How to change primary key column in grails? - grails

I have a domain class having an Integer variable 'code'. my requirement is to make 'code', primary key column for that domain and also auto increment and to remove the default 'id' column from the table created for that doamin.thnks

use this :
static mapping = {
id name: 'code'
more informations here :

Domain classes in Grails by default dictate the way they are mapped to the database using sensible defaults. You can customize these with the ORM Mapping DSL.
Customizes the way the identifier for a domain class is generated with id.
See the Grails documentation for id.
static mapping = {
id column: 'code', type: 'integer'


GORM: implement uuid getter while preserving id getter

Given you have to keep the existing GORM getter functionality that is based on the default incremental id:
How would you add getter functionality based on a new attribute uuid?
Most desirably there would be something like:
Overload get(Long id) with get(String uuid) so that both getters can be used side by side.
In the long run, the performance of the uuid getter is critical. So I assume it would be best to make it the primary key.
I'm working on Grails 2.5.4 and will be switching to Grails 3 in the next months. So the solution should be working in both worlds of Grails.
In this case it is better to use .findByUuid() and add an index to the field to maintain performance.
I can't comment but i think here is your solution
How to change primary key column in grails?
static mapping = {
id name: 'uuid'
static mapping = {
id column: 'uiid', type: 'String'

GORM creating tables with base class name instead concrete class name

I Have the following domains in my gorm package:
package gorm
class Domain {
String createdBy
static constraints = {
static mapping = {
tablePerHierarchy true
package gorm
class User extends Domain {
String name
static constraints = {
I want a table named user with the fields of the base class domain, but instead GROM generate a table whit this specification
create table domain
id bigint auto_increment
primary key,
version bigint not null,
created_by varchar(255) not null,
class varchar(255) not null,
name varchar(255) null
I'm using mysql driver with grails 2.5.6.
It generates the table with the name as domain because you are using tablePerHierarchy true in your mapping.
Basically, you will get one table where you can set different discriminators for the subclasses.
See here for more information on inheritance strategies:
(scroll down to: 7.2.3 Inheritance in GORM)
If you simply want schema-export to generate your table with the name as user, then you would need to add the following to your mapping block in the Domain class:
table 'user'
so the entire mapping block would look like:
static mapping = {
table 'user'
tablePerHierarchy true
However, this may not make sense to name the table user if you have other classes extend from Domain.
(and if you don't plan to have other classes extend from Domain, then just add your fields into your User domain).
If you want to generate two tables (Domain and User), then set tablePerHierachy false.
Here is a great write-up with examples that may help you decide which way you want to go for your project:
As a side note: I'm not keen on the name Domain for a domain class; it is too generic and may get confusing when you are talking about the specific Domain class vs domain classes. At least name it BaseDomain.

legacy tables: none-id field named id

I am using a legacy database which has a field "usernr" as the primary key and a field "id" holding the user name. I added a mapping to get the usernr setup as the identifying property:
class User {
Long usernr
String id
String password
static mapping = {
id name: 'usernr', generator: 'sequence', params: [sequence: 'usernr']
But a scaffolding controller is not showing the id field itself. Since "id" seems to be a reserved keyword for mapping, I'm not sure if there is any way to get this setup correctly. Any suggestions?

How do I change the name of a Grails domain class id field?

