Physical memory in task manager don't changes when momory is allocated - memory

My program maybe have a memory issue, so I try to find information about memory usage provided by various tools. In order to find the cause, I do simple experiments as well.
In release mode, I add the following code,
pChar = new char[((1<<30)/2)];
for(int i; i < ((1<<30)/2); i++)
pChar[i] = i % 256;
When the code is executed, the available physical memory in Windows task manager doesn't change. In my view, the compiler may remove the code to boost performance. I declare the variable as one global variable. It doesn't work. But in debug mode, the available physical memory in Windows task manager changes as expected. I can't understand that.
I have another question. Will the new operation allocate memory from virtual memory if the physical memory runs out. Or one exception will be thrown?

It's indeed quite possible that the compiler detects a "write-only" variable. Since it's non-volatile, the writes can be safely eliminated, and then there's no need for the OS to actually allocate RAM.
new just allocates address space, on modern systems. Physical RAM is allocated when needed. Typically this happens when the ctor runs, as it initializes the members. But in new char there's of course no ctor.


apache/lucenenet Unable to limit memory usage - RAMBufferSizeMB, RAMPerThreadHardLimitMB, and MaxBufferedDocs in IndexWriterConfig has no effect

Note that I've also posted an issue on GitHub on the repo:
I'm running the latest Lucene .NET versions:
Lucene.Net 4.8.0-beta00016
Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common 4.8.0-beta00016
I'm doing the following:
using var analyzer = new KeywordAnalyzer();
using var directory = FSDirectory.Open(IndexPath);
var config = new IndexWriterConfig(LuceneVersion, analyzer)
OpenMode = OpenMode.CREATE, // Use OpenMode.CREATE to overwrite, or OpenMode.APPEND to just open
RAMPerThreadHardLimitMB = 100,
RAMBufferSizeMB = 100,
using var writer = new IndexWriter(directory, config);
// Write index to disk
As soon as writer.AddDocuments() is called, the memory consumption grows a lot.
You can see the sudden increase in the Diagnostic Tool in visual studio:
Running it multiple times keeps increasing the memory usage up to 3GB (on my machine), at which point it doesn't grow any longer. And these 3GB are never released again. The program doesn't crash, and it stops acquiring memory.
I want to limit how much memory Lucene can use, but using RAMBufferSizeMB and RAMPerThreadHardLimitMB seems to have no effect at all.
I tried flushing as well, which had no effect, and I tried calling Dispose() which also had no effect.
I've also tried setting MaxBufferedDocs to 1000, still no limit to RAM usage.
Have I missed something in the documentation? Is there a way to limit RAM usage of the Lucene .NET IndexWriter?
To future developers having memory consumption issues with Lucene.Net:
Try writing one document at a time with writer.AddDocument() rather than writer.AddDocuments().
writer.AddDocument() handles memory much better than writer.AddDocuments().
Also calling writer.Commit() more will flush memory more often, and the Garbage Collector can keep the memory consumption lower.
My experiments with Lucene in a Console Application can be seen here:

How do I free memory in a lazy_static?

The documentation states that if the type has a destructor, it won't be called:
So how am I supposed to free the memory?
So how am I supposed to free the memory?
That question isn't even wrong.
The entire point of lazy_static is that the object lives forever, that's what a static is, when would anything be freed? The note is there for non-memory Drop, to indicate that if e.g. you use lazy_static for a file or a temp they will not be flushed / deleted / … on program exit.
For memory stuff it'll be reclaimed by the system when the program exits, like all memory.
So how am I supposed to free the memory?
Make your lazy_static an Option, and call take() to free the memory once you no longer need it. For example:
lazy_static! {
static ref LARGE: Mutex<Option<String>> =
fn main() {
println!("using the string: {}", LARGE.lock().as_ref().unwrap().len());
println!("string freed")
As others have pointed out, it is not necessary to do this kind of thing in most cases, as the point of most global variables is to last until the end of the program, at which case the memory will be reclaimed by the OS even if the destructor never runs.
The above can be useful if the global variable is associated with resources which you no longer need past a certain point in the program.

How do I debug a memory issue in Rust?

