What is best practice for handling application configuration? - ruby-on-rails

I'll phrase the question in the context of my application but I think it does have a wider scope generally for configuration. My application allows companies to track absences and holidays for its employees. One of the benefits is that it will automatically increase a person's holiday entitlement based on rules set by the employer. The intention is for the company to choose between:
A) automatically increase an employee's entitlement by a set number of days every year e.g. on 1 January each year, holiday entitlement increases by 1 day; or
B) an employee's entitlement increases based on length of service e.g. after 2 years' employment, entitlement increases by 2 days
What is the best way to implement this functionality? The first option is fairly simple to implement as I have track the start/end dates of each leave year and the increment for each employee can be stored as an integer.
I guess I'm looking for best practice solutions to store the chosen method; how to store the relevant options and all in an extensible format allowing me to add further methods later.
I'm working with Ruby on Rails but the question is probably relevant to other languages.

What about: Store the balance in Employee. Employee belongs to Company. When the time comes, set the balance by using something like
So your employee assessor runs over all the employees and asks the company to recalculate its balance.
If it's a global policy, then you don't need to tell Company who the employee is, but if you needed to have special cases, you could pass the Employee to the set_balance method so that it would have more information about the employee being recalculated.
As for the Compay's strategy in how to increase the days, I'd put it in a model to limit the code changes needed if the strategy is changed.
If it's a simple rule, maybe just keep it in a key/value pair:
"holiday_entitlement"/"length of service"
I would not keep the the values (1 or 2) in the DB in order to avoid smart employees hacking into the DB and putting 'favourable' values in there :)


Unit Price and Discounts - Fact or Dimension Table

I'm working on a datamart for our sales and marketing departments, and I've come across a modeling challenge. Our ERP stores pricing data in a few different ways:
List pricing for each item
A discount percentage from list pricing for a product line, either for groups of customers or for a specific account
A custom price for an item, either for groups of customers or for a specific account
The Pricing department primarily uses this data operationally, not analytically. For example, they generate reports for customers ("What special pricing / discount %s do I have?") and identify which items / item groups need to be changed when they engage in a new pricing strategy.
Pricing changes happen somewhat regularly on a small scale, usually on a customer-by-customer or item-by-item basis. Infrequently, there are large-scale adjustments to list pricing and group pricing (discounts and individual items) in addition to the customer-level discounts.
My head has been in creating one or more fact tables to represent this process. Unfortunately, there's no pre-existing business key for pricing. There's also no specific "transaction date," since the ERP doesn't (accurately) maintain records of when pricing is changed. Essentially, a "pricing event" is going to be a combination of:
Effective date
End date
Item OR product line
(Not required for list price) customer or customer group
A price amount OR discount percentage
A single fact table seems problematic in that I'm going to have to deal with a lot of invalid combinations of dimensions and facts. First, a record will never have both a non-NULL price amount and a non-NULL discount percentage; pricing events are either-or. Second, only certain combinations of dimensions are valid for each fact. For example, a discount percentage will only ever have a product line, not an individual item.
Does it make sense to model pricing as a fact table in the first place? If so, how many tables should I be considering? My intuition is to use at least two, one for the percentages and one for the price amounts, but this still leaves a problem where each record will either have a valid customer group OR a valid customer (or neither, for list prices), since we need to maintain customer-specific pricing separate from any group pricing that customer might have.
You may need to keep them both as attributes and as facts.
The price a certain item was sold for is a fact. When you multiply it by the quantity sold it's actually an additive measure. So, keep it in the fact table. Total discount applied is also additive, I'd keep it. You can later query "how much was discounted in 2019 per customer", which would be much harder to achieve without those facts.
But if you also need to query things like "what's the discount customer X is on", then you should also keep that as an attribute of the customer dimension, and treat it as a type II dimension, so as to keep discount history. If you know when a certain discount was applied, great, if not take the 1st sale as the start date and you won't be too far off.
Maybe the list price can also be kept as an attribute of product or product line in a dimension, but only if they don't change too often; but if most customers get discounts anyway that would be of limited use.

