Can I implement instance count monitoring using TVirtualMethodInterceptor? - delphi

Virtual method interception - introduced with Delphi XE - can be used to 'proxify' methods so that custom code can be executed before and after the original method.
Could this also be used to keep a count of all object instances in a Delphi application, by proxyfying the virtual methods TObject.AfterConstruction and TObject.BeforeDestruction?
If yes, this could be a simple way to analyse FastMM4 memory allocation statistics at run time (using the InstanceSize property of objects and matching it against the allocated memory blocks).
Update: sorry for asking a question which was very easy to answer from the DocWiki information - I have read the linked article first and only skimmed the example code

No, that's not going to work. From the documentation, with my emphasis:
Permits the user to dynamically intercept virtual method calls on specified instances of a particular class type.
The problem is that you need to get hold of each and every instance before you can proxify. But you are hoping to proxify in order to get hold of instances. So you are now caught in a chicken and egg scenario.


Delphi - Why is TObject.InitInstance public?

I'm somewhat new to Delphi, and this question is just me being curious. (I also just tried using it by accident only to discover I'm not supposed to.)
If you look at the documentation for TObject.InitInstance it tells you not to use it unless you're overriding NewInstance. The method is also public. Why not make it protected if the user is never supposed to call it?
Since I was around when this whole Delphi thing got started back around mid-1992, there are likely several answers to this question. If you look at the original declaration for TObject in Delphi 1, there weren't any protected/private members on TObject. That was because very early on in the development of Delphi and in concert with the introduction of exceptions to the language, exceptions were allocated from a different heap than other objects. This was the genesis of the NewInstance/InitInstance/CleanupInstance/FreeInstance functions. Overriding these functions on your class types you can literally control where an object is allocated.
In recent years I've used this functionality to create a cache of object instances that are literally "recycled". By intercepting NewInstance and FreeInstance, I created a system where instances are not returned to the heap upon de-allocation, rather they are placed on a lock-free/low-lock linked list. This makes allocating/freeing instances of a particular type much faster and eliminates a lot of excursions into the memory manager.
By having InitInstance public (the opposite of which is CleanupInstance), this would allow those methods to be called from other utility functions. In the above case I mentioned, InitInstance could be called on an existing block of memory without having to be called only from NewInstance. Suppose NewInstance calls a general purpose function that manages the aforementioned cache. The "scope" of the class instance is lost so the only way to call InitInstance is of it were public.
One of these days, we'll likely ship the code that does what I described above... for now it's part of an internal "research" project.
Oh, as an aside and also a bit of a history lesson... Prior to the Delphi 1 release, the design of how Exception instances were allocated/freed was returned to using the same heap as all the other objects. Because of an overall collective misstep it was assumed that we needed to allocate all Exception object instances to "protect" the Out of memory case. We reasoned that if we try and raise an exception because the memory manager was "out of memory", how in the blazes would we allocate the exception instance!? We already know there is no memory at that point! So we decided that a separate heap was necessary for all exceptions... until either Chuck Jazdzewski or Anders Heijlsberg (I forget exactly which one), figured out a simple, rather clever solution... Just pre-allocate the out of memory exception on startup! We still needed to control whether or not the exception should ever actually be freed (Exception instances are automatically freed once handled), so the whole NewInstance/FreeInstance mechanism remained.
Well never say never. In the VCL too much stuff is private and not virtual as it is, so I kinda like the fact that this stuff is public.
It isn't really necessary for normal use, but in specific cases, you might use it to allocate objects in bulk. NewInstance reserves a bit of memory for the object and then calls InitInstance to initialize it. You could write a piece of code that allocates memory for a great number of objects in one go, and then calls InitInstance for different parts of that large block to initialize different blocks in it. Such an implementation could be the base for a flyweight pattern implementation.
Normally you wouln't need such a thing at all, but it's nice that you can if you really want/need to.
How it works?
The fun thing is: a constructor in Delphi is just some method. The Create method itself doesn't do anything special. If you look at it, it is just a method as any other. It's even empty in TObject!
You can even call it on an instance (call MyObject.Create instead of TMyObject.Create), and it won't return a new object at all. The key is in the constructor keyword. That tells the compiler, that before executing the TAnyClass.Create method, it should also construct an actual object instance.
That construction means basically calling NewInstance. NewInstance allocates a piece of memory for the data of the object. After that, it calls InitInstance to do some special initialization of that memory, starting with clearing it (filling with zeroes).
Allocating memory is a relatively expensive task. A memory manager (compiled into your application) needs to find a free piece of memory and assign it to your object. If it doesn't have enough memory available, it needs to make a request to Windows to give it some more. If you have thousands or even millions of objects to create, then this can be inefficient.
In those rare cases, you could decide to allocate the memory for all those objects in one go. In that case you won't call the constructor at all, because you don't want to call NewInstance (because it would allocate extra memory). Instead, you can call InitInstance yourself to initialize pieces of your big chunk of memory.
Anyway, this is just a hypotheses of the reason. Maybe there isn't a reason at all. I've seen so many irrationally applied visibility levels in the VCL. Maybe they just didn't think about it at all. ;)
It gives developers a way to create object not using NewInstance (memory from stack/memory pool)

