undefined method `medium_url' - ruby-on-rails

I have a 'media' model, and the controller through which I am doing any changes to that table is called 'MultimediaController'.
When creating a new media and trying to redirect, I get the following error: undefined method 'medium_url' for #<MultimediaController:0x007f86f49ca400>
I dont have any tables, models, controllers or anything else called "medium". I'm assuming rails is doing this automatically based on my table named 'media'. Is there any way I can overwrite this?
edit: my redirect looks like this: respond_with(#media, {:controller => 'multimedia', :action => 'index', :id => session[:user_id], :collection => #media.collection_id})

"Media" is plural for "medium" so it sounds like you've got some renaming to do or customizations in inflections.rb.

Medium_url would mean rails is looking for a single "Medium" record (or whatever database you are dealing with .. media etc). You'd have to pass in an id in order to redirect to the Medium object when using medium_url.
If you want to redirect to a list of all Mediums (Your index action) you should be using mediums_url.
Rails has a fantastic guide on restful routing.
def create
# Code to create the record goes here blah blah.
# Redirect to a list of all mediums
redirect_to mediums_url
# Or redirect to the medium object we just created
# redirect_to medium_url(#object)


Rails routing URL folders for product categories on show actions

I'm trying to formulate some better urls for a "product" model I have, only on the show action. I'm currently using friend_id to generate pretty slugs, which is fine, but I'm trying to improve the URL flow if I can.
Current my paths work like this
When saving a parictular product (to the Product Model), I also save a type_of attribute. Which could be android, iphone, windows
So I am trying to ultimately have robust URLS like this
The problem is, that I don't have or believe I want an actual "iphone", "android", etc controller. But I'd rather just update a combination of the routes and show action to handle this properly.
So far I've attempted to solve this by using a catch all on the routes, but is not working correctly. Any suggestions or different ways to handle this elegantly?
resources :products
# at the bottom of my routes a catch all
match '*products' => 'products#show'
# match routes for later time to do something with to act like a
# normal category page.
match 'products/iphone' => 'products#iphone_index'
match 'products/android' => 'products#android_index'
match 'products/windows' => 'products#windows_index'
show action in the products controller
def show
# try to locate the product
if params[:product].present?
slug_to_lookup = params[:product].split("/").last
type_of = params[:product].split("/").second
#product = Product.find_by_slug(slug_to_lookup)
#product = Product.find_by_slug(params[:id])
# redirect if url is not the slug value
if #product.blank?
redirect_to dashboard_path
elsif request.path != product_path(#product)
redirect_to product_path(#product)
This way to handle the problem sort of works, but I can't fiqure out how to append the type_of attribute and generate a valid URL.
What about defining your routes like this:
get ':controller/:action/:id/:user_id'
Here, Anything other than :controller or :action will be available to the action as part of params.
Thanks for the suggestion. I was actually able to solve this and pretty simple when I thought it over. This might be helpful for others.
In my routes I just created a route for every type of category I have. so every time a new category, I would need to add an additional route, example:
# match for each product category
match 'shop/iphone/:slug' => 'products#show', :as => :product_iphone
match 'shop/android/:slug' => 'products#show', :as => :product_android
match 'shop/windows/:slug' => 'products#show', :as => :product_windows
Then in the show action for products instead of directing, you would just render the products/show if the slug matches an existing product
#product = Product.find_by_slug(params[:slug])
Then in your views, you could link to a particular category like this
link_to "product", product_android_path(#product)

How do I get the format of my URLs to be username/controller/:id in Rails 3.1?

I want it similar to the way Twitter handles the URLs for its tweets.
For instance, right now my URL looks like this: mydomain.com/feedbacks/1/, where feedbacks is the name of the controller.
I want it to look like: mydomain.com/username/feedbacks/1/ which is similar to Twitter's: twitter.com/username/status/:id/.
My routes.rb looks like this:
resources :users do
resources :feedbacks
When I have it like this, it gives me the URLs as mydomain.com/users/1/feedbacks, but I want the actual username in the URL.
How do I get that?
Edit 1: If you are adding another answer to this question, please make sure it addresses my comments/questions to the answer already given. Otherwise it will be redundant.
scope ":username" do
resources :feedbacks
From the docs:
This will provide you with URLs such as /bob/posts/1 and will allow
you to reference the username part of the path as params[:username] in
controllers, helpers and views.
I have tested and confirmed the accuracy of paozac's answer. I'll clarify it a bit.
Suppose you had a #feedback object with an id of 12, and the associated user had a username of foouser. If you wanted to generate a URL to the edit page for that #feedback object, you could do the following:
edit_feedback_url(:username => #feedback.user.username, :id => #feedback)
The output would be "/foouser/feedbacks/12/edit".
# A URL to the show action could be generated like so:
feedback_url(:username => feedback.user.username, :id => feedback)
#=> "/foouser/feedbacks/12"
# New
new_feedback_url(:username => current_user.username)
#=> "/foouser/feedbacks/new"
Additionally, as noted by nathanvda in the comments, you can pass ordered arguments which will be matched with the corresponding dynamic segment. In this case, the username must be passed first, and the feedback id should be passed second, i.e.:
edit_feedback_url(#feedback.user.username, #feedback)
Also, if you need help handling the params from the controller, I suggest creating a new question specific to that.
Once you have defined the scope like dwhalen says you can generate the url like this:
feedbacks_url(:username => 'foo')
and get
edit_feedback_url(:username => 'foo', :id => 1)
and get

