How to load plugins in the new tab in mac vim? - ruby-on-rails

I'm using macvim to code rails project.
I used some plugins, which is specific to rails(like vim-rails) and will be loaded only in a rails' app folder.
After I entered a rails's folder, I run mvim and everything goes fine.
However, when I use command + T to open a new tab. the function of those plugins disabled..seems they are not loaded..
How to load them when I open a new tab?

If these plugins use the similar code to that one fugitive does, then putting something like
augroup LaunchFugitiveForAllBuffers
autocmd BufNew :doautocmd fugitive BufRead .
augroup END
(replace fugitive with actual event group name [1]). You can find this name by either grepping plugin files for BufRead (note: case does not really matter) or walking through the output of au BufRead like I did (there should not be many items). Note that things may be more complicated: for example your plugins attach to Filetype event and changing the above to doautocmd fugitive Filetype ruby may not help. Also note that you can purge out word fugitive at all leaving just a space, but it is potentially destructive operation and can be used only for testing (potentially very destructive in case of Filetype event and some others).
[1] Note: event group, not plugin name. These groups are likely to have the name that is a derivative of plugin name, but they are not forced to be equal to it.
Update: It seems that you need railsPluginDetect group for Tim Pope’s rails plugin. I do not have any rails project so I can’t say this for sure, but autocommand looks very similar to fugitive one. It is better though that you go to plugin bug tracker and add a request there (do not forget to search for an existing one).

Additional informations may be needed but I think that's because the new tab creates an empty virtual buffer.
Because your RoR-related plugins only work in a Rails folder and you are not in a Rails folder -- you are probably in ~, check :pwd to know what the working directory is -- those plugins don't work.


Grails migration issues. DBM-UPDATE include not recursing, fails silently

This is part of an ongoing project... splitting out domain objects so they can be consumed by multiple applications. The database migration files for the domain objects live with the plugin... but we want the apps to be able to reference them during a dbm-update.
I can get the application to recognize the plugin changelog, but after that, the changelog does not perform includes and process them as I expect.
Using GrailsPluginUtils I am able to get the path of the plugin and the plugin changelog, with which I do an include file. If I put the changeSet right in that file I am good, it runs. If I move it to a separate file in the same folder, or in a sub-folder, and reference it via "./someFile.groovy" it seems to FIND it but does not process it. I say it seems to find it because if I do NOT use a relative file path, the migration process throws an error saying it cannot find the file e.g., "someFile.groovy"...
I have workarounds but they are not acceptable because we want to control the order of how the DB migrations occur by using sub-directors with a _changelog.groovy that then includes the actual transformations (changeSets). But they are not being "include"ed.
If I use includeAll, it will grab any and all scripts in that one folder, but again, does not process any other includes referenced therein. I can write a script to scan the folders recursively but again, that requires a lot of coding to parse the _changelogs and grab the appropriate inclusion order, etc.
I really just want "include file:" to work as it does in a given application for its own changelog files.
Has anyone else done this? Am I missing something terribly obvious?
In the app...
databaseChangeLog {
include file: "${GrailsPluginUtils.pluginInfos.find { == 'my-plugin' }.pluginDir}/grails-app/migrations/my_plugin_changes"
... in the plugin...
databaseChangeLog {
include file: "./someChangeLogChangeSet.groovy"
Thank you...
We had also tried adding changelog files to the plugin where our domains live but were unable to access it from the main app. However, if you want to access your files from other location then you could specify this property in your config file and give the folder name here Or even copy all the migrations to the appropriate location to the main app.
grails.plugin.databasemigration.changelogLocation = 'migrations'
If you do find a actual solution to this, please post it.

redmine-my-widgets-plugin not working on redmine 2.3.0

The following is the repository for redmine.
And the following is the repository for redmine-my-widgets-plugin
if we look at the file structure app/views/my
there is a folder blocks which contains the partial which are widgets and displayed when added from select list.
similarly for redmine-my-widgets-plugin there is similar file directory structure
when i install this plugin the partials mentioned in this /my/block gets added in the my page -> select list so as to be added
When we add one of the plugins select list value then it displays 404 error
By looking at the structure the plugin, it looks like the plugin is overrided.
Also there are no others config files, or lib files present in the plugin(except en.yml)
So, what can be done that the plugin will be able to atleast find those partials.
Basically, redmine is able to find the partial files as the names are displayed in the my page -> select list but when added it throws 404 error
I know, I'm rather late to the party, but maybe this answer helps somebody else in the future.
The underlying problem was already covered at this question on SO. The plugin directory needs to have the exact same name as the symbol that is passed to Redmine::Plugin.register. In the case of this plugin: redmine_my_widgets. Changing the directory name will fix the 404.
On the other hand, the plugin was not updated for a long time and it is very likely, that most, if not all of the widgets, will no longer work because of changes to Redmine's internals.

How to make RSense autocomplete and jump to definitions of a rails project?