Fact table linked to Slowly Changing Dimension

I'm struggling to understand the best way to model a particular scenario for a data warehouse.
I have a Person dimension, and a Tenancy dimension. A person could be on 0, 1 or (rarely) multiple tenancies at any one time, and will often have a succession of tenancies over time. A tenancy could have one or more people associated with it. The people associated with a tenancy can change over time, and tenancies generally last for many years.
One option is to add tenancy reference, start and end dates to the Person Dimension as type 2 SCD columns. This would work well as long as I ignore the possibility of multiple concurrent tenancies for a person. However, I have other areas of the data warehouse where I am facing a similar design issue and ignoring multiple relationships is not a possibility.
Another option is to model the relationship as an accumulating snapshot fact table. I'm not sure how well this would work in practice though as I could only link it to one version of a Person and Tenancy (both of which will have type 2 SCD columns) and that would seem to make it impossible to produce current or historical reports that link people and tenancies together.
Are there any recommended ways of modelling this type of relationship?
Edit based on the patient answer and comments given by SQL.Injection
I've produced a basic model showing the model as described by SQL.Injection.
I've moved tenancy start/end dates to the 'junk' dimension (Dim.Tenancy) and added Person tenancy start/end dates to the fact table as I felt that was a more accurate way to describe the relationship.
However, now that I see it visually I don't think that this is fundamentally any different from the model that I started with, other than the fact table is a periodic snapshot rather than an accumulating snapshot. It certainly seems to suffer from the same flaw that whenever I update a type 2 slowly changing attribute in any of the dimensions it is not reflected in the fact.
In order to make this work to reflect current changes and also allow historical reporting it seems that I will have to add a row to the fact table every time a SCD2 change occurs on any of the dimensions. Then, in order to prevent over-counting by joining to multiple versions of the same entity I will also need to add new versions of the other related dimensions so that I have new keys to join on.
I need to think about this some more. I'm beginning to think that the database model is right and that it's my understanding of how the model will be used that is wrong.
In the meantime any comments or suggestions are welcome!
Your problem is similar to to the sale transactions with multiple item. The difference, is that a transaction usually has multiple items and your tenancy fact usually has a single person (the tenant).
Your hydra is born because you are trying to model the tenancy as a dimension, when you should be modeling it as a fact.
The reason why I think you have a tenancy dimension, is because somewhere you have a fact rent. To model the fact rent consider use the same approach i stated above, if two persons are tenants of the same property two fact records should be inserted each month:
1) And now comes some magic (that is no magic at all), split the value of the of the rent by the number of tenants and store it the fact
2) store also the full value of the rent (you don't know how the data scientist is going to use the data)
3) check 1) with the business user (i mean people that build the risk models); there might be some advanced rule on how to do the spliting (a similar thing happens when the cost of shipping is to be divided across multiple item lines of the same order -- it might not be uniformly distributed)

