are required, add new fields, and so on, without having to make a schema change.

A database design for variable column names

I have a situation that involves Companies, Projects, and Employees who write Reports on Projects.
A Company owns many projects, many reports, and many employees.
One report is written by one employee for one of the company's projects.
Companies each want different things in a report. Let's say one company wants to know about project performance and speed, while another wants to know about cost-effectiveness. There are 5-15 criteria, set differently by each company, which ALL apply to all of that company's project reports.
I was thinking about different ways to do this, but my current stalemate is this:
To company table, add text field criteria, which contains an array of the criteria desired in order.
In the report table, have a company_id and columns criterion1, criterion2, etc.
I am completely aware that this is typically considered horrible database design - inelegant and inflexible. So, I need your help! How can I build this better?
I decided to go with the serialized option in my case, for these reasons:
My requirements for the criteria are simple - no searching or sorting will be required of the reports once they are submitted by each employee.
I wanted to minimize database load - where these are going to be implemented, there is already a large page with overhead.
I want to avoid complicating my database structure for what I believe is a relatively simple need.
CouchDB and Mongo are not currently in my repertoire so I'll save them for a more needy day.
This would be a great opportunity to use NoSQL! Seems like the textbook use-case to me. So head over to CouchDB or Mongo and start hacking.
With conventional DBs you are slightly caught in the problem of how much to normalize your data:
A sort of "good" way (meaning very normalized) would look something like this:
class Company < AR::Base
has_many :reports
has_many :criteria
class Report < AR::Base
belongs_to :company
has_many :criteria_values
has_many :criteria, :through => :criteria_values
class Criteria < AR::Base # should be Criterion but whatever
belongs_to :company
has_many :criteria_values
# one attribute 'name' (or 'type' and you can mess with STI)
class CriteriaValues < AR::Base
belongs_to :report
belongs_to :criteria
# one attribute 'value'
This makes something very simple and fast in NoSQL a triple or quadruple join in SQL and you have many models that pretty much do nothing.
Another way is to denormalize:
class Company < AR::Base
has_many :reports
serialize :criteria
class Report < AR::Base
belongs_to :company
serialize :criteria_values
def criteria
# custom code here to validate that criteria_values correspond to criteria etc.
Related to that is the rather clever way of serializing at least the criteria (and maybe values if they were all boolean) is using bit fields. This basically gives you more or less easy migrations (hard to delete and modify, but easy to add) and search-ability without any overhead.
A good plugin that implements this is Flag Shih Tzu which I've used on a few projects and could recommend.
Variable columns (eg. crit1, crit2, etc.).
I'd strongly advise against it. You don't get much benefit (it's still not very searchable since you don't know in which column your info is) and it leads to maintainability nightmares. Imagine your db gets to a few million records and suddenly someone needs 16 criteria. What could have been a complete no-issue is suddenly a migration that adds a completely useless field to millions of records.
Another problem is that a lot of the ActiveRecord magic doesn't work with this - you'll have to figure out what crit1 means by yourself - now if you wan't to add validations on these fields then that adds a lot of pointless work.
So to summarize: Have a look at Mongo or CouchDB and if that seems impractical, go ahead and save your stuff serialized. If you need to do complex validation and don't care too much about DB load then normalize away and take option 1.
Well, when you say "To company table, add text field criteria, which contains an array of the criteria desired in order" that smells like the company table wants to be normalized: you might break out each criterion in one of 15 columns called "criterion1", ..., "criterion15" where any or all columns can default to null.
To me, you are on the right track with your report table. Each row in that table might represent one report; and might have corresponding columns "criterion1",...,"criterion15", as you say, where each cell says how well the company did on that column's criterion. There will be multiple reports per company, so you'll need a date (or report-number or similar) column in the report table. Then the date plus the company id can be a composite key; and the company id can be a non-unique index. As can the report date/number/some-identifier. And don't forget a column for the reporting-employee id.
Any and every criterion column in the report table can be null, meaning (maybe) that the employee did not report on this criterion; or that this criterion (column) did not apply in this report (row).
It seems like that would work fine. I don't see that you ever need to do a join. It looks perfectly straightforward, at least to these naive and ignorant eyes.
Create a criteria table that lists the criteria for each company (company 1 .. * criteria).
Then, create a report_criteria table (report 1 .. * report_criteria) that lists the criteria for that specific report based on the criteria table (criteria 1 .. * report_criteria).

Rails ActiveRecord Relationships

How do the relationships magically function when only the models are altered?
If I want a "has__and___belongs___to__many" relationship, what should I name the table (so Rails can use it) that contains the two foreign keys?
Short answer: You can't just tell the models that they're related; there have to be columns in the database for it too.
When you set up related models, Rails assumes you've followed a convention which allows it to find the things you wrote. Here's what happens:
You set up the tables.
Following conventions in Rails, you name the table in a particular, predictable way (a plural noun, e.g. people). In this table, when you have a relationship to another table, you have to create that column and name it in another predictable way (e.g. bank_account_id, if you're relating to the bank_accounts table).
You write a model class inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
When you instantiate one of these models, the ActiveRecord::Base constructor looks at the name of the class, converts it to lowercase and pluralizes it. Here, by reading Person, it yields people, the name of the table we created earlier. Now ActiveRecord knows where to get all the information about a person, and it can read the SQL output to figure out what the columns are.
You add relationships to the model: has_many, belongs_to or has_one.
When you type something like, has_many :bank_accounts, it assumes a few things:
The name of the model that you relate to is BankAccount (from camel-casing :bank_accounts).
The name of the column in the people table which refers to a bank account is bank_account_id (from singularizing :bank_accounts).
Since the relationship is has_many, ActiveRecord knows to give you methods like john.bank_accounts, using plural names for things.
Putting all of that together, ActiveRecord knows how to make SQL queries that will give you a person's bank accounts. It knows where to find everything, because you followed a naming convention that it understands when you created the table and its colums.
One of the neat things about Ruby is that you can run methods on a whole class, and those methods can add other methods to a class. That's exactly what has_many and friends are doing.
This works because you are following "Convention over Configuration".
If you state that a customer model has many orders then rails expects there to be a customer_id field on the orders table.
If you have followed these conventions then rails will use them and will be able to build the necessary SQL to find all the orders for a given customer.
If you look at the development.log file when you are developing your application you will be able to see the necessary SQL being built to select all orders for a given customer.
Rails does not create tables without you asking it to. The creation of tables is achieved by generating a migration which will create/alter tables for you. The fact that you create a customer model and then state within it that it has_many :orders will not create you an orders table. You will need to do that for yourself within a migration to create an orders table. Within that migration you will need to either add a customer_id column or use the belongs_to: customer statement to get the customer_id field added to the orders table.
The rails guide for this is pretty useful
