Where is CSS for jQuery UI's .ui-selected Defined? - jquery-ui

I'm trying to apply jQuery UI Selectable to a portion of my website. However, I do not see either the selection box while dragging the mouse, nor does the color of selected li elements change.
So to understand the problem, I went back to the source:
I see (using IE9 developer tools) that a style .ui-selected is applied to selected elements. Using Trace Styles, IE shows that background-color is originally defined in jquery-ui.css but overridden (ultimately) by #selectable .ui-selected. However, IE does not show the source of #selectable .ui-selected. Searching the jQuery UI style sheet I reference, jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.css, finds no mention of ui-selected, nor do I find it in jquery.ui.selectable.css.
Where exactly is the demo page getting the CSS for the background color?

I found one of the other jQueryUI demos defines the style for those classes in a custom style sheet, so I ended up following that lead.
It seems odd that those styles are not part of jQueryUI Themeroller. Perhaps that will change in the future.


jQueryUI 1.12.1 invisible tick on CheckboxRadio widget

Using a "dark" theme such as UI Darkness, Le Frog or Dark Hive with jQueryUI 1.12.1, the new CheckboxRadio widget has an invisible white-on-white tick. You can see this on Themeroller. The problem occurs because the tick follows the "Clickable: default state > icon" colour while the tickbox background is "Clickable: active state > text", and dark backgrounds usually set both these things to a light colour.
The tick would be visible if it was in the "Clickable: active state > icon" colour which, IMHO, is what the designers intended. However, the CSS rule precedence isn't quite right - it is for active buttons, but not for active non-buttons that are using "ui-button" styling.
A demo of the fault and my proposed fix is available on JSfiddle. Essentially they need to add this:
.ui-button.ui-state-active .ui-icon {
background-image: url("images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png");
though my demo has the absolute path.
I hope this post saves you some head-scratching as to why your CheckboxRadio isn't working the way you were expecting.
I've reported the problem on the jQueryUI bug tracker (#15155), though at the time of writing they haven't picked it up. Is this the right place for "theme" issues?

z-index of Dialog

There are numerous posts that indicate that the z-index of a jQuery UI dialog can be set by passing a parameter zIndex to .Dialog(), including
Last jQuery modal dialog z-index overrides initial modal z-index
However, that parameter is not listed in the jQuery UI API documentation
If I set it anyhow, the z-index of my dialog is unaffected.
How can I set the z-index of the dialog?
It turns out that I was referencing a custom jQuery UI Theme built for an old version of jQuery UI.
Referencing the base theme for the version I'm now using resolved this issue.
For upgrading a custom theme to the current version, see
How to upgrade a custom jQuery UI theme?
I think it would be preferable to do this in the CSS based on the selector, so something like:
#dialog {
z-index: 100000000;
Or, in the js:
Or do you need to set a dynamic z-index value?

jQuery mobile 1.2: Override opacity of .ui-disabled

i am trying to override the opacity of ui-disabled in my app to have a not focusable textfield with white text that i can change per js (<disabled="true">).
i don't know if it will work on all browsers with the opacity set to 1
or how to use the suggestion on this page exactly (on mobileinit or as a css-file and how about the semantics):
You can override jQuery Mobile's CSS with your own. Include a stylesheet after jqm's in your html, or use a style=... attribute on your html tag — either will override the default. Hence the Cascading in Cascading Style Sheets.
I highly recommend using the developer tools built into most browsers. In Chrome, for example, right-click anything in a web page and select Inspect Element. It will show you the computed CSS for the element, including which styles came from which CSS file, which were overridden by other stylesheets, etc. You can even edit the styles in the tool and see what changes would look like.
Here you can see the stylesheet f.css overrides several properties from the jqm stylesheet, which sets them in several places and overrides itself with various classes:

Jquery UI Resizable with helper adds positioning in firefox

I'm using jquery UI to resize a div vertically(I.E. using the n handle). I'm using a helper so it only resizes after the user stops dragging. After a resize is done I call a function which sets dimensions on surrounding elements so they all fit within a container.
This works in both chrome and IE, but in firefox a css property of top is added which blows the div out of the container.
I've tried removing the top value after the fact, which works, but this is kind of a hack and also causes the div to 'jump'.
Is this a bug? Is there a workaround using jquery css html, etc?
To see what I mean check this fiddle and resize the element, if you inspect it in firefox there will a top css property but not in chrome.
In my opinion it is a bug.
Workaround: if you add a top: 0; to the css rule for #resizable IE, chrome and firefox have the same behavior. Also see the updated example.
=== UPDATE ===
It's a firefox bug. I walked from the jQuery UI resizable method code until the css method of jQuery (main) code to find an answer. At the end of my search I could found that firefox returns for css top value auto for not/static positioned elements, but returns 0px if relative position is set; in both cases top is not defined (they could be set to auto with no difference - it's the default value).
Also see this example.
In the resizable method this result makes the difference (jQuery UI sets the relative position to the DOM element by adding a class). If the bug (which I have reported to mozilla) will be fixed, the behavior of your example in the firefox should be the same as in chrome.
I'll report here if there is something new...
=== UPDATE ===
Now I have a workaround for you:
for the special situation you described set the css position of your resizable element manually to static.
Add to your stylesheets:
#resizable { position: static; }
Also see your updated example.

Gaps under tabs using JQuery UI in Firefox

I have been using JQueryUI for various aspects of my site, and a small tabbed menu set was working well, except in firefox. The image below shows the same code rendered in firefox on top, and IE9 below. Note the gap under the tabs and the (possible?) increase in padding inside the tab. I have removed all my stylesheets from the site (the 2nd image) leaving just the base JQuery UI one, but the gaps still appear, and only in firefox.
The js call is as basic as it can be:
It's not often I have display issues where IE is better than firefox... Having removed all the CSS I generated, and made sure there's no styles being applied, I'm at a loss as to where to look next!
If you can offer any suggestions as to what might be causing it, I'd be a happy chappie!
After scaling back the code as far as I could, and using only 'known good' libraries, it turns out that it is caused by it being in a table cell!
Here's some code you can have a play with! http://jsfiddle.net/XVHTk/
It does however work when "Normalized CSS" is checked, so it could be padding inherited from the cell maybe?
[EDIT #2]
It turns out that CSS styles applied to a table to remove padding and margins and borders and so forth are not enough. You have to include cellpadding="0" and cellspacing="0" in the table definition otherwise the jQuery tabs have some extra padding around them.
jsFiddle with table and no extras: http://jsfiddle.net/XVHTk/1/
jsFiddle with table spacing/padding stripped: http://jsfiddle.net/XVHTk/2/
Why the HTML cell properties are being transferred into the tabs, I have no idea. I'm just happy to have fixed it!
This is caused by a bug in the ui-helper-clearfix class. See ticket #8442 and the associated fix. As you can see from the ticket, this was fixed in 1.10.1. I've created a fiddle showing this working properly with 1.10.1 and using 1.8.x with additional CSS to fix the issue. The latter shows that if you can't upgrade to 1.10.1+ right now, you can just include the following CSS:
.ui-helper-clearfix:after {
border-collapse: collapse;
