Xcode storyboard: Why does the iPad storyboard show iPhone sized views? - ios

I have a universal app that uses storyboards. There is an iPhone storyboard and an iPad storyboard. However, in interface builder, the viewcontrollers for the iPad storyboard are still sized for the iPhone. How do I get the iPad storyboard to show iPad sized view controllers?
I realize that the view controller display in interface builder is design-time-only eye-candy, but having iPhone sized VCs makes it really hard to lay out the UI correctly.

After some digging through the storyboard source code, it turns out that the iPad storyboard was copied from the iPhone storyboard. So, the question really became how do I convert an iPhone storyboard into an iPad storyboard?
The answer is surprisingly simple. I ran across this SO answer -- to convert an iPhone storyboard to an iPad storyboard, do the following:
From Xcode, right-click on the storyboard and choose Open As ->
Source code
Search for targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch"and change it to targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch.iPad"
Right-click on the storyboard again and choose Open As -> iOS Storyboard
The storyboard will now show all views in the correct size.

When you first create a storyboard you select a Device Family (iPhone or iPad) that the storyboard is targeted for. I don't know of a way to change the device family once the storyboard has already been created.
However, to solve your problem I recommend the following:
Create a new storyboard by going to: New -> File -> User Interface -> Storyboard (Be sure to select Device Family = iPad when choosing the options.)
Go to your old storyboard, select and copy everything by pressing Command-A, Command-C. Then go to your and paste everything by pressing Command-V. Your view controllers will now be iPad-sized.
You can then delete the old storyboard and rename your new storyboard to whatever the old name was.

This answer is not a solution, but will help to get one of the reasons why such things happen.
The issue occurs when you try to disable:
"Use Auto Layout"
When you uncheck it, the popup window appears. There is select:
"Keep size class data for: iPhone", by default is selected iPhone (no matter which iPad or iPhone project you created).
If you will not mention on it, your storyboard will be auto converted to iPhone sizes.
Do not forget to choose right device.

I used the suggested answer to convert an iPhone storyboard to an iPad storyboard and it worked great for most of my views. However, I realized that one of the views was still iPhone storyboard sized. The reason was because I had locked All Properties of one background image (because I did not want to accidentally move it). Removing the lock turned the view back into iPad sized. This might help someone stuck on this.

Make sure you set the right Storyboard in Target > General. This kinda stuff makes me headache for 3 hours before i realise i set the same storyboard for iPhone as my iPad storyboard.

In my universal app, I was using SpriteKit for the main viewcontroller. The SKScene.scaleMode was set to aspectFill. When run in the iPad simulator, the app started up iPhone mode. Solution was to set scaleMode = .resizeFill.

For me i have found it more easy by changing the view controller presentation to Full Screen rather than Automatic, I use Xcode 12.1


iOS - Open a different Stroryboard based on the device size

I have created an app in Swift and I want it to be available in both iPhone and iPad, but I would like the iPad to have a couple different layout variables, such as bigger buttons and pictures. Using auto-layout or Size Classes with constraints wasn't working and not letting me put them where I want them, so I was wondering how to make it so that when I open the simulator with an iPad, it opens the storyboard with the different View Controller layouts. I made a duplicate storyboard so I have main.storyboard and the copy is mainiPad.storyboard for the iPad only. If this can be done, please let me know! Thanks!!
This Tutorial is the old way, when You simply add iPad suffix in the file name.
This Post is the new way, introduced in Xcode 6; You simply select the storyboard name for ipad and iphone family in application plist file.

