Routing issue in nopCommerce 2.2 -

I am using nopCommerce 2.2. I am having an issue in URL routing, explained below
I want to use following route.
new { controller = "Catalog", action = "Product" },
new[] { "Nop.Web.Controllers" });
So, the URL should look like this.
But unfortunately I am getting error
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /303-tips-for-successful-12345
In above URL ("/303-tips-for-successful-12345"), the first segment "us" is missing ..
If I use following route in route provider(added static segment "p"),
new { controller = "Catalog", action = "Product" },
new[] { "Nop.Web.Controllers" });
I will get perfect URL without any error.

Your route matches the standard {Controller}/{Action} one in form. The routing engine has no way to know if /us is a Controller or a Region.


Multiple SPA Using MVC Areas - Navigate Outside SPA Router Routes

How can I escape client side routing when wanting to navigate outside the set list of routes setup in the router?
I created a project using Durandal.js and have created SPA's inside different Areas. The problem I ran into is that when I want to navigate outside the current SPA and into another or say back to the home page of the entire application which is not an SPA at all but simply a cshtml page.
What I have tried to do is use Durandal's mapUnknownRoutes handler to intercept and then use window.location.href to navigate out. This works, but when I want to go the home page of the application ("/"), the router matches the "root" of the SPA and doesn't navigate out to the home page but instead the SPA's root route.
The area route in this example is "/spaHome" whose MVC route looks like:
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Here's what I've done to set up the Durandal router:
var routes = [
{ route: ['spaHome', ''], moduleId: 'spaHome', title: "spaHome", hash: "#spaHome"},
{ route: 'one/anotherPage', moduleId: 'one/anotherPage', title: "one/anotherPage", hash: "#one/anotherPage"}
router.makeRelative({ moduleId: 'viewmodels' });
.mapUnknownRoutes(function (instruction) {
return false;
.activate({ pushState: true, root: "/spaHome" });
Any pointers or leads into the right direction for this would be much appreciated!
After some trial and error I was able to come up with a solution to what I was trying accomplish. It looks like a solid solution, so hopefully it doesn't cause any issues down the road.
I changed the routes array and removed the default route of '' from the first route. This allowed me to have a unknown route to go off of when wanting to hit the normal MVC homepage. I also had to remove the "root" property from the activate function of the router. Which in turn meant I had to explicitly declare the routes in the route array with the extra area portion or the URL ("spaHome/").
Then in my mapUnknownRoutes handler I checked the route for the area portion of the URL, and if that existed, I used the SPA router to show a notfound page for that SPA. Else I assumed that the route exists outside the area and I need to hard navigate to the URL using window.location.href.
var routes = [
{ route: ['spaHome'], moduleId: 'spaHome', title: "spaHome", hash: "#spaHome"},
{ route: 'spaHome/one/anotherPage', moduleId: 'one/anotherPage', title: "one/anotherPage", hash: "#spaHome/one/anotherPage"}
router.makeRelative({ moduleId: 'viewmodels' });
.mapUnknownRoutes(function (instruction) {
if (instruction.fragment.toLowerCase().indexOf("spaHome/", 0) === -1) {
} else {
var notfoundRoute = "notfound";
instruction.config.moduleId = notfoundRoute;
history.navigate(notfoundRoute, { trigger: false, replace: true });
.activate({ pushState: true });
If anyone has a better solution please let me know!
Ok, I ran into an issue with the history while doing this. I had to add a line to the Durandal router.js file to stop the previous route from being added to the history queue.
if (!instruction.cancelQueue) {
router.trigger('router:route:before-config', instruction.config, router);
router.trigger('router:route:after-config', instruction.config, router);
Edit 2
I also ran into an issue with this method where the navigation doesn't work quite right for IE9 and below.

ASP.NET Core map route to static file handler

I'm working on a ASP.NET Core website (previously named ASP.NET 5 / vNext) with Angular. In order for Angular to work I need to have a catch-all route:
app.UseMvc(routes =>
// Angular fallback route
routes.MapRoute("angular", "{*url}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
I also have a few files/folders in wwwroot, like:
When any requests are made to these paths, for example, and the file (test.css) does NOT exist, it should not continue to the fallback route. It should return a 404.
Right now, if the file does not exist it returns the Angular HTML. So, how can I tell it that any path that starts with '/assets' should only be routed / served by UseStaticFiles?
This seems to work:
context => {
var path = context.Request.Path.Value.ToLower();
path.StartsWith("/assets") ||
path.StartsWith("/lib") ||
config => config.UseStaticFiles());
However, I'm not sure if there are any performance (or other type of) implications. I'll update if I come across any.
It is strange that this common case (since many use SPA) is not covered almost anywhere and everyone has to invent something. I have found that the best way to do that is to add constraint (e.g. do not use the route if there is /api or "." in the path). Unfortunately this is not supported out of the box, but you can write this constraint yourself or copy the one I wrote from here.
There are a bit more details in this post. But generally the code looks like this:
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "api",
template: "api/{controller}/{action}");
name: "angular",
template: "{*url}",
defaults: new {controller = "Home", action = "Index"},
constraints: new {url = new DoesNotContainConstraint(".", "api/") });
P.S. Perhaps this constraint exist out of the box now, but I have not found one. Alternatively a RegEx can be used, but simple one should be way faster.
If you are using attribute template routing then you can apply this elegant solution:
public async Task<IActionResult> Default(string route) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
So all routes started with skipped will be ignored by this action.
If you want multiple prefixes or anything else then just update regex for your needs.
First Get attribute is needed to handle root of site (in this case route variable is null).

