I would like to create a work item query where the user is always asked to pass the value of the argument he wants.
For example:
Team project= #Project
And Work Item Type = Bug
and State = ?
Then the user is asked for which state he wants to get the results.
Any ideas?
Queries does not support parameters.
What you can do:
Use TFS Reporting
Export query to Excel
Use you own WIQL query
Is there any possibility to create a JQL query that can be parameterized with a specific value that can be selected by a user for a dashboard? For example, I wanna show all issues that are linked to a certain issue via a specific link type.
The query I use for links looks like this:
project = Bar and issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfRecursive("project = Foo and key = Foo-123", "relates to")
As you can see, the query itself is not the problem, its rather simple, but the key is hardcoded. Is there any way of creating a dashboard / rich filter, where the user can simply enter a key and the query is executed with that key?
I would like to get a list of any WorkItems I modified in TFS using TFS query builder. Including status changes I made, "assinged to" changes and including those I made posts in History.
That looks to me like pretty basic and logical query, but couldn't fiugre out how to do that.
We're using the TFS web interface, but I guess it's identical to the query builder in VS's Team Explorer.
You can get all the work items you modified with the "Changed By" field (with “Was Ever” = your username):
This query returns all the work items you modified any field (State, Assigned To, etc.), but you can't create a query to get only work items when you changed them only specific fields.
I'm using Microsoft Graph to get a list of messages for a user.
I'm using the following URL
One important thing that is returned by this is the meetingMessageType when the message revolves around a meeting request.
I would also like to get the uniqueBody of the message. However, that's not provided by default. One needs to specifically ask for that field. I can do that by adding ?$select=uniqueBody to the URL.
However, that now means that I need to add the rest of the fields I want to the $select query parameter. That's not a big deal until I run into meetingMessageType. Microsoft Graph returns:
Could not find a property named 'meetingMessageType' on type 'Microsoft.OutlookServices.Message'.
What can I do to ensure I get both uniqueBody and meetingMessageType?
Try this:
$select=uniqueBody, microsoft.graph.eventMessage/meetingMessageType
Yogesh's answer is close but will result in a Only one level select is supported error.
As long as you don't care about the value of meetingMessageType, you can use this select:
$select=microsoft.graph.eventMessage, uniqueBody
You'll note that the results no longer include meetingMessageType as a property. The list however is limited to only those messages that are eventMessage, effectively giving you a result set filtered to only show meeting requests.
I've been stuck with this problems for 2 days now and I don't know how to corner it.
Basicly, I'm building list of report URL's with provided parameters in URL so I can run them without selecting each checkbox. I've found the way how to select most of the values without problem, but sometimes I want to choose "(Select All)" option from dropdown, but I don't know how. What do I need to pass in parameter so that it would select all for rendering a report?
Do you have any suggestions?
for example,this works for me:
Default the Parameter(s) to NULL in the RDL. Then you can simply call the report without specifying a value for the parameter and it will automatically pass NULL into the proc.
Then in your proc you will need to change your predicate (probably, although no code has been provided) to something like this:
Where (tablealias.Company = #Company or #Company is NULL)
AND (tablealias.partner = #Partner or #Partner is NULL)
So taking company as an example, if you specify a value in the URL it will search for that value in the proc, if you don't it will return regardless of company.
Is it possible to create a TFS alert that notifies the user when the results of a certain query has changed?!
I have a query which finds 10 work items as a result
one of those work items has changed that it does not fulfill this query anymore (query results should be 9).
I would like a notification telling me that the results of the query has changed (also referring to the work item that has changed)
The other way around should be also valid, that a work item was modified to fulfill the query (query results should be 11).
You can try CatLight status notifier. It will show a notification on the desktop new work item matches the query or when this work item changes.
In addition, if you miss that notification, you can always see what changed on the dashboard:
The app currently will not notify you when work item stops matching the query, but you can create an inverse query to catch such changes.
There is no way to do this directly.
You may want to try creating a Notification, but you are going to struggle if your query is complicated.