Google Sync the calendar on iOS - ios

I am quite new to iOS, and I would appreciate if you can give me a clue on how to tackle this issue.
I am planning a mobile application and a cloud service to require "Google calendar is sync with the calendars on mobile devices" ( namely iPhone, iPad, and Android )
On Android, I can read calendar's event id from our Android app. If I change event attributes such as tile and time etc, the event id stays unchanged, and it seems to be a good way to associate our meta data to it (i.e. event id).
On iOS side, if I enable Google Sync, the events I defined on web still appear on the calendar on iOS. My question is "Can I problematically get event id that are assigned on Google Calendar?"
The following link says
"EKEvent's eventIdentifier is likely to be changed when event changes"
... so my guess is that this field does not reflect event id from Google calendar.
I appreciate any suggestions.

Usually the event identifier is of the form:
for a google sync calendar event.
If there was a change made to one of the recurring calendar events the identifier can also have exception date at the end:<!ExceptionDate>20121025


iOS: Open a Calendar app New Event screen with populated date

Is it possible to redirect a user to Calendar app New Event screen programmatically with populated start and end dates? I am aware of Introduction to Calendars and Reminders, but that seems to be an overkill. I have also tried calshow://, but didn't seem to work either or I am couldn't find a correct scheme.

Creating a Calendar Event with Start and End time in Parse

I am working with a third party developer who is assisting me with developing an App for my business. We are using Parse as the backend service provider. One of my requirements for my App is I need to create a page to allow users to input an Event that includes a date as well as a start and end time. It is similar to creating an Event in Google Calendar where you can select a date from their calendar icon as well as start and end time. The developer I am working with was able to create the calendar, but said, "there was not a field to indicate the hours of the event. We require these fields on parse." Is this a limitation of Parse?

Add Invitees to calendar event programmatically iOS

I've been trying to look for the answer to this quite some time.
Apple EventKit documentation isn't allowing changing meeting invitees programmatically since those properties in an EKEvent are read-only.
I'm trying to find a way to create a calendar meeting (not necessary using EventKit), adding invitees to the meeting and setting it programatically.
Any solution will be great,
As you already figured out you cannot currently write meeting fields in iOS (AFAIK EventKit is the only API giving you access to the calendar database on iOS).
If you know what kind of account it is (and get the credentials from the user), you could sidetrack EventKit and directly create meetings on the server. Eg using EWS when the account is on Exchange or CalDAV when the account is on iCloud or Apple Calendar Server etc.
And finally you always have the option to send out meeting invites via iMIP. Though you would still need to get the event into the users calendar (so that replies have a target). Depends on your useless whether this is useful.

iOS parse calendar for events

For my school Virginia Tech I am trying to make an iOS application where a student can view all the events happening on campus, see who is going and make their own events and invite friends to them. VT currently has a calendar web app for their events:
Could anyone show me the way (or the basic gist) of parsing these events, and getting their information, such as what you learn by clicking on the event for an iphone application. What type of event it is, the price of the event, and the location.
Thank you

iOS: Create calendar with uneditable events?

From an app, is there a way to programmatically create a calendar with events that are uneditable? Or, what is the best way to achieve this as close as possible?
For example, Facebook events have a unique "Event Details" screen with their custom details. The user cannot edit the event from iCal, but instead have to click "View on Facebook".
1) I've explored creating local calendars and iCloud calendars but the user can easily edit the events and the calendars, including removing them, from iCal.
2) From the app, I cannot seem to create a new EKSource to have total control of the calendars I create in that source. Creating a new calendar in the existing CalDAV source also doesn't make it appear.
3) The EKCalendar class has an allowsContentModifications property, but it is readonly and cannot be modified.
Official response from Apple Developer Technical Support:
Our engineers have reviewed your request and have concluded that there
is no supported way to achieve the desired functionality given the
currently shipping system configurations.
So as of right now there isn't a way to do this.