Data warehouse multivalued attributes

Disclaimer: I have never created a data warehouse before. I have read several chapters of Kimball's Data Warehouse Toolkit.
Background: Plant (factory) management team needs to be able to slice and dice production information in various ways, and we want a consistent reporting format across manufacturing plants in our division. Through business analysis, we have concluded that the fact grain is 1 row per process completed. A completed process can either mean "machine" or "assemble." I am calling this the "Production fact".
The questions that the business needs to answer are the following:
Who was working when the process completed?
What was the cycle time of the process?
What is the serial number of the part was being produced by the process?
My schema includes the following first-level dimensions. I do not have any dimensions beyond the first level, but there are some cross relations between the plant dimension and the part type, shift, and process dimensions.
Part Type (Attributes: Surrogate Key, Part Number, Model, Variant, Part Name)
Plant (Attributes: Surrogate Key, Plant Name, Plant Acronym)
Shift (Attributes: Surrogate Key, Plant Key, Start Hour24, Start Minute, End Hour24, End Minute)
Process (Attributes: Surrogate Key, Plant Key, Production line, Process Group, Process
Name, Machine Type)
Date (typical date dimension attributes)
Time of Day (typical time of day dimension attributes)
The non dimensional facts are:
Part serial Number (instances of a part type)
Cycle time
Employee ID(s) *MULTI-VALUED*
My problem is that more than one employee may have been working the process at the time. So, I am wondering if I need to change my model and how to best represent the employee in the model. We are not trying to house employee information, just their company employee ID. I've considered the following options:
Allow for multiple employee IDs in the employee column of the fact table (e.g. comma separated). Disadvantage: the number of employees working on the process is a variable number. Would I need to create the field big enough to accommodate up to X number of employees? What should X be?
Create a record for each production fact per employee. This would be mean more than one record for the same fact; that would be bad. :)
Create an employee dimension and an "Process Employees" bridge table between the employee dimension table and the fact table. Problem: the employees working on the process at the time are not represented in the fact table.
Create an Employee dimension, a Process Employees Group table, and a bridge table between Process Employees Group table and the Employee dimension table. The employee group and bridge tables would need to be a) pre-populated with all possible employee combinations--this is not practical on any level since we have thousands of employees-- or b) populated on the fly during ETL. 4b would require a check to see if a given group employees already existed for each process; this might be taxing on the DBMS/ETL system if the source records are batched more frequently than a few times per day (e.g. 10 X's per hour for near real-time reporting).
My Question(s)
I'm thinking that option 3 is the most viable option, but I have some reservations. Are there potential watch-outs? Are there other alternatives that I should consider? Is it okay to take the employees who worked on the process out of the fact table?
Thank you for any advice.
There is a concept called slowly changing dimensions.
These are considered dimensions; basically over here the table which I will call PartEmployee;
The structure of this table will be
PartId - PK
EmployeeId - PK
EmployeeStartDate - PK
The End Date will be null if the employee is still working on the part. When a new employee starts working on the part, the previous employee record for the part will be closed and a new record created for the part with the new employee.
Add an employee on the PartFact table;
This column will hold the current employee; This fact record will be updated everytime a new employee starts working on the part...
This will give you the historical perspective of which employees worked on the part and also the information of the employee who worked on the part last.
Hope this helps...
I've had time to think about my options, and none of the 4 options listed in my original post are correct. The problem discussed seems to be a classic "coverage" problem; the business needs to know which employees were working which processes at a given time. If we have that information, we will know who worked who was working on a particular part when a given process completed. This would best be represented as a fact-less fact table between an employee dimension and the production process dimension.
This approach helps also helps me to save space and improve querying power because a single employee "coverage" fact will span multiple process production facts.

Generating sequential numbers in multi-user saas application

How do people generate auto_incrementing integers for a particular user in a typical saas application?
For example, the invoice numbers for all the invoices for a particular user should be auto_incrementing and start from 1. The rails id field can't be used in this case, as it's shared amongst all the users.
Off the top of my head, I could count all the invoices a user has, and then add 1, but does anyone know of any better solution?
Typical solution for any relation database could be a table like
user_invoice_numbers (user_id int primary key clustered, last_id int)
and a stored procedure or a SQL query like
update user_invoice_numbers set last_id = last_id + 1 where user_id = #user_id
select last_id from user_invoice_numbers where user_id = #user_id
It will work for users (if each user has a few simultaneously running transactions) but will not work for companies (for example when you need companies_invoice_numbers) because transactions from different users inside the same company may block each other and there will be a performance bottleneck in this table.
The most important functional requirement you should check is whether your system is allowed to have gaps in invoice numbering or not. When you use standard auto_increment, you allow gaps, because in most database I know, when you rollback transaction, the incremented number will not be rolled back. Having this in mind, you can improve performance using one of the following guidelines
1) Exclude the procedure that you use for getting new numbers from the long running transactions. Let's suppose that insert into invoice procedure is a long running transaction with complex server-side logic. In this case you first acquire a new id , and then, in separate transaction insert new invoice. If last transaction will be rolled back, auto-number will not decrease. But user_invoice_numbers will not be locked for long time, so a lot of simultaneous users could insert invoices at the same time
2) Do not use a traditional transactional database to store the data with last id for each user. When you need to maintain simple list of keys and values there are lot of small but fast database engines that can do that work for you. List of Key/Value databases. Probably memcached is the most popular. In the past, I saw the projects where simple key/value storages where implemented using Windows Registry or even a file system. There was a directory where each file name was the key and inside each file was the last id. And this rough solution was still better then using SQL table, because locks were issued and released very quickly and were not involved into transaction scope.
Well, if my proposal for the optimization seems to be overcomplicated for your project, forget about this now, until you will actually run into performance issues. In most projects simple method with an additional table will work pretty fast.
You could introduce another table associated with your "users" table that tracks the most recent invoice number for a user. However, reading this value will result in a database query, so you might as well just get a count of the user's invoices and add one, as you suggested. Either way, it's a database hit.
If the invoice numbers are independent for each user/customer then it seems like having "lastInvoice" field in some persistent store (eg. DB record) associated with the user is pretty unavoidable. However this could lead to some contention for the "latest" number.
Does it really matter if we send a user invoices 1, 2, 3 and 5, and never send them invoice
4? If you can relax the requirement a bit.
If the requirement is actually "every invoice number must be unique" then we can look at all the normal id generating tricks, and these can be quite efficient.
Ensuring that the numbers are sequenctial adds to the complexity, does it add to the business benefit?
I've just uploaded a gem that should resolve your need (a few years late is better than never!) :)
Not sure if this is the best solution, but you could store the last Invoice ID on the User and then use that to determine the next ID when creating a new Invoice for that User. But this simple solution may have problems with integrity, will need to be careful.
Do you really want to generate the invoice IDs in an incremental format? Would this not open security holes (where in, if a user can guess the invoice number generation, they can change it in the request and may lead to information disclosure).
I would ideally generate the numbers randomly (and keep track of used numbers). This prevents collisions as well (Chances of collision are reduced as the numbers are allocated randomly over a range).

