Delphi Unicode and Console - delphi

I am writing a C# application that interfaces with a pair of hardware sensors. Unfortunately the only interface that is exposed on the devices requires a provided dll written in Delphi.
I am writing a Delphi executable wrapper that takes calls the necessary functions for the DLL and returns the sensor data over stout. However, the return type of this data is a PWideChar (or PChar) and I have been unable to convert it to ansi for printing on command line.
If I directly pass the data to WriteLn, I get '?' for each character. If I look through the array of characters and attempt to print them one at a time with an Ansi Conversion, only a few of the characters print (they do confirm the data though) and they will often print out of order. (printing with the index exposed simply jumps around.) I also tried converting the PWideChar's to integer straight: 'I' corresponds to 21321. I could potentially figure out all the conversions, but some of the data has a multitude of values.
I am unsure of what version of Delphi the dll uses, but I believe it is 4. Definately prior to 7.
Any help is appreciated!
TLDR: Need to convert UTF-16 PWideChar to AnsiString for printing.
Example application:
program SensorReadout;
{$R *.res}
dllFuncUnit in 'dllFuncUnit.pas'; //This is my dll interface.
var state: integer;
answer: PChar;
I: integer;
J: integer;
output: string;
ch: char;
for I := 0 to 9 do
answer:= GetDeviceChannelInfo_HSI(1, Ord('a'), I, state); //DLL Function, returns a PChar with the results. See example in comments.
if state = HSI_NO_ERRORCODE then
output:= '';
for J := 0 to length(answer) do
ch:= answer[J]; //This copies the char. Originally had an AnsiChar convert here.
output:= output + ch;
on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
The issue was PAnsiChar needed to be the return type of the function sourced from the DLL.

To convert PWideChar to AnsiString:
function WideCharToAnsiString(P: PWideChar): AnsiString;
Result := P;
The code converts from UTF-16, null-terminated PWideChar to AnsiString. If you are getting question marks in the output then either your input is not UTF-16, or it contains characters that cannot be encoded in your ANSI codepage.
My guess is that what is actually happening is that your Delphi DLL was created with a pre-Unicode Delphi and so uses ANSI text. But now you are trying to link to it from a post-Unicode Delphi where PChar has a different meaning. I'm sure Rob explained this to you in your other question. So you can simply fix it by declaring your DLL import to return PAnsiChar rather than PChar. Like this:
function GetDeviceChannelInfo_HSI(PortNumber, Address, ChNumber: Integer;
var State: Integer): PAnsiChar; stdcall; external DLL_FILENAME;
And when you have done this you can assign to a string variable in a similar vein as I describe above.
What you need to absorb is that in older versions of Delphi, PChar is an alias for PAnsiChar. In modern Delphi it is an alias for PWideChar. That mismatch would explain everything that you report.
It does occur to me that writing a Delphi wrapper to the DLL and communicating via stdout with your C# app is a very roundabout approach. I'd just p/invoke the DLL directly from the C# code. You seem to think that this is not possible, but it is quite simple.
static extern IntPtr GetDeviceChannelInfo_HSI(
int PortNumber,
int Address,
int ChNumber,
ref int State
Call the function like this:
IntPtr ptr = GetDeviceChannelInfo_HSI(Port, Addr, Channel, ref State);
If the function returns a UTF-16 string (which seems doubtful) then you can convert the IntPtr like this:
string str = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ptr);
Or if it is actually an ANSI string which seems quite likely to me then you do it like this:
string str = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr);
And then of course you'll want to call into your DLL to deallocate the string pointer that was returned to you, assuming it was allocated on the heap.

Changed my mind on the comment - I'll make it an answer:)
According to that code if "state" is a code <> HSI_NO_ERRORCODE and there is no exception then it will write the uninitialised string "output" to the console. Which could be anything including accidentally showing "S" and "4" and a series of 1 or more question marks

type of answer(variable) is PChar. use length function good for string variable.
use strlen instead of length.
for J := 0 to StrLen(answer)-1 do
also accessible range of PChar(char *) is 0..n-1

To convert UTF-16 PWideChar to AnsiString you can use simple cast:
WStr: WideString;
pWStr: PWideString;
AStr: AnsiString;
WStr := 'test';
pWStr := PWideString(WStr);
AStr := AnsiString(WideString(pWStr));


E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'StrPas' that can be called with these arguments

