Implementing a form within a TableView - ios

I would like to implement a form to insert data within a TableView in my app.
I would like the form appears as a table, and each row of the table represent a TextField.
What is the right approach to do this?
Any help is appreciated!!
Regards, yassa

If I understood your question right then I would go for custom TableViewCells.
Subclass UITableViewCell.
In the init method (initWithStyle, if I am not much mistaken) create the Text Fields and add them to the superview. ([self.view addSubView:myTextField])
In the layoutViewItems method you should arrange the TextField and any other custom view that you may want to create and add in init.
While overwriting both of them, do not forget to call the related superclass method at the very beginning. You may not need [super layoutSubviews] in the event that you do not want to use any of the standard elements of UITableViewCell.

If you are using Storyboard, use the new Static Cell TableView (as opposed to Dynamic Prototypes. This allows for a TableView that you don't have to use the delegate or datasource methods on. You can layout the sections and rows manually in IB. I use it lots for form based views.


I need help knowing where to start on designing a tableview or if a tableview is what I need

As in title, I don't know where to start with creating a view like this. Do I hard code it or use XCode editor? Is a table view what I need?
Yes, a UITableView is what you needed.
You need to create a TableView Controller.
Follow by creating a TableViewCell
Then you need to start coding. Hook up the delegate and data source methods.
For more information, check this tutorial by Apple:
Here you have a tableView with section header indicating the date of the matches, the tableView has a custom designed cell, each cell contains the names of the two competing team.
start by adding the tableView to your viewController using storyboards, with the delegate and datasource connected.
the sub class from UITableViewCell and create your custom cell with an xib file.

How to design a ViewController with complex TableView

Imagine this scenario:
I've 10 different and custom UITableViewCell: one with a textfield,
one with a button, one with some labels, one with a textview, one
with an imageView and so on.
I've a ViewController with a tableView where I wanna display these cells.
The number of cell displayed can vary based on some conditions (and also the height, the background color and other parameters)
The user can interact with these cells
What is the best way to design this in respect of the MVC and maintain the ViewController lightweight and maintainable as possible?
How to take advantage of Swift language in doing this?
Is there any famous and consolidate design pattern to apply?
i will try to share some of my experience:
Create separate custom UITableViewCelll as per requirement like : textfield, textview, imageview, label etc. this class must not dependent on data calculation it is only for cosmetics UI. that means there must not be any method like updateCellWithData:(someDATAObj). This logic must go in some cetegory as discussed below.
Register separate custom UITableViewCelll with your tableview.
Create separate class (NSObject) as datasource and delegate for your UITableView.
Use category to populate data in your custom UITableView Cell. some thing like updateCellWithData:(someDATAObj).
Use constant file for your constants like height for tableView Cell, reuse identifier names, notification name.
try with some code atleast, then we can help you with best.

Is it possible fix the position of first row on UITableController?

In my app I have used a UITableViewControllersub class to display a list of data. I finished every thing in the project, but the client needs the top row of the table to stay on top and not scroll with the rest of the content. I know this could easily be achieved using a UIViewController instead of a UITableViewController but would like to avoid this. I'm here for a final attempt to see if there is any way to fix some rows in a table view.
Please note that there are 4 different UITableViewController's in my project and they all have some complex logic in their table view delegate methods. This means a lot of work if I need to change all the UITableViewControllers into UIViewControllers.
Anyone have any ideas?
I have two suggestions for you:
More common practice is to use property of the UITableView
#property(nonatomic, retain) UIView *tableHeaderView
Second way to place your table view as child view and add another subview
All you need to do is to implement method (declared in UITableViewDelegate):
- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {
return self.yourHeaderTopView;
You need to create the custom tableheaderview. For more refer this
Add 2 cells
use first as static and fill up the information as u want.
set the Reuse modifier of the second and call that second cell in the
cellAtRowForIndexPath method to use that second cell continuously

UITableView inside UITableViewCell - didSelectRowAtIndexPath

I am making an interface which have UITableView with four custom UITableViewCell's. And every other UITableViewCell have also UITableView. This mean I have TableView inside a TableView.
Let me call first tableView - ParentTableView and nested tableView - ChildTableView. So I implemented method didSelectRowAtIndexPath on both tableView's. But when the app is running, only the method of the ChildTableView is being called. I need to know inside the ParentTableView, which cell is being tapped.
How can I transfer that information further from ChildTableView to ParentTableView.
This may be a silly question, but I can not find any reliable solution so far, so please help me.
Thank You in advance, kind Sir
First, I think nested table views is a bad idea. But I don't know your use case, so it might be an exception.
The table view controller class used inside a cell have its own #protocol definition and set the outer table view as its delegate. In the inner didSelectRowAtIndexPath: it can inform the outer table view about the selected indexPath, its own indexPath and any other information you might want to transmit.
Try using collection views. You can do a layout that works like a regular table view and then in the cells that need to have a table, you can make those separate cells with another collection view inside or a table view inside of it.
As mentioned before, it's not easy doing table views inside of cells, and it can be very tricky to get things to work correctly.
This is an old tutorial I wrote which may help and be of guidance. But since then there's been collection views and auto layout, so keep in mind it's very old.

Add an action to a custom UITableViewCell

I am building a simple app with a table view filled with custom view cells and using a storyboard. I want to add a actions on the cell each time the user tap it.
So far, I tried to create an IBOutle to link my cell to my tableViewController and add the action manually in the code but each time I try to do it I get an error message saying "Illegal Configuration - cannot have a prototype object as its destination".
The only quick fix I found is to add a UIButton with a transparent background and no title which fills in the whole cell and attached the action to it.
Is there any more elegant way to do it?
Not only is there a more "elegant" solution, but there is also a correct way to do this.You should be using the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method for your cells.
You should read what the Apple Docs have to say
And also, here is a tutorial on how to use row selection in your tableView.
The elegant solution is to use your table view's delegate method tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: and put all your action code there.