I found the ComClass, now how do I reference it?

I've written a small COM Server in Delphi 2010 that acts as a plug-in into a retail application. The retail application looks for a "discover" interface which registers any number of additional interfaces calling TAutoObjectFactory.Create for each one. This is working just fine--all the plug-in interfaces function as designed.
But now I'd like to call a public method of one interface from another interface so I don't have to duplicate code. Seems simple enough, just call ComClassManager.ForEachFactory looking for the ClassID of the interface I need to use. Got that working, too!
But now that I found the class, I'm stumped by a seemingly trivial final step: how to use or cast the class (or class reference?) I've located to actually call one of its methods.
In the "FactoryProc" I've sent to ForEachFactory, I assume the ComClass property of TComObjectFactory is what I'm after, but it's of type TClass, a class reference to the actual class object to which it points (at least I hope I'm understanding this correctly). I'm a little fuzzy on class references and my attempts to cast or otherwise de-reference this property has resulted in access violations or compiler errors.
Any suggestions?
You're right in your comment, ComClassManager deals with classes, not instances. What you need is (your application-local implementation of) running object table (or something similar), so plugin instances can interact with each other.
How to actually implement it depends on what you really need, e.g. call methods on all running instances, or only on instances of specific classes.

Container to store anonymous methods

I have a following definition.
TOmniTaskDelegate = reference to procedure(const task: IOmniTask);
What type of container should I use (should be supported in D2009) to store a list of TOmniTaskDelegate instances? Currently I'm using array of TOmniTaskDelegate but I'm not really happy with that.
I would use TList<TOmniTaskDelegate>. Since this is typesafe due to the use of generics, it will correctly handle the lifetime issues of its members.
Edit: Delphi 2009 includes the generic TList<T>, I assume it's implemented using array of, just as the one in Delphi 2010. That makes the TList<T> the optimal choice! My original answer stays because it explains why array of is a great data structure and why not using it is a lot of trouble.
Your choice of array of Anonym looks very good to me because:
Anonymous methods are managed entities (implemented using interfaces). They need to be properly finalized.
The dynamic array is itself a managed type, making sure the anonymous method references are properly finalized.
Delphi 2010 generic containers are implemented using dynamic arrays, so they're up to the task. But make sure you don't grow your arrays one-by-one, grow in chunks.
If you use anything else for the implementation you'll need to take care of finalizing the references yourself. Examples:
If you use plain blocks of memory you'll need an destructor that deliberately sets each item to nil (ie: not ZeroMemory or FillChar) so the compiler gets a chance to generate finalization code.
Records are managed objects, and they could hold references to dynamic methods, but they can only hold a finite number of references, if you need more you'll need to implement a sort of linked list and then you'll need to carefully manage there life cycle.
Classes suffer all the deficiencies of records, and they add their own layer of overhead on top of that.

What are the pros and cons of using interfaces in Delphi?