My code :
function ThisModuleName: Char; //bulo String
p: array [0..512] of char;
fileNamePart: pchar;
GetModuleFileName(HInstance, #p[0], 512);
GetFullPathName(#p[0], 512, #p[0], fileNamePart);
result := StrPas(WideString(#p[0])); //stalo WideString
In Delphi 7 compiles.
In Delphi 10.2 it gives an error:
[dcc32 Error] verinfo.pas(98): E2250 There is no overloaded version of 'StrPas' that can be called with these arguments
This code is wrong on all Delphi versions. I doubt it compiles anywhere. I'm guessing that the code you presented is not the Delphi 7 code, but rather the code after you've hacked at it for a while.
The return type should be string and not char. Furthermore, the cast to WideString is bogus. Finally, a zero-based array of characters can be treated as PChar.
Your function should be translated like so:
function ThisModuleName: string;
p: array [0..511] of Char;
fileNamePart: PChar;
GetModuleFileName(HInstance, p, Length(p));
GetFullPathName(p, Length(p), p, fileNamePart);
Result := p;
Having said all of that, while this is a faithful translation of the code in the question, it does not return a module name. I really don't know what your code is trying to do, but the call to GetFullPathName appears to be wrong in your code.
My guess is that you are trying to convert potential short 8.3 file names to long names. I believe that you need an extra buffer to make that work. Here's what that code looks like, with some error checking added:
function ThisModuleName: string;
ModuleFileName, Buffer: array [0..511] of Char;
FilePart: PChar;
Win32Check(GetModuleFileName(HInstance, ModuleFileName, Length(ModuleFileName))<>0);
Win32Check(GetFullPathName(ModuleFileName, Length(Buffer), Buffer, FilePart)<>0);
Result := Buffer;
Instead of asking a question for every problem you encounter in your porting project it might pay dividends to learn a bit more about Unicode Delphi.
Instead of calling the API directly, you can call System.SysUtils.GetModuleName, which simply returns a string.
It wraps GetModuleFilename, and by doing so it also shows how to call that function. I hope I'm allowed to quote a couple of lines from the unit mentioned above. It also uses the MAX_PATH constant, which contains the maximum length of a path.
Note that GetModuleFilename already returns a fully qualified path, so calling GetFullPathName afterwards is redundant.
function GetModuleName(Module: HMODULE): string;
ModName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
SetString(Result, ModName, GetModuleFileName(Module, ModName, Length(ModName)));
This is mainly useful if you want the path of a dll, if you're interested in the main executable, you can simply use Application.ExeName.

Insert an emoji inside a string in Delphi 2007 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Handling a Unicode String in Delphi Versions <= 2007
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm trying to do exactly what the title say, insert an emoji into a string in Delphi 2007, just like the example below :
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var s : string;
s := 'This is my original string (y)';
s := ansireplacestr(s,'(y)','👍');
I can even paste the emoji into IDE's code, but in runtime showmessage results in this :
This is my original string ????
Is there a way to achieve this task in Delphi 2007 ? Due to several reasons i can't upgrade Delphi right now.
Someone said my question is solved on this topic :
Handling a Unicode String in Delphi Versions <= 2007
But this topic just says to use third-party components, without telling exactly how to do it.
EDIT : After suggested, i tried to use the functions pos, delete and insert and a widestring var :
function addEmoji(mystring : widestring) : widestring;
var r, aux : widestring;
p : integer;
r := mystring;
while pos('(y)',r) > 0 do
aux := r;
p := pos('(y)',aux);
r := aux;
result := r;
But the result is the '(y)' replaced by '????'.
In Delphi 2007, the default string type is AnsiString. Emojis require Unicode handling, as they use high Unicode codepoints that simply do not fit/exist in most commonly used Ansi encodings. So you need to use a Unicode UTF encoding instead (UTF-7, -8, -16, or -32).
You can use AnsiString for UTF-71, or UTF8String2 for UTF-8, or WideString for UTF-16, or UCS4String3 for UTF-32.
1: UTF-7 is a 7-bit ASCII compatible encoding.
2: UTF8String does exist in Delphi 2007 (it was introduced in Delphi 6), but it is not a true UTF-8 string type, it is just an alias for AnsiString with the expectation that it always holds UTF-8 encoded data. You have to use UTF8Encode() and UTF8Decode() to ensure proper conversions to other encodings via UTF-16. UTF8String did not become a true UTF-8 string type until Delphi 2009 (UTF8Encode() and UTF8Decode() were also deprecated).
3: UCS4String also exists since Delphi 6, but it is not a true string type at all (even in modern Delphi versions). It is just an alias for array of UCS4Char.
The RTL doesn't have any native support for UTF-7 (but it is not hard to implement manually), and very little support for UTF-32 (only to facilitate conversions between UTF-16 <-> UTF-32), so you should stick with UTF-8 or UTF-16 in your code.
You are going to lose Emoji data if you convert UTF data to Ansi, such as if you pass a WideString to ShowMessage(). You can pass a WideString to the Win32 API MessageBoxW() function instead, and you won't have any data loss, however the Emoji may or may not appear correctly depending on the font used by the dialog (but it won't appear as ??, at least).
However, the native RTL in Delphi 2007 simply does not support what you are attempting, at least not for UTF-16. You would have to find a 3rd party WideString-based function, or just write your own using the RTL's Pos(), Delete(), and Insert() intrinsic functions, which are overloaded for WideString data, eg:
function WideReplaceStr(const S, FromText, ToText: WideString): WideString;
I: Integer;
Result := S;
I := Pos(FromText, Result);
if I = 0 then Break;
Delete(Result, I, Length(FromText));
Insert(ToText, Result, I);
until False;
s : WideString;
s := 'This is my original string (y)';
s := WideReplaceStr(s, '(y)', '👍');
MessageBoxW(0, PWideChar(s), '', MB_OK);
However, using UTF-8, you can accomplish the same thing using the native RTL, but you still can't use ShowMessage() (well, you could, but it won't show non-ASCII characters correctly):
s : UTF8String;
s := UTF8Encode('This is my original string (y)');
s := AnsiReplaceStr(s, '(y)', UTF8Encode('👍'));
MessageBoxW(0, PWideChar(UTF8Decode(s)), '', MB_OK);
Either way, make sure your code editor is set to save the .pas file in UTF-8, otherwise you can't use the literal '👍', you would have to use something more like this instead:
Emoji: WideString;
SetLength(Emoji, 2);
Emoji[1] := WideChar($D83D);
Emoji[2] := WideChar($DC4D);
Then you can do this:
var s: WideString;
s := WideReplaceStr(s, '(y)', Emoji);
var s: UTF8String;
s := AnsiReplaceStr(s, '(y)', UTF8Encode(Emoji));

