Rails: making a table from a collection - ruby-on-rails

I'm using the Forem blogging gem. It renders the posts of a particular topic this way.
<%= render :partial => "forem/posts/post", :collection => #posts %>
Is there a way to make the output appear in a table? I've put <td> markup around the sections in the partial below that I want to break up into a table.
The row names I would want are Name, Posted At, Message, In Reply to, and Actions.
I thought I might be able to do something like
#posts.each do |p|
but I can't figure out how to get it to work
<a name='post-<%= post.id %>'></a>
<div id='post_<%= post.id %>' class='post <%= cycle('odd', 'even') -%>'>
Name:<%= link_to_if Forem.user_profile_links, post.user, [main_app, post.user] %>
<div class='icon'><%#= avatar(post.user, :size => 60) %></div>
<a href='#post-<%= post.id %>'>
<time datetime="<%= post.created_at.to_s(:db) -%>"><%= "#{time_ago_in_words(post.created_at)} #{t("ago")}" %></time>
<%= forem_format(post.text) %>
<% if post.reply_to %>
<span class='in_reply_to'>
<%= link_to "#{t("forem.post.in_reply_to")} #{post.reply_to.user}", "#post-#{post.reply_to.id}" %>
<% end %>
<ul class='actions'>
<% if forem_user %>
<% if can?(:reply, #topic) %>
<% if #topic.can_be_replied_to? %>
<li><%= link_to t('reply', :scope => 'forem.topic'), new_topic_post_path(#topic, :reply_to_id => post.id) %></li>
<% end %>
<% if #topic.can_be_replied_to? %>
<li><%= link_to t('quote', :scope => 'forem.topic'), new_topic_post_path(#topic, :reply_to_id => post.id, :quote => true) %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if post.owner_or_admin?(forem_user) %>
<% if can?(:edit_post, #topic.forum) %>
<li><%= link_to t('edit', :scope => 'forem.post'), edit_topic_post_path(#topic, post) %></li>
<% end %>
<li><%= link_to t('delete', :scope => 'forem.topic'), topic_post_path(#topic, post), :method => :delete, :confirm => t("are_you_sure") %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Have you tried adding instead of at the very beginning of the code for the partial? And perhaps a before the loop over posts?


Form_tag routing error after unsuccessful submit

I have an index page with a partial form to submit new records to Package model. I keep this form in the index page, so the user doesn't need to leave the page when repeating this action, several times.
In the same page I have a form_tag fir multiple updates for the same controller, namely packages_controller.
Everything works fine, except the following: when hit the update button, going to the form BUT instead of submitting I go back (with the browser) and try to select other records to be updated then I have a routing error:
Routing Error
No route matches [PUT] "/projects/47/orderlines/18/packages"
My index page looks like this:
<% if current_user %>
<%= render "packages/form" %>
<% end %>
<% if #packages.count >= 1 %>
<table class="table table-striped">
<th> <input type="checkbox" id="selectAll" value="selectAll"></th>
<th>Packed </th>
<th>Gross weight</th>
<%= form_tag edit_multiple_project_orderline_packages_path, method: :get do %>
<% for package in #packages %>
<% if package.packed== true %>
<% #label_type="success" %>
<% else %>
<% #label_type="default" %>
<% end %>
<td><%= check_box_tag "package_ids[]", package.id %></td>
<td><span class="label label-<%= #label_type %>"><% if package.packed==true %>Packed<% else %>Unpacked<% end %></span></td>
<td><%= package.package_no %></td>
<td><%= package.package_type %></td>
<td><%= package.gross_weight %></td>
<td><%= package.length %></td>
<td><%= package.width %></td>
<td><%= package.height %></td>
<% if #orderline.packages.count >= 1 %>
<td><%= link_to 'Delete', [package.orderline.project, package.orderline, package],
method: :delete,
data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %></td>
<td><%= #containers.find(package.container_id).container_id if package.packed %></td>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "Add to container", class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
<br />
<%= will_paginate %>
And the multiple_edit form
<div class="col-sm-4">
<%= form_tag update_multiple_project_orderline_packages_path, method: :put do %>
<% #packages.each do |package| %>
<%= hidden_field_tag "package_ids[]", package.id %>
<%= package.package_no %>
<%= package.container_id %>
<% package.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= fields_for :package do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :package_no %><br />
<%= f.text_field :package_no, :class => "form-control" %>
<br />
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :container_id %><br />
<%= select_tag 'package[container_id]', options_from_collection_for_select(#project.containers, 'id', 'container_id', default_blank: true), prompt: "- Select container -", :class => "form-control" %>
<br />
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :packed %><br />
<%= f.select :packed, [["Packed", true], ["Unpacked", false]],{ prompt: "- Packing -"},{ :class => "form-control" } %>
<% end %>
<div class="actions">
<br />
<%= submit_tag "Update", :class => "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
And the packages controller edit_multiple actions:
def edit_multiple
#project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
#packages = Package.find(params[:package_ids])
def update_multiple
#packages = Package.find(params[:package_ids])
#packages.reject! do |package|
package.update_attributes(package_params.reject { |k,v| v.blank? })
if #packages.empty?
redirect_to project_orderline_packages_url
#package = Package.new(package_params)
render "edit_multiple"
packages_controller create action:
def create
project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
orderline = project.orderlines.find(params[:orderline_id])
#package = orderline.packages.new(package_params)
if #package.save
flash[:success] = "Package(s) was successfully added."
redirect_to :back
render 'new'
And my routes:
resources :projects do
resources :containers
resources :orderlines do
resources :packages do
collection do
put :packed
get :edit_multiple
put :update_multiple
I just added my routes here:
edit_multiple_project_orderline_packages_path GET /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages/edit_multiple(.:format)
update_multiple_project_orderline_packages_path PUT /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages/update_multiple(.:format)
project_orderline_packages_path GET /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages(.:format)
POST /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages(.:format)
new_project_orderline_package_path GET /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages/new(.:format)
edit_project_orderline_package_path GET /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages/:id/edit(.:format)
project_orderline_package_path GET /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages/:id(.:format)
PATCH /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages/:id(.:format)
PUT /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages/:id(.:format)
DELETE /projects/:project_id/orderlines/:orderline_id/packages/:id(.:format)
your form_tag code is update_multiple_project_orderline_packages_path
I think it should be update_multiple_project_orderline_package_path(project_id, orderline_id, package_id)
I am not 100% sure with my statement above, because you gave scrambled Rails Routes, hard to read
and your form action seems goes to packages#edit_multiple controller
so paste your edit_multiple method, not create method
are you implementing your scenario above with javascript, or just plain HTML?

