How to get a single column's values into an array - ruby-on-rails

Right now I'm doing something like this to select a single column of data:
points = Post.find_by_sql("select point from posts")
Then passing them to a method, I'd like my method to remain agnostic, and now have to call hash.point from within my method. How can I quickly convert this into an array and pass the data set to my method, or is there a better way?

In Rails 3.2 there is a pluck method for this
Just like this:
Person.pluck(:id) # SELECT FROM people
Person.pluck(:role).uniq # unique roles from array of people
Person.distinct.pluck(:role) # SELECT DISTINCT role FROM people SQL
Person.where(:confirmed => true).limit(5).pluck(:id)
Difference between uniq and distinct

You should use the pluck method as #alony suggested. If you are stuck before Rails 3.2 you can use the ActiveRecord select method together with Array#map:
#=> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
before Ruby 1.9 you'd have to do .map{|x| x.title} though, because Symbol#to_proc (aliased by the unary & operator) is not defined in earlier versions of Ruby.

If you see the definition of select_values , then it using 'map(&:field_name)'
def select_values(arel, name = nil)
result = select_rows(to_sql(arel), name) { |v| v[0] }
The common and general Rails way to collect all the fields values in array is like :
points = Post.all(:select => 'point').map(&:point)

points = Post.all.collect {|p| p.point}


rails : how can I use find_each with map?

I have a form that has nested field (habtm and accepts_nested_attributes_for). That form contains with a field "keywords", that autocompletes keywords that come from a postgresql table.
All that works well. This is in params :
"acte"=>{"biblio_id"=>"1", "keywords"=>{"keywords"=>"judge, ordeal, "}
What I now need to do is take those keywords and get their keywords_id out of the table keywords. Those id must be added to the join table.
I'm doing this :
q = params[:acte][:keywords].fetch(:keywords).split(",")
a = {|e| Keyword.find_by keyword: e }
As per the guides, find_by returns only the first matching field. I guess I would need to use find_each but I'm not certain about that and I can't get it to word. I have tried this:
q = params[:acte][:motclefs].fetch(:motclefs).split(",")
a =
Motclef.where(motcle: q).find_each do |mot|
a <<
This also finds only the first result like : [251].
What I'm looking to get is something like [1453, 252, 654]
thanks !
Putting find_by in a loop means you will be executing a separate SQL query for each SQL keyword.
You can instead just get all the ids in a single SQL call by doing keyword in.
After you do q = params[:acte][:keywords].fetch(:keywords).split(","), your q will be an array of keywords. So q will be ["judge", " ordeal"].
You can simply do Keyword.where(keyword: q).select(:id) which will generate a query like SELECT FROM keywords where keyword in ('judge', 'ordeal').

Rails ActiveRecord - update_all: how to update multiple fields at once with mixed type of arguments

I have a use case where I would like to use the ActiveRecord::Relation update_all method and specify several fields to set. I use update_all because a lot of entries can be updated and I don't want to load them all and update them one by one.
Some of them need a direct SQL SET statement, for instance because I set a column according to the value of another column.
Is there a simple syntax with update_all to make this readable, along the lines of this =>
MyModel.where(state: :foo).update_all([
'timespent = timespent + 500', # Can't be anything else than a SQL statement
state: :bar, # Regular Rails SQL interpolation
updated_at: DateTime.current
Note that the syntax above doesn't work because it will try to look for placeholders and replace values, hence the state: :bar and updated_at: DateTime.current are ignored.
A partial solution to this would be to convert everything to a single SQL statement string like below, but I don't like this too much because I need to figure out SQL statements, and it's a bit too complicated when coding with Rails ;) :
MyModel.where(state: :foo).update_all([
"timespent = timespent + 500", # Can't be anything else than a SQL statement
"state = 'bar'",
"updated_at = NOW()" # Needed to translate from Rails to PGSQL
].join(', '))
Anybody with an elegant solution out there?
Thanks !
update_all takes a string, array, or hash (but you can't mix and match). In the case of an array it expects ActiveRecord Array Conditions. So you should be able to do something like this:
MyModel.where(state: :foo).update_all([
'timespent = timespent + 500, state = ?, updated_at = ?',

