I am having a tough time in figuring out how to use Kevin Murphy's
HMM toolbox Toolbox. It would be a great help if anyone who has an experience with it could clarify some conceptual questions. I have somehow understood the theory behind HMM but it's confusing how to actually implement it and mention all the parameter setting.
There are 2 classes so we need 2 HMMs.
Let say the training vectors are :class1 O1={ 4 3 5 1 2} and class O_2={ 1 4 3 2 4}.
Now,the system has to classify an unknown sequence O3={1 3 2 4 4} as either class1 or class2.
What is going to go in obsmat0 and obsmat1?
How to specify/syntax for the transition probability transmat0 and transmat1?
what is the variable data going to be in this case?
Would number of states Q=5 since there are five unique numbers/symbols used?
Number of output symbols=5 ?
How do I mention the transition probabilities transmat0 and transmat1?
Instead of answering each individual question, let me illustrate how to use the HMM toolbox with an example -- the weather example which is usually used when introducing hidden markov models.
Basically the states of the model are the three possible types of weather: sunny, rainy and foggy. At any given day, we assume the weather can be only one of these values. Thus the set of HMM states are:
S = {sunny, rainy, foggy}
However in this example, we can't observe the weather directly (apparently we are locked in the basement!). Instead the only evidence we have is whether the person who checks on you every day is carrying an umbrella or not. In HMM terminology, these are the discrete observations:
x = {umbrella, no umbrella}
The HMM model is characterized by three things:
The prior probabilities: vector of probabilities of being in the first state of a sequence.
The transition prob: matrix describing the probabilities of going from one state of weather to another.
The emission prob: matrix describing the probabilities of observing an output (umbrella or not) given a state (weather).
Next we are either given the these probabilities, or we have to learn them from a training set. Once that's done, we can do reasoning like computing likelihood of an observation sequence with respect to an HMM model (or a bunch of models, and pick the most likely one)...
1) known model parameters
Here is a sample code that shows how to fill existing probabilities to build the model:
Q = 3; %# number of states (sun,rain,fog)
O = 2; %# number of discrete observations (umbrella, no umbrella)
%# prior probabilities
prior = [1 0 0];
%# state transition matrix (1: sun, 2: rain, 3:fog)
A = [0.8 0.05 0.15; 0.2 0.6 0.2; 0.2 0.3 0.5];
%# observation emission matrix (1: umbrella, 2: no umbrella)
B = [0.1 0.9; 0.8 0.2; 0.3 0.7];
Then we can sample a bunch of sequences from this model:
num = 20; %# 20 sequences
T = 10; %# each of length 10 (days)
[seqs,states] = dhmm_sample(prior, A, B, num, T);
for example, the 5th example was:
>> seqs(5,:) %# observation sequence
ans =
2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
>> states(5,:) %# hidden states sequence
ans =
1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
we can evaluate the log-likelihood of the sequence:
dhmm_logprob(seqs(5,:), prior, A, B)
dhmm_logprob_path(prior, A, B, states(5,:))
or compute the Viterbi path (most probable state sequence):
vPath = viterbi_path(prior, A, multinomial_prob(seqs(5,:),B))
2) unknown model parameters
Training is performed using the EM algorithm, and is best done with a set of observation sequences.
Continuing on the same example, we can use the generated data above to train a new model and compare it to the original:
%# we start with a randomly initialized model
prior_hat = normalise(rand(Q,1));
A_hat = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,Q));
B_hat = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,O));
%# learn from data by performing many iterations of EM
[LL,prior_hat,A_hat,B_hat] = dhmm_em(seqs, prior_hat,A_hat,B_hat, 'max_iter',50);
%# plot learning curve
plot(LL), xlabel('iterations'), ylabel('log likelihood'), grid on
Keep in mind that the states order don't have to match. That's why we need to permute the states before comparing the two models. In this example, the trained model looks close to the original one:
>> p = [2 3 1]; %# states permutation
>> prior, prior_hat(p)
prior =
1 0 0
ans =
>> A, A_hat(p,p)
A =
0.8 0.05 0.15
0.2 0.6 0.2
0.2 0.3 0.5
ans =
0.75967 0.05898 0.18135
0.037482 0.77118 0.19134
0.22003 0.53381 0.24616
>> B, B_hat(p,[1 2])
B =
0.1 0.9
0.8 0.2
0.3 0.7
ans =
0.11237 0.88763
0.72839 0.27161
0.25889 0.74111
There are more things you can do with hidden markov models such as classification or pattern recognition. You would have different sets of obervation sequences belonging to different classes. You start by training a model for each set. Then given a new observation sequence, you could classify it by computing its likelihood with respect to each model, and predict the model with the highest log-likelihood.
