Customize TableViewCell Moving Grabber - ios

I have a tableView where the cells are movable. In edit mode, that brings up the image on the right that you can grab to move around cells. This works fine. However, I would like to customize it a little bit so that instead of that image you could grab from anywhere on the cell. Is there a way to do this without completely scrapping apples built in moving and building your own? Maybe using a pan gesture recognizer?

Luckily for you, FMMoveTableView was just put up on github. It allows any table to be reordered by simply tapping and holding on a cell.


Swift: Drag and drop cells within the same UICollectionViewController

I am building an app which enables user to drag a UIView onto another. Currently I have the implementation as a UIScrollView but that does not give me the best experience as to achieve an experience like Apple's drag and drop requires handling of many cases ( including edge cases).
I am curious if this can be done using a UICollectionView. I am looking to drag cells onto another cells after which the cells contents merge and the source cell is removed.
Any idea/ suggestion would be appreciated. I am not sure if adding what I have is neccessary but if needed I can certainly add the code which I have.
Yes, using a collectionView would be a good choice for scrolling and drag/drop. There are many built in methods that support drag and drop.

Swipe to delete on entire section in UITableView

I have a UITableView which has a variable amount of sections and every section has a variable amount of rows. Every section contains a section header, a section footer and the rows for that section. They are shown and displayed inside a container. Everything up until now works as expected. To demonstrate what my UITableView currently looks like:
I am now trying to implement the possibility to swipe left on the entire section, so that the header of the section, the rows inside this section and the footer of this section move to the left and display another UIView. I am capable of swiping the cells separately, but enabling this feature on the entire sections have caused headaches for the past two days. This is what I would like to achieve:
I have thought about implementing UIGestureRecognizers but I am afraid they might conflict with my UITableView. Also, I started implementing it, but I would not know how to move solely the section on which was swiped to the left.
Then I thought I could maybe implement a UIScrollView as container for each section. How I would accomplish this is still a mystery to me, but it seems like a possible solution if this could be done.
Furthermore I am out of ideas and stuck on how this should be done. It's something I have not found on the Internet so far - at least no working examples of some kind so I have zero inspiration on how to achieve the effect.
I therefor would like to ask if somebody has an idea of how this could work and what I have to keep in mind when implementing this. Every clue pointing me towards a working solution is gratefully appreciated!
EDIT: I have already seen the possible duplicate this afternoon. However, the suggestion there shows touchesBegan() on the header, which does not work in my case as I need the entire section to be "draggable".
I think one way you can implement this is with a vertical stackview containing views that contains a tableview and the trash icon. When a user swipes left on the tableview header, it will show the hidden trash icon in the view. I would think that each tableview only has one section so it will be easier to keep track of which "section" the user has swiped.
I have currently managed to arrange a similar solution. I take the rectangle of the section with rect(forSection:int), add a UIPanGestureRecognizer in which I add a UIView on top of the UITableView if touches began, I calculate the location of the finger and let the cudtom UIView follow. When a certain point (100 from left edge of the UITableView) is reached, the section gets removed with deleteSections(indexSet:with:).
This works. It does the job, but it adds an overlay to the section rather than pushing it to the left.
Therefor I am asking of someone knows if there is any way of setting the offset for one specific section or for an area of a UIView, so I can offset the rectangle of the section. I have been able to setContentOffset on the entire UITableView but this is not the desired result.
If there is no way to do this, I would consider keeping the solution I have now or maybe implement a snapshot feature which takes a screenshot and crops the rect of the frame, adding this UIImage to the custom view to simulate the section. But that would be tricky. Any ideas for this idea are also welcome.

Can anyone suggest what to use to make the UI screen as Mention?

I have design the UI for the below screen as I am little bit confuse that what should have to use for the below screen. As you seen the on the screen below things:
1.Scrolling part of Images swap.
2.Again another Scrolling images Swap.
So here for the scrolling Images what should I use its Collection View for both or Pagecontrol for one and Collection view for other. Please suggest me.
Thanks and Appreciate for the help...
Use UITableView and in its cell use UICollectionCell so that you can scroll horizontally and vertically.
see Back image, this is how you can implemented output looked like.
As Tinu Dahiya pointed it correctly, You should use tableView and custom tableViewCells to achieve your UI design. This approach will also make your coding easy to handle dynamic contents which you might be fetching from server. For your reference you can directly use this control from cocoa controls. This control is ready made dish for you, you just have to implement your logic to achieve your functionality.

Use scrollToItemAtIndexPath in UICollectionView with paging

I have an uicollectionview with paging enabled. One cell per page which is full screen basically. The thing is that when I want to use scrollToItemAtIndexPath and move one cell forward/backward along with animation it will do a swipe but it will go back instantly to the cell/page where I called scrollToItemAtIndexPath. There is really nothing special besides stuff I've described. When I omit animation it's working.
For faster debugging I've setup test project on github - ScrollToItem
EDIT: This might be a bug. Bugreport (18864560) submitted. If someone can provide me a workaround or even solve this issue it will be still appreciated.

how to drag or drop multi uitableveiwcells on ios?

I want do drag a lot of selected cells and recorder them in my app.But I don't know how to do it.It seems apple just let u to drag one that what I have done it.
If it is ok to require that the selected cells are contiguous, then you can cheat by replacing them with a single tall cell.
For noncontiguous, the lazy solution would be to let the user select any cells, then after they drag and drop one of them, just move all the other selected cells right below it.
You could experiment with UITableView and see if it will let you animate out the other selected cells (with deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:) as soon as dragging is detected (possibly with UITableViewDelegate's tableView:targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAtIndexPath:toProposedIndexPath:). You could also see if it will let you redraw/resize the cell when it begins dragging - then you could make it look like a z-layered stack or totem pole them into a tall cell while dragging.
Of course I'm assuming all the selected cells will share the same destination position. I can't wrap my head around noncontiguous sources to noncontiguous destinations in one drag-n-drop. If the user drags down 3 slots, does that mean you add 3 to the positions of all the selected cells? What if that takes a cell out of bounds? Even if you decided on some rules for odd cases like those and actually implemented this monstrosity, it could never be user friendly.
There is no easy way out. You need to handle the animation and movement by yourself.
Maybe you can take a copy of the cells you want to move and show an animation of moving to the destination.
When animation stops change the datasource.
