Twitter users can login and post comments on my site, as well as new posts.
Now, i am storing the user ID on my comments table on the database.
I was wondering what is the best practice to get users avatar and show it anywhere.
I guess that using the API is not the best option as it has a rate limit of 150/hour or 350/hour if OAuth is used.
Then i thought about getting it with this little code:
$username = "twitter"; // <-- You did not use quotes here?! Typo?
$xml = simplexml_load_file("".$username.".xml");
echo $xml->profile_image_url; // <-- No $xml->user here!
But if i have to show, let's say, 20 avatars on one same page, maybe there will be a little delay getting all of them.
I also thought about storing them on the database on a users table with the nick and so on. But then... what if the user updates his profile picture? I would still having the old one...
So, what is the best practice for it?
There are many pages and systems with have to deal with same problems such as, or liveFyre comment system, disqus...
I would say that you need to store the avatar URL generated by twitter and use that without calling the API everytime. Or use this service
Here is my workflow:
Person clicks on my ScheduleOnce link and schedules a meeting
Upon completing the ScheduleOnce booking form, the person clicks the done button
When this done button is clicked the person is redirected to a Node JS web app that displays an application page. This application page needs to be auto-populated with the information from the ScheduleOnce page.
Between step 2 and 3 is where Zapier comes in. I am trying to use Zapier to capture the data from the ScheduleOnce booking, which it is. Then I am trying to use a Zap to send that data to the page the person is redirected to, to auto-populate some of the fields.
I thought using the Code Javascript functionality would work but it does not. So then I was thinking about using the StoreClient option or the API. I am just confused on how to get the flow to work to access the data and auto-populate the fields on the next redirected page.
Some help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the code I have for the Javascript option:
var store = StoreClient("Secret");
.setMany({firstName: inputData.firstName, lastName: inputData.lastName, email:, mobilePhone: inputData.mobilePhone, otherPhone: inputData.otherPhone, businessWebsite: inputData.businessWebsite})
.then(function() {
return store.getMany('firstName', 'lastName', 'email', 'mobilePhone', 'otherPhone', 'businessWebsite');
.then(function() {
David here, from the Zapier Platform team. This is a cool use case and is probably possible. Something you need to remember is that Zapier is running totally separately from the user, so interaction will have to be indirect. Zapier can't redirect your user anywhere, it can just store data in response to a button push.
In your case you can skip everything after the setMany, since you're not trying to use the values in the zap; you just need to store them (and verify that action completed without errors).
var store = StoreClient("Secret");
.setMany({firstName: inputData.firstName, lastName: inputData.lastName, email:, mobilePhone: inputData.mobilePhone, otherPhone: inputData.otherPhone, businessWebsite: inputData.businessWebsite})
You'll need to solve a couple of problems:
Speed. the user will reach your landing page before the zap completes (as it has to make a couple of HTTP round trips and execute code). You'll want to play them a 3 second loading gif, or put a waiting message and allow them to refresh the destination
Populating the page. I'm not sure what the nature of the destination is (best case scenario is that it's a server you control), but something will need to make an http request to to retrieve the stored data and surface it in the view. This is easy if
Identifying the user. You'll need some way to identify the user getting redirected to the data you stored in StoreClient. If two users fill out the form in quick succession, the second one will currently overwrite the first. Plus, it seems to be semi-sensitive data that you don't just want available to anyone on your site. To that end, you'll probably want to store all of the data as a JSON string keyed by the user's email (or something else unique). That way, when I (the user) finish the form, I'm redirected to, the backend knows to look for (the key in store) and can render a view with the correct info.
To that end, I'd tweak the code to the following:
var store = StoreClient("Secret");
.set(, JSON.stringify({firstName: inputData.firstName, lastName: inputData.lastName, email:, mobilePhone: inputData.mobilePhone, otherPhone: inputData.otherPhone, businessWebsite: inputData.businessWebsite}))
Hope that points you in the right direction. You're working with a pretty complicated workflow, but I bet you can do it!
I currently creating an app where the users can add a posting without logging into the app or using any credentials.
Other users of the app can open the app and directly comment on the posts(the comments are an array of the post object).
I read the parse docs and I believe that this will use advance targeting. I saw PFInstallation.currentInstallation() for advanced targeting but I believe that is based on the users class and I am not using the users class
What I would like to do is to send a push notification to the original poster when a comment is added to their post... So, I was wondering how I would go completing that?
It couldn't be easier,
Installation has a "user" column. Just make a query that matches the "user" of interest. So, your code will look something like this....
if ( .. comment made, need to send a push .. )
console.log(">>> 'comment' was added....");
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
query.equalTo('user', .. whoWroteThePost .. );
alert = "Wow! You have a new comment on a post you wrote!!!";
data:{ alert: alert, badge: "Increment" }
Note that you said ...