argmax[ log P(X|model_i) ] over all model_i
I do not use the toolbox that you mention, but I do use HTK. There is a book that describes the function of HTK very clearly, available for free
The introductory chapters might help you understanding.
I can have a quick attempt at answering #4 on your list. . .
The number of emitting states is linked to the length and complexity of your feature vectors. However, it certainly does not have to equal the length of the array of feature vectors, as each emitting state can have a transition probability of going back into itself or even back to a previous state depending on the architecture. I'm also not sure if the value that you give includes the non-emitting states at the start and the end of the hmm, but these need to be considered also. Choosing the number of states often comes down to trial and error.
Good luck!
Given input signal x (e.g. a voltage, sampled thousand times per second couple of minutes long), I'd like to calculate e.g.
/ this is not q
y[3] = -3*x[0] - x[1] + x[2] + 3*x[3]
y[4] = -3*x[1] - x[2] + x[3] + 3*x[4]
. . .
I'm aiming for variable window length and weight coefficients. How can I do it in q? I'm aware of mavg and signal processing in q and moving sum qidiom
In the DSP world it's called applying filter kernel by doing convolution. Weight coefficients define the kernel, which makes a high- or low-pass filter. The example above calculates the slope from last four points, placing the straight line via least squares method.
Something like this would work for parameterisable coefficients:
q)x:10+sums -1+1000?2f
q)f:{sum x*til[count x]xprev\:y}
q)f[3 1 -1 -3] x
0n 0n 0n -2.385585 1.423811 2.771659 2.065391 -0.951051 -1.323334 -0.8614857 ..
Specific cases can be made a bit faster (running 0 xprev is not the best thing)
q)g:{prev[deltas x]+3*x-3 xprev x}
q)g[x]~f[3 1 -1 -3]x
q)\t:100000 f[3 1 1 -3] x
q)\t:100000 g x
There's a kx white paper of signal processing in q if this area interests you: https://code.kx.com/q/wp/signal-processing/
This may be a bit old but I thought I'd weigh in. There is a paper I wrote last year on signal processing that may be of some value. Working purely within KDB, dependent on the signal sizes you are using, you will see much better performance with a FFT based convolution between the kernel/window and the signal.
However, I've only written up a simple radix-2 FFT, although in my github repo I do have the untested work for a more flexible Bluestein algorithm which will allow for more variable signal length. https://github.com/callumjbiggs/q-signals/blob/master/signal.q
If you wish to go down the path of performing a full manual convolution by a moving sum, then the best method would be to break it up into blocks equal to the kernel/window size (which was based on some work Arthur W did many years ago)
q)wsize:count weights
q)(weights$(((wsize-1)#0.0),vec)til[wsize]+) each til count v
32.5931 75.54583 100.4159 124.0514 105.3138 117.532 179.2236 200.5387 232.168.
If your input list not big then you could use the technique mentioned here:
That uses 'scan' adverb. As that process creates multiple lists which might be inefficient for big lists.
Other solution using scan is:
q)f:{sum y*next\[z;x]} / x-input list, y-weights, z-window size-1
q)f[x;-3 -1 1 3;3]
This function also creates multiple lists so again might not be very efficient for big lists.
Other option is to use indices to fetch target items from the input list and perform the calculation. This will operate only on input list.
q) f:{[l;w;i]sum w*l i+til 4} / w- weight, l- input list, i-current index
q) f[x;-3 -1 1 3]#'til count x
This is a very basic function. You can add more variables to it as per your requirements.
