Precompile assets for a rails engine - ruby-on-rails

In a standard app, I have this line in my production.rb, which creates endpoints for non-default precompiled assets:
config.assets.precompile += %w( mobile.css )
My rails engine is a standard Sinatra app. It has its own assets.
When on development, these assets are served fine, presumably the web requests are handled by rails and sprockets. On production I'm getting 404s on the assets, and think I have to manually tell sprockets to provide the files. How can this be done without tightly linking?
It isin't evident how to set up env-specific initializers for engines. Is this done? Not only, for example, is config/development.rb within the engine not loaded, but there's no way to get the application class itself without knowing its name, in order to modify configuration.
And even if there was, it seems that having any engine able to reconfigure the main app would be very bad idea.
So maybe its better to let assets handling be done by sinatra itself? Or another instance of sprockets for the engine? How do other engines handle this?


Heroku does not display images and also is not accepting my authentication User/Pass for access..How can I access my images?

I have deployed my exhisting project to Heroku. My main pages display some images, which have not loaded on heroku ..... And my backend end authentication pages , accessible only by me, will not accept my user/pass.
images are stored in
Several points for you
Heroku runs an ephemeral file system, which essentially means your files are overwritten each time you push a new deploy.
This doesn't matter for asset based images, but if you're using the likes of Paperclip to store dynamically-uploaded images, you need to ensure you're able to persist the data (with the likes of S3)
In your case, the problem will likely be to do with the precompilation process:
In the production environment Sprockets uses the fingerprinting scheme
outlined above. By default Rails assumes assets have been precompiled
and will be served as static assets by your web server.
Precompilation of the assets is when the Rails application will serve assets from the /public directory, rather than the /assets dir. This is super important as it means if you're referencing assets using "static" CSS references, it simply won't work, especially on Heroku
The best solution for this is to use one of the Rails preprocessors (SCSS / SASS) & use one of the asset path helpers to reference the dynamic asset location:
body {
background: asset_url("your_image.png");
Your authentication is probably a problem with your database
A problem with Heroku is that as it uses a different database than your local system, you'll have to populate it with the data required to get it working.
It's a common issue to not be able to load the database correctly, missing out many different migrations. I would recommend the following:
$ heroku run rake db:migrate
After this, you need to ensure that you're able to create the relevant details in your application

Rails 4 Asset Pipeline: Asset missing fingerprint in asset_path from js

I am deploying a Rails 4.0 application which includes HTML partial templates as assets for our front-end javascript framework. Although these templates are part of the asset pipeline and are properly precompiled, when I call asset_path from embedded ruby in our js files, it returns the path to our templates without the fingerprint.
I am quite certain that this is purely a Asset Pipeline question, but to give you a complete sense of our tech stack: We use Rails 4.0, Ruby 2.1, AngularJS for our front-end MVC framework, and AssetSync to synchronize our assets between Rails and our CDN.
An example of where this occurs (in a file included in app/assets/application.js.erb:
.when('/', {
templateUrl: "<%= asset_path 'home.html' %>",
controller: "HomeController"
This works great locally, but as soon as config.assets.digest = true in production, the call to asset_path does not properly factor in the fingerprint. The templates are in the app/assets directory within a new subdirectory templates. So in the above example, the home.html asset is at app/assets/templates/home.html. Our javascript has itself been precompiled at that point, so I'm thinking that it might be an issue of which order the assets are precompiled in.
I've noticed a few issues on the Rails Github (1, 2, 3) and a couple of SO posts about fingerprints not being set properly (1, 2), but can't find anything about them not being included at all...
Any help or ideas that you can provide would be much appreciated.
Edit 4/15: forgot to include that the extensions on my application javascript file DOES include .erb (app/assets/application.js.erb). Thanks Alex for catching that. I've updated it above.
Also, following instructions in this article on Heroku, I confirmed that running puts helper.asset_path("home.html") from within a Rails console running in production prints a properly fingerprinted URL for that asset.
This appears to be an issue with the AssetSync gem. I removed it, reconfigured the app so that Rails serves the assets, and the fingerprinting works fine.
If anyone else finds this question and is running into the same issue, I would recommend against using AssetSync. According to Heroku:
Many developers make use of Amazon’s S3 service for serving static assets that
have been uploaded previously, either manually or by some form of build process.
Whilst this works, this is not recommended as S3 was designed as a file storage
service and not for optimal delivery of files under load. Therefore, serving
static assets from S3 is not recommended.
Amazon CloudFront is the preferred method of serving assets through a CDN, and is very easy to configure with a Rails app that serves its own static assets, accomplishing the same goals as AssetSync.
I'm pretty new to this stuff, but to get the asset_path to work, don't you need a .erb on the end of that file?
Check out the bottom of this article for more info:
If it works in development, that may not help. There is a helpful section on debugging at the bottom of the article though.
Here's another article that could help:
Flipping on this configuration in Heroku made some of my asset pipeline problems go away:
heroku labs:enable user-env-compile -a yourapp
Hope this helps!

