How to get the value of the element selected in ListView JQUERYMOBILE - jquery-mobile

Hi i'm developping a simple listView that lists the column "firstname" of my table : i want to get the selected value (name) , i found this link but it shows he how to get the index and not the value of the selected item
here's my code :
<div id="popup-bg">
<div id="popup-box">
<div data-role="page" id="home">
<div data-role="header">
<div data-role="content">
<ul data-role="listview" id="artiste" >
js :
function successCB()
db.transaction(queryDB, errorCB);
function queryDB(tx)
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM Players ', [], querySuccess, errorCB);
function querySuccess(tx, results)
var len = results.rows.length;
var dataset= results.rows;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
{ item = dataset.item(i);
$("#artiste").append( "<li data-theme='c'><a href='game.html'>
<img src='images/avatar.jpg'><h3>"+item['firstName']+"</h3></a></li>" );

There isn't a "value" for an item in a list using the li tag. However, you can get the text of what's in that list element using the jQuery .text() method. I've modified the jsfiddle you referenced to do exactly that:
You might want to consider adding another attribute to the li tag, such as data-name (you can make up the attribute) and then you can get that via the jQuery .attr() method. For example, you might change you append code to do:
$("#artiste").append( "<li data-theme='c' data-name='"+item['firstName']+"'><a href='game.html'>
<img src='images/avatar.jpg'><h3>"+item['firstName']+"</h3></a></li>" );
And then attach your click handler like this:
$('#artiste').children('li').on('click', function () {
alert('Selected Name=' + $(this).attr('data-name'));
I don't think this is necessarily the best structure or approach to take, but it will accomplish what you're asking.


some reason Cannot read property addEventListener of null

I got this error. I tried to dinamicly add some html tags by JS.. And there is a ID name is well what I need for addEventListener. But I dont know how to fix it.. If I change '#answer-' + i to .answers is working.. But this is not solution because I could click for any button without get the clicked ID..
Questions.prototype.displayQuestion = function() {
let answer = [];
questionDOM.innerHTML = this.question;
let correct = this.correct;
for(let i = 0; i < this.answer.length; i++){
<div id="answer-${i}" class="answer">
<div class="check"></div>
document.querySelector('#answer-' + i).addEventListener('click', function() {
if(i === correct) {
document.querySelector('#answer-' + correct).classList.add('animate__animated', 'animate__heartBeat');
} else if (i !== correct) {
answerDOM.innerHTML = answer.join('');
<div class="container">
<div class="question">
<div class="questionbox animate__animated animate__bounce">
<h2 id="question"></h2>
<div class="answers"></div>
<script src="app.js"></script>
You are pushing to your answers array but not actually adding the nodes to the dom. You want to do something like document.body.innerHTML += answer[i] before you try to get the element by id. I can also see that your loop won't execute because the length of answer is initially zero before you add to it within the loop. You need to add to answer before the loop or change the loop condition to <= this.answer.length <--- but that is an infinite loop

