How to create custom map with Geo Position - ios

I want to create an app for ipad with custom map (very small pice of global map, like a google map), which have my design, but with same geo attributes as google map (for example). Can you advise me something?

I think it could be useful to take a look at Google Maps - Overlays


Use PNG as custom map iOS

I need to use a PNG as custom map of an indoor place. I don't need navigation but some places should be clickable like what we have in built in map. In android this is possible with MapView but I didn't find anything for iOS to do that. Can someone help me out how to start and do this?
A while back Apple added the ability to provide custom map overlay tiles. It isn't as simple as providing a PNG. You will need to create a database of map tiles at different scales, following a specific naming convention, and then provide a tiled map overlay.
I suggest looking at this blog post:
Custom and Offline Maps Using Overlay Tiles from VIGGIOSOFT
It goes into quite a bit of detail on what's required.

Custom Directions with Mapkit

I was wondering if it is possible to create custom directions with mapkit. For example I want to create a map for my university which has roads but also has walking paths that apple doesn't have in there maps is it possible for me to create custom directions using mapkit? I know that I can do a tileoverlay so that it shows the walking path but is it possible for me to use the paths I create for directions?
No, this functionality isn't available in MapKit. You might look into a platform like Mapbox for being able to combine custom data in the map with custom data in the routing so that the two are 1) separate from the data that MapKit makes available) and 2) able to use custom data.

iOS how can I make MapKit display custom indoor map?

I'm trying to create a map of the office I'm working at. I have a high resolution image, and would like to autorotate it in the direction the user is heading, allowing the user to navigate around the map. I thought this could be accomplished using CoreMotion/CoreLocation and a UIScrollView, but this seems like there's some work involved.
So I'm wondering if there are easier solutions for combining a custom map and direction/position on that map - can MapKit handle this for me? Are there other frameworks that can help me show a local 2D map with compass orientation on it?
You can convert your high-res image into map tiles easily with TileMill.
You should use some custom tiles with MKTileOverlay which only display at a very high zoom level (like z 18 or whatever). I suggest you take a look over at NSHipster and read what they have about it:
*Disclaimer: I haven't tried this myself, came across the NSHipster article while searching for solutions to my own problems.

Adding Multiple Markers To Google Map on iPhone app

I am writing an iPhone application that uses google maps SDK to display a city. I need to add multiple markers on the map to identify certain locations.
I could loop through and add each marker upon the map load, but I don't believe this is a efficient technique(it seems very unnecessarily and resource heavy!!)?
Or is there some "Lazy loading" technique I could use to pull in the markers that are currently in view?
For that you can add it in map region wise, you have to add marker only for current displaying map region, but for this also you need to run loop.
So you can avoid other markers that would added to map.

Subclassing MKMapView to provide custom maps?

I'd like to provide custom navigation maps in my iOS 6 application. I've tried adding overlay views that shows these custom maps in MKMapView and it didn't work well because it needs a higher zoom level than what Apple's component can provide (the desired zoom level is about 10 screen points per meter in the map).
The question is, is subclassing MKMapView a good way to approach to this? The primary reason is I'd like to take advantage of MKMapView's coordinate conversion functions:
Those functions makes it easy to convert screen points to world coordinates (latitude/longitude) and vice-versa.
Thanks in advance!
I don't think you are going to have much luck with subclassing MKMapView. There is a lot going on behind the scenes related to tile loading that you cannot access.
I would guess you would be better served using something along the lines of the MapBox iOS SDK or another similar map engine.
It allows you to specify your own tile sources and has plenty of examples to show you how it is done. It also had functions, like map kit, to handle converting values to and from lat/lon.
