Rhostudio cannot run android simulator - rhomobile

I try to run android simulator in Rhostudio on Windows 7, but below error is showing, what could be the problem? Please help me!
process additional java files for build from extensions :
ext_build.files not found - no additional java files
PWD: D:/bin/RhoStudio/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rhodes-3.3.2
CMD: "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_11/bin/javac.exe" -g -d D:/Messenger/bin/tmp/Rhodes -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -nowarn -encoding latin1 -classpath D:/Bin/Android/android-sdk/platforms/android-15/android.jar;D:/Messenger/bin/tmp/Rhodes #C:/Users/Pete/AppData/Local/Temp/RhodesSRC_build20120325-2984-1ejkqvm-0
rake aborted!
No such file or directory - "C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_11/bin/javac.exe" -g -d D:/Messenger/bin/tmp/Rhodes -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -nowarn -encoding latin1 -classpath D:/Bin/Android/android-sdk/platforms/android-15/android.jar;D:/Messenger/bin/tmp/Rhodes #C:/Users/Pete/AppData/Local/Temp/RhodesSRC_build20120325-2984-1ejkqvm-0
Tasks: TOP => run:android => run:android:emulator => device:android:debug => package:android => build:android:all => build:android:rhodes
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Error in build application

The problem is I do not set correct path for the Java SDK.


Bitbake Setting BBPATH: command not found

I'm comparatively new to Ubuntu and bitbake. Working my way through 'Bitbake User Manual (https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.6/bitbake-user-manual/bitbake-user-manual.html). Yocto version is sumo (git checkout tags/yocto-2.4.1 -b poky_2.4.1); ubuntu 18.04 version.
Trying to set BBPATH for my project directory (step 3), as:
BBPATH = "/home/benjamin/Documents/c code/helloWorld"
BBPATH: command not found
All else is working fine, so far. The echo $PATH command shows:
The ./conf directory has the as-yet unedited *.conf files:
At /home/benjamin, the command:
bitbake --version
BitBake Build Tool Core version 1.38.0
So, that's good. Please give me a hint on setting BBPATH.
You may update your bblayer.conf file as so
BBLAYERS += " ${BSPDIR}/path_to_layer "
you may then use bitbake to compile
bitbake name-of-recipe
Here are a few references

ant 1.9.7 chmod returns 127 on Solaris 10

I am using ant to deploy a file and then change the permissions of the file, but I am getting a 127 result to the chmod which means that there is an issue with the path or a typo:
[chmod] Result: 127
I have checked if the path to chmod was in the $PATH I am using and both check:
/program/EU/17_B_30/home/> echo $PATH
/program/EU/17_B_30/home/> which chmod
The same script executes without error on Linux hosts.
This is the ant task call that I am using:
<chmod file="${filesystem.target}/Scripts/file.sh" perm="ug+x"/>
Any questions/suggestions are welcome.

ejabber's erl file give error "segmentation fault: 11" while running on mac os 10.7.5

I am trying to start ejabber 16.05 server on mac os 10.7.5. while starting up, it gives error. on further investigation, I found that "erl" executor file shipped with ejabber is throwing "Segmentation Fault:11" while running independently. I firmly believe that resolving issue with "erl" file execution will solve server start up issue. can anyone please help. Below is the code from "erl" that is causing segmentation fault error
export ROOTDIR
export BINDIR
export EMU
export PATH
arch() {
case `uname -m` in
i[3456]86 ) echo x86 ;;
i86pc) echo x86 ;;
armv7*) echo armhf ;;
arm*l) echo armel ;;
* ) echo `uname -m | tr A-Z a-z` ;;
os=`uname -s | tr A-Z a-z`
export ARCHDIR
# Dynamic libraries
exec $BINDIR/erlexec ${1+"$#"}
I just see that you are using OSX 10.7. We do not test ejabberd binary installer on version of OS that are so old.
I do not even expect the binary installer to run on such an old release.
If you have to run ejabberd on that OSX version, you have to build it from source.
ejabberd source are available on official ejabberd Github.
Documentation for installation and build is here Installing ejabberd from source code.

Possible Neo4j bug

I am using
Ubuntu 12.04
Neo4j - Graph Database Kernel 2.0.0-M04
javac 1.7.0_25
java version "1.7.0_25
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_25-b15)
Even though, I am using Oracle Java, I was getting warning:
"WARNING! You are using an unsupported Java runtime. Please use Oracle(R) Java(TM) Runtime Environment 7."
When I debug utils file in neo4j directory, I found a function with following comment:
# check if running JDK 6, warn if not
checkjvmcompatibility() {
$JAVACMD -version 2>&1 | egrep -q "Java HotSpot\\(TM\\) (64-Bit Server|Client) VM"
if [ $? -eq 1 ]
echo "WARNING! You are using an unsupported Java runtime. Please use Oracle(R) Java(TM) Runtime Environment 7."
$JAVACMD -version 2>&1 | egrep -q "java version \"1.7"
if [ $? -eq 1 ]
echo "WARNING! You are using an unsupported version of the Java runtime. Please use Oracle(R) Java(TM) Runtime Environment 7."
Some confusion :
comment of function shows that it is checking for java 6 but error message displayed use 'echo' shows that you are not using java run time 7.
So actually what Java is being expected by neo4j ?
I was using Oracle-Java-1.7 still it was throwing me error not using Oracle-Java1.7 .
Amit Aggarwal
Neo4j 2.0 is supposed to run with Java 7 only. I guess the comment in the script is misleading. Please make JAVA_HOME points to the right directory. On linux this is not necessary valid if java -version shows version 7.
To check which version Neo4j is actually using run
grep "JVM information" -A 5 <neo4j_dir>/data/graph.db/messages.log
It is a bug, I got
ERROR! Neo4j cannot be started using java version 1.7.0_25.
http://localhost:7474/ is ready.
So it seems to start up OK, even though it gives this error message.

Compiling java programs from CLI using javac

I have the following directory structure form where I am invoking javac
src/ lib/ build/
Under src:
src/com/xyz/App.java -- contains the main class
Under lib:
At the top level, I am using the following javac command:
javac -verbose -classpath lib/hibernate.jar:lib/commons.jar -d ./build -sourcepath ./src com/xyz/*.java
and I receive the following output
javac: No match
How should the args be passed to javac?
And here is the ANSWER:
javac -verbose -d build -classpath lib/commons.jar:lib/hibernate.jar [complete path for ALL the directories]/*.java
javac won't expand wildcards, that's what your shell does. so when you specify com/xyz/*.java , that will not expand to anything, as those files are under src/ but the shell doesn't know that. If you list out every java file as com/xyz/Foo.java com/xyz/Bar.java etc, it should work.
(note that if you're on windows you'll need ; and not : to seperate classpaths)
Something like this might work:
javac -verbose -classpath build:lib/hibernate.jar:lib/commons.jar -d ./build ./src/com/xyz/base/*java ./src/com/xyz/exceptions/*.java ./src/com/xyz/hibernate/factory/*.java ./src/com/xyz/*.java
I'd not do this other than as an exercise on how to compile from a command line, otherwise use a build tool like ant