I am having a little difficulty understanding what's the difference between the weight function in xgb.DMatrix and the sum_pos_weight parameter in the param list. I am going through the following code which is using the Higgs data;
Due to the data being unbalanced, the author defines a weight parameter:
weight <- as.numeric(dtrain[[32]]) * testsize / length(label)
sumwpos <- sum(weight * (label==1.0))
sumwneg <- sum(weight * (label==0.0))
However column 32 is already a weight variable, so the author is modifying an already defined weight variable?
Then, the modified weight variable is being set as the "weight" argument of xgb.DMatrix:
xgmat <- xgb.DMatrix(data, label = label, weight = weight, missing = -999.0)
Additionally, in the param list the author has: "scale_pos_weight" = sumwneg / sumwpos,.
so scale_pos_weight is a function of sumneg which is a function of weight which is a function of a previously defined weight (column 32). So I am confused.
What does the author do in the following line: weight <- as.numeric(dtrain[[32]]) * testsize / length(label)
What is the difference in setting the weight in xgb.DMatrix and again in sum_pos_weight?
When you set
xgmat <- xgb.DMatrix(data, label = label, weight = weight, missing = -999.0)
weight should be a vector corresponding to your data rows
If for example you have the following data:
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
you need to set weight as a vector of 2 weights
weight <- c(1, 2)
So you will have a weight of 1 to the first event and weight of 2 to the 2nd event. You ask your self why is it good? Assume event 1 has happened 1 time and event 2 happened 2 times, you'd like co responsive weights to them specifically mentioning the amount of time that event has occurred.
Here are few more examples for using weights:
If you want recent events to have more "value"
The amount of confidence you have in a data row. you will set all weights to be between 0 to 1 and the weight will represent how much you sure of that data. for example if weight = 0.88 you gave that row 88% confidence
If you have repetitive events. instead of creating more rows, you can set them once and give them a weight as the number they've repeated
scale_pos_weight is usually used when you have "imbalanced data". for example, assuming you have a classification problem where you have 5% of the data as 1 and 95% of the data as 0, you would like to give more weight for every positive "event". So you can just set scale_pos_weight = 19 (or as the author wrote: sumneg/sumpos)
As for the "author" re defining weight. I cannot know without the full code what he did there, but I assume he's doing some sort of normalization to the weights.
I have two questions on deeplearning4j that are somewhat related.
When I execute “INDArray predicted = model.output(features,false);” to generate a prediction, I get the label predicted by the model; it is either 0 or 1. I tried to search for a way to have a probability (value between 0 and 1) instead of strictly 0 or 1. This is useful when you need to set a threshold for what your model should consider as a 0 and what it should consider as a 1. For example, you may want your model to output '1' for any prediction that is higher than or equal to 0.9 and output '0' otherwise.
My second question is that I am not sure why the output is represented as a two-dimensional array (shown after the code below) even though there are only two possibilities, so it would be better to represent it with one value - especially if we want it as a probability (question #1) which is one value.
PS: in case relevant to the question, in the Schema the output column is defined using ".addColumnInteger". Below are snippets of the code used.
Part of the code:
MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
.layer(0, new DenseLayer.Builder()
.layer(1, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD)
MultiLayerNetwork model = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);
model.setListeners(new ScoreIterationListener(10));
for (int n=0; n<nEpochs; n++) {
Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(numOutputs);
while (testIter.hasNext()){
DataSet t = testIter.next();
INDArray features = t.getFeatureMatrix();
System.out.println("Input features: " + features);
INDArray labels = t.getLabels();
INDArray predicted = model.output(features,false);
System.out.println("Predicted output: "+ predicted);
System.out.println("Desired output: "+ labels);
eval.eval(labels, predicted);
Output from running the code above:
Input features: [0.10, 0.34, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00]
Predicted output: [1.00, 0.00]
Desired output: [1.00, 0.00]
*What I want the output to look like (i.e. a one-value probability):**
Input features: [0.10, 0.34, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00]
Predicted output: 0.14
Desired output: 0.0
I will answer your questions inline but I just want to note:
I would suggest taking a look at our docs and examples:
A 100% 0 or 1 is just a badly tuned neural net. That's not at all how things work. A softmax by default returns probabilities. Your neural net is just badly tuned. Look at updating dl4j too. I'm not sure what version you're on but we haven't used strings in activations for at least a year now? You seem to have skipped a lot of steps when starting with us. I'll reiterate again, at least take a look above for a starting point rather than using year old code.