I have used Delphi classes for a while now but never really got into using interfaces. I already have read a bit about them but want to learn more.
I would like to hear which pros and cons you have encountered when using interfaces in Delphi regarding coding, performance, maintainability, code clearness, layer separation and generally speaking any regard you can think of.
All I can think of for now:
Clear separation between interface and implementation
Reduced unit dependencies
Multiple inheritance
Reference counting (if desired, can be disabled)
Class and interface references cannot be mixed (at least with reference counting)
Getter and setter functions required for all properties
Reference counting does not work with circular references
Debugging difficulties (thanks to gabr and Warren for pointing that out)
Adding to the answers few more advantages:
Use interfaces to represent the behavior and each implementation of a behavior will implement the interface.
API Publishing: Interfaces are great to use when publishing APIs. You can publishing an interface without giving out the actual implementation. So you are free to make internal structural changes without causing any problems to the clients.
All I say is that interfaces WITHOUT reference counting are VERY HIGH on my wishlist for delphi!!!
--> The real use of interfaces is the declaration of an interface. Not the ability for reference counting!
There are some SUBTLE downsides to interfaces that I don't know if people consider when using them:
Debugging becomes more difficult. I have seen a lot of strange difficulties stepping into interfaced method calls, in the debugger.
Interfaces in Delphi come with IUnknown semantics, if you like it or not, you'r stuck with reference counting being a supported interface. And, thus, with any interfaces created in Delphi's world, you have to be sure you handle reference counting correctly, and if you don't, you'll end up with leaks. When you want to avoid reference counting, your only choice is to override addref/decref and don't actually free anything, but this is not without its own problems. I find that the more heavily interface-laden codebases have some of the hardest-to-find access violations, and memory leaks, and this is, I think because it is very difficult to combine the refcount semantics, and the default delphi semantics (owner frees objects, and nobody else does, and most objects live for the entire life of their parents.).
Badly-done implementations using Interfaces can contribute some nasty code-smells. For example, Interfaces defined in the same unit that defines the initial concrete implementation of a class, add all the weight of interfaces, without really providing proper separation between the users of the interfaces and the implementors. I know this isn't a problem with interfaces themselves, but more of a quibble with those who write interface-based code. Please put your interface declarations in units that only have those interface declarations in them, and avoid unit-to-unit dependency hell caused by glomming your interface declarations into the same units as your implementor classes.
I mostly use interfaces when I want objects with different ancestry to offer a common service. The best example I can think of from my own experience is an interface called IClipboard:
IClipboard = interface
function CopyAvailable: Boolean;
function PasteAvailable(const Value: string): Boolean;
function CutAvailable: Boolean;
function SelectAllAvailable: Boolean;
procedure Copy;
procedure Paste(const Value: string);
procedure Cut;
procedure SelectAll;
I have a bunch of custom controls derived from standard VCL controls. They each implement this interface. When a clipboard operation reaches one of my forms it looks to see if the active control supports this interface and, if so, dispatches the appropriate method.
For a very simple interface you can do this with an of object event handler, but once it gets sufficiently complex an interface works well. In fact I think that is a very good analogue. Use an interface where you a single of object event won't fit the functionality.
Interfaces solves a certain kind of issues. The primary function is to... well, ...define interfaces. To distinguish between definition and implementation.
When you want to specify or check if a class supports a set of methods - use interfaces.
You cannot do that in any other way.
(If all classes inherits from the same base class, then an abstract class will define the interface. But when you are dealing with different class hierarchies, you need interfaces to define the methods thy have in common...)
Extra note on
Cons: Performance
I think many people are too blithely dismissing the performance penalty of interfaces. (Not that I don't like and use interfaces but you should be aware of what you are getting into). Interfaces can be expensive not just for the _AddRef / _Release hit (even if you are just returning -1) but also that properties are REQUIRED to have a Get method. In my experience, most properties in a class have direct access for the read accessor (e.g., propery Prop1: Integer read FProp1 write SetProp1). Changing that direct, no penalty access to a function call can be significant hit on your speed (especially when you start adding 10s of property calls inside a loop.
For example, a simple loop using a class
for i := 0 to 99 do
j := (MyClass.Prop1 + MyClass.Prop2 + MyClass.Prop3) / MyClass.Prop4;
// do something with j
goes from 0 function calls to 400 function calls when the class becomes an interface. Add more properties in that loop and it quickly gets worse.
The _AddRef / _Release penalty you can ameliorate with some tips (I am sure there are other tips. This is off the top of my head):
Use WITH or assign to a temp variable to only incur the penalty of one _AddRef / _Release per code block
Always pass interfaces using const keyword into a function (otherwise, you get an extra _AddRef / _Release occurs every time that function is called.
The only case when we had to use interfaces (besides COM/ActiveX stuff) was when we needed multiple inheritance and interfaces were the only way to get it. In several other cases when we attempted to use interfaces, we had various kinds of problems, mainly with reference counting (when the object was accessed both as a class instance and via interface).
So my advice would be to use them only when you know that you need them, not when you think that it can make your life easier in some aspect.
Update: As David reminded, with interfaces you get multiple inheritance of interfaces only, not of implementation. But that was fine for our needs.
Beyond what others already listed, a big pro of interfaces is the ability of aggregating them.
I wrote a blog post on that topic a while ago which can be found here: (tl;dr: you can have multiple objects each implementing an interface and then assemble them into an aggregate which to the outside world looks like a single object implementing all these interfaces)
You might also want to have a look at the "Interface Fundamentals" and "Advanced Interface Usage and Patterns" posts linked there.