GAS PropertiesService to Save and Return Sort Order

How can I use PropertiesService to store an array from index.html, send the array to, and return the array in index.html?
In a Google Web App, I have a group of sortable lists (made using JQuery UI Sortable). I want to save the most recent order/position of each li. I'm attempting to have that order/position "persist" when the page is refreshed or closed.
If you see the default Sortable, you could change the order of the items. If you refreshed the page, or closed it and return, the items would be in their original order.
I am able to get the array to show up in the console, but I don't know how to get it back to I think I am now, but I'm not sure. Beyond that, I don't know how to "read" that PropertiesService so that the array is returned to index.html. I'm not really sure what I'm doing so if someone could slow walk me it would be appreciated!
I also looked into writing directly to the spreadsheet where the values originate. I'm not really sure how to do that either. I made some attempts, and was able to get "undefined" as a value in a spreadsheet cell.
FULL CODE (note: the list items are formed using an array, so they will not show up here):
function doGet() {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('index');
function webAppTest() {
function getTeamArray() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('TEST');
var range = sheet.getRange(2, 1, 1000, 1);
var values = range.getValues();
var teamsArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
var uniqueArray = [];
for (var i in teamsArray) {
if ((uniqueArray[uniqueArray.length - 1] != teamsArray[i]) && (teamsArray[i] !== "")) {
return uniqueArray;
function savePositions(myProperty, positions) {
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty("myProperty", JSON.stringify(positions));
function getPositions() {
var returnedObj = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties()
<div id="myList" class="connectedSortable">MY LIST</div>
<table id=table1>
<div id="team1">
<p>TEAM 1</p>
<div id="group" v>SELECTED</div>
<ul id="team1s" name='team1s' class="connectedSortable"></ul>
<div id="group">ALTERNATE</div>
<ul id="team1a" name='team1a' class="connectedSortable"></ul>
<table id=table2>
<div id="team2">
<p>TEAM 2</p>
<div id="group" v>SELECTED</div>
<ul id="team2s" name='team2s' class="connectedSortable"></ul>
<div id="group">ALTERNATE</div>
<ul id="team2a" name='team2a' class="connectedSortable"></ul>
<table id=table3>
<div id="team3">
<p>TEAM 3</p>
<div id="group" v>SELECTED</div>
<ul id="team3s" name='team3s' class="connectedSortable"></ul>
<div id="group">ALTERNATE</div>
<ul id="team3a" name='team3a' class="connectedSortable"></ul>
<table id=table4>
<div id="team4">
<p>TEAM 4</p>
<div id="group" v>SELECTED</div>
<ul id="team4s" name='team4s' class="connectedSortable"></ul>
<div id="group">ALTERNATE</div>
<ul id="team4a" name='team4a' class="connectedSortable"></ul>
$(function() {
function buildOptionsList(uniqueArray) {
var div = document.getElementById('myList');
for (var i = 0; i < uniqueArray.length; i++) {
var ul = document.createElement('ul');
var li = document.createElement('li');
var cLass = li.setAttribute('class', 'ui-state-default');
var iD = li.setAttribute('id', uniqueArray[i]);
$(function() {
$("#myList, #team1s, #team1a, #team2s, #team2a, #team2s, #team3s, #team3a, #team4s, #team4a").sortable({
connectWith: ".connectedSortable",
update: function(event, ui) {
var changedList =;
var order = $(this).sortable('toArray');
var positions = order.join(';');
id: changedList,
positions: positions
//Instead of using JSON to save, can I use the spreadsheet itself to save the positions and then pull it from there as I did with "buildOptionsList" above?
function saveList() {"myProperty", JSON.stringify(positions));
$(function getPositions(event, ui) {
var changedList =;
var order = $(this).sortable('toArray');
var positions = order.join(';');
id: changedList,
positions: positions
It's also possible to just use the browser's localStorage client side.
localStorage.setItem('id', positions); //Store positions in users browser
localStorage.getItem('id'); //Retrieve the stored positions later
For this to work, the url(document.domain of the iframe="*") from which your script is deployed must remain constant. During my brief testing, it was constant even when changing from /dev to /exec of the parent( and even during version update. But there's no official reference.
This solution is better than properties service, if you have multiple users, as each one will have their own data stored in their own browsers and there are no server calls during each change.
Using simple example:
function sendStringToServer() {
var string=$('#text1').val();
Google Script:
function myFunction() {
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('MyString', string);
return "String was saved in Service";
Client to Server Communication

jQueryMobile Change listview's item attributes dynamically

I want to change dynamically (click event) a data-theme of a list item in a jQueryMobile listview. Firebug shows me that the change is performed but the list is not refreshed. (If I add elements it works, but with attribute changes the list won't be refreshed.) For example I want to change the data-theme from c to f when the item is clicked.
I tried everything I read in this forum, from trigger('mouseout') over trigger('create') on parents to refreshing the whole page, but no effect at all, so I guess I am blind to see something obvious. Maybe somebody can give me a hint... :)
function fillList() {
var li = '<li data-theme="c">List item</li>';
$("#alist").empty().append(li).promise().done(function () {
$(this).off("click").on("click", ".info", function (e) {
var theLiElem = $(this).closest('li');
$(document).on("pageinit", "#info-page", function () {
<div data-role="page" id="info-page">
<div data-role="content">
<ul data-role="listview" id="alist" data-inset="true">
Kind regards,
Steve Div tags in a for loop

