Rails and databases - Store old data in a separate table? - ruby-on-rails

Okay, so I'm putting together a book store with Ruby on Rails. Books are fast moving and varied, so at any point of time there are a small number in the store. Books that have been ordered and shipped must be stored, mainly for the purpose of records.
Hence, I have a situation where a small section of data from a table is going to be very frequently accessed. A much much larger section of it will very rarely accessed at all. My plan is to move books that have been ordered and shipped to a separate table, so that the table of current books is small and very quick to access.
Does this approach make sense? Is there a better way of achieving this?
If I am to use this approach, is there a way of sharing a model between tables in Rails?

I agree with Randy's comment about considering the number of books in the database, and whether or not it's really worth it. Only after you try it, and come back with real performance numbers to consider should you consider optimizing in this way, I believe.
On the other hand, there's plenty of precedent for having the idea of an "archive" table. From a design standpoint, this is totally fine. It's a question of the tradeoff between complexity and performance. But again, only after you try it and see whether or not the performance is acceptable, will you have a solid reason to choose one approach over another.


How to handle database scalability with Ruby on Rails

I am creating a management system and I want to know how "Ruby on Rails" can support me in the mission of ensuring that each customer has their information, records and tables independent from other customers.
Is it better to put everything in a database and put a customer identifier to pull information through this parameter in queries or create a database for each customer automatically?
I admit that the second option attracts me more ... And I know that putting everything in one database will be detrimental to performance, because I assume that customers and their data will increase exponentially!
I want to know which option is more viable in the long run. And if the best option is to create separate databases, how can I do this with Ruby on Rails ??
There are pro and cons for both solutions which really depend on your use case.
Separating each customer in its own database has definitely advantages for scaling, running in different data centres or even onsite. However, this comes with higher complexity. For instance you can't query across customers anymore, you would need to run queries for each customers and aggregate the results. This approach is called multi tenancy (or shardening). There is a good gem called Apartment available (https://github.com/influitive/apartment).
Keeping everything in one database might be simpler to start of as it's less complex but it really depends on your use case.
Adding some more information based on the questions.
There are several reasons to use a one db per client architecture.
You have clearly separated tenants. In case it might make sense to go with the one db approach.
Scale. Having separated databases for each tenant makes scaling of course easier.
If 2) is the main reason you want to go for a one db per client approach I would strongly advise you against it. You add so much more complexity to your app which you might not need for years to come (if ever).
If scaling is your main concern I recommend reading Designing Data Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann. But basically, don't worry about scale for the first few years and focus on your product.

Is ~44 columns too much for a model? Does it make sense to break a one-to-one relation?

I am interested in what the best practice is for a model that has a lot of data attached to it. Most of my app revolve around one model (SKU), and it seems to have more and more things associated with it.
For example, my SKU model has multiple prices, dimensions, weight, recommended prices for multiple price levels, title, description, shelf life, etc. Would it make sense to break all the pricing info to another table? Or break up the SKU into different uses of the SKU and associate them? For example, WebSKU, StockSKU, etc.
As mentioned in the answer linked by Tom, if all your attributes really belong to that model there is no reason to break it up. However, if you have columns like price1, price2, price3 or dimension_x_1, dimension_y_1, dimension_x_2, dimension_y_2, etc, then it usually means you should be creating another table to contain those.
For example, you could set it up so that you have the following models
has_many :prices
has_many :dimensions
belongs_to :sku
belongs_to :sku
As everyone else said, the design of a database should respond to the logic behind it. Why? Mainly, because it will be easier to maintain and understand.
I was also going to drive attention to normalization rules, as #sawa did.
Generally, is a good approach to normalize your database, as it provides several advantages. You should read this wikipedia link (at least as a starting point).
Following normal rules will help you to design your database taking into account the logic behind your data.
But denormalization also has it's advantages. The first (always considered) being optimizing read performance. This basically means having data on one table that you would have had in different tables when following normal rules, and generally makes sense when that data has some logic relation.
You have to aim to achieve a balance depending on the problem you are facing.
On the other side, for the tags on your post I can see you are using ruby on rails, that uses the active record pattern. One consequence of the database model you are presenting, is that you will probably have a domain model just as complex. I mean, very large. I don't know every detail about your project, but I guess that it will quickly grow to be a god object, making your code hard to maintain, extend and understand.
Database should be designed not according to how many columns it has, but according to logic, particularly following Codd's normal forms. If there is systematic redundancy in your database, then that is a sign for splitting it into multiple tables. If not, keep it as is.
I think it is good to design data model, taking into account how DB engine works with files and memory. The first bottleneck of PostgreSQL is file IO. Memory consumption is also an important part. When PostgreSQL reads some table data (FYI: table data is not read at Index-Only-Scans) it reads 8 KB (compile time parameter) pages. More tuples in such a page, - less file IO, less memory consumption, better cache using (more often hits, fast prewarming, etc.), better performance.
So, if one have a really high-loaded project, it can be useful to think about separation of often used data to isolated tables (as a next step - place this tables into a separate tablespace on SDD or powerful RAID).
I.e. there should be some balance between a logic simplicity and performance tweaks.

