Scripts for LaTeX [closed] - latex

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to know what scripts for LaTeX mean and what they exactly do.
For example, I saw a LaTeX document which said:
"Typesetting using KOMA-Script and LaTeX 2e"
What are these scripts exactly used for and where can I find help using these scripts?

“KOMA-Script” is the name of a collection of popular document classes for LaTeX which replace the standard document classes (article, report, book etc.). It’s got nothing to do with “scripts” in the conventional sense in programming.
For further information, type texdoc koma into a terminal window.


How do I force a page break in plain TeX? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My apologies if this seems like a very newb question, but my attempts at directly googling for this seems to suffer a great deal of interference from TeX help pages, and I do not have a TeX reference book handy.
I borrowed a book from a classmate, it seems this works reasonably well for me.
\vfil \break
\clearpage should do the trick, even if figures or tables are included.

Toggle inclusion of text in LaTeX [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am trying to make a thorough header in LaTeX that will save time later when I write quizzes and tests. I'd like to include solutions to each question in the .tex file, with some flag that toggles whether they appear when compiled.
So in a document like this...
Some question
\solution{ the answer to the question}
..the solution would be invisible unless I include a "\showsolutions" flag.
Is there a command I can create that will do this?
Use \newif to create a new if-type construct, and set the default value.
Then use it in your \solution command
\newcommand{solution}[1]{\ifshowsolutions #1 \fi}
To turn on solutions, use

How to set up LaTeX document [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I write my thesis in LaTeX. I want to set up the document to have 60 symbols per line and 30 lines per page. How to do this?
I would say this goes against LaTeX principles: don't concern yourself with these futilities, and just write your text. LaTeX will typeset your document The Right Way (TM).

fancyhdr in Latex - onesided book [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Here is my problem:
Im writing my thesis using the book class. I want my thesis to be onesided (left and right margins of same size), but I would also like to use the fancyhdr package to give me chapter names in the pagehead of even pages and section names in the pagehead of odd pages.
Trying to do so together with the "oneside" option gives me a warning when compiling saying that the [E] option is useless when the book is "onesided".
Example code:
\documentclass[11pt,a4paper, oneside]{book}
\headheight 20pt
Any good ideas would be much appreciated!
You could use two-sided pages and then set the margins manually, e.g. with the geometry package. More capable alternatives to the standard classes like scrbook or memoir support this out of the box, and also don't need the fancyhdr package.

LaTex, trying to use \ref{} or \autoref{} to a label in an appendix shows up empty in pdf [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Trying to use \ref{} or \autoref{} to a label in an appendix, but it just shows up as empty with \ref{} and 'Section' with no number/letter for \autoref{}.
I'm not sure if I'm misreading examples out there, or if I have a package conflict...
% MainFile.tex
Details of obfuscation of evil are provided in \autoref{app:One}.
\section{Obfuscating Evil via Optimized Confusion Matrix} \label{app:One}
Recall that the ....
Shows up in pdflatex output as "are provided in Section ."
Try recompiling the document. If the label is after the reference, you need to compile twice to get it to work.
If that doesn't work, this page might help. In short, \usepackage{appendix} and possibly \begin{appendix} etc. might fix it. If it's just a matter of the reference showing up, I can't see how this would help actually, but it might. Without a minimum working example it's hard to give much more advice.
You might also have more luck asking your question here.
