Carrierwave multi file (photo) upload - ruby-on-rails

I have Ruby on Rails app and I use Carrierwave for uploading my images, but I need upload more than one image at a time. I find some jQuery plugins(uploadify, image-uplad) but I don't know how implement it to my app. I don't need a huge app/engine for it.

Check it :
Uploading multiple files at once to Rails app with Carrierwave (HTML5)


Rails s3_direct_upload how to disable it

In Rails, I am using s3_direct_upload gem for asset(doc file) upload. Right now if I try to upload an image file as a different asset, it is directly uploading to s3. I need to disable this option for image upload and it should be enable only for document upload.
s3_direct_upload is provides form helper methods to upload images to s3 directly. like this s3_uploader_form. It just reduces your jquery_file_upload and s3 configuration.
But you can still upload image to your local file system. Using simple form_tag. i.e. When you want to upload images to s3 use s3_uploader_form syntax and when you want to upload images to local file system then use simple form_tag or any other rails provided form syntax.
For uploading images using ajax use remotipart gem with simple form syntax.

Cloudinary with rails won't show my picture

I am developing a Rails application and I want to upload a picture directly from my browser using Cloudinary.
I followed all steps from the Cloudinary page and ended up with a box and a question mark after I "uploaded" it, no picture at all. Any ideas what might be the problem?
I am not sure what you have used. But you should use carrierwave with cloudinary. Cloudinary having some complex way to handle display and save image if you don't use carrierwave.
But carreirwave provide simpler way to achieve uploading and display image.
Without using carrierwave
Using carrierwave in compbination
You should try the sample project and then check the differences:

Uploading image from PhoneGap to Carrierwave / Rails 3?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to upload a camera image from a PhoneGap app to a Rails 3 app that has Carrierwave on it. My thoughts so far:
Option 1) Use phonegap filetransfer functionality to upload to a temp folder on S3 then assign the URL to the remote_avatar_url for my carrierwave field. Then carrierwave does all the work for me in terms of grabbing the image, resizing, cropping, etc. Carrierwave will then send the files back over to S3 where they will be stored in the right places.
Option 2) Use phonegap filetransfer functionality to upload directly to my rails server then let carrierwave do the work from here. This seems more efficient, but I don't know how to assign an image that was posted to a rails api controller to Carrierwave so that it can do its thing. Any ideas assuming this is the best way to handle?
You can send the image as Base64/encode and than parse it on the CarrierWave side. Take a look at

Ruby On Rails gallery zip archive download

I have a rails app that allows users to create galleries and then have people upload photos to the gallery. I was wondering what's the easiest most efficient way for users to download the gallery as a zip file with all containing pictures inside? The gallery can change anytime since users can upload pictures.
Tech wise, the app uses carrierwave and uploads the pictures to amazon S3 while being hosted on Heroku.
Any help would be appreciated.
You have to check out Rubyzip gem. Also, as your galleries change often you should to generate zip archive on the fly, I guess.

Could paperclip handle non-image files?

I am using Ruby on Rails 2.3.5
I want to let the user upload files, not only images, but also music files or just txt documents.
Could I use paperclip for this purpose (I will store those files in Amazon S3)? Is there any special things I have to note about?
Or if the paperclip gem could not handle them, what could I use?
Paperclip does all you asked. I also used to upload mp3 files with paperclip to rackspace cloud. Never had any sort of problems.