How to Organize an out of control table?

Hello and good morning.
I am working on a side project where I am adding an analytic board to an already existing app. The problem is that now the users table has over 400 columns. My question is that what's a better way of organizing this table such as splintering the table off into separate tables. How do you do that and how do you communicate the tables between the new tables?
Another concern is that If I separate the table will I still be able to save into it through the user model? I have code right now that says:
user.wallet += 100
If I separate wallet from user and link the two tables will I have to change this code. The reason I'm asking this is that there is a ton of code like this in the app.
Thank you so much if you can help me understanding how to organize a database. As a bonus if there is a book that talks about database organization can you recommend it to me (preferably one that is in rails).
Edit: Is there also a way to do all of this without loosing any data. For example transfer the data to a new column on the new table then destroying the old column.
Please read about:
Database Normalization
You'll get loads of hits when searching for that string and there are many books about database design covering that subject.
It is most likely, that this table of yours lacks normalization, but you have to see yourself!
Just to give an orientation - I would get a little anxious when dealing with a tenth of that number of columns. That saying, I clearly have to stress that there might be well normalized tables with 400 columns as well as sloppily created examples with just 10 columns.
Generally speaking, the probability of dealing with bad designed tables and hence facing trouble simply rises with the number of columns.
So take your time and if you find out, that users table needs normalization next step would indeed be to spread data over several tables. Because that clearly (and most likely even heavily) affects the coding of your application here is where you thoroughly have to balance pros and cons - simply impossible to judge that from far away.
Say, you have substantial problems (e.g. fierce performance problems - you wouldn't post it) that could be eased by normalization there are different approaches of how to split data. Here please read about:
Usually the new tables are linked by
Foreign Keys
, identical data (like a user id) that appear in multiple tables and that are used to join them, that is.
And finally, yes, you can do that without losing data as the overall amount of information never changes when normalizing.
In case your last question was meant to be technical: There is no problem in reading data from one column and inserting them into a new one (of a new table). That has to happen in a certain order as foreign keys have to be filled before you can use them. See
Referential Integrity
However, quite obvious: Deleting data and dropping columns interferes with the operability of your application. Good planning is due.

