Confusion on universal app/iPad target - ios

There are many similar questions, but I haven't really found the answer for this.
I'm making an iPad version of a large iPhone app. Which is the best way to go when distributing? I understand that when turning the app into a "Universal" app, all resources (images etc) for the iPad version are also downloaded to iPhones.
This is probably not desired, so to me it sounds better to use the built-in XCode function to duplicate the target into an iPad target. (This is nice since it will generate iPad-specific versions of all the NIB-files)
However, I'm afraid that this will split the app into two versions on the app store. I want to make it look like a universal app on app store, with the little "+"-sign. Is it possible to make it look like a universal app, when it's actually two different targets?

In a Universal app there is only one binary.
If you create to targets you can compile for either iPhone or iPad, but then you'll have two different apps.
So, no it is not possible to make two apps look and behave like an universal app.

I don't think that the images etc being present in both versions are such a serious problem.
They get compressed and can mostly be used for both versions.
I would prefer having a universal app that syncs via iCloud on all my devices than having to download two versions of the app... Apple does it too, e.g. in iBooks.


iOS share extension display name

My app supports 2 different share extensions, and I distinguish between them using the CFBundleDisplayName in the Info.plist file for both extensions. This worked fine in iOS12, but in iOS13, it seems that it only shows the app's display name instead, which makes it confusing to have two share actions in the share sheet with the same name.
Is this new functionality in iOS13 that I'm unaware of? Is there a work-around to continue supporting 2 share extensions from the same app? I haven't found any documentation on this change in behavior.
We're having the same issue. I only found a thread at Apple Developer ... but that's not an answer, how to provide multiple extensions with different display names in iOS 13.

Old app with no Xib and storyboard. Make ios9 compatible

Iam new to developer forum and in need of help. So thought why not get help from fellow developers. I have a app (Photo Sharing App) that was bought from a developer and now I want to make it ios9 compatible and want to have a app with more effects and features like ; masking, layers, crop, resize, stickers etc....
Had a developer look at it and he told me this about the app.
"— App Code is Static. (no xibs and no storyboard used). All code written programatically. >> if to make compatible to iOS9 have to re-structure re-code all the structure to match with latest app requirement storyboard,auto layout etc… (current code is static for each devices need to make dynamic).
— App not working for new xcode 7.
— Application working in older version of Xcode 6.4. When tried to run on Xcode 7 it shows error not compiling at all. with changes managed to apply fix and run on new Xcode. But it still hangs on iOS 9
— facebook invite friend not working >> current code has older implementation of Facebook to show just friend with invite list which is now not allow by Facebook. Have to now check for this invite feature how it is working now and what are the steps needed to implement if working. "
The question: Is it any easy solution to make it work or do we need to make the app from scratch. Any one who can guide me to right direction. Where should I start and what can be done. Is it much work related to getting it IOS9 compatible? Any script/codes available on the net/github? iam just a amateur and on starting level so please consider it.
Have heard that can make a launch screen with storyboard so no need to make the app from scratch and just let the lauchscreen be dynamic to work with the app for flexible layout. How is that possible?
Thanks a lot
There is no need to remake all views with storyboard or xibs. You just need to add Default images for 3.5 and 4 inches iPhones. Also, you need to fix all errors, update frameworks and libs, recode deprecated methods, make the app compile for 64 bit architecture.

How to sign iOS project with two or more different accounts keeping only one project

I've recently got an iOS app template with a friend. We want to keep only one code in our bitbucket but we want to create the best structure to sign it with our different Apple Developer Account and also have our own icons, characters , images in general. You can check our iOS template here. It's a native project.
You can do it easily using different Targets in Xcode.
You can define different icon, characters, images, etc. for each target and you will get different apps from the same Xcode project.
Check out this link from Apple Developer documentation.

Icons for two versions of the same iPhone/iPad App

I'm try to develop "pro" version of an app which is already at store. As far as I understand I need a seperate icon for the pro version. Is it possible to change the icon completely? For example instead of typing "pro", can I change the colours of the icon?
A common question: is there any relationship between two versions of the same app? Or are they completely separate apps?
Thank you
If you want to have different icons, you have to separate both apps, they cannot be the same. You'll have to do 2 separated apps in your case.
Also, remember, you'll want to upload a different Large icon (iTunes Artwork) file to iTunes Connect. Since that image, not the icon file inside the app bundle, is what your potential customers will see.

Full and lite versions of the app sharing the data files

Is it possible? It looks like if two apps (or variants of the same app) use the same bundle identifier, they will both have access to the same data files -- is that correct?
I'm looking for the simplest way for the user to upgrade to the full version while preserving the data from the lite version.
Yes, if multiple apps use the same bundle identifier, they will be recognized as the same app - but you can't have multiple apps with the same identifier in the App Store or on the device!
There is currently no way to share files between different Apps (with unique bundle identifiers) via the local file system. You can pass some data with custom URL schemes from one running app to another, but I think that's not what you're looking for.
Apple's suggested way of dealing with this situation is to have just one app, and implement In-App purchases to upgrade to the full version.
Here's a very similar SO question: Share data between two or more iPhone applications
If you create multiple targets, you can create a lite and full version accessing the same data. Using #ifdef you can limit access based on settings!
Here's a link: How to build both Lite and Full version of iPhone app based on one xcode project?
Hope this helped!
