zxing barcode scanning library for blackberry - blackberry

I want to implement the barcode scanner for Blackberry device higher then 5.0. As I am quite new to barcode scanning, I tried to google it and tried searching on stackoverflow. Got few samples, but quite confused.
Can anyone provide me links to get Zxing SDK for blackberry ?

The ZXing project is already built into Blackberry OS 6+. Still you may want to use a later version than the version that is included. You can of course download this from the site at http://code.google.com/p/zxing. BBOS support was discontinued in version 2.0, so you will need to use 1.7.

I think it may help you:
QRCode Implementation In My Blog
If you are not getting the code there then check this link:
barcode-code-scanning for 5.0 and 6.0
Note: It is better to read the conversations in the above link to understand well.


Implementation of Newaer SDK

I want to know the basic implement newaer SDK (https://www.newaer.com) in my app for iOS Devices. I could not find anything useful on SO or any where else on internet regarding the Implementation of Newaer SDK. I did a lots of R&D but could not find any solution. if anyone has worked with newaer SDK earlier that would be great. Please help. I have some basic questions on this and if you know any tutorial that would be great. My questions are:-
How to find out the unique NewaerID of my device.
With the help of Newaer SDK can we find the android SDK.
There are some other questions. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Currently the SDK for iOS can not see Android devices, however, the opposite is not true. i.e. Android can see iOS devices which are broadcasting.
NewAer is currently working on a new API which will provide this feature.
The current iOS SDK does not reveal the NewaerID of a an iOS device. The next release for iOS will include api calls to retrieve this identifier.
In terms of implementation, the best guide is to look at the sample application in the SDK bundle. If you can explain your use case a little more I may be able to help you to reach it using the existing SDKs.
just drag the newaer-sdk-proximity-ios.framework to your project,and register a app and app id in https://www.newaer.com/landing

How can we scan a qr code in Blackberry having OS 6 and above

I need to know whether there is an api or code available to scan a QR code in blackberry having OS6.0 and above . i am new to QR coding section so please guide me .
Starting with BlackBerry OS 6 the xzing bar code scanning library is included in the API. RIM has provided a Developers' guide available here. I suggest you start there, and follow up with other reading. Zxing is a Google library with lots of on-line documentation available.

qr reader in blackberry example

I am workin on BB app and I need to implement QR reader or scanner into it. I know that RIM supported a library of it in OS6 and in ZXing but actually I need to read an example of how can I implement it within my code.
You can get a clear idea to how to develop a qr code in OS 6.0 From This KB Article
If you Try to develop It in OS 5.0 http://aliirawan-wen.blogspot.com/2011/05/barcode-scanner-for-blackberry-os-50.html will help you.

iOS phonegap zxing QR scanner plugin

I'm looking for a lib to use that comes with zxing QR scanning capabilities for iOS. What's the best option out there right now?
The question is slightly confusing - zxing is a QR scanning library. If you mean you are looking for an iOS port of zxing then try the Google one:
I know it looks like they're all for Android, but if you download the ZXing-1.7.zip it includes the code for multiple platforms including iOS (although the code base was a bit of a mess last time I checked).
EDIT: Sorry, didn't see the part about PhoneGap (should probably mention that in the question, not just the title). I don't know of an existing PhoneGap plugin, but you can probably write one yourself easily enough if you can get the iOS ZXing examples working.
There is an iPhone Barcode Scanner plugin for Phonegap in the phonegap-plugins github repository here. According to the readme, it uses zxing.

How do you download a previous version of the iPhone SDK?

I'm developing on the current 3.1 SDK, but I'd like my app to support all versions of the iPhone 2.2.1 onwards. I don't have a copy of the older SDKs around anymore and I can't find them on Apple's site. Is there still a way to get it from the iPhone Dev Center?
I think the answer you're looking for is here. Basically the SDK you want is part of the 3.1 SDK, you just have to configure your project to leverage it.