I switched from netbeans to emacs and I am pretty happy with the change. The thing I am missing the most is autocompletion and jump to definitions. In order to get this I have installed Rsense. It works fine for the gems code, though, I cannot jump-to-definitions of my Rails project nor autocomplete according to the methods I defined.
I tried to add my project's load path to Rsense's load_path configuration, though, it still doesn't work.
Does anyone know how to get this working?
You can use tags for browsing through files and jumping directly to function definitions.
I use Exuberant Ctags (its got Ruby support). You can download it from here.
I am assuming that you are working on windows. Getting the tags to work initially on windows is a pain especially if you are using emacs for the first time.
These are the steps I followed:
Install Cygwin from here.
Include the cygwin\bin\ folder in your environment variable PATH. E.g. here
Install exhuberant ctags. Note that emacs may sometime have a built in ctags. Later on you will have to use the ctags command in cygwin to create tags. At that time you may encounter some errors in case it uses the ctags in emacs instead of exuberant ctag.
Once you have installed ctags, add that to the environmental variable PATH as well.
If you have a small project with relatively lesser number of files (<500). So you just need a single global TAGS file. For that open cygwin, change your directory to the root directory of your project and type in the command ctags -R -e Check this out for other approaches
Your tags file will be created. It will be named "TAGS" and will be present in the root directory of your project.
Next open emacs, and browse through the code. In case you come across a function and want to jump to its definition, put your cursor on the function name and press M-. your minibuffer should then show something like Find tag (default <function-name>): Press Enter and voila!!! you are magically transported to the function definition!!!
Note: You may have to specify the TAGS file the first time you use the M-. This needs to be done only once after emacs startup. You can also modify your .emacs file to take in the TAGS file automatically on startup.
Refer to this and this for more info for tags related commands in emacs.
Until now, I have been using rtags to jump to definitions. It's not perfect, but it does the trick in many cases.

osCommerce - adding tools for admin

Is there a way to add a tool to osCommerce without having to edit any file? Just simply place files in some dir maybe?
I need to write addon for administrator of osC that lets them print something for every order.
No there isn't.
If you want to extend the admin of osCommerce, you'll have to get dirty and edit some lines of code for the existing files.
This is separate to things like the payment and shipping modules where you can just drop in some files and have it available for install.

How to rename an existing Grails application

Does anybody know how to (easily) "rename" an existing grails application? I'm running into this because my PaaS provider does not allow me to delete a subscription... So I want to deploy my application under a different name.
Of course, I can do this manually, but I think it might be a useful 'top-level' script (i.e. "grails rename-app newappname")
Manual hints:
When I do a "grails create-app myappname" I can see the myappname exists in the following files (and filenames)... Of course this is done by the create-app script, which replaces #...# tokens in the template. I guess once they are replaced, it's not trivial to do a rename.
./.project: <name>myappname</name>
./build.xml:<project xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" name="myappname" default="test">
./ivy.xml: <info organisation="org.example" module="myappname"/>
./myappname-test.launch:<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROJECT_ATTR" value="myappname"/>
./myappname.launch:<listEntry value="/myappname"/>
./myappname.launch:<listEntry value="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER" javaProject="myappname" path="1" type="4"/> "/>
./myappname.launch:<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROJECT_ATTR" value="myappname"/>
./myappname.launch:<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VM_ARGUMENTS" value="-Dbase.dir="${project_loc:myappname}" -Dserver.port=8080 -Dgrails.env=development"/>
./myappname.tmproj: <string>myappname.launch</string>
And of course... the top-level directory name is "myappname"
Any hints, or information about ongoing initiatives in this area are welcome
I had to do this, I renamed my project top level directory to the new name and
edited the file. There is a line which should be changed.
Actually, you do not even have to rename the directory. You could have a different web-app name.
Hmm, I know it doesn't look fun, but it shouldn't be difficult (just boring) to rename the project directory, then all the files with your project name in them (you can ignore .tmproj unless you use TextMate). Finally, a quick search through all the files for your old project name to replace and you should have it.
Oh! First, if you're using an IDE, you'll want to remove the project from the IDE, then re-import it once you've completed your renaming procedure.
As far as I know, nothing project-specific is stored anywhere except the project directory and below, so it's a very finite set to search, and you only have to do this once (I hope).
Not very elegant, I know, but brute force does have its uses.
I used the brute force Method and it worked for me. Took 5-10 minutes to find all files with the name in it and replace it with the new one. Also Netbeans was ok afterwards. The only thing that changed was the port number which I had to change again.
Just renaming works except when you are using plugins. They will be stored in the $USER_HOME/.grails/$GRAILS_VERSION/projects/OLDNAME folder.
So after renaming your project you "lost" your plugins. I haven't tried renaming the plugin's folder however just installing all your plugin works as well (at least with Google App Engine and gorm-jpa).
If only changing the web app name isn't enough you can try the rough way - make a backup before.
(In workspace folder)
zip -r oldname/
Then, in eclipse/ggts, use
Disable project, Build automatically
Search, File, Containing text : "oldname", Search
Right click on search results, Replace all, ... "newname"
Exit eclipse and rename all folders to the new project name. On Unix/Mac run
find . -name "oldname"
and mv the handful of results to properly reflect the new names.
For me it worked like a charm, but make sure your project name is not a keyword and reasonably unique.