Is it possible to include div tags within a for loop in an page and assign its id dynamically so that I can refer a particular div tag with the assigned id in a jquery script.
I want to do something like below.
#for(var i = 0; i < projectCountGlobal; i++)
<div id="i" > // id should be assigned dynamically
<div id="ProjectImage">
<div id="ProjectName">
<div id="Experts">
<div id="ExpertImage">
<div id="ExpertName">
From the snippet it seems like you are doing razor view so you can simply do like this,
<div id="#i" >
that shall do the trick.
i you can do this using following code snippet:
$('.topopup').hover(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
$('body').append('<div id=' + i + '>a</div>');
// HTML code on page
Click Here
<div id="toPopup" style="display:none;">
<div id="popup_content">Rahul Deshmukh</div>
<div id="backgroundPopup"></div>
<div id="containerDiv"></div>
here i am appending div inside body tag for this you need to add min.js also in your peoject folder
here "topopup" is a anchor tag and on the mouse over of this anchor tag, i am adding div inside body tag.

backbone view passed to jQuery Mobile

I've been trying to use backbonejs and jqm together.
I can render the main page alright. The page has a list that the user can tap on. The item selected should show a detail page with info on the list item selected. The detail page is a backbone view with a template that's rendered in the item's view object.
The detail's view .render() produces the html ok and I set the html of the div tag of the main page to the rendered item's detail markup. It looks like this:
podClicked: function (event) {
console.log("PodListItemView: got click from:" + + " id:" + (this.model.get("id") ? this.model.get("id") : "no id assigned") + "\n\t CID:" + this.model.cid);
var detailView = new PodDetailView({ model: this.model });
The detail view's render looks like this:
render: function () {
this.$el.html(this.template({ podId: this.model.get("podId"), isAbout_Name: this.model.get("isAbout_Name"), happenedOn: this.model.get("happenedOn") }));
var appPageHtml = $(app.el).html($(this.el));
$.mobile.changePage(""); // <-- vague stab in the dark to try to get JQM to do something. I've also tried $.mobile.changePage(appPageHtml).
console.log("PodDetailView: render");
return this;
I can see that the detail's view has been rendered on the page by checking Chrome's dev tools html editor but it's not displaying on the page. All I see is a blank page.
I've tried $.mobile.changePage() but, without an URL it throws an error.
How do I get JQM to apply it's class tags to the rendered html?
the HTML and templates look like this:
<!-- Main Page -->
<div id="lessa-app" class="meditator-image" data-role="page"></div>
<!-- The rest are templates processed through underscore -->
<script id="app-main-template" type="text/template">
<div data-role="header">
<!-- /header -->
<div id="main-content" data-role="content">
<div id="pod-list" data-theme="a">
<ul data-role="listview" >
<div id="main-footer" data-role='footer'>
<div id="newPod" class="ez-icon-plus"></div>
<script id="poditem-template" type="text/template">
<span class="pod-listitem"><%= isAbout_Name %></span> <span class='pod-listitem ui-li-aside'><%= happenedOn %></span> <span class='pod-listitem ui-li-count'>5</span>
<script id="page-pod-detail-template" type="text/template">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>Pod Details</h1>
<div data-role="content">
<div id='podDetailForm'>
<fieldset data-role="fieldcontain">
<label for="happenedOn">This was on:</label>
<input type="date" name="name" id="happenedOn" value="<%= happenedOn %>" />
<button id="backToList" data-inline="false">Back to list</button>
<div data-role='footer'></div>
Thanks in advance for any advice... is this even doable?
I've finally found a way to do this. My original code has several impediments to the success of this process.
The first thing to do is to intercept jquerymobile's (v.1.2.0) changePage event like this:
(I've adapted the outline from jqm's docs and left in the helpful comments: see
$(document).bind("pagebeforechange", function (e, data) {
// We only want to handle changePage() calls where the caller is
// asking us to load a page by URL.
if (typeof data.toPage === "string") {
