iOS app without API, alternatives? - ios

Im thinking about learn to develop app for iOS. I had a lot of ideas, but most of them i would need the API of that website. For example:
The point is: is there any other possibility of collect/use information of a site without the API, anything else without the typical parsing or scraping?
Thanks you

To get the most up to date information to your users, you would need to use the API. If you want to store the data locally, you could do some initial scraping and build up your own database and distribute it within your app. This approach is not ideal because your data may become out of date quickly (unless you have a database update mechanism) and the owners of the sites you are scraping may not take too kindly on the matter


Best option for storing external database for iOS app

I am working on an app that will access an external database that needs to be able to load quickly. This is our own database, and the issue is where to store it for the fastest loading time. Currently, the database resides on a wpengine website, but it loads very slowly. One option is uploading a .plist file sporadically to the user's app when new data is available; it seems like that might not be very secure - although it would probably make accessing the data lightning fast. I was thinking that possibly CloudKit shared storage would be the best place to store the data if I wanted to keep it fast and also keep users from viewing it directly. I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.
As far as I understand, CloudKit will be OK for you. You can have a look at NSHipster's excellent summary here.
You also have a link to a tutorial in the comments above. If you want to discuss it further, don't hesitate to contact me through chat.

how to use external API with rails

After making a bunch of CRUD-like apps, I've decided to venture out a bit and play with APIS. The Riot game API seems pretty simple to implement, as it is just a link follow by my API key.
after googling for quite a while yesterday, I am still at lost how I can integrate this information.
Where should I put the above link, how do I store the information from the JSON, and how exactly does the MVC structure fit into this?
If I'm not storing any data (no users, just instant display of info based on API) Do I even need a database?

Database for Real Time Queries/Push Notifications

I am looking to build an iOS app and website that work 'together'.
What the plan is for each:
On the iOS side, it will be pushing information to the server in the form of a post. The users will then be able to vote up and down on the posts as well; which also implies they will be able to see the other users information (in real time).
The website will be viewing this information in real time and using the posts. If a post gets enough down votes the server should tell the website and apps to remove it.
I have experience with SQL. Although SQL does not seem to be the appropriate server choice - for what I want to do - given my experience with it. (I could definitely be wrong.)
I would like to host the information myself, however have heard that Parse is good about holding information for iOS apps. I just don't know whether it gives you enough freedom to work with websites as well.
TL;DR: What kind of database/datastore should I use for a real time queries that allows for push notifications?
All suggestions are welcome. Thank you.
Try Using FireBase

Big Picture — What sort of feed for an iOS news app?

Alright — this sort of question shows my naïveté but I am asking it nonetheless so I don't venture down the wrong rabbit hole while trying out this app.
I'm making what amounts to a news app. Imagine taking a Wordpress blog and fitting it to iOS. Now, here's my question — what sort of feed / architecture should I be using to push information from my Wordpress server to my app? I would assume RSS using AFNetworking, but that seems to cause some rough edges, and all tutorials that I see end up pushing to a web view instead of a scrollview with nice, rendered text. Plus, none of the same tutorials seem to have anything further than the initial feed (loading more than the initial 10 stories given, for example).
I've already committed a few hours to trying the RSS / AFNetworking approach, but is there a significantly better alternative that I just haven't come across. (Note that I do have access to the back-end of my Wordpress site, i.e. it isn't somebody else's)
If you are building an iOS app that connects to WordPress, I suggest you to access the website data by an API instead of feed, then you can hit the API from your app and manipulate the data as you want.
If you have access to the WordPress backend, check the Thermal API which is a plugin that will probably solve your problem.
I would suggest that you look at this is to be added to the core of wordpress so it would seem that is the way to go I think.
By the way I am working on the same type of thing as you.
I think the most popular Wordpress API is the one that comes with Jetpack. You can find its documentation here:
If you just want read access, then i think the easiest way to do so is by using:
If you also want write access, then you have to implement Oauth2. For that you can select a library from:

Alternatives to storing data to database rather then using Parse

I have been using Parse lately for applications I develop, mainly due to the simplicity of getting an app off the ground. This could eventually be costly, more so unless I store to my own database on a rented server, I'd assume. So my question is: How would I go about storing data externally to my own server? Is there any sort of framework like parse for this with option to use one's own server storage instead? I'd assume theres something considering writing a whole login system etc that's secure multiple times would seem a bit repetitive, hence Parse. Thanks in advance!
Google has provided a mobile backend starter some time ago, here is the link Hope it will help!
Yes you have. Kindly look into DynamoDB from amazon.
Here is a good documentation for iOS SDK.
More granular detail is here
I hope that helps.
You may need to have an account with amazon aws in order to create your appID & all.
