What is the correct way to clear sensitive data from memory in iOS? - ios

I want to clear sensitive data from memory in my iOS app.
In Windows I used to use SecureZeroMemory. Now, in iOS, I use plain old memset, but I'm a little worried the compiler might optimize it:
code snippet:
NSData *someSensitiveData;
memset((void *)someSensitiveData.bytes, 0, someSensitiveData.length);

Paraphrasing 771-BSI (link see OP):
A way to avoid having the memset call optimized out by the compiler is to access the buffer again after the memset call in a way that would force the compiler not to optimize the location. This can be achieved by
*(volatile char*)buffer = *(volatile char*)buffer;
after the memset() call.
In fact, you could write a secure_memset() function
void* secure_memset(void *v, int c, size_t n) {
volatile char *p = v;
while (n--) *p++ = c;
return v;
(Code taken from 771-BSI. Thanks to Daniel Trebbien for pointing out for a possible defect of the previous code proposal.)
Why does volatile prevent optimization? See https://stackoverflow.com/a/3604588/220060
UPDATE Please also read Sensitive Data In Memory because if you have an adversary on your iOS system, your are already more or less screwed even before he tries to read that memory. In a summary SecureZeroMemory() or secure_memset() do not really help.

The problem is NSData is immutable and you do not have control over what happens. If the buffer is controlled by you, you could use dataWithBytesNoCopy:length: and NSData will act as a wrapper. When finished you could memset your buffer.


OBJ-C wipe NSData content before nullifying it

For security reasons we need Always to wipe sensitive data from memory.
Usually it is not something that i see done in IOS but for apps and need extended security it is very important.
The Data that Usually needs to be wiped if NSData and NSString objects (pointing to nil does not wipe the data and it is a security breach)
I've managed to wipe my NSStrings with the code below (When password is NSString):
unsigned char *charPass;
if (password != nil) {
charPass = (unsigned char*) CFStringGetCStringPtr((CFStringRef) password, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
memset(charPass, 0, [password length]);
password = nil;
Big remark on this implementation: You HAVE to check for NULL before calling the charPass or it might crash. There is NO guarantee that CFStringGetCStringPtr will return a value!
When password is NSData It suppose to be even more strait forward and the code bellow suppose to work:
memset([password bytes], 0, [password length]);
But this gives me a compilation error:
No matching function for call to 'memset'
I can't find a workaround to point to the password address and wipe the bytes over there like I did with the string (bytes method should let me do just that from what I understand but it doesn't compile for some reason that I cant figure out)
Any one has an idea for this?
Your string deallocator is fragile. You write:
Big remark on this implementation: You HAVE to check for NULL before calling the charPass or it might crash. There is NO guarantee that CFStringGetCStringPtr will return a value!
This is documented behaviour as CFString (and hence NSString) does not guarantee you direct access to its internal buffer. You don't say what how you handle this situation, but if you don't erase the memory you presumably have a security problem.
In the case you do get a valid pointer back you are using the wrong byte count. The call [password length] returns:
The number of UTF-16 code units in the receiver.
which is not the same as the number of bytes. However CFStringGetCStringPtr returns:
A pointer to a C string or NULL if the internal storage of theString does not allow this to be returned efficiently.
If you have a C string you can use C library function strlen() to find its length.
To address the case when CFStringGetCStringPtr returns NULL you could create the string yourself as a CFString and supply a custom CFAllocater. You shouldn't need to write a complete allocator yourself, instead you could build one based on the system one. You can get the default allocators CFAllocatorContext which will return you the function pointers the system uses. You can then create a new CFAllocator based of a CFAllocatorContext which is a copy of the default one except you've changed the deallocate and reallocate pointers to functions which you have implemented in terms of the default allocate, reallocate and deallocate but also call memset appropriately to clear out memory.
Once you've done that doing your security wipe comes down to making sure these custom created CFString objects, aka NSString objects, are deallocated before your app quits.
You can find out about CFAllocator, CFAllocatorContext etc. in Memory Management Programming Guide for Core Foundation.
Which brings us to your actual question, how to zero an NSData. Here you are in luck an NSData object is a CFData object, and CFData's CFDataGetBytePtr, unlike CFStringGetCStringPtr, is guaranteed to return a pointer to the actual bytes, straight from the documentation:
This function is guaranteed to return a pointer to a CFData object's internal bytes. CFData, unlike CFString, does not hide its internal storage.
So code following your pattern for CFString will work here. Note that using NSData's bytes is not guaranteed in the documentation to call CFDataGetBytePtr, it could for example call CFDataGetBytes and return a copy of the bytes, use the CFData functions.
While I cannot speak for the actual safety of doing this, your problem is that NSData's bytes method returns a const void *
You can cast it to a void * if you want by
memset((void *)[password bytes], 0, [password length]);
If you use a NSMutableData, you won't have to do this.