iPhone app's storyboard does not display correctly on iPad

I've spent a lot of time attempt to research this issue and haven't gotten any results unfortunately.
[edit: being more explicit with my question]
My question is: why are the objects on my view controller not appearing when I run the iPad simulator? The background color of the view controller is displayed. The navigation tab bar appears as well. But neither of the two objects on my view controller appear (which have constraints on them).
If I look at the info.plist I see that I have "Main Storyboard file base name" with a value of Main (which makes sense, as my one and only storyboard is main.storyboard).
When I run the app within the iPhone simulator, all is well. When I changed the simulator to iPad, this is what happens:
Launch Screen appears
View Controller appears with the background color I have chosen in my storyboard scene.
When in debug, I see that it's going through the code to load up my views as it does when running in the iPhone simulator.
The Tab Bar controller's tab bar appears at the bottom of the view controller as expected.
Is this somehow related to the width and height I have selected? I have it set to: wCompact hAny. When I change it to wAny hRegular, the items I had placed in the scene (a UIView and a UITextField) "disappear."
Some background:
I originally created the app as Universal. But what I want, at least for now because I'm still learning, is just an iPhone app that will also run on an iPad (with that 2x option). I changed the Targeted Device Family to iPhone under both the Target and then later under Project.
I know one option is to just make an iPad layout, but I'd really like to know what I'm doing wrong here.
[edit: one solution]
The resolution I took, although I feel it's not the one I wanted, was to change the size to one that iPad supports and then paste the two objects (UIView & UITextView) into the scene that was defined as wAny hRegular. Then I hooked up those 2 objects to their outlets in the View Controller and I now have my app appearing in the iPad simulator.

iPad storyboard changes not happening?

I started a xcode project for iPhone and now I'm working it also for iPad (Universal App).
So in devices I put Universal and I create the iPad storyboard and make the necessary changes (in plist file and build settings) and now anything I edit in the ipad storyboard is done, obviously yes on code but not in the storyboard (I'm working without auto-layout so Its disabled in both storyboards).
What can I do? I've checked everything and it's in order.
Just a guess, but you might be getting an error showing up in your debug console. Make sure that the storyboard has an entry point. Select the viewContoller that is the entry point and check the checkbox for "is initial view controller" in the utilities pane.
did you check the target> General> their did you give the storyboard for ipad? if you look, you can see the selection on iphone and your iphone storyboards name below it. Change it to ipad and enter the storyboard?

Universal Storyboard?

In the old XIB world of iOS development, I was able to create one View Controller and one XIB, and use them for both the iPhone and iPad environments. With just a few code tweaks, the XIB would resize and adjust to fit the different dimensions and aspect ratios. This allowed me to reduce the risk of the two layouts getting out of sync over time.
Is the same thing possible in the world of Storyboards? By default Xcode creates two distinct storyboards for my Universal app -- one for the iPhone and one for the iPad.
How can I use one storyboard for both?
Size Classes in Xcode 6 will essentially achieve the goal of Universal Storyboards. More info here:
In short...you can't.
There's a workaroud I use to create the iPad storyboard at the end of the iPhone development.
You have to locate the iPhone story board and using the Terminal you can duplicate it giving it the name of the iPad storyboard that Xcode has created for you. Delete the empty old storyboard and open the newly copied one changinge the targetRuntime attribute to "iOS.CocoaTouch.iPad" instead of the old value "iOS.CocoaTouch".
Open the iPad storyboard with Xcode, everything is there but it still needs to be arranged and connected to the ViewController (wiring stuff included..). It's not perfect but I usually do it to save some error prone copy and paste (and several hours as well).
If you just want to target your app for iPhone and deliver it to iPad you can just use the iPhone Xib and you'll get the 2x little botton in your right corner.
Update late 2014 (after Xcode 6 beta release)
Xcode 6 now allows you to define a single storyboard and through the size classes concept, to make it adapt to all their devices. This solution is a bit confusing (especially if you're familiar with how this problem is solved in the Android environment) but it's something in the right direction IMHO.
Yes you can.
You can simply select the very same storyboard in Xcode under General/Deployment info
I have a few app which have that.
They share a lot of view controllers.
If you use freeform size than you can create separate view controller in the story board and two separate segues.
if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"Open VC" sender:sender];
} else {
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"Open VC iPad" sender:sender];
Only disadvantage is that you cannot use iPad specific controls directly from the storyboard (popover etc.) unless you switch to an iPad storyboard

converting story board from iphone to ipad

I have a storyboard for my iphone version of my app and I want to have the same storyboard for my ipad version (only bigger). My story board only has text and buttons is there anyway I can just convert the whole thing and increase the size by 2, or do have to resize everything manually?
You really need to do more than just resize you know. iPad users don't generally enjoy running iPhone apps at double size on the iPad and it sounds like that's what you're proposing to do.
In your storyboard you can drag and drop from your iPhone screens to iPad to get all of the elements into the iPad storyboard. Then maybe you will tweak a bit to make it more iPad friendly.
As far as I know, you will need to create a new storyboard and set that as the storyboard for iPad (app settings). You will then need to create the content manually (you can copy and paste the objects and use the existing controller classes though (will need to wire up the objects).