Rails: Difference between List and Index

I appreciate this is an incredibly noob question, but having Googled multiple combinations of search terms I regretfully am still in the dark. These things can be difficult when one doesn't know and so obvious when one does.
I have semi-home page where incoming customers can choose to see a queried list or do a handful of other things. This isn't a home page but a sort of mini 'switchboard' within the site.
The seven standard RESTful Rails controller methods are (as I understand them):
List # shows a list of records generated with .find(:all)
Show # shows details on one record
New # initiates new record
Create # saves and renders/redirects
Edit # finds and opens existing record for edit
Update # updates attributes
Delete # deletes record
What to use when some users need to see a selected 'list' of records that isn't literally .find(:all)? How would this work given I still need a list function that gives me .find(:all) for other purposes?
I've heard of 'index' being used in Rails controllers, but I don't know the difference between index and list.
For best practice and best design, what controller methods would you use for a mini-switchboard (and other intermediate pages such as 'About Us')?
Any specific answers would be a bit more useful than links to http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_controller_overview.html etc. :) Thanks very much.
First, I think it's important to note that the "standard methods" are neither standard nor methods in a sense. These are considered actions, and are only standard in that they are the conventions used with scaffolding. You can create any number of actions and group them logically with a controller.
If you open up [Project]/config/routes.rb and read through the comments, I think you'll understand a little better how controllers and actions map to a specific route. For instance, you can create a named route to the login controller's login action and call it authenticate by adding to the top of your routes.rb:
# ex: http://localhost/authenticate
map.authenticate 'authenticate', :controller => 'login', :action => 'login'
# map.[route] '[pattern]', :controller => '[controller]', :action => '[action]'
# ex: http://localhost/category/1
map.category 'category/:id', :controller => 'categories', :action => 'list'
# ex: http://localhost/product_group/electronics
map.search 'product_group/:search', :controller => 'products', :action => 'list'
To partially answer your question, you may want to consider adding a category model and associating all products to a category. then, you can add a named route to view items by category as in the code block above.
The major benefit to using named routes is that you can call them in your views as category_url or category_path. Most people don't want to do this and rely on the default route mappings (at the end of the routes.rb):
# ex: http://localhost/category/view/1
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
# ex: http://localhost/category/view/1.xml
# ex: http://localhost/category/view/1.json
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
The key thing to mention here is that when a URI matches a route, the parameter that matches against a symbol (:id, or :search) is passed into the params hash. For instance, the search named route above would match a search term into params[:search], so if your products have a string column called 'type' that you plan to search against, your products controller might look like:
class Products < ApplicationController
def list
search_term = params[:search]
#products = Product.find(:all, :conditions => ["type = ?", search_term])
Then, the view [Project]/app/views/products/list.html.erb will have direct access to #products
If you'd really like an in-depth view into Ruby on Rails (one that is probably 10 times easier to follow than the guide in the link that you posted) you should check out
Agile Web Development with Rails: Second Edition, 2nd Edition