Use Ruby's select method on a Rails relation and update it

I have an ActiveRecord relation of a user's previous "votes"...
#previous_votes = current_user.votes
I need to filter these down to votes only on the current "challenge", so Ruby's select method seemed like the best way to do that...
#previous_votes = { |v| v.entry.challenge_id == Entry.find(params[:entry_id]).challenge_id }
But I also need to update the attributes of these records, and the select method turns my relation into an array which can't be updated or saved!
#previous_votes.update_all :ignore => false
# ...
# undefined method `update_all' for #<Array:0x007fed7949a0c0>
How can I filter down my relation like the select method is doing, but not lose the ability to update/save it the items with ActiveRecord?
Poking around the Google it seems like named_scope's appear in all the answers for similar questions, but I can't figure out it they can specifically accomplish what I'm after.
The problem is that select is not an SQL method. It fetches all records and filters them on the Ruby side. Here is a simplified example:
votes = Vote.scoped{ |v| }
# SQL: select * from votes
# Ruby:{ |v| }
Since update_all is an SQL method you can't use it on a Ruby array. You can stick to performing all operations in Ruby or move some (all) of them into SQL.
votes = Vote.scoped{ |v| }
# N SQL operations (N - number of votes)
votes.each{ |vote| vote.update_attribute :ignore, false }
# or in 1 SQL operation
Vote.where(id: false)
If you don't actually use fetched votes it would be faster to perform the whole select & update on SQL side:
Vote.where(active: true).update_all(ignore: false)
While the previous examples work fine with your select, this one requires you to rewrite it in terms of SQL. If you have set up all relationships in Rails models you can do it roughly like this:
entry = Entry.find(params[:entry_id])
# requires following associations:
# Challenge.has_many :votes
# User.has_many :votes
# Vote.has_many :challenges
And Rails will construct the appropriate SQL for you. But you can always fall back to writing the SQL by hand if something doesn't work.
Use collection_select instead of select. collection_select is specifically built on top of select to return ActiveRecord objects and not an array of strings like you get with select.
#previous_votes = current_user.votes.collection_select { |v| v.entry.challenge_id == Entry.find(params[:entry_id]).challenge_id }
This should return #previous_votes as an array of objects
EDIT: Updating this post with another suggested way to return those AR objects in an array
#previous_votes = current_user.votes.collect {|v| records.detect { v.entry.challenge_id == Entry.find(params[:entry_id]).challenge_id}}
A nice approach this is to use scopes. In your case, you can set this up the scope as follows:
class Vote < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :for_challenge, lambda do |challenge_id|
joins(:entry).where("entry.challenge_id = ?", challenge_id)
Then your code for getting current votes will look like:
challenge_id = Entry.find(params[:entry_id]).challenge_id
#previous_votes = current_user.votes.for_challenge(challenge_id)
I believe you can do something like:
#entry = Entry.find(params[:entry_id])
#previous_votes = Vote.joins(:entry).where(entries: { id:, challenge_id: #entry.challenge_id })

Are the .order method parameters in ActiveRecord sanitized by default?

