Open an application from another (iOS) - ios

I read that there is nothing like NSWorkspace for iOS
Equivalent of NSWorkspace for iOS
Unfortunately, I wanted a button in my app that can run some others applications (in background). Is it possible without NSWorkspace ?

Your first problem is that you can't run applications in the background in the same way that you can on the Mac.
But, assuming that just launching an app is enough, the answer is: it depends. The other app would need a URL scheme defined. Not all do, unfortunately. Then you just call [UIApplication openURL:].


How to launch app automatically on recieve local notification without click on notification ios

I want to launch my application without any click on notification.Is it possible in ios?
No, you can not do it, maybe this can be done on jaibreak devices but it's can not be done on original devices.
It is impossible as of now in iOS devices.
Even it is possible, it is considered as a bad user experience practise.

Is there anyway of opening the container app from an app extension in iOS 8.3?

I have all the editing functionality in the container app of my keyboard extension, and I have a button to open the container app on the keyboard. I was using these methods openURL not work in Action Extension
However, in iOS8.3 apple changed his mind again. And, I cannot find a way to open the container app.
Has anyone any idea how to do it? Please, help!
Apple hasn't changed its mind on this even once, let alone "again". Only today extensions support opening their containing app, others do not. The workarounds that people found were-- from Apple's perspective-- bugs that were fixed.
There is no supported way to do what you want. If you find some workaround, you should expect it to disappear in the next iOS update.

iOS development, Natively open an App in my App

I have a project where I have to open an App like Facebook inside my App.
I know the URL Scheme but it is not what I want. I don't want to left my App and have like a webview but for a native app (Facebook for exemple).
Same behavior than.
Is it possible ?
Thx a lot :-)
No, this is not possible. At least not on a non-jailbroken device (there might be hacks that can be done on a jailbroken device to achieve this that I'm not aware of).
No this is not possible. You cant open another app inside of your current app. You can open an app from within an app but you cant frame that app inside of yours.
Other than the fact that apple has prohibited and not made this available, it also will cause a poor guest experience. The apps are designed to run on the users device, not a smaller screen.
it's impossible to open another app in a running app, but you can open a webapp

ios 8 openUrl itms-services does not exit current app

In iOS 6 or 7, the app exit to the home screen when I call UIApplication openUrl with a url of itms-services://XXXX to install a new version of my app (using enterprise deployment with ipa files).
In iOS 8, this is no longer the case. Now the app continue running just as nothing has happened, but if I go the home screen, I can see my app icon grayed out, with a downloading pie chart about 66% completed and the text "Downloading..." below. If I now wait for a while (less than a minute), the application is installed correctly and I can start my app again.
Has anyone else experienced this behavior? Have anyone seen any documentation regarding this? I can accept behavioral changes as long as it is documented, but I haven't seen any documentation regarding this.
While forcing the app to crash will technically work, a much better solution (allowing the user to retain the state of the application) would be to simply background the app launching the itms-services link by executing the following.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] performSelector:#selector(suspend)];
We use this in an app used for distributing test builds to our testers and it works very well, and eliminates the confusion of a tester trying to install an app and having the app stay in front. It also allows them to return to our distribution app and have it pick up where they were.
Yes, you also get the same behaviour when clicking a download link in safari now on iOS8.
I'm not sure why they introduced this change but there isn't really a way around it (unless you force your app to crash with something like exit(0);)
Also, the itms-services url scheme is undocumented and is technically a private api. From experience, you're not allowed to submit apps to the App Store that use it.
I have experienced a similar thing. I have a web page for our internal app store and when I tap on the link I do get a prompt asking if I want to install and when I say yes safari just sits there. The app is downloading on the home screen but under IOS 7 safari would be pushed to the background and you could see where your app is being downloaded to and its progress. Now it appears like nothing is happening. I would love to correct this. Perhaps something has changed in the .plist files the itms-services protocol uses. This protocol is not private it is just reserved for enterprise deployments.

how to open another application from background using Custom URL scheme in iOS

I want to develop an Enterprise Application. It will run in the background continuously and from the background i want to open an another application. Its like toggle between two application. I have implemented forever background running with help of Location services which is working fine and also updating the location from the background but it is unable to execute openURL method.
Please suggest something.Thanks
It's not possible!
You can use these links only.
I will extend a little bit on MobiDevCom answer.
I haven't found a good publicly known solution.
The direct approach (trying to open something from background using all kinds of public or private API) ends up requiring all kinds of entitlements. I tried at least dozen of things about a year ago and reverse engineered quite a lot of iOS components.
The only idea which I found was usage of MDM Guided mode (however, a device needs to be supervised and enrolled into MDM for that).
BTW. Here is the question which I asked - Show some UI from background in audio player or VOIP app on iOS