Rails syntax error : unexpected keyword_ensure, expecting end-of-input

I am a newbie in rails and i tried creating a forum application based on a tutorial. This is my forum page but i keep getting the error:
syntax error, unexpected keyword_ensure, expecting end-of-input
Extracted source (around line #33):
31 <p><% if admin? %><%= link_to "New Forum", new_forum_path %><% end %></p>
here is the forum index page which is throwing the error:
<% title "Forums" %>
<th width="70%">Forum</th>
<th width="30%">Last Post</th>
<% for forum in #forums %>
<td><h4><%= link_to h(forum.name), forum_path(forum.id) %></h4>
<small><%= forum.topics.count %> topics</small><br />
<%=h forum.description %></td>
<td class="right">
<% if forum.most_recent_post %>
<%= distance_of_time_in_words_to_now forum.most_recent_post.last_post_at %>
ago by
<%= link_to forum.most_recent_post.user.username, "/users/#{forum.most_recent_post.last_poster_id}" %>
<% else %>no posts<% end %>
<% if admin? %>
<td><%= link_to "Edit", edit_forum_path(forum) %>
<% end %></td>
<!-- <% end %> -->
<% if admin? %>
<td><%= link_to "Destroy", forum, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %></td>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<p><% if admin? %><%= link_to "New Forum", new_forum_path %><% end %></p>
<!-- <% end %> --> what is this doing? a html commented ERB tag will still evaluate. Remove it. if you want to comment ruby code use # instead, like <% #end %>
Properly formatted code goes a long way towards diagnosing problems like this (mismatch and the like). Try out the following:
<% title "Forums" %>
<th width="70%">Forum</th>
<th width="30%">Last Post</th>
<% for forum in #forums %>
<h4><%= link_to h(forum.name), forum_path(forum.id) %></h4>
<small><%= forum.topics.count %> topics</small>
<br />
<%=h forum.description %>
<td class="right">
<% if forum.most_recent_post %>
<%= distance_of_time_in_words_to_now forum.most_recent_post.last_post_at %>
ago by
<%= link_to forum.most_recent_post.user.username, "/users/#{forum.most_recent_post.last_poster_id}" %>
<% else %>
no posts
<% end %>
<% if admin? %>
<td><%= link_to "Edit", edit_forum_path(forum) %></td>
<td><%= link_to "Destroy", forum, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %></td>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if admin? %>
<p><%= link_to "New Forum", new_forum_path %></p>
<% end %>
all I could see wrong is that you set end before it should here
<% if admin? %>
<td><%= link_to "Edit", edit_forum_path(forum) %>
<% end %></td>
so try to move it like this
<% if admin? %>
<td><%= link_to "Edit", edit_forum_path(forum) %>
</td><% end %>
I think you have the order of opening and closing blocks jumbled up.
if, for are all opening blocks that have to be closed at the appropriate times.
The commented-out end tag that Benjamin mentioned is actually important but misplaced and has to go between your </tr> and </table> tags to close the for forum in #forums.
I prepared a modified version with some realignments, so I could make sense of it more easily. Haven't actually tested it, though.
<% title "Forums" %>
<th width="70%">Forum</th>
<th width="30%">Last Post</th>
<% for forum in #forums %>
<h4><%= link_to h(forum.name), forum_path(forum.id) %></h4>
<small><%= forum.topics.count %> topics</small><br />
<%=h forum.description %></td>
<td class="right">
<% if forum.most_recent_post %>
<%= distance_of_time_in_words_to_now forum.most_recent_post.last_post_at %>
ago by
<%= link_to forum.most_recent_post.user.username, "/users/#{forum.most_recent_post.last_poster_id}" %>
<% else %>
no posts
<% end %>
<% if admin? %>
<%= link_to "Edit", edit_forum_path(forum) %>
<% end %>
<% if admin? %>
<td><%= link_to "Destroy", forum, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %></td>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if admin? %>
<%= link_to "New Forum", new_forum_path %>
<% end %>