What you're seeing there is just standard deep learning 101. So the advice I'm about to give you can be found on the internet and is applicable for any deep learning software. A two label softmax sums each row to 1. If you want 1 label, use sigmoid with 1 output and a different loss function. We use softmax because it can work for any number of ouputs and all you have to do is change the number of outputs rather than having to change the loss function and activation function on top of that.
We have a boolean variable X which is either true or false and alternates at each time step with a probability p. I.e. if p is 0.2, X would alternate once every 5 time steps on average. We also have a time line and observations of the value of this variable at various non-uniformly sampled points in time.
How would one learn, from observations, the probability that after t+n time steps where t is the time X is observed and n is some time in the future that X has alternated/changed value at t+n given that p is unknown and we only have observations of the value of X at previous times? Note that I count changing from true to false and back to true again as changing value twice.
I'm going to approach this problem as if it were on a test.
First, let's name the variables.
Bx is value of the boolean variable after x opportunities to flip (and B0 is the initial state). P is the chance of changing to a different value every opportunity.
Given that each flip opportunity is not related to other flip opportunities (there is, for example, no minimum number of opportunities between flips) the math is extremely simple; since events are not affected by the events of the past, we can consolidate them into a single computation, which works best when considering Bx not as a boolean value, but as itself a probability.
Here is the domain of the computations we will use: Bx is a probability (with a value between 0 and 1 inclusive) representing the likelyhood of truth. P is a probability (with a value between 0 and 1 inclusive) representing the likelyhood of flipping at any given opportunity.
The probability of falseness, 1 - Bx, and the probability of not flipping, 1 - P, are probabilistic identities which should be quite intuitive.
Assuming these simple rules, the general probability of truth of the boolean value is given by the recursive formula Bx+1 = Bx*(1-P) + (1-Bx)*P.
Code (in C++, because it's my favorite language and you didn't tag one):
int max_opportunities = 8; // Total number of chances to flip.
float flip_chance = 0.2; // Probability of flipping each opportunity.
float probability_true = 1.0; // Starting probability of truth.
// 1.0 is "definitely true" and 0.0 is
// "definitely false", but you can extend this
// to situations where the initial value is not
// certain (say, 0.8 = 80% probably true) and
// it will work just as well.
for (int opportunities = 0; opportunities < max_opportunities; ++opportunities)
probability_true = probability_true * (1 - flip_chance) +
(1 - probability_true) * flip_chance;
Here is that code on ideone (the answer for P=0.2 and B0=1 and x=8 is B8=0.508398). As you would expect, given that the value becomes less and less predictable as more and more opportunities pass, the final probability will approach Bx=0.5. You will also observe oscillations between more and less likely to be true, if your chance of flipping is high (for instance, with P=0.8, the beginning of the sequence is B={1.0, 0.2, 0.68, 0.392, 0.46112, ...}.
For a more complete solution that will work for more complicated scenarios, consider using a stochastic matrix (page 7 has an example).
In every book and example always they show only binary classification (two classes) and new vector can belong to any one class.
Here the problem is I have 4 classes(c1, c2, c3, c4). I've training data for 4 classes.
For new vector the output should be like
C1 80% (the winner)
c2 10%
c3 6%
c4 4%
How to do this? I'm planning to use libsvm (because it most popular). I don't know much about it. If any of you guys used it previously please tell me specific commands I'm supposed to use.
LibSVM uses the one-against-one approach for multi-class learning problems. From the FAQ:
Q: What method does libsvm use for multi-class SVM ? Why don't you use the "1-against-the rest" method ?
It is one-against-one. We chose it after doing the following comparison: C.-W. Hsu and C.-J. Lin. A comparison of methods for multi-class support vector machines, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 13(2002), 415-425.
"1-against-the rest" is a good method whose performance is comparable to "1-against-1." We do the latter simply because its training time is shorter.
Commonly used methods are One vs. Rest and One vs. One.
In the first method you get n classifiers and the resulting class will have the highest score.
In the second method the resulting class is obtained by majority votes of all classifiers.
AFAIR, libsvm supports both strategies of multiclass classification.
You can always reduce a multi-class classification problem to a binary problem by choosing random partititions of the set of classes, recursively. This is not necessarily any less effective or efficient than learning all at once, since the sub-learning problems require less examples since the partitioning problem is smaller. (It may require at most a constant order time more, e.g. twice as long). It may also lead to more accurate learning.
I'm not necessarily recommending this, but it is one answer to your question, and is a general technique that can be applied to any binary learning algorithm.
Use the SVM Multiclass library. Find it at the SVM page by Thorsten Joachims
It does not have a specific switch (command) for multi-class prediction. it automatically handles multi-class prediction if your training dataset contains more than two classes.
Nothing special compared with binary prediction. see the following example for 3-class prediction based on SVM.
## classification mode
# default with factor response:
model <- svm(Species ~ ., data = iris)
# alternatively the traditional interface:
x <- subset(iris, select = -Species)
y <- Species
model <- svm(x, y)
# test with train data
pred <- predict(model, x)
# (same as:)
pred <- fitted(model)
# Check accuracy:
table(pred, y)
# compute decision values and probabilities:
pred <- predict(model, x, decision.values = TRUE)
attr(pred, "decision.values")[1:4,]
# visualize (classes by color, SV by crosses):
col = as.integer(iris[,5]),
pch = c("o","+")[1:150 %in% model$index + 1])
meas = data.all_dataset;
species = data.dataset_label;
[g gn] = grp2idx(species); %# nominal class to numeric
%# split training/testing sets
[trainIdx testIdx] = crossvalind('HoldOut', species, 1/10);
%# 1-vs-1 pairwise models
num_labels = length(gn);
clear gn;
num_classifiers = num_labels*(num_labels-1)/2;
pairwise = zeros(num_classifiers ,2);
row_end = 0;
for i=1:num_labels - 1
row_start = row_end + 1;
row_end = row_start + num_labels - i -1;
pairwise(row_start : row_end, 1) = i;
count = 0;
for j = i+1 : num_labels
pairwise( row_start + count , 2) = j;
count = count + 1;
clear row_start row_end count i j num_labels num_classifiers;
svmModel = cell(size(pairwise,1),1); %# store binary-classifers
predTest = zeros(sum(testIdx),numel(svmModel)); %# store binary predictions
%# classify using one-against-one approach, SVM with 3rd degree poly kernel
for k=1:numel(svmModel)
%# get only training instances belonging to this pair
idx = trainIdx & any( bsxfun(#eq, g, pairwise(k,:)) , 2 );
%# train
svmModel{k} = svmtrain(meas(idx,:), g(idx), ...
'Autoscale',true, 'Showplot',false, 'Method','QP', ...
'BoxConstraint',2e-1, 'Kernel_Function','rbf', 'RBF_Sigma',1);
%# test
predTest(:,k) = svmclassify(svmModel{k}, meas(testIdx,:));
pred = mode(predTest,2); %# voting: clasify as the class receiving most votes
%# performance
cmat = confusionmat(g(testIdx),pred);
acc = 100*sum(diag(cmat))./sum(cmat(:));
fprintf('SVM (1-against-1):\naccuracy = %.2f%%\n', acc);
fprintf('Confusion Matrix:\n'), disp(cmat)
For multi class classification using SVM;
It is NOT (one vs one) and NOT (one vs REST).
Instead learn a two-class classifier where the feature vector is (x, y) where x is data and y is the correct label associated with the data.
The training gap is the Difference between the value for the correct class and the value of the nearest other class.
At Inference choose the "y" that has the maximum
value of (x,y).
y = arg_max(y') W.(x,y') [W is the weight vector and (x,y) is the feature Vector]
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