MVC routes.MapRoute name property

I'm brand new to MVC so please bear with me as I'm only on the second page of the MS Tutorial (see last code example). For the HelloWorldController the following MapRoute is added:
name: "Hello",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{name}/{id}");
I'm just wondering, is it purely the pattern matching that does the work and the name "Hello" is just for my own reference? If so, are there not naming conventions that should be followed saying the MapRoute should be called HelloWorldWelcome, where welcome is a method inside the HelloWorldController.cs (see above link). Or am i being pedantic?
The route name is also used by the UrlHelper class. For example:
var url = Url.Route("Hello", new
controller = "SomeController",
action = "SomeAction",
name = "charlie",
id = 123
This will generate a matching URL.
This feature is much more useful when you use Attribute Routing. For example, if on some controller you have an action:
public class PhonebookController
[HttpGet("contact/{id}", Name = "GetContact")]
public Contact GetContact(int id)
In other code you could use Url.Route("GetContact", new { id = 7 }) to generate the URL /api/phonebook/contact/7.
Please refer to details on ASP.NET MVC Routing Overview
Name attribute is for callign a route from your views or controller with route name.
From ActionLink your can use a routename:
Html.RouteLink("link_text", "route_name", route_parameters)
The question seems to be not so clearly answered (how the "Hello" route is choosen by the "HelloWorld" controller?), but as an Asp.Net MV5 begginer, I can see that the route is selected by default according to the match between the router url property and the URL parameters.
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "ImageScan", action = "ScanImage", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
namespaces: new[] { "WebApplication3.Controllers" }
I am finding error :
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Views/ImageScan/ScanImage.cshtml

Can .net mvc routing cause JavaScript errors?

I am having a lot of trouble using routing infrastructure of mvc2. I have following routes registered in my global.asax file
new { action = "Index", id = "", docid = "" },
new { docid = #"\d+"}
new { action = "Index", id = "" },
new { docConstraint = new DocumentConstraint() }
The problem is with first route ("strict"). Three kind of urls can match first route. mycontroller/23/myaction, mycontroller/23/myaction/12 or mycontroller/23/mvaction/stringid. If I try to use this route without specifying value of id everything works fine for example:
Html.ActionLink("Link text", "ActionName", new{docid = 23});
Everything goes well, but if I use links like:
Html.ActionLink("Link text", "ActionName", new{docid = 23, id = 223})
This will produce url currentcontroller.mvc/23/ActionName/223 that is absolutely correct but when it loads the page it gives a JavaScript error in jquery1.4.2.min.js file.
This is strange: if I change id to someid =223 it will reflect in query string and there will be no JS error.
Edit: I have done some further debugging and found when both id and docid are mentioned in route values one thing is ignored in global.asax that is the ignore path.
routes.RouteExistingFiles = false;
routes.ignoreRoute is totally bypassed and I can see names of JS files in route value dictionary while debugging in my controller.
it gives javascript error in
jquery1.4.2.min.js file
The most likely cause for this is that something you are displaying on the page is different and you are performing an action that is causing the error. Can you supply enough of a sample from the rendered page to show what you are using jQuery for?
If we drag scripts from solution explorer to site.master it results in following output
<script type="text/javscript" src="../../scripts/jquery.min.js"></script>
The leading dots (..) are creating the problem. Putting source path in url.content or using /scripts instead of ../../scripts will solve the problem because these leading periods are forcing them to match some route in global.asax.

ASP.NET MVC 2 One Route Works, One Route Doesn't

I have two routes in my ASP.NET MVC application.
The first is working fine - it's an ActionResult that returns a view.
The second is on the same controller and is an ActionResult that returns a Json response. It takes a couple of additional paramaters.
This second route is working on my dev machine, but when I deploy it to the server I get back a blank response. Any suggestions will be gratefully received.
I have also copy-pasted the route into a browser to eliminate any issues in the jQuery JavaScript.
The method
public ActionResult CheckSku(string id, string brand) {
CheckSkuModel model = new CheckSkuModel();
model.Id = id;
model.Brand = brand;
return Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The routes
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}.mvc/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new {
controller = "Orders", action = "Send", id = ""
} // Parameter defaults
"CheckSku", // Route name
"{controller}.mvc/{action}/{id}/{brand}", // URL with parameters
new {
controller = "Orders", action = "CheckSku", id = "", brand = ""
} // Parameter defaults
Two thing you can quickly check that may help:
1. Swap the two routes around so "CheckSku" is above "default"
2. Make the "CheckSku" more specific so will look something like:
"CheckSku", // Route name
"Orders.mvc/CheckSku/{id}/{brand}", // URL with parameters
new {
controller = "Orders", action = "CheckSku", id = "", brand = ""
} // Parameter defaults
that was another controller doesn't pick up the url by mistake.
An alternative is the use the routelink helper when generating the url so it points to the correct route.
When you say you "get back a blank response", do you mean you're not getting an error, but that the server isn't returning anything? What makes you think this is a routing issue?
Some troubleshooting tips:
Use Fiddler to examine the HTTP request you're making and the raw HTTP response the server is sending back. If you're getting a 500 response code then check the response for error information.
Can you attach a remote debugger to the server? This might give you a chance to investigate any exceptions that are raised.
