Rails form redirecting to 'new' action - ruby-on-rails

What I am trying to do is build a form in which the user fills some of the fields for a new Publication, and takes you to the New Publication action, with those fields already filled in, so the user fills the rest.
I got the controller part covered, but I cant find how to use form_for for this, as its not exactly associated to the model (only some of the necessary fields are in the first form).

you could do
form_tag new_publication_path()

Not necessarily the best way to do this, but you can hide some of the fields in the form depending on whether the model id is valid. For example (in haml):
- if #model.id #only shows up if the model has been saved.
= f.text_field :field_name, ...
This way you can use the usual new, and then when the model has been saved, just redirect to the 'edit' action and the rest of the fields show up.


how to add a `preview` action to resources?

I am looking for the right approach to include a preview action between new and create actions.
Let's assume I have the following:
resources :users
By default, when the form is submitted:
if new, call create action;
if edit, call update action.
In this way, I can use the same form (partial) for new and create, which is great!
How can I configure the resources to include a preview between actions. I mean, forcing new to call preview and then preview to call create.
I could add a new route/action and point the form for that action, however the same form cannot be used for new and edit.
There is a way to configure the resources to do that?
Have a look at this railscast: multibutton form, it shows a form with both a 'preview' and 'submit' button, maybe that's something you might want to do.
By the way, couldn't you use the same form by passing locals to the partial? For example:
<%= form_for #profile, url: dynamic_path do |f| %>
<% end %>
<%= render 'form', dynamic_path: profile_preview_path %>
you have several ways to do this:
you change the url of the form to your preview action (for which you have to add a route).
you use your create action for preview and create:
i.e. you add a parameter (like ':go_to_preview') to the form submit request. if you find it in the controller you render preview.
when the user wants to confirm the preview, you submit the data again (without that parameter) and this time create the record.
there are also 2 more dynamic possibilities:
you create the preview in real-time - if that is possible (like here on SO) - and use just the create action,
a variation of the first option: when the user submits the form, you send an ajax post request to a preview action, render a partial and include it on the page, then while your user still has the form he just filled, the user decides if she wants to modify or submit definitely.
I would suggest adding a DateTime column "finished_at", "published_on", etc... whatever is appropriate for your domain.
Using blog posts as an example:
scope :published, where("published_on IS NOT NULL")
scope :draft, where(:published_on => nil)
Use the scopes and new field where appropriate to limit the follow up actions.
This approach gives you more than you asked for :
a way to limit processing based on "state"
Data on creation times versus publishing times

Append form partial in the new view of the same model in rails

i'd like to use the same model to create in one view (new.erb.html) more records at once with a single submit.
for example I've a model called Report with some fields such title, description and date
how can render same form partial many times when i click an add button? i think is not a nasted model's problem because is always the same model actions.
You can do something like this (I haven't test the code myself):
%input{:name => "model[][name]"}
%input{:name => "model[][desc]"}
%input{:name => "model[][date]"}
def save
params[:model].each do |props|
What I do is using JavaScript (jQuery) - on page load I save the only rendered form into JS variable (actually not the form, but the inputs inside it), and then on clicking "Add more" link append more inputs into the form.
And to save many objects at once you will need handcrafted input names (something like model[][name] in order to send an array of values), as well as controller that accepts array.

Rails: Devise: User

Environment: Rails 3.2.3 with Devise
I would like to add a registration code to the registration form. The registration code is NOT in the users table. There's a separate registration_codes for that. The reason it's in the registration form, is that I would like to compare the code entered by the user filling out the registration form to what's in the registration codes table, and produce a value that will go into the users table.
I am getting an error message:
undefined method `registration_code' for #<User:0x007f91b57b7890>
and it's pointing to the code that displays the registration_code text box in views/registrations/new.html.erb
How do I get around the fact that registration_code is not part of the users table? The form was working fine, until I added the registration_code field to the form.
I would create a method in your User model that handles your registration code logic:
def registration_code=(code)
# Check registation_codes table and produce a value that will go into the users table
Submitting a form with this new field should now call this method with the submitted value
I assume you're using a form builder to create the form (a form_for block). In this case, you're probably using something like <%= f.text_field :registration_code %> to display the text field, but Rails can't find registration_code on the User model, because, like you said, it's not there.
Instead, try using <%= text_field_tag :registration_code %>. You can access this from your controller through params[:registration_code]

Submitting custom information to a controller

This is probably simple, but I've tried a few things and couldn't find a way to make it work.
I would like to update a model with custom information given in a form_for
To make it more concrete, I'm on the show page for a particular instance of MyClass and I would like to pass something like the string "yay" into the controller, and then do as I please with the input. Maybe pass it back to the page as a flash message, or maybe modify the contents and then store it as a field of the MyClass instance.
I can write form_for's that contain the attributes of MyClass without prbolems, but it seems that other fields throw an error.
How do I write the form_for so that I can accomplish one of the two above scenarios?
def update
#my_class = MyClass.find(params[:id])
flash[:notice] = "This works" # but what can I write in a form for for it to be a variable that's passed in?
#rest of the update
Form helpers that unitize a form builder instance (like f.text_field) expect a valid model attribute so it can generate the appropriate id and populate the field with data from the model. If you want to have form fields that do not correspond to model attributes, don't use the the standard f.text_field but instead use:
<%= text_field_tag 'my_custom_tag' %>
which should render something like:
<input type="text" id="my_custom_tag"></input>
When the form is submitted, the value of the input will show up in the params hash with a key of :my_custom_tag.
I hope this helps.
It seems that you would probably need a hidden_field in your form :
However, if you wish to save some kind of state, which seems like this is what you want, you would never use that. Instead, you would use a session. The reason is that a hidden field can be manipulated by the client and thus security can easily be overridden.
Like Spyros said, a hidden field will give you the place. Assuming you are ok with the fact that a user can modify the URL, just add attr_accessor :foo to your model.
In the controller you can access it with bar = params[:foo] and do as you please.

I want to pass the name of a calling web page in a form in Ruby on Rails

I am quite new to Ruby. I have a landing page controller and index page that has a button on it that pops up a user input form for email addresses, etc. One of the things I want to capture and write into the database is the name of the originating landing page.
For example:
Another landing page could be:
The above form calls a ppc_user controller
Can anyone help me on this? I have seen a few examples of passing data using the flash option, but I can't get this to work.
I guess you're looking for request.referer.
It tells you from which page the user comes from.
You could use a hidden field and in fill it with an instance variable created in the controller...
so in your controller index:
def index
#campaign = params[:campaign] # this is whatever parameter you have named that is "campaign1", "campaign2", etc..
then in your form:
hidden_field :campaign, #campaign
or with the answer given by apneadiving:
hidden_field :campaign, request.referer
and then whatever controller you are posting your message to will have a param called :campaign containing the URI that it came from or the name of the campaign parameter depending on which one you choose to use.
