How to log from Javascript Module in Firefox extension - firefox-addon

I'm modifying a Firefox extension that has been written by someone else, and I'm not very experienced with Javascript and Firefox, so my question is probably fairly simple.
I have a lot of code in a Javascript Module (.jsm file), and I want to produce some outputs form this module to help with debugging. I can't seem to use javascript alerts (alert("blah");) or log to the javascript console (console.log("blah");) as both of these give errors saying that console or alert cannot be found.
Is there any way to produce this sort of debugging output from code running in a Javascript Module? All I want is simple text output to help with my development/debugging process.

There are two common options:
Use dump(), the output will be printed to OS console (on Windows you need to run Firefox with -console command line option to see it).
Use Component.utils.reportError, the output will be printed to Error Console - use Ctrl-Shift-J to open it.


view iphone console logs without a mac

Is there a way to view the iphone console logs without having a mac ?
It used to be possible using the iPhone Configuration Utility but it does not seem to be available any longer.
I saw a tool called iTools but it seems to require a 32bit version of itunes which is also not available any more.
Given an iPhone device + windows + linux, Is there any workaround / tool to view the iphone console logs?
Realizing it is over half a year ago you asked this, but since it does not have an accepted answer yet:
I ran into this very same issue over and over, and got fed up with it, so I decided to have a go at writing a script that displays console messages in HTML, so you can just view everything in the webpage itself, without having to resort to a console-replacement or a tedious remote debugger (for which you, indeed, require a Mac), without having to modify each console call in existing code.
The key lies in 'replacing' the four main functions in window.console: log, warn, error and trace. This is done by redifining each method, adding own code to that, and calling the original method in the end. Jakub Fiala wrote the basic script for that, on which I built the rest:
I dubbed it 'MobileConsole'. It is quite unobtrusive and will 'catch' all console.log (or .warn, .error or .trace) events, and even bind to window.onerror.
I have created a separate page for this script with an elaborate explanation on how it works, including a demo, over here.
Download this from the app store onto the iphone, you can then view logs directly on the phone:
Please note, this is an old app, it will crash when launched, then on reopening it will show you the device logs.
If that fails, here is a link to the iPhone configuration utility for windows:

Applescript: print first or other specific pages

How can you instruct an application or the printer to only print the first page, a page range or just odd or even pages of a file? I attempt this with the help of the Preview app, which looks promising:
set theFile to "[file-path/file]""
tell application "Preview"
print theFile with properties {target printer:"Printer", ending page:1} without «class pdlg»
--these properties isn't available for the printer app, here just limiting amount of printed pages
end tell
But with this I'm bitten by the sandboxd process that tells me the file can't be opened for printing and I get a deny file-read-data result in the log.
In the CUPS suggestion by adamh I encounter issues with umlauts and have other execution issues as well, possibly also because of sandbox rules. The code works from the command line, but not when called in automated fashion.
I tried to look up useful examples of the print command in a reference, in my books and tried searching the online Apple references, but I can't seem to find many examples fitting to the present day situation with sandbox, if any.
You could script printing by command line tool lp & lpr.
These talk to CUPS, Common Unix Printing System
To target pages / ranges:
lp -o page-ranges=2-4 "my_great_document.pdf"
To call it from applescript use do shell script
do shell script "lp -o page-ranges=2-4 'my_great_document.pdf'"
For more ideas see:

Is there anyway to invoke a Dart REPL on a website, when using Dartium?

I now know that I can't interact with Dart via the console, but I was hoping that there may be another way to invoke a REPL within Dartium.
Basically, what I would like to be able to do is:
1. Go to a website in Dartium
2. Invoke some sort of Dart REPL
3. Mess about with the DOM, CSS etc., using Dart commands, rather than Javascript.
Is this possible at all? Or, is the Dart development model all Edit/Refresh?
Chrome Dev tools in Dartium will now let you do this very nicely.
Dart edit model is Edit/Refresh.
Maybe you are looking for something like

How to read from an external console application?

I have a console application that I didn't write. Is there some easy way to read from it?
I need to have the input still on the console window, but read what's being displayed.
I care not whether the output displays to the console or not, so long as the input still works.
Console Application Runner Classes are excellent to control the console application processes and to redirect input and output where required.
I had a project that is doing the same thing. I have a console application written in VB.Net and I run and capture it's output using my Delphi application. I have successfully achieved this by following this tutorial by Zarko Gajic.

Firefox extension: Embed javascript in a webpage

I want to insert some script into every page, which have some functions that will be called by the modified HTML of that page, using a Firefox extension. I am able to insert the JavaScript into the head of the HTML, and also modify the page, but the java script functions are not called by the onmouseover event.
Does someone has any pointer on how to do that, using java script in local extension or as a online resource.
No GreaseMonkey, I need to do it with my plugin and not ask user to install greasemonkey, my plugin and the scripts.
Greasemonkey does this. It's excellent!
Make a Greasemonkey script. See for lots of example ones to work off.
Why not use Greasemonkey? It allows you to execute javascript on any page on Firefox, and if executing the code you enter isn't good enough you could dynamically add links to the head, too.
you can modify the DOM using Firebug. I am not sure if you can load files locally.. sounds malicious. Also, you can just run arbitrary javascript commands in the Firebug console (a la python/ruby console)
There are some Greasemonkey-to-extension "compilers" (or extension-wrappers) out there:
Arantius's GM compiler
Gina Trapani's multiple-GM-script compiler
I've used the first one with extensive internal tweaking over time. However, I don't believe the compiler is actively maintained (default max-version is only 3.0), so may not be up-to-date with the latest GreaseMonkey, or FireFox.
I think Gina Trapani's is more designed for multiple scripts targetting the same domain, but I haven't used it.
Neither of these is a "GreaseMonkey solution" per se, as the end-user never has to install GreaseMonkey. They get a real-live FireFox extension. The core is very similar to GM, but you can change or add as much as you like.