If everything implemented an interface, would this be garbage collection?

I'm still something of a newbie, and I know my thinking is incorrect; I just don't know where ...
Just about everything in Delphi is descended from TObject. What if everything instead descended from a TInterfaceObject that implemented some trivial interface (e.g., "INamable," with a single method that returned a class's name string)? Since TObject already has a property that returns a name string, you wouldn't need to add anything to additional classes.
In other words, a TInterfacedObject would inherit from TObject (or something high up in the hierarchy), and everything currently descending from TObject would now descend from this new class. Wouldn't this mean everything was now reference counted?
If you can spot where my knowledge is lacking, I'd love to learn. Thanks, as always -- Al C.
It's not clear whether you're asking:
Why didn't Borland do this, when they originally developed Delphi?
Why don't Embarcadero do this, in a future version of Delphi?
Why don't I do this, with my own user data types?
Wouldn't this mean everything was now reference counted?
Yes it would.
However, you don't necessarily want everything to be ref-counted: every little integer, every string, every boolean, every element in an array ... if for no other reason that the implementation of ref-counting adds some overhead, e.g. a little extra memory per object, perhaps insignificant for large objects but proportionally more significant if applied to every tiny object.
Also, see also Garbage Collector For Delphi Objects and Components which says (quote),
Delphi provides three ways of object management :
Create/destroy the objects using try..finally.
Use TComponent descendants - create a component and let its owner free it.
Interfaces - when the reference count for an interface becomes 0 the
object which implements it is
The Delphi help says you shouldn't mix
the TComponent owner approach with the
interface memory management, but ...
Would this be garbage collection?
Not quite; mere reference-counting isn't as robust as garbage-collection:
With reference-counting, if you have two reference-counted instances each holding a reference to the other, then they're not released automatically. To release them you would need to break this 'circular reference' (i.e. explicitly tell one of them to release its reference to the other).
With true garbage-collection, the garbage-collector would notice that those two istance aren't referenced from anywhere else, and release them both.
If you annotate your potentially circular references as [weak] references, then they will get destroyed ok. But prior to Delphi 10.1 Berlin this only works in the NexGen compilers (i.e. those that use LLVM under the hood). From 10.1 Berlin onwards these [weak] references work everywhere.
It wouldn't be working garbage collection because interfaces use a very simple reference-counting system, and circular references, which are very common in Delphi code, break simple ref-counting.
No, because of two things:
Even if a class implements an interface it does not automatically make it reference counted. Only if you actually use it to implement that interface the reference counting will have any effect.
As others already said: Reference counting in interfaces will result in the class instance to be freed immediately when the reference count reaches 0. It is an implicit call to the Free method at that point in code. This will fail e.g. if two objects reference each other. True garbage collection will free the objects not when they go out of scope but when memory is needed, so there is no performance impact every time the reference count reaches 0 because the object will just continue to exist. In addition a good garbage collector will detect the isolated circular references (e.g. A references B references C references A but nothing else references any of these objects) and will free these objects as well.
Garbage collection is different from simple ref counting. You can have automatic deletion when a ref count reaches 0, but that too is not garbage collection. Garbage collection means letting go of your ability to control when things are deleted from memory, and allowing the underlying language's implementation to optimize the behviours. You stop paying attention to reference counts, and trust in the dynamic behaviours of a particular implementation of garbage collection.
Naturally, garbage collection uses a system of reference counting to know when something is no longer referenced, but that is a small piece of the puzzle.
Reference counting is a form of garbage collection, but not a very good one. It is used by some languages (python I think) although often with cycle detection.
Even if you descended from TInterfaceObject, the object is not reference counted and thus garbage collected unless you only use the interface reference and not the object reference.
I.e. you would need to use
nameable: IMyInterface;
nameable:= IMyInterface.Create();
This implies that your interface needs to support already the methods and properies that you require which quickly becomes tedious as you need to create an interface for each class.
It can be done reasonably easily in D2009 or later though. See Barry Kelly's implimentation of smart pointers. The usual reference countng cavets apply though.