Freezing associated objects

Does anyone know of any method in Rails by which an associated object may be frozen. The problem I am having is that I have an order model with many line items which in turn belong to a product or service. When the order is paid for, I need to freeze the details of the ordered items so that when the price is changed, the order's totals are preserved.
I worked on an online purchase system before. What you want to do is have an Order class and a LineItem class. LineItems store product details like price, quantity, and maybe some other information you need to keep for records. It's more complicated but it's the only way I know to lock in the details.
An Order is simply made up of LineItems and probably contains shipping and billing addresses. The total price of the Order can be calculated by adding up the LineItems.
Basically, you freeze the data before the person makes the purchase. When they are added to an order, the data is frozen because LineItems duplicate nessacary product information. This way when a product is removed from your system, you can still make sense of old orders.
You may want to look at a rails plugin call 'AASM' (formerly, acts as state machine) to handle the state of an order.
Edit: AASM can be found here http://github.com/rubyist/aasm/tree/master
A few options:
1) Add a version number to your model. At the day job we do course scheduling. A particular course might be updated occasionally but, for business rule reasons, its important to know what it looked like on the day you signed up. Add :version_number to model and find_latest_course(course_id), alter code as appropriate, stir a bit. In this case you don't "edit" models so much as you do a new save of the new, updated version. (Then, obviously, your LineItems carry a item_id and an item_version_number.)
This generic pattern can be extended to cover, shudder, audit trails.
2) Copy data into LineItem objects at LineItem creation time. Just because you can slap has_a on anything, doesn't mean you should. If a 'LineItem' is supposed to hold a constant record of one item which appeared on an invoice, then make the LineItem hold a constant record of one item which appeared on an invoice. You can then update InventoryItem#current_price at will without affecting your previously saved LineItems.
3) If you're lazy, just freeze the price on the order object. Not really much to recommend this but, hey, it works in a pinch. You're probably just delaying the day of reckoning though.
"I ordered from you 6 months ago and now am doing my taxes. Why won't your bookstore show me half of the books I ordered? What do you mean their IDs were purged when you stopped selling them?! I need to know which I can get deductions for!"
Shouldn't the prices already be frozen when the items are added to the order? Say I put a widget into my shopping basket thinking it costs $1 and by the time I'm at the register, it costs $5 because you changed the price.
Back to your problem: I don't think it's a language issue, but a functional one. Instead of associating the prices with items, you need to copy the prices. If every item in the order has it's own version of a price, future price changes won't effect it, you can add discounts, etc.
Actually, to be clean you need to add versioning to your prices. When an item's price changes, you don't overwrite the price, you add a newer version. The line items in your order will still be associated with the old price.
