How to Move A Ruby On Rails Website To New Server - ruby-on-rails

I have a Ruby on Rails website which I have successfully tar the apps directory which included the current folder ect. Which I Wget to transfer the files over. The server I have moved to is setup to run Ruby on Rails but is there anything else I need todo to get it running?
Any commands via SSH?
My new server setups is Ubuntu 11.04 running ISPConfig 3 as the server admin.
Current the file are in the correct location with the correct permissions and owners. But all I'm getting is the default ISPConfig page.
(This is the default index page of your website.
This file may be deleted or overwritten without any difficulty. This is produced by the file index.html in the web directory.)
If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great.

Have you tried creating a symbolic link on the server to the application something like
cd ~/public_html;
ln -s ~/rails-test-application/public rails3


I am not able to create website using jekyll as in command prompt it doesn't show the basic website created at once[Command prompt error! or what?]2
I am not able to create website using jekyll as in command prompt it doesn't show the basic website created at once.It takes a lot time to analyse the fundamentals of it .Help me in the command prompt error or anything else.
This happened to me when I updated to Ruby 3 since webrick is not added to the Gemfile.
Run bundle add webrick then your local jekyll serve will works.

Ruby on rail migration

I have a backup of ruby on rail server working with mysql databse.
backup Folder contain many subfolder like Vendor, node_modules, lib, config, bin, app, db, public and some files.
Now i have configured a new ubuntu server with fresh install of ubuntu server and ruby on rail is showing welcome page on port 3000 on server ip.
Can you guide how i can restore that backup app to this server so the app starts working from this new server.
Copy the root folders of the app to your new computer
with the terminal go to the root of the directory
cd path/to/your/root/directory
check that you are in the root directory by running pwd in the terminal, it should return the root directory of your app
run the bundle install command in the terminal, it will install all the gems required for you app
trouble shoot potential errors by searching online for instructions, install all software required and read every error
run rails s and go to your webbrowser to test the development version of your app

Ruby Passenger displays content from public instead of the app

I have a server in the cloud. I've set up a Linux machine with Apache2 + Passenger(with the apache module installed).
I've configured by the book, set up the VirtualHost as the Passenger instructions tell me to.
I've created a default Ruby on Rails project in "RubyMine"(on the local machine), synchronized it with the server.
Here is the project file hierarchy:
Since the instructions ask me to point in the configuration file to /projectFolder/public, I did so. If there is no index.html in the public folder, it throws me an error, if I create one it displays it when I access the link.
But when on the local machine I deploy it, it instead launches the app from app->views->layouts.
How to make it run on the remote server my ruby code? My ruby "app"?
First try:
sudo passenger-status
This should show you if passenger is loaded and the applications group. If that is all good, delete the index.html from /public and restart apache.

cannot run rails server command for already created project

I have got an application which was zipped and I unzipped the files and it gave me a folder with all the required structure of a rails application. But when I am going inside the directory and running the rails server command, its not doing anything, but showing me the list of options rails command can do. What would have been the problem?
Maybe this will help from app folder try:
ruby script/rails server
As explained by Dave Isaacs, Showing the list of options is what the rails command does when it is executed outside the context of an application (i.e., not in the application directories).
Type the full command, including the /script path to the CLI.
script/rails server
instead of
rails server
where script is the path to the rails command that, in a Rails 3 application, lives in the script folder.
I would assume that the application you got was written with rails 2.x. In that case, you have to start it with

rails app - sudden 403 after pull - how do I start to debug?

I'm been working on a rails 3.1 app with one other dev.
I've just pulled some of his recent changes, using git. And am now getting a 403 on any page I try to visit.
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
I'm running the site locally through passenger.
Oddly, when I start the app using rails' internal server. I can visit the site at
Looking at the changes in this recent pull, the only files have changed are some javascripts, some html the application.rb, routes.rb and a rake file.
How do I debug this, I'm a bit lost on where to start?
If I roll back to an earlier version the site works, through passenger. Which leads me to believe the problem is within the rails app, rather than an Apache error. Or it could be a permissions thing, can git change file permissions in this way?
IMHO this is a configuration error in Apache or wrong directory layouts. Make sure that the passenger_base_uri still points to the public folder inside your rails project and that there are no hidden .htaccess files which block access. Also verify that your sym-links are correct (if there are any). Also check your Apache error log.
Start by launching your console to see if rails and your app can be loaded.
In your application root directory type :
rails console