Ruby On Rails - Acts As Taggable - Change name of param: keyword

I wonder if/how to change the name of the param :keyword when using acts as taggable?
Today my url looks like this:
I would like to change the "keyword" to another word.
def tagged
#current_keyword = params[:keyword]
#tags = FeedEntry.tag_counts_on(:keyword)
#tagged_feed_entries = FeedEntry.tagged_with(params[:keyword]).order("published_at desc").paginate :page => params[:sida]
<table class="table table-striped">
<% if #tags %>
<% #tagged_feed_entries.each do |feed_entry| %>
<% today = Date.today %>
<% if (today === feed_entry.published_at.to_date) %>
<span class="label label-success">
<% else %>
<span class="label">
<% end %>
<%= format_stamp_to_date(feed_entry.published_at) %>
<%= I18n.localize(feed_entry.published_at, :format => '%H:%M') %>
<td><%= link_to feed_entry.name, feed_entry_path(feed_entry) %></td>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= will_paginate #tagged_feed_entries, :param_name => :sida %>
You should just be able to replace all instances of params[:keyword] to params[:whatever]. Your path then becomes http://www.foo.bar/tagged?whatever=baz.
If you have a search form, you'll have to make the relevant changes there, as well.

Form in Ruby on Rails

I can't sort out the forms. I'm going along with tutorial (Agile Web Development with Rails) and I'm trying to simply add the field Quantity to my line_items table. Can't figure this out. Please help. How can I change button_to to pass extra value?
<% if notice %>
<p id="notice" ><%= notice %></p>
<% end %>
<h1>Your Pragmatic Catalog</h1>
<% #products.each do |product| %>
<div class="entry" >
<%= image_tag(product.image_url) %>
<h3><%= product.title %></h3>
<%=sanitize product.description %>
<div class="price_line" >
<span class="price" ></span>
<%= button_to 'Add to Cart', line_items_path(:product_id => product) %>
<% end %>
Could you do something like:
<%= button_to 'Add to Cart', { :action => "delete", :id => #image.id, :locals => {:quantity => quantity} } %>

html5 in rails3 views

I have a view with some embedded ruby in it... i want to insert a cell <td></td> into it, but when i do that it gives several error messages? This is because i concatenate a text field and a submit button into the embedded ruby.
This is my code:
<% for answer in #question.answers %>
<!-- this displays all the possible answers -->
<%= answer.text %>
<% if current_user.can_vote_on? (#question) %> <!-- if a current user has not yet voted.. -->
<td> <%= form_tag('/vote', :method => "post") do
hidden_field_tag('vote[answer_id]', answer.id) +
end %> <!-- vote button.. -->
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if current_user.can_vote_on? (#question) %> <!-- this shows a answer text field -->
<%= form_tag('/vote/new_answer', :method => "post") do
hidden_field_tag('answer[question_id]', #question.id) +
hidden_field_tag('answer[user_id]', current_user.id) +
text_field_tag('answer[text]') + <!-- in here i want an extra </td><td> tag -->
end %>
<% end %>
My question is: how can i exit the embedded ruby and at the same time staying in the concatenated string...? I want to add the </td> and the <td> after the text_field_tag('answer[text]')
I tried this:
<%= form_tag('/vote/new_answer', :method => "post") do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag('answer[question_id]', #question.id) %>
<%= hidden_field_tag('answer[user_id]', current_user.id) %>
<%= text_field_tag('answer[text]') %>
<%= submit_tag('Vote') %>
<% end %>
And it works!
Simple answer: It's not possible.
I suggest you try a different approach such as using divs inside your td elements. If I were you I wouldn't concatinate the strings together.
<%= form_tag('/vote/new_answer', :method => "post") do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag(answer[question_id], #question.id %>
... so on ...
<div class="position_it_somewhere_with_this_class"><%= submit_tag("vote") %></div>
<% end %>
You don't concatenate tags!
Also you don't use divs in table rows. put the classes in your tds
<%= form_tag('/vote/new_answer', :method => "post") do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag('answer[question_id]', #question.id) %>
<%= hidden_field_tag('answer[user_id]', current_user.id) %>
<%= text_field_tag('answer[text]') %>
<%= submit_tag('Vote') %>
<% end %>