// We are being asked to load a page by URL, but we only
// want to handle URLs that request the data for a specific
// category.
var u = $.mobile.path.parseUrl(data.toPage),
re = /^#/;
// don't intercept urls to the main page allow them to be managed by JQM
if (u.hash != "#lessa-app" && !== -1) {
// We're being asked to display the items for a specific category.
// Call our internal method that builds the content for the category
// on the fly based on our in-memory category data structure.
showItemDetail(u, data.options); // <--- handle backbone view.render calls in this function
// Make sure to tell changePage() we've handled this call so it doesn't
// have to do anything.
The changePage() call is made in the item's list backbone view events declaration which passes to the podClicked method as follows:
var PodListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: 'li', // name of (orphan) root tag in this.el
attributes: { 'class': 'pod-listitem' },
// Caches the templates for the view
listTemplate: _.template($('#poditem-template').html()),
events: {
"click .pod-listitem": "podClicked"
initialize: function () {
this.model.bind('change', this.render, this);
this.model.bind('destroy', this.remove, this);
render: function () {
this.$el.html(this.listTemplate({ podId: this.model.get("podId"), isAbout_Name: this.model.get("isAbout_Name"), happenedOn: this.model.get("happenedOn") }));
return this;
podClicked: function (event) {
$.mobile.changePage("#pod-detail-page?CID='" + this.model.cid + "'");
clear: function () {
In the 'showItemDetail' function the query portion of the url is parsed for the CID of the item's backbone model. Again I've adapted the code provided in the's link shown above.
Qestion: I have still figuring out whether it's better to have the code in showItemDetail() be inside the view's render() method. Having a defined function seems to detract from backbone's architecture model. On the other hand, having the render() function know about calling JQM changePage seems to violate the principle of 'separation of concerns'. Can anyone provide some insight and guidance?
// the passed url looks like #pod-detail-page?CID='c2'
function showItemDetail(urlObj, options) {
// Get the object that represents the item selected from the url
var pageSelector = urlObj.hash.replace(/\?.*$/, "");
var podCid = urlObj.hash.replace(/^.*\?CID=/, "").replace(/'/g, "");
var $page = $(pageSelector),
// Get the header for the page.
$header = $page.children(":jqmData(role=header)"),
// Get the content area element for the page.
$content = $page.children(":jqmData(role=content)");
// The markup we are going to inject into the content area of the page.
// retrieve the selected pod from the podList by Cid
var selectedPod = podList.getByCid(podCid);
// Find the h1 element in our header and inject the name of the item into it
var headerText = selectedPod.get("isAbout_Name");
// Inject the item info into the content element
var view = new PodDetailView({ model: selectedPod });
var viewElHtml = view.render().$el.html();
// Enhance the listview we just injected.
var fieldContain = $content.find(":jqmData(role=listview)");
// We don't want the data-url of the page we just modified
// to be the url that shows up in the browser's location field,
// so set the dataUrl option to the URL for the category
// we just loaded.
options.dataUrl = urlObj.href;
// Now call changePage() and tell it to switch to
// the page we just modified.
$.mobile.changePage($page, options);
So the above provides the event plumbing.
The other problem I had was that the page was not set up correctly. It's better to put the page framework in the main html and not put it in an underscore template to be rendered at a later time. I presume that avoids issues where the html is not present when jqm takes over.
<!-- Main Page -->
<div id="lessa-app" data-role="page">
<div data-role="header">
<!-- /header -->
<div id="main-content" data-role="content">
<div id="pod-list" data-theme="a">
<ul data-role="listview">
<div id="main-footer" data-role='footer'>
<div id="main-newPod" class="ez-icon-plus"></div>
<!-- detail page -->
<div id="pod-detail-page" data-role="page">
<div data-role="header">
<div id="detail-content" data-role="content">
<div id="pod-detail" data-theme="a">
<div id="detail-footer" data-role='footer'>