Rails Engine asset images are not compiled

I have a strange behavior with my engine gem on the production environment. The bhf/application.js and bhf/application.css is compiled the way you would expect it and also linked the right way in the template. But none of the assets/bhf/image files are compiled and can be found in shared/assets/bhf/ on production server, unless i change
config.serve_static_assets = false
to true in production.rb?
How bad is it to use this setting? And is there a way for my engine to work out-of-the-box?
Per your gemspec
It has a dependency on rails v4 s.add_dependency(%q<rails>, [">= 4.0.0"])
I suspect its related to asset digest. Where the assets are getting compiled as expected with digest but are referred from respective CSS without digest.
Its a possible issue with sprockets-rails discussed here issue#49
non-stupid-digest-assets - not so good but preferred solution
It will copy non-digested assets to /public
Are you using Webrick in production? If so, you will need to set config.serve_static_assets = true since it's no good at serving static assets. Other Ruby 'app servers' aren't also ideal for serving static assets so you'll need to have Rails do that for the meantime. It's not an ideal set-up though since page caching won't work and all requests will hit your app.
Once you use a proper server for serving static assets like Nginx or Apache, you will need to set it to config.serve_static_assets = false so that Rails will leave it to Nginx/Apache to handle serving static assets. That way, not all requests will have to hit your Rails app since caching will work.
Since you're building a Rails engine, you don't need to worry about that since that is the responsibility of the one who is deploying the Rails app. You won't have control over their config.

How does Rails and Ember integration work, do all the ember files get combined?

I'v seen some larger emberjs implementations like discourse:
Can someone explain to me how this gets integration into rails?
What happens behind the scenes when the asset gets compiled? To the files just get minified and merged or there is more to it?
You need to read about Asset Pipeline.
The directory you linked to above is included by the various require lines in app/assets/javascripts/main_include.js, which is itself included by app/assets/javascripts/application.js.erb.
The gem doing the heavy lifting (the one responsible for interpreting the require lines) is Sprockets.
What happens behind the scenes when the asset gets compiled? To the files just get minified and merged or there is more to it?
Between the asset pipeline docs and sprockets' docs, your very general question should be more than answered. In a nutshell, yes, the files are minified and merged, and yes there is a whole lot more to it.
In addition to reading about the Asset Pipeline and Sprockets (which handle JS minification, etc), also take a look at the ember-rails gem:
ember-rails allows you to include Ember.JS into your Rails 3.1+ application. The gem will also pre-compile your handlebars templates when building your asset pipeline. It includes development and production copies of Ember.

When to use the asset pipeline

I'm serving a semi-static site with rails, just to get used to rails conventions.
Do I really need to use the asset pipeline to serve the .css and .js?
I could always precompile my .scss and coffee-script before their on the server.
and by semi-static, I mean that I may include some gems to do syntax highlighting or some other little tasks.
I guess it would be good practice?
I'm super new to rails and programming in general, by the way.
I just want another opinion.
Thanks, in advance.
You should use the asset pipeline if you are using rails 3.1 or above. It is far faster than the previous serving of assets in rails -- among other things, it munges and minifies the files.
You should always precompile your assets in production, whether or not you are using straight .css or .scss because if you don't precompile your assets, rails will still have to compile them at runtime.
