Accounts::Users, has_many :through - which user_id should I use? - ruby-on-rails

I am designing a multi-tenant app. A business rule requires a user to belong to many accounts (and accounts to have many users). To facilitate the join, there will be a has_many :through relationship between Accounts and Users with the accounts_users model holding additional information such as last_logged_in, is_active, is_guest, etc. The user will be authenticated against the usual email/pw located in the users table. For every record (i.e. a post, task, etc.) created in the db, the creator's user_id and account_id will be attached to it.
So, my question is: which user_id should the current_user be associated with - the one from the user's table (user_id) or the one from the accounts_users' table (accounts_users_id)?
Thoughts: it seems using the accounts_users_id would add an extra layer of security since it would be unique to the user for the particular account they are logged into.
Any additional thoughts/insight/experience would be appreciated!


associations in ruby on rails - user creates courses

I am currently trying to create a system which allows for specific users to create a Course record which can be enrolled in by many other users. I've tried a few association techniques such as has_and_belong_to_many, has_many :through and number of other setups but have been unable to get it right.
Basically all that I need is the following:
Course belongs to (is created by) a single User (foreign_id => admin_id).
Course has many enrolled Users (Join Table?).
User has many created Courses.
User can belong to many Courses.
If you have any idea how this would be accomplished I would greatly appreciate your input.
A pretty good design is Canvas LMS.
In short:
A User is just a user.
A Course is just a course.
An Enrollment is an association between a user and a course. An enrollment has a type, which is either a student, a teacher, a TA or an observer. Each type has its own set of permissions.
So, if a user is not in any course, he/she is nothing but a user. A user can at the same time be a teacher in course A and a student in course B. Also, he/she can be both a student and a TA in the same course.
You can add your own enrollment types in your application, such as creator.

Single model reading and writing to several tables in Rails

When registering to my website, users have to specify which company or group they are working for and then all the users are placed in one db table called users. I was wondering if it's possible to create a new table for every single company that registers and then put all users from that company to that one specific table while still having a single user model and a single controller.
I think you need multi-tenant application.
Here Each company/group can act as a tenant - all users are members of the tenant.
A simple library for this purpose is Milia
Please check the documentation and use accordingly.
It will save all companies users to the same table - But while retrieving apply the scope to find users of a particular tenant.
You don't need to create a table for each company. You need to create tables called Companies and Users that are in relation with each other. So User belongs_to company. Then when you are creating a user you pass company_id to that user. You can read more about it here:

How can I model the association in the following situation.?

I have the following association between entities in the system:
and User
store can have many vendors,
vendor can belong to multiple stores.
A user can have multiple stores, but if its a user who is related to vendor, say a person who works for that vendor, then the behavior of that user changes.
Also, for a store there can be multiple roles.
I tried polymorphic association, but since the behavior of the user changes depending on roles and whether he is a store user or a vendor user, I cannot use that.
STI can also not be used since a vast amount of columns will differ. Any ideas will be helpful.
If I'm understanding your requirements accurately you want to model:
A vendor can have many stores
A store can have many vendors
A vendor can have many users
A store can have many users
That would require a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship between vendor and store. It would also require a polymorphic association between user and vendor/store. You should be able to use a polymorphic association. That way you could manage system behaviour for each user by checking their roles and associations. If you created a polymorphic association named userable for example, you could user user.userable to get either the vendor or the store and vendor.users or store.users to access users for those instances.
For your user model, regarding this line in your question:
"but if its a user who is related to vendor, say a person who works for that vendor, then the behavior of that user changes"
I would add a column to my user table called user_type and create some user types that you can use to filter out and assign privileges to. The user_type column could be a string field and explicitly named something like related and not_related, simply an integer 1 or 2, or more, or even a boolean field if there aren't going to be too many user_types.

Create a company and user in one, what's the standard?

I know a lot of startups and tech companies essentially allow you to register, and you end up registering a company and your user.
An example would be basecamp for example. I'd like to achieve the same thing, however I'm not quite certain on how they do it, and what the best way to do it is.
My thought is to have a user and company model, where on registration you register a company, and it accepts nested attributes for user. As in my head at least the relation is:
User belongs_to :company
Company has_many :users
and the registration is a Company#new with a
However for some reason this does feel a bit strange, as to me it would make more sense that you register a user, and create the company it belongs to.
I just want to lay the foundation right, so I don't start building anything massive on top of a system that isn't good.
More info:
The purpose is to make the person that registers itself and the company an admin, and only allow new users to be a part of a company by being invited by an admin. Everything that goes on within the project is company based only for those within the company. You can also group users that belongs to the company, and create segments or say departments of the company. Beside that the company has no function other that being the connector between all the users that belong to the same company.

Rails: One model for Authentication and Profile information or 2 separate models

In many tutorials (especially for authentication), speakers say to put user authentication and profile information in the same table (model) called User.
My question is simple: Is it safe to put everything in one table? (bonus: is this the best practice?)
I would rather suggest to separate authentication information (email, password, salt,...) and profile information (first name, last name, birth day, location, gender,...) in two models: User (for authentication) and Profile, and linking models by has_one/belongs_to associations.
Am I wrong? What do you suggest me?
If you want to follow database normalisations you should separate the tables. However, sometimes it is not the best option... For example, if your table users has just email, password (for authentication) and name. I won't create a profile table just to store the name, right?
So, it will depend on your requirements to make your design decisions....
I found this interesting post about it, where #D Roddis explain some advantages and disadvantages about three different approaches: Storing User Profile in Users Table, Storing User Profile in User_Profile Table 1-1 relationship to users and Storing User Profile as properties and values in tables.
I hope it helps...
I'd put them in seperate models myself.
How many actions are there which operate on user and profile together? Not many, There are a lot in both constructs where they need to know nothing (or nothing more than the id) about each other.