I hope this question isn't too open-ended. I ran into a memory issue with Rust, where I got an "out of memory" from calling next on an Iterator trait object. I'm unsure how to debug it. Prints have only brought me to the point where the failure occurs. I'm not very familiar with other tools such as ltrace, so although I could create a trace (231MiB, pff), I didn't really know what to do with it. Is a trace like that useful? Would I do better to grab gdb/lldb? Or Valgrind?
In general I would try to do the following approach:
Boilerplate reduction: Try to narrow down the problem of the OOM, so that you don't have too much additional code around. In other words: the quicker your program crashes, the better. Sometimes it is also possible to rip out a specific piece of code and put it into an extra binary, just for the investigation.
Problem size reduction: Lower the problem from OOM to a simple "too much memory" so that you can actually tell the some part wastes something but that it does not lead to an OOM. If it is too hard to tell wether you see the issue or not, you can lower the memory limit. On Linux, this can be done using ulimit:
ulimit -Sv 500000 # that's 500MB
./path/to/exe --foo
Information gathering: If you problem is small enough, you are ready to collect information which has a lower noise level. There are multiple ways which you can try. Just remember to compile your program with debug symbols. Also it might be an advantage to turn off optimization since this usually leads to information loss. Both can be archived by NOT using the --release flag during compilation.
Heap profiling: One way is too use gperftools:
LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/" HEAPPROFILE=/tmp/profile ./path/to/exe --foo
pprof --gv ./path/to/exe /tmp/profile/profile.0100.heap
This shows you a graph which symbolizes which parts of your program eat which amount of memory. See official docs for more details.
rr: Sometimes it's very hard to figure out what is actually happening, especially after you created a profile. Assuming you did a good job in step 2, you can use rr:
rr record ./path/to/exe --foo
rr replay
This will spawn a GDB with superpowers. The difference to a normal debug session is that you can not only continue but also reverse-continue. Basically your program is executed from a recording where you can jump back and forth as you want. This wiki page provides you some additional examples. One thing to point out is that rr only seems to work with GDB.
Good old debugging: Sometimes you get traces and recordings that are still way too large. In that case you can (in combination with the ulimit trick) just use GDB and wait until the program crashes:
gdb --args ./path/to/exe --foo
You now should get a normal debugging session where you can examine what the current state of the program was. GDB can also be launched with coredumps. The general problem with that approach is that you cannot go back in time and you cannot continue with execution. So you only see the current state including all stack frames and variables. Here you could also use LLDB if you want.
(Potential) fix + repeat: After you have a glue what might go wrong you can try to change your code. Then try again. If it's still not working, go back to step 3 and try again.
Valgrind and other tools work fine, and should work out of the box as of Rust 1.32. Earlier versions of Rust require changing the global allocator from jemalloc to the system's allocator so that Valgrind and friends know how to monitor memory allocations.
In this answer, I use the macOS developer tool Instruments, as I'm on macOS, but Valgrind / Massif / Cachegrind work similarly.
Example: An infinite loop
Here's a program that "leaks" memory by pushing 1MiB Strings into a Vec and never freeing it:
use std::{thread, time::Duration};
fn main() {
let mut held_forever = Vec::new();
loop {
held_forever.push("x".repeat(1024 * 1024));
println!("Allocated another");
You can see memory growth over time, as well as the exact stack trace that allocated the memory:
Example: Cycles in reference counts
Here's an example of leaking memory by creating an infinite reference cycle:
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
struct Leaked {
data: String,
me: RefCell<Option<Rc<Leaked>>>,
fn main() {
let data = "x".repeat(5 * 1024 * 1024);
let leaked = Rc::new(Leaked {
me: RefCell::new(None),
let me = leaked.clone();
* = Some(me);
See also:
Why does Valgrind not detect a memory leak in a Rust program using nightly 1.29.0?
Handling memory leak in cyclic graphs using RefCell and Rc
Minimal `Rc` Dependency Cycle
In general, to debug, you can use either a log-based approach (either by inserting the logs yourself, or having a tool such a ltrace, ptrace, ... to generate the logs for you) or you can use a debugger.
Note that ltrace, ptrace or debugger-based approaches require that you be able to reproduce the problem; I tend to favor manual logs because I work in an industry where bug reports are generally too imprecise to allow immediate reproduction (and thus we use logs to create the reproducer scenario).
Rust supports both approaches, and the standard toolset that one uses for C or C++ programs works well for it.
My personal approach is to have some logging in place to quickly narrow down where the issue occurs, and if logging is insufficient to fire up a debugger for a more fine-combed inspection. In this case I would recommend going straight away for the debugger.
A panic is generated, which means that by breaking on the call to the panic hook, you get to see both the call stack and memory state at the moment where things go awry.
Launch your program with the debugger, set a break point on the panic hook, run the program, profit.

