Do a Custom Animation with UISwipeGestureRecognizer - ios

I want to implement an animation like the Calendar ipad application but in a bit different way. Is there any sample applications available or can someone suggest me any pdf's which can help?

I'd suggest reading the animation section of the View Programming Guide. You might also want some familiarity with gesture recognizers, too.
If this doesn't answer your question, you'll have to provide more specifics, examples of the code you're currently using to transition, what you've tried, etc.


How to load a Page with an intuitive swipe up transition?

While Navigating from one screen to another, I want to achieve an animation like this, but I have no idea how to do it.
I implemented a somewhat similar design some time ago.
It was a lot of work involving GestureDetectors and animations.
You're welcome to check out the source code on Github.

iOS customise user interface

Hi all I would like to make a horizontal scroll bar like below in iOS APP.
I read through lots of iOS programming book, none of them teaches me how to do custom UI. Can someone tell me, what knowledge I should learn in order to make this?
Thank you.
You should be using UICollectionView to make your life easier. There are many tutorials on that in which you probably just want to lay out your cells in one row and many columns to achieve the horizontal scrolling effect. Otherwise you may want to employ external libraries like this if you prefer a plug and play solution.

How can I create a Slide Navigation Menu Programatically in Swift using xib files?

I want to create something like this:
I know I have to use Container View in swift but I don't know how to go about it. Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks!
My suggestion is to use SWRevealViewController library. It's a good starting point. You can use it in your project or take a look at the sources and implement something similar yourself.
I don't know about xibs, but if you want to do it yourself, the best tutorial I've found is on (they have all sorts of fantastic tutorials). Here's the link. There are a bunch of other tutorials out there that use some sort of "TransitionManager" class that implements the UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning and UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate protocols to get the job done, but it's a bit messier than the approach used in the Ray Wenderlich tutorial, which does indeed revolve around a container view.

Swipe up UITableView from bottom

I would really like to do this with a MapView as background, and a TableView a foreground: . Does anybody know a way to do this?
I would recommend following this tutorial but be aware, there is an underlying bug in iOS8 using this solution which you can solve easily like others did in this answer.
Another possibility is using SCStackViewControllers library available in github which will provide multiple examples on how to stack and animate transitions between multiple UIViewcontroller.

How can I slow down UINavigationController's swipe back animation?

So UINavigationController's swipe-to-go-back functionality, that was introduced with iOS 7, has an annoying "snap" at the end of the animation. It's really jarring to me as a user, and I feel like if the animation could be tinkered with, then it might feel a bit better.
An example would be Instagram's update on 12/12/13. They somehow slowed down the swipe-back animation so that it feels much more fluid. Would this require completely custom functionality, or is there a way to hijack UINavigationController's existing functionality? How can this be achieved?
Okay, so I know that custom transitions are the way to go. However, I'm confused on exactly how to implement them. I've seen references to several delegate methods, but no clear examples of how to achieve custom animations. Could someone provide a basic example, specifically for overriding UINavigationController's push/pop animations?
Yes, you can create your own interactive transitions to completely customise how they work!
I followed a fairly decent tutorial in the "iOS 7 By Tutorials" PDF by Ray Wenderlich.
I've also had a quick google and this might help:
