use Rails validations to limit to one currently active model - ruby-on-rails

Using Rails 3 validations and/or callbacks, what would be the cleanest way to ensure that only one record of a model has a boolean value ticked as true? I'd like to mark one record as the currently active model.
(I know another option is to use a has-one association, but I'm curious to know how to store this more directly in the model records.)

If all you want to do is validate it you can use
validates_uniqueness_of :boolean_attribute, if: :boolean_attribute
Just drop that in your model class. That will validate that the model has only one boolean_attribute set to true.
Note that you will have to work around the atomicity of swapping the boolean_attribute from one instance to another.
Depending on what database you are using you might be able to resolve it using a transaction. If your database doesn't support transactions you might have to figure out a better way to guarantee data consistency (such us having a dedicated model that points to the "active" model and removing boolean_attribute altogether, or replacing boolean_attribute with an integer that can be atomically incremented (highest number representing the active one).

A callback would probably be the best way. Something like :
before_create :check_boolean
def check_boolean
Model.find_by_boolean_value(true).nil? ? true : false
If check_boolean returns false, the create action is cancelled(instead of find_by you can also use exists?, which is probably a bit more clear coding)


Handling associations w/ null objects in Rails

I'm using the Null Object pattern in my Rails application to implement the concept of a guest user account.
Like many apps, I have a method on ApplicationController called current_user.
In the case of a non-logged in user, I want to use my guest user null object.
It works in many cases, but then there run into something like the following -
params.merge({ user: current_user })
Of course this fails, with the following exception.
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: User expected, got GuestUser
My question is, what is a way to elegantly handle this kind of case. The idea for the Null Object pattern is that you can transparently swap in this null object and have it essentially be a duck type of the real object.
It's obvious how to do that for methods being called on the object, but in this case, I want to be able to pass this in and basically have it set the association column to null, rather than needing a whole bunch of custom logic (avoiding that is the whole point of the null object pattern anyway).
A polymorphic relation isn't quite it.
Quick answer: No such thing as an elegant way to handle that (I'm not sure how elegance is quantified).
You'll have to create a concern that mimics the persistence methods of the model from which your null object is based on (User). You'll also have to write methods to appease ActiveRecord to make the associated column be nil.
Fortunately for you, this use-case has been solved
if your MyModel accepts null for user_id, then you can do
params.merge(user: current_user) unless current_user.is_a?(GuestUser)
Using the null object pattern here is definatly not a good idea since you need database generated ids to build associations and maintain referential integrity if you intend the user to have any kind of persistence before "registering".
Allowing a MyModel to be created without a user_id would essentially create an orphaned record and just gives you another problem of linking it to user behind the screen. Thats why your schema should not allow it in the first place.
Rather you want to create the guest user record when needed (like when a guest user adds the first item to a cart) and use a recurring task (like a Cron tab) to periodicaly clean out junk records.
I would also consider if you really want to setup guest users as a seperate class since STI and polymorphism tends to get really messy when joining. Just use a timestamp column (records when the account was activated) or an enum instead.
One option would be to override the user= method, so that it's aware of the existence of GuestUser (and can handle appropriately):
def user=(value)
if value.is_a?(GuestUser)
All mass-assignment methods in Rails (create, update, etc.) will use the appropriate setter to set the value. This can be easily be put into a concern if this is a common pattern in your application.
If you don't allow nil in the user_id column you have the flexibility to do something like assign a sentinel value, which you could then use in your accessor as well:
def user
if user_id == GUEST_USER_ID
I had a similar problem. I just went from assigning the object to assigning the which I set to nil on the Null Object. It is kind of a hack I think though.

Update attributes without touching the database in Rails

I have a situation where I have an ActiveRecord::Relation object, where the relation's objects have some has_many associations. There is another piece of code that deletes the database rows associated with this relation that doesn't go through the relation, using delete_all. I know what the new state of the relation's associations is even without going to the database so I want to be able to set the object's attributes in this relation manually without touching the database again.
I found this article which mentions the write_attribute method. This works, but it looks like it has been deprecated, so I'd rather not use. It also mentions attributes= as a way of doing this without accessing the database. Is there something that can achieve the effect of write_attribute where I won't access the database when modifying a relation's attributes?
It's like update_attributes, without saving.

Rails validations: update at the same time as creation

I'm having some trouble trying to figure out how to order ActiveRecord writes to make my validations be happy, and I'm not sure what to search for this kind of problem.
The problem is that before the request would occur, everything would be valid; after the transformations would occur, everything would be valid again; but while the transformation is happening, since it's impacting more than one model instance, the database would enter an invalid state if I update each model one by one without taking into account both changes at the same time. I'd love some suggestions!
I have a model called HelpRequest and another called HelperAssignments.
The rule is that a HelpRequest may have 0 or 1 active HelperAssignments. But if a Helper cannot complete the request, they may reassign it to another Helper, creating a new HelperAssignment. Since we need the history of assignments to a particular HelpRequest, there may be a number of HelperAssignments for a HelpRequest, but only one is active.
As a result, the HelperAssignment table has a few relevant attributes:
help_request_id: Refers to the HelpRequest corresponding to this assignment.
close_status: If this is set to reassigned, reassignment_id must be present.
reassignment_id: For a given help_request_id, only one may be nil (i.e. it is the current active assignment)
When a reassignment happens...
... if I create the new HelperAssignment first, it would break validations because more than one active HelperAssignment for the request would be present :(
... if I update the old HelperAssignment first to have a close_status of reassigned, the new HelperAssignment wouldn't exist yet so I couldn't get its ID, and therefore the validations would fail.
Is there an idiomatic way to do this transformation? I'd like to avoid a) disabling validations for this particular type of requests, or b) adding an extra database state for "being in the process of reassigning". Looks like enforcing referential integrity in models can get a little tricky in Rails... thanks in advance!

is there any way to forcefully imply validation on update_all

I have a Rails application I am using update_all to updates but as we know it is skipping the validations how can I forcefully apply validation on this update_all
From the API docs (emphasis my own).
Updates all records with details given if they match a set of conditions supplied, limits and order can also be supplied. This method constructs a single SQL UPDATE statement and sends it straight to the database. It does not instantiate the involved models and it does not trigger Active Record callbacks or validations.
No, there is not a way to force validations when calling update_all. The purpose of update_all is to modify records in bulk without instantiating model instances for each record. A model instance must exist for a record to have validations called against it.

updating a model while in before_update

I've been wondering, suppose I have a model with an attribute that in every instance is dependent on that same attribute in other instances. The best example for this would be an order attribute for items in a list.
The best place to update the rest of the items' order attributes would be in a before_update callback method, were you have both the item's old and new values.
But now whenever you update the other items in the list the callback is going to be called again, and again...
I'm looking for an elegant way of solving this.
I have heard about the :update_without_callbacks method, but i don't want to use a private method, and also i feel like adding extra attributes would be unnecessary.
Got any good ideas? Thanks in advance!
One way would be to use update_all to set the order of all the other items in bulk.
That way you would efficiently limit the number of queries to one and prevent any callbacks from being triggered.
I feel the fact that you have to do this type of update across entries suggests you haven't properly conceptualized your problem. Why not create a List model that has the order attribute, and then create a one-to-many relationship between the List model and the Item model. This way, there's only one place to update the ordering information and no need for complicated and brittle callbacks.