delphi modify pchar at runtime

I need to modify pchar string at runtime.
Help me with this code:
s[0]:=#32; // SO HERE I HAVE EXCEPTION !!!
Now i have exception in Delphi 7 !
My project is not using native pascal strings (no any windows.pas classes and others)
String literals are read only and cannot be modified. Hence the runtime error. You'll need to use a variable.
S: array[0..6] of Char;
// Populate S with your own library function
S[0] := #32;
Since you aren't using the Delphi runtime library you'll need to come up with your own functions to populate character arrays. For instance, you can write your own StrLen, StrCopy etc. You'll want to make versions that are passed destination buffer lengths to ensure that you don't overrun said buffers.
Of course, not using the built in string type will be inconvenient. You might need to come up with something a little more powerful than ad hoc character arrays.
You can:
procedure StrCopy(destination, source: PChar);
// Iterate source until you find #0
// and copy all characters to destination.
// Remember to allocate proper amount of memory
// (length of source string and a null terminator)
// for destination before StrCopy() call
str: array[0..9] of Char;
StrCopy(str, '123123');

Cast from RawByteString to string does automatically invoke UTF8Decode?

I want to store arbitary binary data as BLOB into a SQlite database.
The data will be added as value with this function:
procedure TSQLiteDatabase.AddParamText(name: string; value: string);
Now I want to convert a WideString into its UTF8 representation, so it can be stored to the database. After calling UTF8Encode and storing the result into the database, I noticed that the data inside the database is not UTF8 decoded. Instead, it is encoded as AnsiString in my computer's locale.
I ran following test to check what happened:
{$IFDEF Unicode}
TBinary = RawByteString;
TBinary = AnsiString;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
original: WideString;
blob: TBinary;
original := 'ä';
blob := UTF8Encode(original);
// Delphi 6: ä (as expected)
// Delphi XE4: ä (unexpected! How did it do an automatic UTF8Decode???)
After the character "ä" has been converted to UTF8, the data is correct in memory ("ä"), however, as soon as I pass the TBinary value to a function (as string or AnsiString), Delphi XE4 does a "magic typecast" invoking UTF8Decode for some reason I don't know.
I have already found a workaround to avoid this:
function RealUTF8Encode(AInput: WideString): TBinary;
tmp: TBinary;
tmp := UTF8Encode(AInput);
SetLength(result, Length(tmp));
CopyMemory(#result[1], #tmp[1], Length(tmp));
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
original: WideString;
blob: TBinary;
original := 'ä';
blob := RealUTF8Encode(original);
// Delphi 6: ä (as expected)
// Delphi XE4: ä (as expected)
However, this workaround with RealUTF8Encode looks dirty to me and I would like to understand why a simple call of UTF8Encode did not work and if there is a better solution.
In Ansi versions of Delphi (prior to D2009), UTF8Encode() returns a UTF-8 encoded AnsiString. In Unicode versions (D2009 and later), it returns a UTF-8 encoded RawByteString with a code page of CP_UTF8 (65001) assigned to it.
In Ansi versions, ShowMessage() takes an AnsiString as input, and the UTF-8 string is an AnsiString, so it gets displayed as-is. In Unicode versions, ShowMessage() takes a UTF-16 encoded UnicodeString as input, so the UTF-8 encoded RawByteString gets converted to UTF-16 using its assigned CP-UTF8 code page.
If you actually wrote the blob data directly to the database you would find that it may or may not be UTF-8 encoded, depending on how you are writing it. But your approach is wrong; the use of RawByteString is incorrect in this situation. RawByteString is meant to be used as a procedure parameter only. Do not use it as a local variable. That is the source of your problem. From the documentation:
The purpose of RawByteString is to reduce the need for multiple
overloads of procedures that read string data. This means that
parameters of routines that process strings without regard for the
string's code page should typically be of type RawByteString.
RawByteString should only be used as a parameter type, and only in
routines which otherwise would need multiple overloads for AnsiStrings
with different codepages. Such routines need to be written with care
for the actual codepage of the string at run time.