Core Data Model Design - Attributes vs Entities

I've been developing a very basic core data application for over a year now (Toy Collector, http://bit.ly/tocapp), and I'm looking at doing a redesign so that I can build in iCloud support. I figured while I'm doing that, I might as well update my core data model (if needed), and I'm having a heck of a time tracking down "best practices" for the following:
Currently, I have 2 entities:
Toy, Keywords
Toy has all the information about the object: Name, Year, Set, imageName, Owned, Wanted, Manufacturer, etc, (18 attributes in all)
Keywords has the normalized words to help speed up the search
My question is whether or not there is any advantage to breaking out some of the Toy attributes into their own entities. For example, I could have a manufacturer entity that stores the dozen or so manufacturers, instead of keeping that information in the Toy object. My gut tells me this could reduce the memory footprint (instead of 50,000 objects storing a manufacturer string, there would simple be 12 manufacturer strings in an entity with a relationship to the main Toy entity). Does that kind of organization really matter? Am I trying to overcomplicate things? I just feel like my entity has a lot of attributes, and I'm not sure if taking the time to break it apart into multiple entities would make a difference.
Any advice or pointers would be appreciated!
Your question is pretty broad, since it addresses the topic of database design. Let me say upfront that it is almost impossible to give you any sensible suggestions, since I would need to know a lot more about your app, use cases, etc. than it is possible through a S.O. question.
Coming to your concrete questions, I would say that you correctly identify one of advantages of splitting a table into multiple ones; actually, the advantage of doing that is not just reducing the database footprint, rather keep data redundancy to a minimum. Redundancy not only affects memory footprint but also manageability and modifiability of your data, and lack of redundancy could even cause anomalies or corruption. There is even a whole database theory topic which is known as database normalisation that addresses this king of concerns.
On the other hand, as it is always the case, redundancy can help performance, and this is actually the case when you can fetch your data through a simple query instead of multiple queries or table joins. There is a technique to improving a database performance which is known as database denormalization and is the exact opposite to normalisation. Your current scheme is fully denormalized.
Using Core Data, which is a relational object graph manager running often on top of SQLite, which is a relational database manager, you have also to take into account the fact that Core Data will automatically build your object graph and fetch into memory the data when you need it. This means that if you can take a smaller memory footprint on disk for granted, this might not be the case when it comes to RAM footprint of your query results (Core Data will "explode", so to say, at some moment your data from multiple tables into one object plus its attributes).
In your specific case, you should also possibly take into account the cost of migrating your existing user base (if the database is not read-only).
All in all, I would say that if your app does not have any database footprint issues at the moment; if you do not feel that creating new tables might be useful, e.g., in order to add new functionality, such as listing all manufacturers; and, finally, if you do not foresee tasks like renaming a manufacturer or such at some point, then maybe refactoring your database will not add much benefit. But, as I say, without knowing your app in detail and your roadmap for it, it is difficult to say anything really on spot. In any case, I hope this general considerations will help you take a decision.
If you want to investigate your core data performance and try to understand where the bottlenecks are, give a try to Instruments/Core Data tool (Product/Profile menu). There are a lot of things that can go bad.
On the other hand, it is really hard to help you further without having more details about the type of searches your app allows to do. One thing that is not clear to me is if your searches are slow only when they return a lot of results or they are slow even when returning a few results.
Normalizing might help performance if you only use (say, after doing a search) just one normalized entity (e.g., to display the toy name in a table). In this case all of the attributes referring to other entities would be faults (hence would not occupy memory nor take) and this might speed up things. But, if you do a search and then display the information from the other tables as well, then there might not be any advantage, quite the opposite, since the faults would have to be resolved immediately and this would produce more accesses to the database.
Also it is true that depending on how you use it, core data could not be the best way to handle your data. Have a look at this Brent Simmons' post relating his experience.

Does a serialized hash column make more sense than an associated model/table for flexibility?

I have been researching quite a bit and the general consensus is to avoid serialized hashes in a DB whenever possible, however the design I have lends itself to this structure, so I'm hoping to get some opinions and/or advice. Here is the scenario:
I have a model/table :products which houses financial products. Each product has_many investment strategies, which I had originally stored in a separate :strategies model/table. Since each product has completely different strategies, and each strategy has different attributes, its become extremely difficult (and hacky) to manipulate each strategy's attributes into normalized, consistent columns (to the point where I have products that I simply cannot add to the application). Additionally, a strategy's attributes can sometimes change based on the amount of money allocated to that strategy.
In order to solve this issue, I am looking into removing the :strategies model/table altogether and simply adding a strategies column to my :products model/table. The new column would house a multi-dimensional hash of each product's strategies. This option allows for tremendous flexibility from a data storage perspective.
My primary question is, do I lose any functionality by restructuring my database this way? There will be times when I need to search a product by it's strategy's attributes and I have read that searching within a multi-dimensional hash is difficult at best. Is this considered bad practice? Is there a third solution that I haven't considered?
The advantages of rolling with multiple tables for this design is you can leverage the database to protect your data with constraints, functions and triggers. The database is the only place you can protect your customers data with 100% confidence. These tried and true techniques have lost their luster in recent years and are viewed as cumbersome and/or unnecessary to those who do not understand them.
Hash based stores within relational databases are currently changing quickly due to popularity of nosql databases, however, traditionally it has been difficult to fully protect your customers data from the database with this implementation. Therefore, the application layer is where much of this protection lives. With that said, this is being innovated on and maybe someday they will solve it.
The big advantage of using the hash as a column in a table is you can get up and going more quickly while your figuring out your problem. In addition, you can pivot more easily because most modifications are made in the application layer on the fly.
Full text seaching and complex queries can also be a bit more difficult if your using an hash based store within a relational database.
General rule of thumb is if you need the data to safe and or have some complex reporting to do, go relational. Think a big financial services type app ;) Otherwise if your building a more social, data display style app, or just mocking things up there is nothing wrong with a serialized hash column. Most importantly remember to write tests so you can refactor more confidently if you choose wrong!
My $0.02
I would be curious to know which decision you choose and how it has worked out.
