How can I get it so that I can use the & in my URL where I'm not bringing in a new $_GET.
I'm trying to involve the & symbol between text in the URL.
I have a link from another page that is sent to the above link and it won't find it in the database because of "&" symbol or just because the URL is trying to find another $_GET string?.
How can I fix this issue? Sorry if it's too noobish of a questions for your worthyness. I'm also sorry for trying to already google and couldn't find it. But hey! That's how google search results start.

Use %26 instead of & inside the URL.


Zapier to look up Twitter URL mentions

Is it possible to create a Zap that will look-up URL mentions on Twitter?
Been scratching my head with this one, since simply entering URL into Zapier's Twitter Search field doesn't seem to do the trick.
Is it at all possible? Twitter uses its URL shortening service t.co on all links posted. Might this be a reason for me not being able to find any mentions of my URL even when I post one myself? Twitter's native search function finds URL just fine, but not Zapier.
OK, I think I figured it out.
First, use Twitter's special "url" prefix for URL search:
url:amazon - will find URL with the word “amazon” anywhere within it.
Second, most importantly, it looks like the Twitter account I used for testing got ignored after a couple of same URL posts. So be aware of that too.

Canonical URL formatting issue causes Facebook to interpret mobile URL as a different URL

I need to format this canonical URL and I cant figure out how! I've looked around the web and this site a lot and I've realized that I need a specific answer.
Problem Description:
My BLOG's desktop view has (say) URL: www.x.com/page.html
The same page in mobile view URL would be: www.x.com/page.html?m=1
Its all good and dandy to this point, but the problem comes when I use facebook comments with this. It parses url based on this: www.x.com/page.html
So, it is identifying ?m=1 in the end of the first URL as an entirely different URL.
It is treating those two URL as different
Both of them are URL for the same page and I want them to be treated the same
Could anyone provide me a way to check if the loading page is ?m=1 and if it is ?m=1 then remove the ?m=1 when sending it to facebook?
I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT IF THE SOLUTION IS INLINE if it is not inline, oh well, I just need a solution right now.
Current code snippet used is this:
<fb:comments colorscheme='light' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title' expr:xid='data:post.id' height='110' width='560'/>
Let me break the question into small parts(incase someone is not a native speaker and wants to help/learn about this problem)
I want to detect if the loading page has ?m=1 in its URL or not. The canonical URL for this is data:post.url applied as
If a ?m=1 is detected from data:post.URL , I want to remove it and send the remaining URL into expr:href= so that both my URLs
are identified the same when my website displays facebook comments.
Click the image link below to look at this image please. This is the same URL but the
comments are being sent to me as if they're from different URLs. I
want them to appear under the same thread.
This is it--> http://i.stack.imgur.com/M7fK2.png
I haven't found this particular answer anywhere and I am hopeful that
some creative solutions will pop out in this site!
In your code
<fb:comments colorscheme='light' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title' expr:xid='data:post.id' height='110' width='560'/>
Use data:post.canonicalUrl instead of data:post.url
This is the Blogger's layout tag for getting the Canonical URL of a blog post (This will always default to the blogspot.com domain, so there won't be ccTLD issues as well)

TYPO3-NEOS how to create page URL using german special characters

Is it possible to create a new page using german special character in a url path (e.g example.com/prüfung.html).
The ü character can't pass validation, and if i try to change the validation rules so it can pass the validation, the page can't be accessed neither via backend nor frontend.
is it possible to do that?
I think currently we do not allow that. I can open a feature request and have a look at it. Would you explain why you need that? I mean is it better for SEO? Because actually this URL will be impossible to enter for some people not using a German keyboard.

Is there a way I can include the current webpage url?

I have a webpage that I want people to fill information out on and then a response emailed to me with that information. Is there a way that I can include the url in the email from that page using html?
I have no clue how to start this. I saw a similar question here: Get current webpage URL
but I don't understand how to turn the src: url to the one of the page I am currently on. It seems like I should be able to reference it, but I am unsure how.
This is not possible with straight html. You can use Javascript to change the src attribute:
document.getElementById("myElement").setAttribute("src", window.location.href);
In this example, it's assumed that you are attempting to change the src attribute of an element with the id "myElement".
See this question. To get the webpage URL with JavaScript, you can use document.URL. You can then use it for what you want.

pinterest link not working?

trying to create a pinterest link with javascript. It opens up pinterest, shows the correct images and description but when i click PIN IN it just refreshes and doesn't pin it.
Creating a custom link and heres a URL created that i think should be working -
Anyone know what might be wrong?
best, Dan.
Okay.. Let me start with a disclaimer. This answer might not even be right, but it did work for me. I had the same problem and my URL has lots of '+' in it.. which the URL encoded equivalent for a ' '. So, essentially pinterest seems to have a problem "pinning" them, although there seems to be no problem in rendering them...
Your URI seems to have a lot of spaces too..
so, if the URI is in your control, you may
Create the uri after URLEncoding them
Make sure that spaces and such like dont appear on the URI.
Looking through my IIS Logs I noticed that Pinterest was redirecting users to my website without a leading http:// even if specified in the address, this seems to be causing the error for me. Unsure how to fix this in IIS, but thought I'd throw you a clue I found.