"What I would like to do is to send a push notification to the original poster when a comment is added to their post... "
In that sentence you speak of the "original poster". So, that's going to be a variable like originalPoster. So this line of code
query.equalTo('user', .. whoWroteThePost .. );
will be
query.equalTo('user', originalPoster );
Note that this is extremely common, and you can find endless examples on the web! Here's just one: example
Note that:
Parse's term "advanced targeting" is very confusing.
To phrase the same thought another way,
Parse's 'channels' are just silly, ignore them.
That is to say, simply ignore the "channels" nonsense, and just search on users. It's easier and less confusing than the channels business, which is just an extra field you have to fill-out al the time.
It's just one of those weird things about Parse.
I've never used the "non-advanced targeting" - it's stupid and pointless. And the "advanced" targeting is trivial to use: assuming you can write cloud code at all you can do "advanced" targeting. If you can write a query in cloud code, you can do "advanced" targeting.
query.equalTo('user', .. whoWroteThePost .. );
Note that, of course, you may have to first look up who wrote the post, and then from there you can make the query for the Push.
Note, in this process it makes:
no difference at all if the user is anonymous.
You can and should go ahead and send pushes, in the same way.
Advanced targeting is not done against users. It's just that is the easiest way to show an example.
You need to store the installation against the objects you want to push to. So in this case store the installation against the post. Then when the comment comes in you can send a notification to the installation connected to the post it relates to.
I think you are looking something called anonymous users. There is almost impossible to send notification without user's data. But, provides something called anonymous users so that app users are not necessary to sign up in order to fully function something user related operations.
Then, you will need to store some information in order to find the target. Anonymous Users
I am looking at old posts to try and figure out what's wrong with the hackbook example at .
In this post, Post image to facebook using graph api , it seems that his problem was 117795728310/photos" instead of me/photos
What does 117795728310 refer to? I'm assuming it's not his app id. If it's his user id, where can I find out what mine is?
The paths of the open graph usually start with the id of the object and then it's connections.
For example: 6708787004/feed will return the feed for the South Park page.
The id can be replaced with a "username", so the above example is the same as "southpark/feed".
And "me/feed" is the same as "YOUR_USER_ID/feed"
You can get your id in all kind of ways, it will be easier to just check "/me" in the graph explorer.
The id you posted is not of a user but a page (graph explorer)
It does look like a User ID.
Go to to see how you get yours
I am using ColdFusion 9.0.1.
I have a new web site that uses Bikes.cfm and Makers.cfm as template pages. I need to be able to pass BikeID and MakerID to both of the these pages, along with other variables. I don't want to use the Actual page name in the URL, such as this:
I want my URL to look more like this:
I need to NOT specify the page name in the URL.
I want these two URLs to access different data: // goes to bike page // goes to maker page
So, if BikeID appears in the URL before MakerID, go to the Bikes.cfm page. If MakerID appears before BikeID, go the Makers.cfm page.
Is there an easy and existing method to arrange the URL keys in such a way to have them point to the appropriate page?
Should I just parse the the URL as a list and determine the first ID and go to the appropriate page? Is there a better way?
Any thoughts or hints or ideas would be appreciated.
UPDATE -- It certainly appears that using the order of parameters in a URL is a bad idea for the following reasons:
1) many programs append variables to the URL
2) some programs may reorder the variables
3) GoogleBot may not consider order relevant and will most likely not index the site correctly.
Thanks to everyone who provided advice in a positive manner that my approach was probably a bad idea and would not produce the results I wanted. Thanks to everyone who suggested alternate means to produce the results I wanted.
If anyone of you positive people would like to put your positive comment/advice as an answer, I'd be happy to accept it as the answer.
Despite my grave misgivings about the whole idea, here's how I would do it if I were forced to do so:
<cfswitch expression="#ListFirst(cgi.query_string, '=')#">
<cfcase value="BikeID">
<cfinclude template="Bikes.cfm">
<cfcase value="MakerID">
<cfinclude template="Makers.cfm">
<cfinclude template="Welcome.cfm">
EDIT: The solution turned out to be along these lines:
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
if ($request->getParameter('first_name')) {
$this->setFilters(array('first_name' => $request->getParameter('first_name')));
So, I've just started using symfony admin generator and it's great. But, I want to know, how I can I filter the lists using a GET request? e.g. /users?name=Simon
If I try: /users/filter/action/users[name]/Simon
It complains there is no CSRF token, because usually you filter by using the filter form it generates for you.
All I want to do is create links from one list to the other. e.g. clicking "See this User's Posts" in each user list record will send you to the Posts screen but with it filtered by this user.
I wouldn't be surprised if this could actually be done by the generator.yml but I don't know how, yet.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
My answer here explains what you need: symfony - admin module filters accessible as links
I have tried embedding the filter form of the "target" table in the main table from which you would like to be redirected hidding everything but the filter button. As you have mentioned it does not always work without the token.