Validate no routing overlap when creating new resources in Ruby on Rails

I've got a RESTful setup for the routes in a Rails app using text permalinks as the ID for resources.
In addition, there are a few special named routes as well which overlap with the named resource e.g.:
# bunch of special URLs for one off views to be exposed, not RESTful
map.connect '/products/specials', :controller => 'products', :action => 'specials'
map.connect '/products/new-in-stock', :controller => 'products', :action => 'new_in_stock'
# the real resource where the products are exposed at
map.resources :products
The Product model is using permalink_fu to generate permalinks based on the name, and ProductsController does a lookup on the permalink field when accessing. That all works fine.
However when creating new Product records in the database, I want to validate that the generated permalink does not overlap with a special URL.
If a user tries to create a product named specials or new-in-stock or even a normal Rails RESTful resource method like new or edit, I want the controller to lookup the routing configuration, set errors on the model object, fail validation for the new record, and not save it.
I could hard code a list of known illegal permalink names, but it seems messy to do it that way. I'd prefer to hook into the routing to do it automatically.
(controller and model names changed to protect the innocent and make it easier to answer, the actual setup is more complicated than this example)
Well, this works, but I'm not sure how pretty it is. Main issue is mixing controller/routing logic into the model. Basically, you can add a custom validation on the model to check it. This is using undocumented routing methods, so I'm not sure how stable it'll be going forward. Anyone got better ideas?
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
#... other logic and stuff here...
validate :generated_permalink_is_not_reserved
def generated_permalink_is_not_reserved
create_unique_permalink # permalink_fu method to set up permalink
#TODO feels really ugly having controller/routing logic in the model. Maybe extract this out and inject it somehow so the model doesn't depend on routing
unless ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path("/products/#{permalink}", :method => :get) == {:controller => 'products', :id => permalink, :action => 'show'}
errors.add(:name, "is reserved")
You can use a route that would not otherwise exist. This way it won't make any difference if someone chooses a reserved word for a title or not.
map.product_view '/product_view/:permalink', :controller => 'products', :action => 'view'
And in your views:
product_view_path(:permalink => #product.permalink)
It's a better practice to manage URIs explicitly yourself for reasons like this, and to avoid accidentally exposing routes you don't want to.

Is it a bad idea to reload routes dynamically in Rails?

I have an application I'm writing where I'm allowing the administrators to add aliases for pages, categories, etc, and I would like to use a different controller/action depending on the alias (without redirecting, and I've found that render doesn't actually call the method. I just renders the template). I have tried a catch all route, but I'm not crazy about causing and catching a DoubleRender exception that gets thrown everytime.
The solution for this I've come up with is dynamically generated routes when the server is started, and using callbacks from the Alias model to reload routes when an alias is created/updated/destroyed.
Here is the code from my routes.rb:
Alias.find(:all).each do |alias_to_add|
map.connect alias_to_add.name,
:controller => alias_to_add.page_type.controller,
:action => alias_to_add.page_type.action,
:navigation_node_id => alias_to_add.navigation_node.id
I am using callbacks in my Alias model as follows:
after_save :rebuild_routes
after_destroy :rebuild_routes
def rebuild_routes
Is this against Rails best practices? Is there a better solution?
I find the method you're already using to be the best. Using Rails 3, you'd have to change the code a bit, to:
That's all.
Quick Solution
Have a catch-all route at the bottom of routes.rb. Implement any alias lookup logic you want in the action that route routes you to.
In my implementation, I have a table which maps defined URLs to a controller, action, and parameter hash. I just pluck them out of the database, then call the appropriate action and then try to render the default template for the action. If the action already rendered something, that throws a DoubleRenderError, which I catch and ignore.
You can extend this technique to be as complicated as you want, although as it gets more complicated it makes more sense to implement it by tweaking either your routes or the Rails default routing logic rather than by essentially reimplementing all the routing logic yourself.
If you don't find an alias, you can throw the 404 or 500 error as you deem appropriate.
Stuff to keep in mind:
Caching: Not knowing your URLs a priori can make page caching an absolute bear. Remember, it caches based on the URI supplied, NOT on the url_for (:action_you_actually_executed). This means that if you alias
you'll get some-wonderful-alias.html living in your cache directory. And when you try to sweep foo's bar, you won't sweep that file unless you specify it explicitly.
Fault Tolerance: Check to make sure someone doesn't accidentally alias over an existing route. You can do this trivially by forcing all aliases into a "directory" which is known to not otherwise be routable (in which case, the alias being textually unique is enough to make sure they never collide), but that isn't a maximally desirable solution for a few of the applications I can think of of this.
First, as other have suggested, create a catch-all route at the bottom of routes.rb:
map.connect ':name', :controller => 'aliases', :action => 'show'
Then, in AliasesController, you can use render_component to render the aliased action:
class AliasesController < ApplicationController
def show
if alias = Alias.find_by_name(params[:name])
render_component(:controller => alias.page_type.controller,
:action => alias.page_type.action,
:navigation_node_id => alias.navigation_node.id)
render :file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html", :status => :not_found
I'm not sure I fully understand the question, but you could use method_missing in your controllers and then lookup the alias, maybe like this:
class MyController
def method_missing(sym, *args)
aliased = Alias.find_by_action_name(sym)
# sanity check here in case no alias
self.send( aliased.real_action_name )
# sanity check here in case the real action calls a different render explicitly
render :action => aliased.real_action_name
def normal_action
#thing = Things.find(params[:id])
If you wanted to optimize that, you could put a define_method in the method_missing, so it would only be 'missing' on the first invocation, and would be a normal method from then on.
