Purpose of mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay property on UIWebView - ios

The UIWebView Class Reference describes mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay as follows:
A Boolean value that determines whether Air Play is allowed from this view.
When the mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay is set to YES:
If on my iPad I load a YouTube or Vimeo video to a UIWebView with this set to it's default value of YES and play the video while mirroring to an AirPlay device, the video signal is sent to the AirPlay device and takes over the AirPlay device screen and "TV Connected / This video is playing on the TV" is displayed in the UIWebView on the AirPlay. This is the behavior I would expect.
When the mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay is set to NO:
I get exactly the same behavior as above. What I expected is that if the UIWebView mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay was set to NO, that instead of sending the video signal to the AirPlay device, even if the iPad is mirroring, the video would simply play inside the UIWebView on the iPad.
Has anyone used this property to create two different functional behaviors and what were they?
As far as I can tell, this property has no impact on the playing of AirPlay media.

It appears that the mirroring mode is taking precedence over the mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay flag.
If I'm interpreting the documentation correctly, mediaPlaybackAllowsAirPlay only allows the user to send the data to a particular airplay compatible device. If it is disabled, the airplay selector simply doesn't show up.
If this is a bug to you, please head over to http://bugreporter.apple.com and let Apple know.


Any way to enable user interaction while viewing fullscreen video in iOS browsers?

My research tells me that there is now way to escape fullscreen video viewing in iOS browsers on iPhone or iTouch. It also seems there there is no way to modify the native controls that are displayed along with the video. Is the user in a total blackbox while viewing video in this case?
I'm trying to find someway for a user to indicate that they like a video as it is playing. Is there anything I can do that isn't a hack? If not is there any indication from Apple that they will ever be willing to change this? I'd rather not make an app out of this project.
You actually can play a video in line on an iOS browser, if this is what you are aiming for although there are restrictions - updated answer:
Play video inline in a browser on iOS
Safari on large screen iOS (iPad) should support inline video (I don't have iPAD hand to verify this still works...).
Safari on 'small screen' iOS (i.e. iPhone) will not support inline video as standard. There is at least one workaround which will allow it but this does bypass much of the native video playback performance gains so it may not meet your needs. It is a work in progress still as you will see from the link, but try the demo on an iPhone browser - you need to hit the small play button beside the video, rather than the one on top of the video at the time of writing:
Playing inline in a UIWebView on iOS
Take a look at this Apple Developer page:
In particular:
A Boolean value that determines whether HTML5 videos play inline or use the native full-screen controller.
The default value on iPhone is NO.
In order for video to play inline, not only does this property need to be set on the view, but the video element in the HTML document must also include the webkit-playsinline attribute.

Adding airplay support to MPMoviePlayer

Hi i am building iOS application target iOS 5 and above. I am using MPMoviePlayerController to stream movie file. I that player i want to give airplay support.
According to apple documentation
Default Movie players (iOS 4.3 and later) support wireless movie
playback to AirPlay-enabled hardware such as Apple TV. The movie
player presents a control that allows the user to choose
AirPlay-enabled hardware for playback when such hardware is in range.
It seems that by default it will display airplay button in fullscreen mode if any airplay device is in range. But it is not seems to be happening. I am unable to see airplay button in movie player.
Am i missing something? Please advise.
By default, MPMoviePlayerController enables AirPlay support. If you haven't set it as FALSE. Then, probably you need to check your network or AppleTV's network connection. They need to be in same network (intranet usually).
There is a safe way to detect whether your iOS device is able to find AppleTV. You can double click HOME button, swipe task bar from left to right side, if you can see "Airplay" route button, then you can reach it. Otherwise, you need to check your AppleTV setting to make sure Airplay function is enabled and AppleTV is connected to same network that you iOS device in.
If you are using your own customized video play controller interface, you can embedded the "Airplay" button into your own UI.

AVComposition breaks on Airplay

I have a video composition which I'd like to play over Airplay (without mirroring). The app works as expected when using normal Airplay mirroring, but I'd like to get the speed, reliability, and resolution bump you get from using Airplay video instead.
The problem is that when I set
player.usesAirPlayVideoWhileAirPlayScreenIsActive = YES;
...the player goes blank.
Since I don't create separate windows for each display, they are both trying to use the same AVPlayer.
My AVVideoComposition contains different files and adds opacity ramps between them.
This unanswered question suggests that the problem is more likely due to the fact that I'm playing an AVComposition than the use of a shared player: AVComposition doesn't play via Airplay Video
Two questions:
Do I have to get rid of the player on the iPad?
Can an AVVideoComposition ever be played over AirPlay?
I can't make comments so I had to post this as an answer although it might not fully respond to the questions.
I had similar issue and at the end I found out that when AVPlayer plays AVComposition it simply doesn't display anything on the external display. That's why I had to do it myself by listening to UIScreen connection notifications.
I have to say that all worked pretty perfect. I'm checking first if there are more than one screen and if there are I simply move the AVPlayer on that screen while displaying a simple message on the device's screen that content is played on... plus the name of AirPlay device. This way I can put whatever I want on the external display and is not very complicated. Same thing is when I receive UIScreenDidConnectNotification.
That was fine until I noticed that the composition plays really choppy on the the external display. Even if it consists of only one video without any complex edits or overlays. Same video plays perfectly if I save it to the Camera Roll or if I use MPMoviePlayerController.
I've tried many things like lowering resolutions, lowering renderScale and so on but with no success.
One thing bothers me more is how actually Apple do this in iMovie - if you have AirPlay enabled and you play a project (note it's still not rendered so it must use a composition in order to display it) right after tapping play button it opens a player that plays content really smoothly on the external monitor. If you however activate AirPlay from the player it closes and start rendering the project. After that it plays it I thing by using MPMoviePlayerController.
I'm still trying to find a solution and will post back if I have any success.
So for the two questions:
I don't see why you have to get rid.
Yes it can be played but with different technique and obviously issues.
in the app .plist create a new item called:
required background modes
add a new array element called:
App plays audio or streams audio/video using AirPlay
Not sure if you have already tried this, but you don't mention it in your post.

Clearing after-image from Airplay device, using UIWebView

I send a secondary UI to AirPlay - on iOS 5.1.
On the iPad, the user may use a UIWebView to play a video, and if they have Airplay setup, the video will be sent to the AirPlay device. When the video finishes playing or if the user pauses, the UIWebView does not clear out the image from the AirPlay screen.
If I then load a different URL to the UIWebView, the AirPlay image will clear out, but only after a few seconds.
I've tried to work-around this by loading a blank page, and then reloading the original video page, but that does not seem to work. Any thoughts?
In my effort to also clear other types of content from a UIWebView, I happened to discover that the following statement will also disconnect the AirPlay video connection immediately, and thereby revealing any underlying secondary UI sent via UIScreen.
[myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"document.body.innerHTML = \"\";"];

Set Airplay manually?

I have an iPad app and I have a video playing in a view. I would like to play video using Airplay but by pressing my own button.
I have set allows airplay = YES and so forth, this works if I enable the full controls, but I want to set no controls and have my own button to play the video using Airplay.
So far, I have found no information that would allow me to play a video on AppleTV without allowing the normal controls.
So just using an UIButton action to force the airplay, or at least get available devices and set it manually. Anything that would allow me to do this.
MPVolumeView will only control audio, it won't control video. For that you'd need iOS 5's AVPlayer, or a movie controller.
An alternative for you might be to use AirplayKit, a 3rd party library.
To answer my own question.
This is quite possible without jailbreak.
Here is apple's own page explaining this, so this will pass the review process.
Apple developer library document explaining how to do this
