DI/IoC MVC Assembly Reference issues and abstraction [duplicate] - asp.net-mvc

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Ioc/DI - Why do I have to reference all layers/assemblies in entry application?
I've decided to build a new MVC 3 application using Autofac as the DI container.
Since all my container configuration is done within the MVC project it forces a reference to all layers e.g. Data, which ideally the web project should have no idea about.
Is there a simple way to move this to a separate "fabric" class library? The problem I'm encountering is that I can't then configure the controllers in the fabric project as it would result in a circular reference between Fabric and MVC projects.
I understand that the reference is only used for configuration but not having the references will ensure a naughty developer doesn't start referencing the classes directly.
On a related note does anyone have any feelings about abstracting their DI container - or is this just getting carried away! As a rule of thumb I think it's good practise to wrap third party assemblies but at this level?
Thanks in advance,

Since all my container configuration is done within the MVC project it
forces a reference to all layers e.g. Data, which ideally the web
project should have no idea about.
If you don't reference those layers, how do you expect the corresponding assemblies end up in your bin folder at runtime? You shouldn't be worried for referencing those layers in the MVC application.
but not having the references will ensure a naughty developer doesn't
start referencing the classes directly.
You should teach your developers good practices.


Umbraco class library and Web Site

I have a project I was brought onto a few years ago and the original developer is no longer available. We have an Umbraco 6 based website. The solution has two projects, a Web Site and a class library call Umbraco.Extensions. I believe I read some conventional wisdom pertaining to Umbraco at some point where it is recommended to split it up like this but I am looking for more information about this particular style of setup and how it is supposed to work. For example right now I am dealing with a missing assembly issue, and i fixed it by copying a dll from the bin of Extensions to the bin of the Web Site. How is this handled regularly?
it's generally a good idea to keep the projects separated. You should have some kind of automation (maybe a post-build action) to copy the dll of the class library to the bin of the umbraco project. Or maybe rebuild the umbraco project with the correct references, but I dont usually do that.

ASP.net MVC and modularity

I'm trying to find out if there is a way to use ASP.Net MVC to design a modular web application.
By modular, I mean that I should be able to drop a "package" (which could be made of a bunch of files, I don't necessarily require a single file deployment).
The idea is to deploy additional functionality seamlessly. Functionality could go from tweaking the existing web site (that is the easy part, any plugin architecture would do), up to having whole new site areas.
I'm looking for pointers as to
- if that is even possible
- what choices I have to make w/ regards to view engines for example
- any gotchas I should be aware of
I found one or two references, but ASP.Net MVC moves fast and they might be out of sync.
Any input is welcome (up to and including "don't go there") !
It's easy.
Start with creating a class library with the same structure as a regular MVC project. Make sure that all views are changed to "Embedded" in file properties.
Use an inversion of control container like Autofac and just tell it to register all controllers in all assemblies found in the current directory.
You need to create a custom VirtualPathProvider that looks for your views in all found plugin dlls. You might also want to make the VirtualPathProvider modify the views so that #inherits YouBaseView<TModelName> is added, since Views\Web.Config isn't used for embedded views.
I am thinking about doing something similar, I found this to be a good article to get started: http://sankarsan.wordpress.com/2009/04/12/a-layered-aspnet-mvc-application-part-iv/
What I have done so far is opt for the Castle Windsor IoC container - information about ASP .NET MVC and Windsor is here: http://stw.castleproject.org/Windsor.Windsor-tutorial-ASP-NET-MVC-3-application-To-be-Seen.ashx
I then use the Razor Generator from here: http://razorgenerator.codeplex.com/ so that I can compile views into separate assemblies.
And some code from here: https://github.com/csteeg/BoC/blob/master/Src/Commons.Web.PrecompiledViews to build a view engine that uses the IoC container.
With those two things and a few interfaces that are custom to my application I have been able to drop in "modules" by putting DLLs into a folder and have them appear as tabs within the hosting application.

MVC with 3Tier Architecture, Entity Framework and DependencyInjection [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
DAL -> BLL <- GUI + composition root. How to setup DI-bindings?
I'm defining a new solution and i've created some projects:
Domain (contains my entities)
BusinessLayer (contains my business rules)
DataAccessLayer (contains my Abstract and Concrete implementations of my repositories)
Every project has a reference for my Domain.
In every example i see in Internet, the dependency injection (ninject) is defined in WebUI, but i cannot do that because it'll require me to add a reference for my DataAccessLayer.
If i move the binding association to the BusinessLayer then my WebUI will not become database agnostic because the bindings are hardcoded in my BusinessLayer.
Please give your opinion (even in the architecture), and why i'm having decision implementation problems?
thank U ALL
You would normally configure the container in the application project. In your case the ASP.NET MVC application. This configuration will need to reference all assemblies in your solution. This is normally not a problem. Just don't use the DAL library from the rest of the web application.
If that is a problem for you, create a special Bootstrapper project that references all projects and configures the container. Then call that project from within your Application_Start event.
It's ok if you have references to your data access layer in web app, so long as you don't actually reference them in your code (other than in your ninject configuration). The reason is that Ninject is configured in code, thus to change your configuration you have to change the code.
If you want a purely file based configured approach, then you would need to use a different Container, or develop a file based configuration based on Ninject.
So long as your CODE is database agnostic, all you have to do is change your ninject code and modify the references and you're good to go, you don't have to change your app.

What's the best design for this problem with IoC and Circular Reference

I'll try to explain in the simple way.
I have a solution (c# 4.0) that contain 4 projects
So my question is:
Framework is the right place to configure my Unity IoC? I want to configure via code and not with xml, so Framework need to know reference of DAL but DAL already knows Framework.
All my projects will know Framework, so where i configure my IoC?
Applications should be configured in the Composition Root, which is as close to the entry point as possible. In your case, that would be the WebApplication. That's the only project which should have a reference to Unity. None of the other projects should have any reference to Unity at all.
In the composition root, you should follow the Register Resolve Release pattern.
See also this answer - it talks about Ninject instead of Unity, but the concept (and hence the answer) is the same.

Modular Architecture - ASP.NET MVC

I've searched (google and SO) about this topic and couldn't find a thorough answer to my question(s).
I'm building an ASP.NET MVC 2 application that will be distributed to other people (with source code). These people will need to create modules/plugins that use the application's base.
The base is a simple ASP.NET MVC Application with Linq-To-Sql file, repositories, authorization/membership.
Is it possible to create a plugin that would work by simply adding a .DLL file in a folder?
Right now, you can create a "plugin" by opening the source project of the base application, creating a few controllers/views that do somethings, using the base application's authorization/membership and repositories. You would also be required to edit the Linq-to-Sql file and add in any tables that you need.
However, to "install" this plugin, I would need to copy the controllers/views for this plugin into my base application and edit the Linq-to-Sql class to include the tables necessary for this plugin, then build the solution. Is there a simpler method?
I read of .DLL plugins, but how would someone build a plugin like this starting from the base application.
If the 'plugin' creates tables with foreign keys of the "User" table in the main application, how does one separate those tables/relationships in a separate file and have the base application recognize those relationships?
As you can tell, I'm asking multiple questions that are kind of all over the place. This is a new topic/issue for me and I have no idea where to start. Theme mere concept of having my application interact with a separate .DLL file is foreign to me.
Any help/links would be greatly apprecaited.
Does this answer the same question: Plug-in architecture for ASP.NET MVC?
I think this could be applied to mvc too: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972962.aspx