For Unicode versions of Delphi, instead of RawByteString, I would suggest that you use TBytes to hold your UTF-8 data, and encode it with TEncoding:
utf8: TBytes;
str: string;
str := ...;
utf8 := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
You are looking for a data type that does not perform implicit text encodings when passed around, and TBytes is that type.
For Ansi versions of Delphi, you can use AnsiString, WideString and UTF8Encode exactly as you do.
Personally however, I would recommend using TBytes consistently for your UTF-8 data. So if you need a single code base that supports Ansi and Unicode compilers (ugh!) then you should create some helpers:
{$IFDEF Unicode}
function GetUTF8Bytes(const Value: string): TBytes;
Result := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Value);
function GetUTF8Bytes(const Value: WideString): TBytes;
utf8str: UTF8String;
utf8str := UTF8Encode(Value);
SetLength(Result, Length(utf8str));
Move(Pointer(utf8str)^, Pointer(Result)^, Length(utf8str));
The Ansi version incurs more heap allocations than are necessary. You might well choose to write a more efficient helper that calls WideCharToMultiByte() directly.
In Unicode versions of Delphi, if for some reason you don't want to use TBytes for UTF-8 data, you can use UTF8String instead. This is a special AnsiString that always uses the CP_UTF8 code page. You can then write:
utf8: UTF8String;
str: string;
utf8 := str;
and the compiler will convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8 behind the scenes for you. I would not recommend this though, because it is not supported on mobile platforms, or in Ansi versions of Delphi (UTF8String has existed since Delphi 6, but it was not a true UTF-8 string until Delphi 2009). That is, amongst other reasons, why I suggest that you use TBytes. My philosophy is, at least in the Unicode age, that there is the native string type, and any other encoding should be held in TBytes.

Passing parameters from Delphi 5 to Delphi DLL XE

I have a Delphi 5 application in the application code calls a function in the DLL, passing integer and string parameters, this works well when the DLL is called in a static way, when I try to dynamically change does not work.
which is the correct way to pass parameters to function dynamically?
the code is as follows
main application
function Modulo_Pptos_Operacion(No_Orden : Integer; pathBD : string; PathBDConf : String) : Integer ; stdcall;
external 'LIB_Pptos_Oper.dll';
DmDatos.CiasPATHA.AsString, 'Alguna String');
Modulo_Pptos_Operacion function (No_Orden: Integer; PathDB: AnsiString; PathDBConfig: AnsiString): Integer; StdCall;
main application
TDLLPpto = function(No_Orden : Integer; PathDB : AnsiString; PathDBConfig : AnsiString) : Integer;
DLLHandle: THandle;
: TDLLPpto;
DLLHandle := LoadLibrary('LIB_Pptos_Oper.dll');
DLLHandle <> 0 then
#DLLPpto := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle, 'Modulo_Pptos_Operacion');
which is the right way?
The problem is probably that you are mixing different runtimes and probably different heaps. Delphi strings are not valid interop types because their implementations vary from version to version.
In this case you can simply switch to using null-terminated strings, PAnsiChar.
In the case of dynamically loaded dll you omitted stdcall; calling convention directive in the declaration of TDLLPpto. Still it is advisable to use PAnsiChar type to pass strings across executable boundaries.
The layout of ansistring has changed with Delphi XE: now there is also a codepage field at negative offset and D5 does not have that. EG: strings from D5 and DXE are utterly incompatible. Thus you should use PAnsiChar or PWideChar in your interface, either zero terminated (Delphi strings are always zero terminated) of introduce an extra parameter with the length if the string might contain #$00 bytes.
Also: the different Delphi versions both have different memory managers. If a string is allocated by the main app and freed by the DLL (strings are reference counted) the pointer get's passed to the wrong memory manager which usually results in corrupted memory and thus nasty Access Violations etc.
Another solution is to use WideString; this is both in D5 en DXE equal to a COM BSTR stringtype and managed by the OS and not the Delphi memory manager. They are compatible. The only problem is: they are slow compared to the Delphi strings and are not ref counted.
In all: when using DLL interfaces, try to avoid string, use PAnsiChar or PWideChar, or WideString