Memory management. Byte copy of CF Object

I have come across an interesting question.
I have this piece of code (don't ask why I need to do something like this):
CFDataRef data = ... get data from somewhere
SSLContextRef sslContext;
CFDataGetBytes(data, CFRangeMake(0, sizeof(SSLContextRef)), (UInt8 *)&sslContext);
Now I don't know what to do with sslContext. As I understand I have made a byte copy of SSLContextRef and I need to free that memory after I used it.
So here comes a question: how can I properly free memory?
Again as I understand I can't do CFRelease because I didn't increment reference count when I got(copied) the object and if I simply try to do free(sslContext) I get crash.
I would appreciate if someone could explain how it should work.
EDIT: Thanks to user gaige. He has pointed that in the question I have copied only reference to SSLContextRef. As I understand if I do:
UInt8 *buffer = malloc(sizeof(SSLContext));
CFDataGetBytes(data, CFRangeMake(0, sizeof(SSLContext)), buffer);
I then I can just do free(buffer); without any problem (provided that I didn't do any CFRetain/CFRelease logic). Please correct me if I am wrong.
In this case, you copied sizeof(SSLContextRef) bytes of data from the CFDataRef pointed at by data, you didn't increase any reference counts, nor did you copy any data other than the pointer to the SSLContext structure. (SSLContextRef is declared as a pointer to struct SSLContext).
The data you copied ended up in sslContext in your current stack frame, and thus doesn't need any special curation by you in order to make it go away.
In short, you don't need to do anything because no data was copied in the heap.

iOS: Error and Crash by NSString with C malloc

Was testing some code and found an error with the following lines:
NSString *stringA = #"C99";
NSString *stringB = (__bridge id)malloc(sizeof (stringA));
It is not necessary to alloc a NSString this way, of course, and I am not required to do that. Again I was just testing on something else and I happened to stumble upon this.
The error reads:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x20)
In the console:
To generalize, perhaps I should ask:
Could we alloc Objective-C objects through the use of malloc?
Has someone encountered this before (which I doubt, because I don't think anyone who uses Objective-C would alloc a NSString this way), but rather than shoving it aside and call it a day, I thought I would ask and see if someone knows what the exact cause of this is and why.
It is possible to use custom allocators for Objective-C objects. The problems with your code include:
NSString is a class cluster superclass (similar to an "abstract class") and cannot be instantiated on its own. You would need to use some concrete subclass of NSString. Note that the OS API does not provide any such class.
sizeof(stringA) is the size of the pointer variable, 4 or 8 bytes, which is too small to hold an NSString instance. You would need to use class_getInstanceSize() to compute the size.
+alloc performs work other than the allocation itself which is not present here. You would need to erase the memory and call objc_constructInstance().
ARC forbids the use of the low-level runtime functions that are needed to accomplish the above tasks.
well as far as I found the closest example of allocating NSSTring Clike is like this:
NSString* s4 = (NSString*)
CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
(CFStringRef) __builtin___CFStringMakeConstantString("%# %# (%#)"), s1, s2, s3);
ofcourse if you want to go lower and lower levels of this allocations , you should watch the CFStringRef class for its lower allocation .
but I hope this answer will satisfy you
found here, also there is more interesting things
I think the question you should be asking is what purpose that code serves.
Note that sizeof doesn't return the number of bytes in stringA, it simply returns the size of the pointer that is stringA. Who knows what lives in that little block of memory that has been allocated to stringB. Maybe it's a string, maybe not. Life is full of mystery.

Difference between writing data in memory directly and using asm instruction

I am reading the Linux kernel. I am curious about the way to write data in memory.
In some part of drivers, they use the writel() function defined in asm/io.h and in definition of that function, they use the movnti instruction - actually I don't understand what this instruction means except it is a kind of mov instruction.
Anyway, when writing data in memory, what's the difference between using writel() and directly writing in memory, e.g. **address = data;.
Here is the case:
static inline void __writel(__u32 val, volatile void __iomem *addr)
volatile __u32 __iomem *target = addr;
asm volatile("movnti %1,%0"
: "=m" (*target)
: "r" (val) : "memory");
and this is another case:
*(unsigned int*)(MappedAddr+pageOffset) = result;
writel looks like it's intended for memory mapped IO, there are a few things to support this, first the use of the volatile pointer (which prevents optimization such as reordering calls or optimizing them out among other things) and the non-temproal instruction (IO writes/reads shouldn't be cached) and of course the iomem annotation seems to support this too.
If I understand this correctly then using the moventi instruction will minimise the impact on the processor's data caches. Using *(unsigned int*)(MappedAddr+pageOffset) = result; instead leaves the the compiler free to choose whichever move instruction it likes, and its likely to choose one that causes the cache line to be pulled into the cache. Which is probably not what you want if you're interacting with a memory mapped device.

Copying OpenCL buffers directly

Is it possible to assign the of a buffer to another buffer defined in OpenCL source code?
For example, consider the below code:
cl_mem buff;
cl_mem temp;
temp = buff;
Do I need to call clEnqueueBuffer() again?
You would need to copy buff to temp using clEnqueueCopyBuffer between your NDRange calls. I don't recommend doing this if you can help it though. There should be no reason why you cant use the same buffer for NDRange calls unless you are needing it for something else in the meantime.