I have a Grails 2.2.3 domain class called FundType that I am trying to map to a legacy database table. It has two fields: code and description. I would like the id to be called code anytime I use the domain class and preferably on any of the generated scaffolding. But every time I use the name key on id I get this exception:
| Error 2013-07-24 09:38:44,855 [localhost-startStop-1] ERROR context.GrailsContextLoader - Error initializing the application: Error evaluating ORM mappings block for domain []: null
Message: Error evaluating ORM mappings block for domain []: null
This is what my domain class consists of:
class FundType {
String id
String description
static mapping = {
id column: 'fund_code', generator: 'assigned', name: 'code'
description column: 'fund_desc'
And anytime I am using a FundType instance I would like to call code like fundTypeInstance.code and NOT This will make it more user friendly for me because I'm dealing with something called code, not id.
So I would like to know is what I'd like to do possible? And what am I doing wrong in my domain class that is causing this ORM mappings error?
Okay, so I changed my domain class to the following and I am getting a FundType not found with ID null error.
class FundType {
String code
String description
static mapping = {
id generator: 'assigned', name: 'code'
code column: 'fund_code'
description column: 'fund_desc'
I added some sql logging to see what Hibernate is doing and this is what was output: select * from ( select this_.FUND_CODE as RTVFTYP1_1_0_, this_.FUND_DESC as RTVFTYP2_1_0_ from RTVFTYP this_ ) where rownum <= ?
Use String code instead of String id in the domain class.
You are deliberately mentioning to the GORM that I want to use the property code which maps to table column fund_code whose value is assigned as the id (primary key). In that case, you just need to have the property codedefined in the domain class instead of the id.
(I'm answering the fix that worked for me for future use by other programmers)
#dmahapatro was right, I needed to add String code.
It looks like naming the id something different just doesn't play well with Grails dynamic scaffolding. I did some tests and I can still use FundType.get(code) and it will return the object just as if I passed in an id. I can also do FundType.findByCode(code).
It looks like I have to change the scaffolded controller to expect a String id instead of the default Long id. I also have to change the scaffolded list view to send fundTypeInstance.code instead of to the show controller, but I suspect that adding a getId() that just returns this.code will fix that.

Putting entries from a list property into a statically mapped joinTable

I have a domain class called FoapRequest. I want one of the properties called "approver" to be a list of integers. Order matters, so I've defined the class as described by,ListsAndMaps as a list:
class FoapRequest {
Integer requester
Integer subject
List approver
static hasMany = [foap:FOAP, newFoap:NewFoap, approver:Integer]
Just for clarification, FOAP and NewFoap are two other domain objects.
I need to map this class to a particular table in the Oracle database, so I also specify a static mapping with a join table:
static mapping = {
id column : 'ID', generator:'sequence', params: [sequence:'OUR_SCHEMA.FOAP_REQUEST_SEQ']
requester column : 'REQUESTER'
subject column : 'SUBJECT'
approver indexColumn: [name: "APPROVER_IDX"], generator:'sequence', params: [sequence:'OUR_SCHEMA.APPROVER_SEQ'],
column: 'APPROVER_PIDM',
type: "integer"
However, when I try to create a new instance of the FoapRequest object, I get the following error:
Invalid column type
The console displays the following:
Error 2012-08-01 12:29:31,619 [http-bio-8080-exec-9] ERROR errors.GrailsExceptionResolver - SQLException occurred when processing request: [POST] /FOAPauth/foapRequest/saveFoapRequests - parameters:
I am certain that the issue lies with the jointable. The domain model didn't include the joinTable originally- approver was just an Integer type (I realized too late that I was going to need to track multiple approvers).
Here's the SQL for creating the APPROVERS table:
I'd prefer to avoid creating an Approver domain class if at all possible, since all I really need to keep track of are the integer identifiers.
So, after much janking with join tables, I determined that the best way to deal with my needs was to simply create an Approver object in my domain model.
class Approver {
Integer pidm
String approvalDecision
Date lastUpdated
Date dateCreated
static belongsTo = [foap: FOAP]
To be honest, I'm not really sure why I was trying so hard to avoid this. Possibly because my DBAs use a version control system for table definitions that I find a hair annoying. :)
Regardless, a simple one-to-many relationship between domain classes met all my needs, no join table required.
For those who are still burning to know, I did manage to get a statically mapped join table working using a Map, which was more appropriate for my needs (though not as appropriate for them as a new domain class, and not nearly as simple).
I ended up doing it in a different domain object- FOAP instead of FoapRequest:
import java.util.Map
class FOAP {
Map approvalData
static mapping = {
id column : 'ID', generator:'jpl.hibernate.util.TriggerAssignedIdentityGenerator'
fund column : 'FUND'
org column : 'ORG'
chartOfAccounts column : 'CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS'
permissionType column: 'PERMISSION_TYPE'
foapRequest column: 'REQUEST_ID'
version column : 'VERSION'
approvalData joinTable: [name:'OURSCHEMA.FOAP_APPROVERS',
key: 'FOAP'
For the table definition, I used the column names similar to those in my original question.
The IDX column was the map object's key, the DLT column its value. I'd recommend against this approach, for anyone who can avoid it. Creating a new domain object is much simpler.