I'm trying to pass a string into the .order method, such as
I was wondering if orderBy gets sanitized by default and if not, what would be the best way to sanitize it.
The order does not get sanitized. This query will actually drop the Users table:
Post.order("title; drop table users;")
You'll want to check the orderBy variable before running the query if there's any way orderBy could be tainted from user input. Something like this could work:
items = Item.scoped
if Item.column_names.include?(orderBy)
items = items.order(orderBy)
They are not sanitized in the same way as a .where clause with ?, but you can use #sanitize_sql_for_order:
sanitize_sql_for_order(["field(id, ?)", [1,3,2]])
# => "field(id, 1,3,2)"
sanitize_sql_for_order("id ASC")
# => "id ASC"
Just to update this for Rails 5+, as of this writing, passing an array into order will (attempt to) sanitize the right side inputs:
Item.order(['?', "'; DROP TABLE items;--"])
#=> SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY '''; DROP TABLE items;--'
This will trigger a deprecation warning in Rails 5.1 about a "Dangerous query method" that will be disallowed in Rails 6. If you know the left hand input is safe, wrapping it in an Arel.sql call will silence the warning and, presumably, still be valid in Rails 6.
Item.order([Arel.sql('?'), "'; DROP TABLE items;--"])
#=> SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY '''; DROP TABLE items;--'
It's important to note that unsafe SQL on the left side will be sent to the database unmodified. Exercise caution!
If you know your input is going to be an attribute of your model, you can pass the arguments as a hash:
Item.order(column_name => sort_direction)
In this form, ActiveRecord will complain if the column name is not valid for the model or if the sort direction is not valid.
I use something like the following:
#scoped = #scoped.order Entity.send(:sanitize_sql, "#{#c} #{#d}")
Where Entity is the model class.
Extend ActiveRecord::Relation with sanitized_order.
Taking Dylan's lead I decided to extend ActiveRecord::Relation in order to add a chainable method that will automatically sanitize the order params that are passed to it.
Here's how you call it:
Item.sanitized_order( params[:order_by], params[:order_direction] )
And here's how you extend ActiveRecord::Relation to add it:
class ActiveRecord::Relation
# This will sanitize the column and direction of the order.
# Should always be used when taking these params from GET.
def sanitized_order( column, direction = nil )
direction ||= "ASC"
raise "Column value of #{column} not permitted." unless self.klass.column_names.include?( column.to_s )
raise "Direction value of #{direction} not permitted." unless [ "ASC", "DESC" ].include?( direction.upcase )
self.order( "#{column} #{direction}" )
It does two main things:
It ensures that the column parameter is the name of a column name of the base klass of the ActiveRecord::Relation.
In our above example, it would ensure params[:order_by] is one of Item's columns.
It ensures that the direction value is either "ASC" or "DESC".
It can probably be taken further but I find the ease of use and DRYness very useful in practice when accepting sorting params from users.

Rails: Check if associations exist in has_many

Is it possible to check if multiple associations exist in has_many? In this case I want to check if there is a book which has three tags "a", "b" and "c".
(Book and Tag are associated via many to many.)
if Book.all.tags.find("a", "b", "c").any?
# Yay!
# There is at least one book with all three tags (a, b & c)
I think this will do the trick (works on has_many):
Book.includes(:tags).where(tags: { name: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }).any?
Breaking it down:
The includes tells Rails to use eager loading to load tags, versus loading them one at a time. This also causes it to pay attention to tags in the queries and generate smarter queries.
The where condition is pretty simple, and passing the array just converts an = comparison into an IN ('a', 'b', 'c') condition.
Rails is smart about any?, so rather than loading the records (which generates a garish query, btw) it generates one that just loads the count.
I use this query structure:
.select('distinct books.*')
.where('tags.slug' => ['a', 'b', 'c'])
.having("count(*) = #{['a', 'b', 'c'].size}")
I've never found an elegant rails way to solve this problem, so hopefully someone else comes along with a better answer.
The brutish method is to drop down to sql. I'm writing this out of memory, so there may be syntax problems.
Something like this in the Book model. The shortnames for the tables are so they don't conflict with the parent query.
def self.with_tag(tag)
where("EXISTS (SELECT 1 from books_tags bt, tags t where bt.tag_id =
and bt.book_id = and = ?)", tag)
Then you would call Book.with_tag('a').with_tag('b').with_tag('c') or define another method. Not sure that the scope variable is needed.
def self.with_all_tags(tags)
scope = self.scoped
tags.each do |t|
scope = scope.with_tag(t)