Azure guaranteed memory

We're currently preparing our Azure role (standard Web Role) for an expected massive load, and we need to know how much memory the current setup consumes. To accomplish this, we're using load tests while measuring the consumed memory with GC.GetTotalMemory.
The page lists the Compute Instance Guaranteed Memory for each instance size (for example, 0.768 GB for the Extra-Small Instance and 3.5 GB for the Medium Instance).
Are the values of GC.GetTotalMemory comparable to the values in these list? In other words, if GC.GetTotalMemory is staying significantly below the listed limit, can we be sure that there won't be any sudden perfomance loss due to memory swapping?
If we hit the limit, is our assumption correct that there will be some memory swapping (writing memory content to the virtual harddisk), or will there be more severe implications like repeated App Pool recycling?
(the last question comes up because most shared hosters will recycle your App Pool if you hit some memory limit, but frankly we don't expect anything like this from Windows Azure)
This method will only give you the currently allocated bytes by your process. The 0.768 GB includes the memory availble to the operating system, and there can be virtual memory as well.
To get the total system memory you can use:
Add a Reference to System.Management.
private static void DisplayTotalRam()
string Query = "SELECT MaxCapacity FROM Win32_PhysicalMemoryArray";
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(Query);
foreach (ManagementObject WniPART in searcher.Get())
UInt32 SizeinKB = Convert.ToUInt32(WniPART.Properties["MaxCapacity"].Value);
UInt32 SizeinMB = SizeinKB / 1024;
UInt32 SizeinGB = SizeinMB / 1024;
Console.WriteLine("Size in KB: {0}, Size in MB: {1}, Size in GB: {2}", SizeinKB, SizeinMB, SizeinGB);
Source for code
To answer your last question, Windows Azure will stay out of the way, and paging will happen like on any Windows server.
Whether IIS recycles your app pool probably depends on your IIS settings, but those are under your control. (You can, for example, run appcmd in a startup task if you want to change a default.)

Adobe Air 3 iOS app memory leak issue maybe related to getDefinitionByName class

I'm developing an application with adobe air 3 for ios and having low memory errors frequently.
After ios 5 update os started to kill my app after some low memory warnings.
But the thing is profiler says app uses 4 to 9 megs of memory.
There are a lot of bitmap copy operations around and sometimes instantiates new bitmaps from embedded bitmaps.
I highly optimized everything and look for leaks etc.
I watch profiler for memory status and seems like GC clears everything. everything looks perfect but app continues to get low memory errors and gets killed by os.
Is there anything wrong with this code below. Because my assumption is this ClassReference never gets off from memory even the profiles says memory is cleared.
I used clone method to pass value instead of pass by ref. so I guess GC can collect that local variable. I tried with and without clone nothing changes.
If the code below runs 10-15 times with different tile Id's app crashes but with same ID's it continues working.
Is there anyone who is familiar with this kind of thing?
tmp is bitmapData
if (isMoving)
tmp=getProxyImage(x,y); //low resolution tile image
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName(strTmp) as Class; //full resolution tile image //something wrong here
tmp=new ClassReference().bitmapData.clone(); //something wrong here
return tmp.clone();
Thanks for reading. I hope some one has a solution for this.
You are creating three copies of your bitmapdata with this. They will likely get garbage collected eventually, but you probably run out of memory before that happens.
(Here I assume you have embedded your bitmapdata using the [Embed] tag)
tmp = new ClassReference()
// allocates no new memory, class reference already exists
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName(strTmp) as Class;
// creates a new BitmapAsset from the class reference including it's BitmapData.
// then you clone this bitmapdata, giving you two
tmp = new ClassReference().bitmapData.clone();
// not really necessary since ClassReference goes out of scope anyway, but no harm done
// Makes a third copy of your second copy and returns it.
return tmp.clone();
I would recommend this (assuming you need unique bitmapDatas for each tile)
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName(strTmp) as Class;
return new ClassReference().bitmapData.clone();
If you don't need unique bitmapDatas, keep static properties with the bitmapDatas on some class and use the same ones all over. That will minimize memory usage.
