Changing character encoding for embedded Vaadin application - character-encoding

I need to embed Vaadin app in a third party web page.
Web server and application server are in different domains.
Due to the nature of the application, using iframe is not an option. So I used VaadinXS add-on and embeded application inside a div.
Now my problem is:
Web page has non utf encoding (actually it is windows-1251).
And Vaadin servlet default encoding seems to be utf-8.
The question:
Is there a way to override character encoding for Vaadin embedded XS servlet.

In case anyone will face the same problem. I found a solution. View it here


Migrating complete HTML and Javascript application into vaadin UI components

Many thanks for your help and support. I am just a beginner in Vaadin 7 and I am badly need of help.
Let me explain,
We have a third party application developed in HTML and JavaScripts. On my PC, if i open the html page with the browser it works fine. Please find the application in the attachment.
Now the challenge is, I need to in-corporate that application (HTML + Javascript) into Vaadin 7 as follows,
In-corporate the Javascripts into Vaadin using AbstractJavaScriptComponent (This has been done somehow understanding the examples)
Now comes the challenge,
If you open the HTML in the textpad/notepad, you could notice lot of div tags from the " < body > " tag. The requirement is, each div tag is a html component and this should be converted into vaadin component with css styling and need to be displayed in the UI, so that based on the customer requirements, we can change the style css. I tried with custom layout but this is not way to be implemented as well, this does not require a widget and server side component to be implemented. Is there any other way to implemented ? I spending lot of time but all my efforts are in-vain. I just need the way forward to give me a right direction if you have any idea.

Delphi client that runs like it is connected to a web server - without a web server. Is it possible?

I am familiar with programming in Delphi stand-alone applications and web-server applications.
Is it possible to have a Delphi application that when launched gets the browser to handle its output? Without a server being between the user and the application.
The reason I would like to do this is because HTML CSS and so on provide a more familiar user-interface to most people.
You can not "let the browser handle its output" without any HTTP connection, so a local web server, then using regular URIs like http://localhost:888/myDelphiApp/FullURI.
What you can is to embed a Web Browser to your Delphi application, then provide the generated web content not via HTTP, but as local content.
You may use
THtmlViewer Open Source component - which I like very much;
Delphi Chromium Embedded;
WebBrowser Component.
All recognize CSS and HTML content. MVC application displaying html content in browser

I am facing a very strange problem with my web application developed in ASP.Net MVC 3. Time to time it directly displays HTML source in browser. This issue comes randomly with different urls.
After I checked the content type returned using Google chrome debugger I found content type being returned form server is txt/vnd.wap.wml
I haven't written anything which takes care of wap or mobile based client.
URL from which I am getting issue right now is : live url.
Can someone suggest why this is happening and how to fix it. MVC page is giving Mime type warnings for image files

While I do not see any functionally or jquery UI elements affected by this, but when I access my mvc web page the chrome developer console is logged with a bunch of error messages like so:
Resource interpreted as image but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream.
All of the warnings are for jquery UI images (though I don't have any custom images on there so I don't know if it's jquery UI only). All the jquery images still load correctly.
Does anyone have any insight on why this is happening?
Are you running your site from Visual Studio's built-in web server? Apparently, you don't have much control over the MIME types in that environment (see this). I was seeing the same behavior and was starting to stress about it before finally realizing that I wasn't even looking at the IIS-hosted application.

Drag and drop ftp file upload web widgets

It seems like drag and drop upload widgets disappeared from the face of Web 2.0. The last one of these I remember using was an activex widget, and inability of using it in anything other than IE doomed it. Have you used or seen one of these recently?
The Dojo Toolkit JavaScript library supports some drag & drop functionality that I've seen work in IE6+ and FF2+. The nice thing about Dojo and other JS libraries is that they abstract away all of the browser detection stuff.
I'm sure other JS libraries support this functionality.
FTP Drop for Yahoo Widgets allows you to drag files over the widget and the file will be sent to the defined ftp server.
You can upload to FTP in browser with an applet such as JFileUpload.
[Disclosure: This is my site]
It supports regular FTP, FTPS (explicit and implicit) and SFTP (FTP + SSH). It can resume broken transfer too.
Applets can be moved outside browser since JRE 1.6.0_10.
Our current project makes heavy use of drag+drop, using GWT and gwt-dnd you can do some very cool stuff. Standards based, and works in IE6, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc..
The issue of how to transmit a file is a separate one I believe.
As for FTP support, I see that as being mostly replaced with HTTP File Upload support.
In the case you need more flexibility (progress bar, multiple file selection), then you can make use of flash to do this. You can use Javascript to interact with an invisible flash app which performs the file transfer. YUI's file upload control does this. You can see an example on Flickr's enhanced upload page.
We've built a custom version designed for use with GWT apps. Same concept.
